India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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May be so, but what kind of sensational claim is that based on such a marginal movement when applied in that context. I truly hope Tibet becomes independant and Kailash is accessible to Hindus without commies laying seige to it but this is him getting his twitter high in cheap.
He is from ABP News.. Thats what they do for a living :)


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Dec 25, 2016
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Few guys are like trying to behave raja harishchander no we won't say anything apart from truth which is put in black and white . Subtly it was confirmed so many times we are close to few peaks in and around black top , just to score brownie points people are rubbing each other . both from media and also from so called ASSNIT community .

when kala top is not in our LAC why the hell would we ever even acknowledge that we are on top of it especially when its communist thug who keeps calling us aggressor in our own territory

I can make maps for you at a competetive rate. With LAC drawn through different fingers.

@captscooby81 plz weigh in on Lt. Gen. comment,I think he is acknowledging it without acknowledging it,or is he?🤔


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Feb 28, 2016
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May be so, but what kind of sensational claim is that based on such a marginal movement when applied in that context. I truly hope Tibet becomes independant and Kailash is accessible to Hindus without commies laying seige to it but this is him getting his twitter high in cheap.
I wish it comes under Indian control instead.
Having control over Tibet is the final solution to the Han problem.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Some people are claiming this OSNIT is unreliable. And it only copy paste other OSNIT. I think mods should make a list of reliable source for DFI.
@LETHALFORCE please make a list for reliable OSNIT and allow only those.
You know what a forum means? Forum members can use any source and its on its members to render it reliable or not.


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Jul 11, 2011
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How have I chosen to be nonsensical? I suggest you read what Lt Gen Panag said. Without Black Top, the whole mission/operations are useless.

"If Black Top not held then you can not hold Gurung Hill. This is reason why we lost it in 62. My assessment is based solely on terrain knowledge."

"The markings on image are wrong. However, believe whatever you want. I have given you what I assess based on terrain analysis and my experience. If we have not taken Black Top&Helmet then we can not hold Gurung Hill or other areas secured north of Spanggur Gap on 29/30 Aug."

Like I said, IF it is true, I'd be very disappointed. I still don't think it is but I'd be very disappointed after reading Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain and Panag's analyses.
I can also mark many green dots on the imagery and draw any line to show that as LAC...

If the general says the marking on the map is wrong - the chances are that it is wrong..

The importance of Balck Top has been stated in terms of "terrain Imperative"... it is not that if Hazipir is with Pakistan whole Kashmir is useless.. it does not happen that way...


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars
They had once said we deployed F 22 at ladakh. :hehe:
The TV 9 once said melcchas have deployed the H 20 which are still a decade away. They can not just predict the news but also time travel nibba. Next news from the TV 9 would be we have deployed Thaad at the LAC and we test fired the missiles Thaad Thaad Thaad Thaad. Then they will say we the DRDO are building the Death star at the far side of the moon with the helps of the robots and will heat up the Melcchas. Then we have launched Agni 5 and K 4 at Melcchas. So wait for their next exclusive breaking news mirchi laga ke.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
I can also mark many green dots on the imagery and draw any line to show that as LAC...
I agree with this, what we are seeing are bunch of imaginary lines and imaginary points (as in maths, there is a place for them to understand concept) from unofficial sources. Circumstantial evidence indicates we did something that is rubbing off the CCP thugs. Unless there is a breaking news, I think these maps and locations are beaten to death and causing more confusion.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars
They had once said we deployed F 22 at ladakh. :hehe:
The TV 9 once said melcchas have deployed the H 20 which are still a decade away. They can not just predict the news but also time travel nibba. Next news from the TV 9 would be we have deployed Thaad at the LAC and we test fired the missiles Thaad Thaad Thaad Thaad. Then they will say we the DRDO are building the Death star at the far side of the moon with the helps of the robots and will heat up the Melcchas. Then we have launched Agni 5 and K 4 at Melcchas. So wait for their next exclusive breaking news mirchi laga ke.
TV9 is our Global Times but on steroids :pound:


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Jul 11, 2011
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How have I chosen to be nonsensical? I suggest you read what Lt Gen Panag said. Without Black Top, the whole mission/operations are useless.

"If Black Top not held then you can not hold Gurung Hill. This is reason why we lost it in 62. My assessment is based solely on terrain knowledge."

"The markings on image are wrong. However, believe whatever you want. I have given you what I assess based on terrain analysis and my experience. If we have not taken Black Top&Helmet then we can not hold Gurung Hill or other areas secured north of Spanggur Gap on 29/30 Aug."

Like I said, IF it is true, I'd be very disappointed. I still don't think it is but I'd be very disappointed after reading Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain and Panag's analyses.
If on a satellite imagery there are two groups of tents close to each other or even one know apart how does an interpreter make out which is Chinese and which is Indian?

It is only the official interpreter who knows about the actions/operations, location of operations, quantum of troops likely number of tents, routes taken and general disposition.
Satellite imagery is only a tool of confirmation of what is known or anticipated. If not then other sources are required to interpret and confirm what it is. If a tent is detected on Tora Bora the interpreter must know and be sure it is not US SOF or Marines or Pakistani SSG.

Traditionally interpreter would say he can make out two groups of tents. That is all. The commander having all information then turns that into intelligence.

On the contrary, the satellite image is an indication that requires confirmation from other sources.

Do not try to be expert interpreters here and predict what your prejudices and dirt gathered in mind make you write. See things objectively. Unless you have means of confirmation do not predict. There are lives involved - precious lives.
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