Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Photos from volunteer with the callsign "Fidel." "Militia well entrenched in Novoazovsk and the surrounding area. indwelling replenishment. The good news is that the local guys woke up and realized that without their help Donbas not find freedom. Many militia want to serve" the sea " translated here and silt Donetsk, Luhansk and there. Anyone who "in the fields", was given, though motley, but still has a winter uniform. With arms no problem: small rife, but the heavy weapons I would like more. As before, to hold the position until Nikishin, armored group militia everyday conduct coastal patrols. Recently began to fall saboteurs, the benefit of their local rent, and sometimes even themselves trying to catch what we do not recommend. All set to win. Hopefully that will soon be in Marike. "



Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
It is also good to understand that the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Crimea did not began suddenly and spontaneously.

It had been prepared for many years up to ten years. During that time, the entire Ukrainian government (including the President), right down to the army was infiltrated and corrupted the Russian mind with it. The purpose was to move the whole Ukraine to pro Russian government. Crimea was better prepared (enough for the Russian crew) and there's the job went exactly as planned and practiced. Case of Ukraine, however, things are not quite as long. And, therefore, the Russians plan poked armed resistancea, above all, the Ukrainian volunteer forces. Not so much an army of resistance, because that's where the organization was the most pro-Russian.

Ukraine takes time to clean the military and other governmenfrom t Russian voles, agents, paid traitors etc. etc. After that it takes time to get a permanent military service re-work as well as adequate equipment ready for new military units, and more. The situation has not been easy in any way for Ukraine. But at the moment, things are likely (and hopefully) progressing in the right direction, every day, every week to improve Ukraine's defense preparedness. I think 45 million people in the country to be replicated over time, some kind of a manpower and the number of weapons to resist the Russian attacks. when we, much smaller in Finland, if necessary, make do on their own ..


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
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Jun 14, 2012
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Photos from volunteer with the callsign "Fidel." "Militia well entrenched in Novoazovsk and the surrounding area. indwelling replenishment. The good news is that the local guys woke up and realized that without their help Donbas not find freedom. Many militia want to serve" the sea " translated here and silt Donetsk, Luhansk and there. Anyone who "in the fields", was given, though motley, but still has a winter uniform. With arms no problem: small rife, but the heavy weapons I would like more. As before, to hold the position until Nikishin, armored group militia everyday conduct coastal patrols. Recently began to fall saboteurs, the benefit of their local rent, and sometimes even themselves trying to catch what we do not recommend. All set to win. Hopefully that will soon be in Marike. "
Yesterday retaliatory artillery fire under Marinka (the Donetsk), was destroyed 200 militants, 4 tanks, 2 APC's, 2 D-30, 1 IFV.
Одесситы в зоне АТО приняли бой и уничтожили 200 террористов | - Новости Одессы
Indirect proof is on Twitter and Donetsk forum.


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Apr 13, 2013
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No evidence of Russia's alleged incursion into Ukraine: Pentagon

There is no evidence confirming Kiev reports that Russia has allegedly moved tanks and artillery into eastern Ukraine, the Pentagon says.

"I don't have any independent operational reporting that would confirm that report, that these formations have crossed the border," Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby said at a press briefing Friday.

Earlier on Friday, US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki told reporters that Washington does not have independent confirmation of Kiev's claims that Russian tanks and artillery have allegedly moved into the Luhansk region.

Since the beginning of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine in April, Kiev and the West have repeatedly accused Russia of intervening in the Ukrainian crisis, going as far as to claim that Moscow has sent troops and weapons to independence supporters in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. However, the United States and its partners have never supported their accusations with any evidence.

The Ukrainian crisis escalated in mid-April, when Kiev launched a military operation against independence supporters in the country's southeastern regions, who refused to recognize the new government, which came to power as a result of the February coup.
No evidence of Russia's alleged incursion into Ukraine: Pentagon - News - Politics - Russian Radio


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Isn't it ironic that despite the unpopularity of America and Europe in Russia right now that ordinary Russians are close to panic buying US dollars and Euros?

Russia's two largest retail banks Sberbank and VTB-24 admitted households' increased demand for foreign currency over the past week. Specifically, VTB-24 said the demand had soared by 3-4 times, adding it had set aside foreign currency cash reserves in advance.

TASS: Economy - US dollar, euro surge to new record highs vs Russian ruble

It seems that despite the dire predictions of a lot of teary eyed anti-American "analysts," especially Putin apologists, about the demise of the US dollar, ordinary Russians are thinking otherwise as they increasingly abandon the Ruble in favor of the US dollar (48% up against the Ruble in 2014) and Euro (33% up against the Ruble)...


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Isn't it ironic that despite the unpopularity of America and Europe in Russia right now that ordinary Russians are close to panic buying US dollars and Euros?

It seems that despite the dire predictions of a lot of teary eyed anti-American "analysts," especially Putin apologists, about the demise of the US dollar, ordinary Russians are thinking otherwise as they increasingly abandon the Ruble in favor of the US dollar (48% up against the Ruble in 2014) and Euro (33% up against the Ruble)...
Yes, and this is the main real problem in Russia. This problem is far bigger than corruption. The problem is the people do not believe in the government. This is why chaos develops so easily.

There is no problem with Russia otherwise. The natural resources, the industries, the scientific knowledge are all adequate. But somehow the government is not able to build trust with people that it cares and provides for them.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Maybe NATO is just wanting to finnish this Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, just replace communists with Putins dictatorship.
NATO will fail this time as there are forces in play beyond NATO expectations.
Even Ruble manipulation will not help.

Russia is struggling right now as it is not doing what it is supposed to do. Russia needs a purge of West leaning advisers. Will happen in time.
I doubt if any Russian policy will change. I have already said that Russia needs to isolate itself from Europe, however painful it is.

The Ukraine will be settled later.


Jun 14, 2012
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Yes, and this is the main real problem in Russia. This problem is far bigger than corruption. The problem is the people do not believe in the government. This is why chaos develops so easily.
The dunce))) In Russia there is no Government and Parliament. There is only Putin.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Yes, and this is the main real problem in Russia. This problem is far bigger than corruption. The problem is the people do not believe in the government. This is why chaos develops so easily.

There is no problem with Russia otherwise. The natural resources, the industries, the scientific knowledge are all adequate. But somehow the government is not able to build trust with people that it cares and provides for them.
Yes, that is the topic I talk with my Russian friends: trust. Throughout the history only one you could have trust was your family. That is also reason why also intelligent Russians go along with also the absurdities of the Government.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Yes, and this is the main real problem in Russia. This problem is far bigger than corruption. The problem is the people do not believe in the government. This is why chaos develops so easily.

There is no problem with Russia otherwise. The natural resources, the industries, the scientific knowledge are all adequate. But somehow the government is not able to build trust with people that it cares and provides for them.

What I know is that Putin's popularity among ordinary Russians is at an all time high while their friendly view of America is at an all time low. Russian patriotism it seems is oozing right now yet that does not stop them from ditching Rubles in favor of US dollar and Euros.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
The dunce))) In Russia there is no Government and Parliament. There is only Putin.

This is how nations and people down to the bottom rise.

Tamerlane (Timur), Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV), Maximillien Robespierre, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein , Sukarno, Tito, Benito Mussolini, Ho Chi Minh, Chiang Kai-shek, Francisco Franco, Khomeini, Guy Mollet, George Bush II and not to forget Frederick II (the Great), Peter I (the Great), Catherine II (the Great), Maria Theresa, Joseph II, and Leopold II.

They all dabbled in Enlightened despotism, also called benevolent despotism, a form of government i in which absolute 'monarchs' pursued legal, social, and educational reforms inspired by the Enlightenment. They typically instituted administrative reform, religious toleration, and economic development but did not propose reforms that would undermine their sovereignty or disrupt the social order.
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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
We already know the outcome of the war.

Winner: Russia and Ukraine, after centuries of unity has been the end of the final seals. Politically, Ukraine has chosen a different path than the dictatorship plunged into Russia. The country is democratically controlled and pluralistic European country. n and there is no doubt that the EU will support many concrete way Ukraine's development. Development of the economy, the change will take its own time but hopefully some twenty years, Ukraine has a strong prosperous part of Europe.

Loser: In practice, Russia and the Russians will suffer the greatest losses in the war. One-party dictatorship in March will decline both politically and economically. Nationality is managed by Putin / one-party insiders and the KGB / FSB officers in the chair. Economy, leading to Putin and em. The party, as well as a few dozen oligarchs. Ukrainian war has isolated Russia from the outside world, even if it is allowed to so far to be involved in various international. contexts. This is mainly because that Russia still continues to be given a fair chance to retreat and return to the Ukraine into the international. the community. If Russia continues its aggression as the only remaining possibility is the closure of the totally out of place. Russia has closed its borders for itself. Free media is stopped / banned, hundreds of thousands of officials traveling abroad is prohibited. Direction is exactly the same as was previously the Soviet Union.

Compared to the rest of the world, the Russian economy is the size (GDP and its specific features), and administration (oligarchs) is very low. In addition, the production structure is extremely one-sided (only exporter of energy). Russia has practically no chance to survive in the future without outside investment. They are not in the permit. In fact, the trend is just the opposite direction. By far the largest trading partner -Europe, the coming years will be to invest in a trillion (1000 billion) for their own projects. Many of them are designed to replace / stop dependence on Russia.


Jun 14, 2012
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This is how nations and people down to the bottom rise.

Tamerlane (Timur), Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV), Maximillien Robespierre, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein , Sukarno, Tito, Benito Mussolini, Ho Chi Minh, Chiang Kai-shek, Francisco Franco, Khomeini, Guy Mollet, George Bush II and not to forget Frederick II (the Great), Peter I (the Great), Catherine II (the Great), Maria Theresa, Joseph II, and Leopold II.

They all dabbled in Enlightened despotism, also called benevolent despotism, a form of government i in which absolute 'monarchs' pursued legal, social, and educational reforms inspired by the Enlightenment. They typically instituted administrative reform, religious toleration, and economic development but did not propose reforms that would undermine their sovereignty or disrupt the social order.
Dictatorship always ends badly for the country.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
It is Enlightened Despotism.

And it all depends on who is observing the history and who has written the same.

For example Russia, Germany, France, China would not have risen to the heights it has/ had, but for some strong handling.

Russia which was a third rate nation actually rose to be a world power because of Stalin's ruthless high-handedness to collapse under soft Gorbachev. Under Stalin, Russia could take on the modern and determined German onslaught with weaponry that was no match to the Germans. Compare that with France and the Western democracies that crumbled and crumpled like a pack of cards under the German war machine.

Look at China.

It is leading the practically leading the world!

And Mao was no soft democrat, as we all know. He was a ruthless, hard hearted despot. But he laid the foundation for China's rise.
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Jun 14, 2012
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Look at China.

It is leading the practically leading the world!

And Mao was no soft democrat, as we all know.
In China, the dictatorship of the party, but not one person. This is a more flexible form of dictatorship.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
In China, the dictatorship of the party, but not one person. This is a more flexible form of dictatorship.
Again you delude yourself.

Dictatorship of the Party?

You really believe that?

I have seen Communist rule my State and I know what is dictatorship of the Party. That is all hogwash. The Leader dictates and others nod.

Just because one cannot stop China and all are getting dependant on China, let us not soft sell the reality.
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Pratik Maitra
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
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In China, the dictatorship of the party, but not one person. This is a more flexible form of dictatorship.
China is worse than Russia and there is no doubt about this. China funds Maoists in India who are killing innocent people.
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