India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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not inputs but lapse on acting on inputs as inputs were clearly overlooked or were not taken serious enough.
CSG is a think tank, IA/ITBP is the enforcer.
Still trying to understand why there is an assumption that CSG failed, without knowing what their recommendations were. Their documents are not available in public domain.


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Sep 10, 2020
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CSG is a think tank, IA/ITBP is the enforcer.
Still trying to understand why there is an assumption that CSG failed, without knowing what their recommendations were. Their documents are not available in public domain.
thats why i said CSG is not relevant here but the 4 deputy NSA (along with others) which replaced the JIC under NSA, which is now the main body for such input analysis, either they overlooked it or passed onto army without much issue or army overlooked it.

what actually happened nobody knows.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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thats why i said CSG is not relevant here but the 4 deputy NSA (along with others) which replaced the JIC under NSA, which is now the main body for such input analysis, either they overlooked it or passed onto army without much issue or army overlooked it.

what actually happened nobody knows.
why should there be a assumption that things were overlooked?
what exactly was overlooked?
up until the galwan incident, scenario was on par for the course, things were happening exactly like how they happen hundreds of times every year.

on which exact date you think the balloon should have gone up?


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Sep 10, 2020
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why should there be a assumption that things were overlooked?
what exactly was overlooked?
up until the galwan incident, scenario was on par for the course, things were happening exactly like how they happen hundreds of times every year.

on which exact date you think the balloon should have gone up?
1. the assumption is based on the fact that report of heavy vehicular movement of PLA in Demcok came in during mid April that was around a week before PLA started there movement on Pangong lake. Hence, intelligence was there but why didn't it was used, thats the main question.

2. Untill Galwan (15 June) scenario was not at par, we lost patrolling rights bw f4/f8 and it was not normal incursion as usual (no of troops, heavy artillery, infra equipment etc)

3. Moreover, such incursions where no limited to Eastern Ladhak but were also there in Sikkim (IB), Arunachal (LAC), Uttrakhand (IB).

4. If things are taken in casual manner even in settled areas too then we should be ready for such incidents on annual basis as we are reactive mode instead of proactive one.

5. Galwan showed we can respond in the manner chinese understands as there casuality is higher than us, operations of 29/30 Aug showed we can do prememptive operations too. Such prememptive operations or alertness should be depicted round to clock to create fearful china.


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Sep 10, 2020
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There was this argument that India being a $2-trillion economy and China being five times that meant that China had a major advantage. They have a much stronger military force, much bigger economy, bigger military spending etc so India is no match for China—that myth has been busted. Concerted action on the part of India has yielded results.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Let me find it, you got a link of the official declaration of this news from China?

Even in such a case, should not such a news be treated with strong skepticism instead of pretending it is a truth. Why give any credence to it? Isn't that part of the point made above about gaslighting?
Anyway its not about accepting what the chinese say as the truth.. They are glib liars anyway.. Its about putting across your stance..


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Feb 28, 2016
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Do Indian and chinese troops use distinct colors for their tents. I mean can one tell whether a tent is chinese or indian, just by looking at the shape and color?
From twitter OSINT jhumlas that are posted on this thread, we are told
"Cheenis use bright red tents" ( kyunki chutiye hai i guess )
"Indians use olive green tents that look black from sat images"

I have just decided to enjoy the crying from Chinese media outlets, instead of worrying about Shrodinger's Ladakhi Hill Tops, we may not know the specifics till some 6-8 months from now when this is all over, but we do know what whatever IA has been doing recently has rustled a LOT of yellow jimmies, judging from the crying of eminent toilet papers like GT and Xinhua.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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1. the assumption is based on the fact that report of heavy vehicular movement of PLA in Demcok came in during mid April that was around a week before PLA started there movement on Pangong lake. Hence, intelligence was there but why didn't it was used, thats the main question.
This is based on IE new article, the statement has no quotes. which means it is a opinion.

2. Untill Galwan (15 June) scenario was not at par, we lost patrolling rights bw f4/f8 and it was not normal incursion as usual (no of troops, heavy artillery, infra equipment etc)
Patrolling beyond finger 4 was lost much before 2014, primarily due to the road PLA built after kargil. it's just that it became public knowledge only now.

3. Moreover, such incursions where no limited to Eastern Ladhak but were also there in Sikkim (IB), Arunachal (LAC), Uttrakhand (IB).
Yes, this is a problem.

4. If things are taken in casual manner even in settled areas too then we should be ready for such incidents on annual basis as we are reactive mode instead of proactive one.
It was already happening hundreds of times every year. It is a CCP tactic similar to ISI, they keep their actions below the radar. Not just India, many other countries are trying to find a solution to this problem.

5. Galwan showed we can respond in the manner chinese understands as there casuality is higher than us, operations of 29/30 Aug showed we can do pre-emptive operations too. Such prememptive operations or alertness should be depicted round to clock to create fearful china.
This requires a doctrinal change, let's hope this happens soon. India unfortunately does not even publish an annual report of strategic threats, which every major economy does.

There are some fundamental calls that indian security establishment and GoI needs to take.


New Member
Sep 10, 2020
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This is based on IE new article, the statement has no quotes. which means it is a opinion.

Patrolling beyond finger 4 was lost much before 2014, primarily due to the road PLA built after kargil. it's just that it became public knowledge only now.

Yes, this is a problem.

It was already happening hundreds of times every year. It is a CCP tactic similar to ISI, they keep their actions below the radar. Not just India, many other countries are trying to find a solution to this problem.

This requires a doctrinal change, let's hope this happens soon. India unfortunately does not even publish an annual report of strategic threats, which every major economy does.

There are some fundamental calls that indian security establishment and GoI needs to take.
There are some fundamental calls that indian security establishment and GoI needs to take.

that's the sole issue.

but on other points lets agree to disagree.


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Jul 11, 2011
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thats why i said CSG is not relevant here but the 4 deputy NSA (along with others) which replaced the JIC under NSA, which is now the main body for such input analysis, either they overlooked it or passed onto army without much issue or army overlooked it.

what actually happened nobody knows.
Sure shot recipe to create another Bhola Nath Malik...


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Aug 4, 2019
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So your assumption is that all the moves made in the past 4 months are absolutely useless and for nothing?
As Lt Gen Panag and Lt Gen Hasnain have said, in that particular sector, India will be on the BACKFOOT significantly if they haven't taken those tops.


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Aug 4, 2019
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There is no way you get a confirmation one way or the other. considering the fact the MEA pu**ies/GOI didnt even bother to issue a clarification when chinese foreign ministry put out a separate statement putting words into Jaishankar's mouth..
So, no point in writing the same thing again and again
Sorry, but it's irritation. I'm getting irritated by Government not providing correct info, even via leaks.

I could understand it in April-May, they wanted to settle things quietly. But after Galwan, they should at least provide clear and concise statements AS WELL as providing leaks.

How the f*ck did the sources go from "taken Black Top, scaled heights quickly, thwarted Chinese, SFF very brave" to "didn't take Black Top, only scaled heights within Indian territory" within 2 weeks. It's a f*cking joke.


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Aug 4, 2019
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Same game, same as the one from the Balakot air strike is being played by some people ,unfortunately we still haven't learnt our lesson.

We always trend to(unconsciously or consciously) doubt the actions taken by our armed forces, confirmed by many ex-servicemen and other journalists just because a few of them are saying it hasn't happened and amongst them is a person who reported incorrectly even about the Galwan tent incident.

There is a collective tendency to believe unverified news that goes against us, often spread by some propaganda handles from twitter, without any verification, whereas other information which is in our interests with enough credible people giving their word for it is being doubted.
Hence why the Army should use a very credible source consistently to leak the correct info.

Shiv Aroor has been that go to guy for me (and so too Nitin but the pink tent stuff made me doubt him).


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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As Lt Gen Panag and Lt Gen Hasnain have said, in that particular sector, India will be on the BACKFOOT significantly if they haven't taken those tops.
That's for the current CO of that sector to decide and act upon, if and when the need arises.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Sorry, but it's irritation. I'm getting irritated by Government not providing correct info, even via leaks.

I could understand it in April-May, they wanted to settle things quietly. But after Galwan, they should at least provide clear and concise statements AS WELL as providing leaks.

How the f*ck did the sources go from "taken Black Top, scaled heights quickly, thwarted Chinese, SFF very brave" to "didn't take Black Top, only scaled heights within Indian territory" within 2 weeks. It's a f*cking joke.
i think our @Bhumihar episode has more than adequately proven why there should not be any leaks.
i donno how alert you were during SS & balakote strikes, here at DFI we were observing realtime how fake narratives were being created across the border to cause panic among our masses.


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Apr 21, 2020
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Sorry, but it's irritation. I'm getting irritated
Not if you get paid for it.:nono:

I could understand

they should at least provide clear and concise st
Exactly PLA/ccp Jin pin shin should provide clear statement on the number of PLA soldiers getting their skulled bashed in and necks broken.

How the f*ck did the sources go from "taken Black Top, scaled heights quickly, thwarted Chinese, SFF very brave" to "didn't take Black Top, only scaled heights within Indian territory" within 2 weeks. It's a f*cking joke
Its easy you went from one twitter account to other for "SOURCES" (LMAO)
And yes its a f**** joke Tsun chew,
Infact, as it turned out PLA is a fucking joke , i mean what kind of cowards call themselves soldiers and then hide their martyrs to SAVE FACE?
Its easy to infer, OR
Do you need "SOURCES" for that?
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