India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Can anyone clarify if Y Junction, PP10,11,12 & 13 falls under the greyzone i.e. claimed by both India & China or is it an area that was undisputed before & now PLA has access to?
As per some article i had read the Chinese claim line is further west of Y junction.So, yes its disputed probably. But hey, entire Aksai Chin is disputed and our claim line is the johnson line..

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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The only area that matches the strategic significance of Black & Helmet Top is Depsang.
Maybe GOI is planning the exchange of these two with Depsang but Chinks want full Indian withdrawl that maybe the reason talks are going nowhere.
Also GOI is keeping all the news about Helmet Top & Black Top & Depsang under wraps.. So let's wait & stop wrist slitting.
I don't think that's happening. Both BT, HT Area and Depsang are Indian territories. Indians are playing a much bigger game.


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Jan 25, 2014
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What is the requirement of assessment? It is a question of Knowing. You know or you do not know, What is the need for assessment, How does it matter if SFF is there or ITBP is there till it is with Us,.
If the govt or the Army is unwilling to comment on it , so be it.

Nitin should have said he does not know it rather than saying it is not with us.
So simple ...
I wish anyone could say with certainty that they know everything whats happening there. We are all receiving all kinds of information and It will be like that till this comes to an end. So its natural that assessment will be made till the concrete information is presented.

Nitin is a senior journalist and he must be having his own sources, his information carries weight which why the confusion started in first place. What are his intentions only he knows.


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Jun 17, 2020
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He is sharing the news channel link .not claiming nythng though . No other channel reported yet .
Has tv9 fired him for his unforgivable gaffes? I sometimes wonder if many of these OSINT-wallahs moonlight as journalists. Just look at the similarity between both - minimum knowledge, maximum/outsized impact, gigantic egos, and in a state of perpetual ambivalence/prevarication.


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Jul 11, 2011
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I am sorry.. what exactly is the opposition supposed to commend? have they been taken into confidence into anything that is happening at the border.. is this being discussed in the parliament. Now I am aware that not everything can be discussed in the public domain, but if conflicting news are being thrown about from every news outlet and internet warriors in twitter.. how exactly can anyone be sure of ANYTHING at all? and yes.. the govt was timid, probably is still timid to an extent.. and the sole reason for this mess
Why should you be sure of operational matters... operational matters are disseminated on need to know basis. Tell me why you need to know?


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Sep 8, 2019
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We will know.. in case status quo ante is restored, India won.. if there is disengagement without restoration of status quo ante.. then China won

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if status quo ante is restored then it means that India will have to vacate form 39 heights that it has readjusted troops to. Do you call that a win? A win will mean that India keeps these heights & gets patrolling rights till F8 & the Y Junction, PP11,12,13 & 14 etc.

China win will if it keeps whatever it has & we move back from the above mentioned heights.

Compromise *might* mean that we have rights to patrol all these areas where cannot now & China can patrol the heights that we occupied.

IMHO compromise is not viable as it is a given that once we vacate the heights China will occupy them

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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A win will mean that India keeps these heights & gets patrolling rights till F8 & the Y Junction, PP11,12,13 & 14 etc.
You have a very high benchmark for Victory. Remember that PLA dismantling all its new structures between F4-F8 and Gogra complex where it has transgressed is a big thing. Personally, i would prefer the present status quo without any disengagement or draw down of troops..


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Jul 11, 2011
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I wish anyone could say with certainty that they know everything whats happening there. We are all receiving all kinds of information and It will be like that till this comes to an end. So its natural that assessment will be made till the concrete information is presented.

Nitin is a senior journalist and he must be having his own sources, his information carries weight which why the confusion started in first place. What are his intentions only he knows.
When an Army or Airforce or Navy operation is at hand, the work is in progress. There are people why carry out the executive oversight. Any information pertaining to ongoing operations may compromise the execution of operations. This more is also observed in other fields such as Police investigation. Le the operation be over and you would be told everything that is required to be told.

Nitin Gokhale's understanding on the implications of any information is much above any other journalist and he tries and follows Op Security norms. That is it.

The situation around black Top, Helmet Top, Rechin La and Mukhpari can be very very fluid and the features can change hands many times. It has happened before and it will happen in the future when two sides are involved in bitter conflict. So let it be at that.

In the present situation neither the Chinese nor the Indias will admit they have occupied new areas. I do not thing Army or GOI or even PLA have formally announced any such thing. However the operation on the ground must be going on continuously in one form or the other. There is no use announcing the Indian Army assaulted Finger4 but failed. They will again assault it and if required 100 times. Why should that information be of any use to anyone?

There are many Chutiyas waiting to yell with such information and put Indian Army in a bind... oh mar gaya... fail ho gaya ... Indian Army seems to have learnt from Burqa Dutt and Ajay Shukla... who now is raking up the Depsang issue... rather than waiting for IA to go as per their plans..


New Member
Jan 17, 2019
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You have a very high benchmark for Victory. Remember that PLA dismantling all its new structures between F4-F8 and Gogra complex where it has transgressed is a big thing. Personally, i would prefer the present status quo without any disengagement or draw down of troops..
"Jeet toh hum tabhi gaye thhe jab humne ladne ka faisla kiya thha, baaki toh marna maarna hai, chalta rahega"


Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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There is no use announcing the Indian Army assaulted Finger4 but failed. They will again assault it and if required 100 times. Why should that information be of any use to anyone?
So, are attempts to dislodge the enemy using firearms taking place? or is it just intimidation using crude wepaons like Chinese Guandao ..


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Jan 31, 2019


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Jul 11, 2011
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In a parliamentary democracy such as ours, there are two kinds of control over the functioning of any govt dept and agencies. First is the executive oversight and control and secondly is the legislative oversight or control. Executive oversight or control implies control over day to day functioning directed towards the attainment of directive or policy objectives. In order to carry out legislative oversight and control. the parliament relies on departmental committees. The main function of such committee is to carry out Political Control through legislation, policies and budgeting. Parliment exercises the real political control and not the bureacrate of Babu as they never fail to tell us. That is cock and bull.

Taking opposition in confidence etc is done through such committees besides briefing to the Parliemnt. But if the level of opposition is to ask question on bread as against Roti or Chaptti and ask why Jawans are nor fed Bread then God save us and our concept of Political control. The political party which has been responsible for largest amounts of harm done to Indian soldiers as a category of government employees in all aspects and brought the defense preparedness of the country to crawling levels, which made billions in commission on defence equipment deal can not ask any relevant questions...

Parlimentary Committe on Defence must function much more proactively and take, Mod, OFB, DPSUs and DRDO to tasks and install a sense of responsibility in them. The committee has larger role to play provided they know how to play their role.
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