India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 28, 2016
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So in a nutshell we lost land......again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current IA activities seem to consolidate/fortify our hold on the hills etc in the current "salami slice" zone( PangurTso ) of the LAC, to prevent more Chinese land grabs, imo this is what is causing the outburst in GT and other chinese rags everywhere.
They are mad that IA is preventing further supposedly "easy" land grabs, which was NOT AS PLANNED.
We are on the defensive, they are on the offense( even in terms of putting out aggressive statements and info out to the media)


New Member
Jul 7, 2020
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(1) Try n do a sweetest of sweet trade deal with US.
(2) Try n throw Pakis under the bus as a bargain with India.
(3) Walk away into the sunset (highly unlikely).
* Made to walk away into the sunset.
Nope, they rain bitcoin and try unset in India, at the same time chai biscoot. But eventually and in few days/weeks they will attack IA at LAC.

She pig does care about PLA ladyboy soldiers, he wont mind throwing thousands of them just to recapture some land in LAC. She jumping objective t show Neighbors in SCS that PLA is invincible, even India Army cant beat PLA.

Ultimately she jumping want submissive neighbors at any cost.

Indian Army is hope just just for Bharat but all sub continent and SCS countries.

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Nope, they rain bitcoin and try unset in India, at the same time chai biscoot. But eventually and in few days/weeks they will attack IA at LAC.

She pig does care about PLA ladyboy soldiers, he wont mind throwing thousands of them just to recapture some land in LAC. She jumping objective t show Neighbors in SCS that PLA is invincible, even India Army cant beat PLA.

Ultimately she jumping want submissive neighbors at any cost.

Indian Army is hope just just for Bharat but all sub continent and SCS countries.
That's already been on for so long. Tried to put forth my thoughts on what's not happening already on the table.
👍 to Indian Army is hope......


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Sep 10, 2020
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see the major issue is, in today's world hot current affairs are like morphine and if India is not going to provide it, be it officially or through private media, they would go for new peddlers and Global times is the global option in this case. I think this is another media fuck-up by the Modi govt. like GST. And yes I definitely don't buy the story of sitting there for days at a distance of 500 m they do nothing you do nothing in days and they attack at the night you show lights they run away.

See there are issues with Indian media,
1) They don't do coverages
2) They don't have experts (Existing are in the 3rd category).
3) They are cheap. (Thok k bhav me bikte hain, given enough money they would declare CCP and its army winner).

So basically we don't have advantages that commies rather they are o.5 front here and have neither we have those democratic nation benefits.
seems reasonable explanation.


New Member
Jul 7, 2020
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If this is true, then all his hulalala was for nothing, and we gained nothing. And the Chinese succeded in building their propaganda. Called us aggressors and all and what we did, nothing. Akhand chutiyapa bc. Still, we are behind their perception of LAC and still being painted as the aggressor. These ministers and babus don't even bother giving proper statements yes or no. rather than saving the dignity of the nation, these bastards are busy saving their own faces. Look at that Zhao guy he simply changes his statement in hours and these bastards not even able to put out clear words. So basically nothing has changed. UPA used to simply give the land without any noise because they were "pro". These guys are making some noise. It's utter nonsense that they're clearly within our perception of LAC and we are still aggressors and these leaders, babus, and military officers are showing how hard they are working matlab ki desh pe ahsan hi kar diya. In Galwan valley too, even after all that skirmishes even costing lives they were inside our perception of LAC whether be its 200-300m.

In currenct situation, GOI wont make any statement even if we are in cheeni controlled side. Let Indian Military do its job which they are pro. We all know in time. Tab tak pray for our jawan who are manning the LAC


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New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars Decipher this.

So, an update is due. Our Beetroot Manchurian is getting desperate. (Embarassing failure of mighty PLA) . Apart from a few isolated instances where he was able to check IA maneuvers with his own, he faced reverses in quite a few locations which have made his defences tenuous.

Reverses in Chumar, Chushul (Moldo-Rudok is technically 'open for taking') in ground situation & consolidation by IA of defences along Depsang with demonstrated intent to not only defend but carry the war into enemy held territories, has upset the calculus.

Only saving grace has been the outflanking done at Fingers 4 & a comparative local advantage gained at Finger 3 by going up the spurs to open new defences, since negated by IA's reported heli insertion of teams at higher locations on common spur from which fingers emanate.

These reported insertions by IA of teams at commanding & easily defendable heights, permit unobstructed view of the positions upto Finger 8. Coupled to reported hold of Black Top by India, which should be the GTI for Chushul, the overall situation of Indian troops is much better Amusing to see few OSINTs post photo of LAC passing through Gurung, Magar Hills, which is precisely what our Manchukins wants world to believe. Those hills are on Indian side of LAC & LAC passes through Black Top. Hence, no crossing of IA of LAC even at Black Top.

So, Beetroot Manchukin is getting desperate by the day. Expectation is of a limited firefight being engineered in near proximity of the common spur north of the fingers, in order to try & wipe out the IA positions there. Reportedly, special forces of PLAAF XV Airborne Corps are in the region. Perhaps, an action in next 96 hours?

The 96 hours is pure speculation. Don't stress on it much. Attempts to engineer a crisis seem to be on cards. This is, I repeat, my speculation, arising from reading troop movements by PLA.

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Dessert Storm

New Member
Sep 8, 2020
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Yep to anytime. But if memory serves me correct XV Airborne was in the area 72-96 hours ago too. Is he meaning to say that they have been deployed nearer to the frontline?
@mods @Bhadra or anybody else who is qualified. I don't get this. Are they trying to use Airborne as Infantry? Or presuming we have the right heights, trying to use Airborne operations to take them... ain't that a 'slaughter of them'? Or.... Using Airborne for operations behind our lines.... Slaughter again?
I don't have a problem with any of that. Just curious
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New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Nope, they rain bitcoin and try unset in India, at the same time chai biscoot. But eventually and in few days/weeks they will attack IA at LAC.

She pig does care about PLA ladyboy soldiers, he wont mind throwing thousands of them just to recapture some land in LAC. She jumping objective t show Neighbors in SCS that PLA is invincible, even India Army cant beat PLA.

Ultimately she jumping want submissive neighbors at any cost.

Indian Army is hope just just for Bharat but all sub continent and SCS countries.
There is and never was a doubt on the IA's capabilities, competence or courage but GoI's will.
GoI seems to not want to "escalate" it further, is playing on the defensive, and working to consolidate the un-grabbed parts around PangurTso LAC area to prevent further grabs.
No offensive action has been taken, unless you consider the Chines definition of "offensive" as Indians defending their own lands

Shitty Anglo tabloid that post's anything for clicks, headline in that image clearly shooped, such is the level of Indian OSINTs, whatsapp forward tier "int" being provided.

In anycase i find it hard to believe anything now, everything about the incidents on the LAC is from "my sources tell me", "experts have said" etc, case in point is Schrodinger's Black Top.GoI keeps mum on everything, EAM statements are timid and conciliatory while Chongs are shamelessly being aggressive.
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