Civil war in Ukraine

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Sep 22, 2012
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Small hint about Volnovakha importance for Mariupol defense.

comment by 9K58.Smerch:

1) It's main position of UAF long-range heavy artillery in sector (Smerch,Uragan,Pion)
2) It has large UAF forces concentrated and potentially ready to strike NAF forces in back if they try to cut off Mariupol.

Artillery dominance is the main factor of NAF victories, they are cleaning attack places from UAF artillery and only then trying to take em.

This is why i think NAF won't go at Mariupol without taking Volnovakha-Donetsk front from UAF completely. That's my opinion
near Volnovakha



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Sep 22, 2012
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President porky announced over 20 contracts with arabs on weapon delivery.

Translation :

- Over 20 different contracts
- We are not going to release any details regarding agreement with our partners, trust us, its only defensive weapons



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
"There is no such thing as Russian language"--Poroshenko Block Deputy

Poroshenko Block Deputy: There is no Russian language, there is only the northern dialect of Ukrainian.
Translated from Russian by J.Hawk

Rada Deputy Ivan Vinnik said that there is no such thing as a Russian language during the commemoration of the Heavenly Hundred.

First one of the Self-Defense party members complained that the head of the Kherson city administration Andrey Putilov speaks only Russian and does not want to learn Ukrainian.

Then it was Vinnik's turn at the microphone, where he said that the Russian language does not exist at all.

"Maybe this is going to be unexpected, but I'd like to emphasize the fact that the Russian language does not exist. There exists the northern dialect of Ukrainian. You have to keep in mind that in the 15th century Russia did have a language at all, there was Mongolian, German, and then they imported Ukrainians who wrote the first book in Russia. Therefore I'd like to stop all insinuations concerning the language," the deputy said.

J.Hawk's Comment: Once you embrace Stepan Bandera as a hero and his ideology as the cornerstone of the "new and improved" Ukrainian state, I suppose it's only logical that sooner or later someone will take those ideas to its logical conclusion. Namely genocide of all "non-Ukrainians", as defined by the Galicians. Unless they are stopped by forces internal and/or external.


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Jul 29, 2014

Some wonderful and uplifting music for all to enjoy...
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Mar 10, 2009
Kiev Protests against German MP's Donbass Visit

Says the two Bundestag members who travelled to Donbass from Russia violated Ukrainian law.

(Sputnik news) [SOURCE]

This article originally appeared at Sputnik News. Translated by RI's Anita Zalaldinova.

Gehrcke and Hunko are members of the German Left party, here with rebel leader Zakharchenko

Kiev protests against the recent visit of two members of parliament to the conflict zone Donbass in the Eastern Ukraine. As 'Ukrainskaja Pravda' reported on Saturday, the Foreign Ministry in Berlin had already received a corresponding note of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

Last week Members of the Left Party of Bundestag Wolfgang Gehrcke and Andrej Hunko visited the Donbass region and met the head of the self-proclaimed Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zakharchenko. 'The two MPs violated our laws when they travelled there,' said the Ukrainian Ambassador in Berlin, Andrei Melnik. He was speechless about behavior of Hunko and Gehrcke.

The MPs travelled to the separatist region at the Russian border on February 14 to deliver medications bought on the donation money. During their trip they were accompanied by Vladimir Bessonov, member of the Russian Communist Party.


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Sep 22, 2012
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James Jatras, who served as a policy analyst for the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee since 1985, comments.

Kiev official: Ukraine to get weapons from the UAE

Poroshenko with Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy supreme commander of the UAE Armed Forces.

Porky is cooking something big based on the direction given by his masters what do you think @pmaitra @Razor
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Notice the guy with a Russian flag between the cars another angle :rofl:

Is it just me or does it seem like they are just walking down the road rather than marching?
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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James Jatras, who served as a policy analyst for the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee since 1985, comments.

Kiev official: Ukraine to get weapons from the UAE

Poroshenko with Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy supreme commander of the UAE Armed Forces.

Porky is cooking something big based on the direction given by his masters what do you think @pmaitra @Razor
Pornoshenko sells cholocates, not a cook.
I think the conflict will be drawn out under amerika's guidance, aim being to keep russia tied up and possibly to disintegrate russia (i just read a stratfor article which says russia will break apart in next decade or so. Thinktank stratfor has a lot of ex-CIA.)
Minsk-2 is a chance to re-arm, I guess. :notsure:
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Pornoshenko sells cholocates, not a cook.
I think the conflict will be drawn out under amerika's guidance, aim being to keep russia tied up and possibly to disintegrate russia (i just read a stratfor article which says russia will break apart in next decade or so. Thinktank stratfor has a lot of ex-CIA.)
Minsk-2 is a chance to re-arm, I guess. :notsure:
Ex-CIA. That should indicate something. CIA work culture involves collecting intelligence (which is done with sincerity, I am sure), then modifying it to match the political narrative, before it is passed onto the upper strata.

If you look at the history of CIA-led operations, it almost always involves arming terrorists, bandits, and thugs, or, using brute force to annihilate a country. A strategy evolved over the Iraqi/Libyan/Serbian experience, if replicated against Russia, will cause all of us to turn in a radioactive pile of dust.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Excerpts from "Ukraine SITREP Feb 24th 2015" by Saker

The Novorussian forces are withdrawing their heavy weapons according to schedule while the junta forces are, by most reports, not or, not much. The excuse for these delays is that "the necessary conditions have not been created". In reality, the problem is that Poroshenko has very little control over the various armed forces.

There is also a very real possibility that Poroshenko himself might be preventing that withdrawal. The problem is not in the withdrawal of heavy guns by itself (the junta knows that the Novorussians will not attack) but that after completing this point of the Minsk 2 Agreement (M2A) the junta will have to go down the list and that is simply something the Nazis in Kiev cannot do.
Note: Going down the list indicates the other requirements of Minsk-2, such as constitutional amendment, and autonomy, along with de facto veto to LNR and DNR.

The US is still determined to send more weapons to the Ukraine, even in direct violation of the spirit, if not the letter, of M2A. Russia is getting increasingly fed-up with that kind of attitude and Russian officials are now discussing selling the top-of-the-line Antey-2500 missile to Iran.

The regime of Poroshenko is clearly in a very difficult situation. Roughly speaking, Poroshenko & Co represent the interests of oligarchs masquerading as Nazis while his opposition is the real thing – bona fide Nazi crackpots who feel that their "revolution of dignity" was stolen from them, that the new regime is every bit as corrupt as the old one, and far more incompetent. They are right, of course. So now more and more of these "grassroots Nazis" are threatening Poroshenko with a Third Maidan or even a revolution.

Now, it is true that by most accounts the USA has a tight control over the hardcore Nazi crazies in the Ukraine (via leaders like Iarosh) but I am beginning to detect this very old pattern of the puppet breaking lose from the puppeteer which we have all seen in Afghanistan, in Libya and Syria. I would argue that the neo-Nazis crazies in the Ukraine are very similar to the Takfiri freaks of ISIS or the so-called "Syrian opposition". The chances of that kind of hate-filled ideology slipping out of the control of those who fostered it (the USA) is very high.


Ukraine seems to be the last ditch attempt by the US neo-cons and neo-libs (same people behind the same-old horse and elephant show), egged on by the banking cartels, to somehow save the US Dollar. A collapse of the Russian Federation will mean access to a lot of resources, acquired by bribing tax frauds and gangsters in Russia, like in the Yeltsin years, thus extending the life support that the US Dollar is on.

The Russian strategy is to accelerate the decline of the Dollar. The goal of PRC coincides, and PRC wants to be, and most likely will be, the next superpower. That can be disrupted if Russia gets involved in a war in Ukraine. Russia needs to keep out, and allow Ukraine to collapse by itself. It is in a self destruct mode, and keeping out of Ukraine means, allowing the US supported Kiev regime to continue in power, thus giving the US two choices: (1) continue to support the Nazis and drive the EU public opinion against the US, or (2) withdraw support thus causing disillusionment amongst the Nazis, which will result in the civil war spreading all over Ukraine, and EU flooding with refugees. Both the possibilities are bad for EU, and both the possibilities are good for Russia.

Let's wait and see how this unfolds.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
James Jatras, who served as a policy analyst for the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee since 1985, comments.

Kiev official: Ukraine to get weapons from the UAE

Porky is cooking something big based on the direction given by his masters what do you think @pmaitra @Razor
It is widely accepted that American weapons are about to land in Ukraine. It is meaningless if the weapons come direct or do a round-trip through Dubai.
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Search for 8,000 Draft Evaders Unleashed in Ukraine's Western Region

Many of the targeted men in Ivano-Frankivsk region have left for abroad or are refusing draft notifications.

(TASS - Russian news agency) [SOURCE]

Mayors of rural communities are refusing to help distribute call-up notifications

KIEV, February 24, (TASS) - Authorities in Ukraine's south-western Ivano-Frankivsk region have opened a search for about 8,000 men who are evading conscription for military service as part of the government's yet another wave of mobilization, the Vesti news portal said on Tuesday.

Yuri Veranovsky, a deputy military commissar of the Ivano-Frankivsk regional military board told reporters the majority of those on the 'wanted list' were absent from the places of their official permanent residence while the mayors of rural communities refused to assist the workers of military boards in handing the call-up notifications to the designated population.

Local military commissars say many of the men, who were be drafted, had left for other countries while many others were hiding out on their private households and refusing to let anyone in.

Ukrainian legislation specifies punishment for evasion of military service. Any evader can be imprisoned for a period of up to five years.

In 2015, the Ukrainian Armed Forces hope to draft up to 200,000 conscripts as part of the fourth, fifth, and sixth waves of mobilization. Also, about 40,000 men should be drafted for regular military service.

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