India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
i think our @Bhumihar episode has more than adequately proven why there should not be any leaks.
i donno how alert you were during SS & balakote strikes, here at DFI we were observing realtime how fake narratives were being created across the border to cause panic among our masses.
The Balakot thing was rather short. Say if some skirmish lasts for month than we will see some real damage for narrative buildup. Had the F 16 been shot on our side there wont have been such a shitfest. Paki just needed one loop hole and when they got it they capitalized on it, the burden of proof fell on our side.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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The Balakot thing was rather short. Say if some skirmish lasts for month than we will see some real damage for narrative buildup. Had the F 16 been shot on our side there wont have been such a shitfest. Paki just needed one loop hole and when they got it they capitalized on it, the burden of proof fell on our side.
F-16 was only one part of it, those idiots were raising fake troop movements which went on for a long time.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Empirical evidence probably supports your claim but most new IAS officers probably start out with a clear conscience coming from middle class backgrounds but everyone needs physical security of some level to do their job. Easier said than done to stand up to a thug. I think local level thugs and politicians need to be stomped down mercilessly to induce respect for govt workers. Govt workers also need to realize their importance, if not there are many careers where you can profit. Remember parents are first teachers....they need to do their part....what I mean is if one of your parent is already a babu then mostly all bets are off...
Put your understanding and political philosophy upside down,

You are saying that idealism and honesty is a middle-class virtue and monopoly is the biggest lie. There is nothing in Civil Services examination anywhere which assesses your rudimentary morality. It appears they are recruiting a Lecturer for a college rather than an administrator. Academic excellence is not the foundation of administrative ability.

There is no objective psychological and personality test like SSB but a subjective interview in which the JNU professors and other selected borad members try and find out who has communist tendencies, who is secular and who is nationalistic. In a nutshell, candidates that are useful in perpetuating a regime are selected.

It is from here that you begin with faulty and wrong assumptions. The system is tailored to take in a certain variety of candidates who are bound to be far away from realities, are most impractical, high headed, exclusivists and have theoretical tendencies. The typical JNU johnny's head in air having no touch with the realities of India.

The answer to grass-root democracy was supposed to be found in Panchayati Raj and Panchayati Raj Institutions. The real power of governance and control over the development of the basic unit of administration - Village Panchayat was thought to be an answer to autocracy and corruption of bureaucrats, Having blocked it for more than fifty years by bureaucracy and politicians, when it is being implemented the bureaucrats have ensured that it does not work well, Now the corruption, discrimination, non-transparency, goondaism, violence and treachery has reached village Panchayat. Babu is still the supreme ruler due to Financial control, right of denial and refusal and destructive powers. Local political goons have become agents of corruption in place of earlier contractors.

As political control is spreading at lower levels so is corruption becoming decentralized. But the only central point of the corruption is The Babu- the District Collector. He is the Gangotri of Corruption.


New Member
Apr 4, 2019
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F-16 was only one part of it, those idiots were raising fake troop movements which went on for a long time.
Omg, I remember back then I just started to get interested in defence stuff and was awake whole night convinced war is going to happen any second reading all the "tanks moving" tweets from Nutsack Jeffrey type accounts.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Is anything even Happening?
Chinese schemes are being stymied, that's whats happening lel.
If you want offensive actions to retake the fingers you will have to wait for news like the rest of us.

Sorry, but it's irritation. I'm getting irritated by Government not providing correct info, even via leaks.

I could understand it in April-May, they wanted to settle things quietly. But after Galwan, they should at least provide clear and concise statements AS WELL as providing leaks.

How the f*ck did the sources go from "taken Black Top, scaled heights quickly, thwarted Chinese, SFF very brave" to "didn't take Black Top, only scaled heights within Indian territory" within 2 weeks. It's a f*cking joke.
They will not come on record about anything officially.

GoI will only consider putting out information through "leaks" if it finds it necessary, like say we're in an actual shooting war with them, and psy wars by both our adversaries across tv and print media, internet etc will be at an all time high, and where public support actually and undeniably matters.

Currently it is free for all, every bit of true info acquired by twutter OSINT A will be countered by twutter OSINT B saying that said info is false, now we don't have any "sources" or know any "experts" so we cannot "confirm" anything


New Member
Sep 13, 2020
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Anyway its not about accepting what the chinese say as the truth.. They are glib liars anyway.. Its about putting across your stance..
That is just a printed statement.. something if you chase up, the chinese will plausibly deny.

For India see this...
NEW DELHI: Foreign minister S Jaishankar plainly told his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, during the talks that ended late on Thursday evening in Moscow, that India would not de-escalate until there was complete and verifiable disengagement at all points on the LAC.
The talks, which got a little heated, saw Jaishankar setting out India’s bottomline — the overall India-China relationship will suffer if there is no peace on the border. Second, the "root cause" of the current crisis lay in Chinese forces breaching existing agreements with their massive build-up in April and May and transgressions that forced India to mirror positions and deployments.
Interestingly, the Chinese readout of the meeting has Jaishankar saying that "the Indian side did not consider the development of India-China relations to be dependent on the settlement of the boundary question and India does not want to go backwards". Indian officials who were at the meeting told TOI that India had emphasised that the relationship was dependent on a peaceful border. The Chinese side has been pushing the idea that the overall relationship can be insulated from the boundary crisis.
no wonder chinese trolls are hunting for our EAM JaiShankar and indulging in character assasination at every given chance.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Put your understanding and political philosophy upside down,

You are saying that idealism and honesty is a middle-class virtue and monopoly is the biggest lie. There is nothing in Civil Services examination anywhere which assesses your rudimentary morality. It appears they are recruiting a Lecturer for a college rather than an administrator. Academic excellence is not the foundation of administrative ability.

There is no objective psychological and personality test like SSB but a subjective interview in which the JNU professors and other selected borad members try and find out who has communist tendencies, who is secular and who is nationalistic. In a nutshell, candidates that are useful in perpetuating a regime are selected.

It is from here that you begin with faulty and wrong assumptions. The system is tailored to take in a certain variety of candidates who are bound to be far away from realities, are most impractical, high headed, exclusivists and have theoretical tendencies. The typical JNU johnny's head in air having no touch with the realities of India.

The answer to grass-root democracy was supposed to be found in Panchayati Raj and Panchayati Raj Institutions. The real power of governance and control over the development of the basic unit of administration - Village Panchayat was thought to be an answer to autocracy and corruption of bureaucrats, Having blocked it for more than fifty years by bureaucracy and politicians, when it is being implemented the bureaucrats have ensured that it does not work well, Now the corruption, discrimination, non-transparency, goondaism, violence and treachery has reached village Panchayat. Babu is still the supreme ruler due to Financial control, right of denial and refusal and destructive powers. Local political goons have become agents of corruption in place of earlier contractors.

As political control is spreading at lower levels so is corruption becoming decentralized. But the only central point of the corruption is The Babu- the District Collector. He is the Gangotri of Corruption.
No most middle class people just have to work hard to make it in anything (those coming from families where corruption is already present may be different). They do not want to cross into poverty nor do they have means to escape the daily aspects like rich. They also hope and look for a system that is less corrupt, acceptable and civilized. Some of these things also apply to lower segments of population as they aim and should aim to get to middle class, its the law of averages. You seem to be going on a different tangent and have an unreasonable view of everyone in the administration. My view point does not limit itself to IAS or IPS or anything, I mentioned govt workers and made some specific comment to IAS based on thread I was responding. If you look at my previous posts then my opinion about Indian administration clearly judges it mostly as british colonial vestige.


New Member
Aug 4, 2019
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i think our @Bhumihar episode has more than adequately proven why there should not be any leaks.
i donno how alert you were during SS & balakote strikes, here at DFI we were observing realtime how fake narratives were being created across the border to cause panic among our masses.
Hence why I literally said that there should be a CREDIBLE and CONSISTENT source to leak the info. One that whenever they speak up, we know they're telling the truth. If something is to our detriment, keep it quiet.


New Member
Aug 4, 2019
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Not if you get paid for it.:nono:


Exactly PLA/ccp Jin pin shin should provide clear statement on the number of PLA soldiers getting their skulled bashed in and necks broken.

Its easy you went from one twitter account to other for "SOURCES" (LMAO)
And yes its a f**** joke Tsun chew,
Infact, as it turned out PLA is a fucking joke , i mean what kind of cowards call themselves soldiers and then hide their martyrs to SAVE FACE?
Its easy to infer, OR
Do you need "SOURCES" for that?
Are you seriously equating India to the communist, propaganda State that is China? WTF?

India and Indian Army deserves more accountability. We're not P*ki or Chinki savages.


New Member
Aug 4, 2019
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I think you are not seeing the irony in your statement. ;)
Leaking that India have taken Black Top isn't to our "detriment". There's no need for an official statement so why would it be to our detriment at all?

Leaking stories that they've taken it and then it being clarified they haven't taken it, and then it emerging that it's absolutely crucial otherwise our positions become extremely vulnerable, is ludicrous.


New Member
Aug 4, 2019
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IA is accountable to the govt.. We need to show pak & Chn we can be worse savages than them.
IA is accountable to the Indian populace. It is the Indian populace that pays taxes that keeps the IA running.

Just like the Government is accountable to the Indian populace.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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That is just a printed statement.. something if you chase up, the chinese will plausibly deny.

For India see this...
NEW DELHI: Foreign minister S Jaishankar plainly told his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, during the talks that ended late on Thursday evening in Moscow, that India would not de-escalate until there was complete and verifiable disengagement at all points on the LAC.
The talks, which got a little heated, saw Jaishankar setting out India’s bottomline — the overall India-China relationship will suffer if there is no peace on the border. Second, the "root cause" of the current crisis lay in Chinese forces breaching existing agreements with their massive build-up in April and May and transgressions that forced India to mirror positions and deployments.
Interestingly, the Chinese readout of the meeting has Jaishankar saying that "the Indian side did not consider the development of India-China relations to be dependent on the settlement of the boundary question and India does not want to go backwards". Indian officials who were at the meeting told TOI that India had emphasised that the relationship was dependent on a peaceful border. The Chinese side has been pushing the idea that the overall relationship can be insulated from the boundary crisis.
no wonder chinese trolls are hunting for our EAM JaiShankar and indulging in character assasination at every given chance.
If you're talking about this forum specifically then it is the trend here of BABU/IAS/MEA BAD! not exactly related to chings.

Jaishankar is a professional and will do whatever he has to using his diplomatic skillset to try and fulfill GoIs objectives at the diplomatic table.
ofc most diplomatic solutions to military problems throughout history are just a dressing up of what actually occurs on the ground, Jaishankar can only do a limited amount of diplomaticking if we don't have some other form of "leverage" on our bat-loving friends.

This is where IA's trolling/mountaineering vs Sun Tchut's chele comes into play.


New Member
Aug 4, 2019
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Its an ongoing operation. Details will come when it ends. Stop ranting like a little kid.
It's an ongoing operation yet information has already been leaked out in both directions.

So I don't think the IA/GOI cares at this point.

If they did, they would never have leaked info about them taking it and then backtracking.
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