Civil war in Ukraine

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Jun 14, 2012
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China is worse than Russia and there is no doubt about this. China funds Maoists in India who are killing innocent people.
Closer to you the problems with China, closer to me problems with Russia.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Commander RRT "Batman": Sun 8 LC destroyed Ukrainian tanks, 10 armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles and 150 soldiers APU Alexander Bednov spoke about the operational situation in Lugansk. According to him, today it is very hard in the last 3 days significantly increased the intensity of the attacks, are intensive fighting in the Crimean Sokolniki, Frunze and bold. Ukrainian side applied massive strikes of howitzers and multiple rocket launchers "Hurricane". "Hurricanes" shelled n. n. Frunze, as a result there are lost among the militias, and among civilians. During the last days of intense clashes Sun LC destroyed 8 Ukrainian tanks, about 10 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, about 150 soldiers of the Ukrainian army. by militias losses are 4 people killed and 12 wounded. Also killed about 50 civilians. According to Alexander Bednova, Ukrainian army finally broke the fragile truce existed and crossed the line, after which begins a full-scale military confrontation.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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militiaman "Krava" of the capture of Ukrainian servicemen in Nikishin. Rota "Biker" captured the Ukrainian military group of 5 persons: Major, Lieutenant Colonel, ml. lieutenant, sergeants and privates. Group BC to bring up their positions on the UAZ with the identification marks of the medical service.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Photo of Paul Kuhrimova volunteer. "At the very beginning of the war, when the weapons we had all our pozabirali exhibits from museums of the Great Patriotic War. Clippers proved that it is necessary - made "‹"‹to last. What our that fritsevskie. And with them the people's militia prescribe lyuley great ukram. Some samples are still in service. dill, they are still waiting for you to look. "



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Photos from bloggers."The consequences of fire positions of the 19th Battalion of territorial defense (of Mykolayiv region) occurred on Friday 7 November. According to statements ukr.SMI shelling started around 12:10. The militia attacked primarily on techniques and roadblocks: beat 120-millimeter mortars. In the end, the three men of the 19th Battalion suffered serious concussion. Seriously damaged equipment of the battalion. "



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Do not link another forum. Download the picture, upload to imgur or some other image hosting site, then hotlink. (BTW, the picture is still not visible.)

If you want to post content from another forum, translate it, post it, an give credit to that poster, but do not mention any forum name and do not give link.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Dictatorship always ends badly for the country.
Nazism is worst type of political thought.

India follows Vedic philosophy of "Vasudhev Kutumbkam" or treat whole humanity as your extended family.

We completely reject Ukrainian Nazism. You must give fair representation to pro-Russian people. You must be sensitive to Russia's security interests.

Not doing so makes Russia's war against you just.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
I want to repeat again, we completely reject formation of States based on ethnicity. It is against Vedic principles. India has always accepted people of different ethnicity due to its spiritual beliefs.

We believe in spreading Vedic knowledge all over the world so that people can live in peace and harmony and focus on spiritual advancement.

There are many problems in Russia. However this narrow European identity is the worst political thought that is imported into Russia and must be rejected outright.

Russians origin lies in Asia. Most Russians have their genetic roots in Asia. Russia will be destroyed if it denies its Asian roots.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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I want to repeat again, we completely reject formation of States based on ethnicity. It is against Vedic principles. India has always accepted people of different ethnicity due to its spiritual beliefs.

We believe in spreading Vedic knowledge all over the world so that people can live in peace and harmony and focus on spiritual advancement.

There are many problems in Russia. However this narrow European identity is the worst political thought that is imported into Russia and must be rejected outright.

Russians origin lies in Asia. Most Russians have their genetic roots in Asia. Russia will be destroyed if it denies its Asian roots.
What do Vedic principles have to do with this issue ? We don't even have a consensus as to what these Vedic principles are.
Lets concentrate on the topic though: Which is NATO meddling in internal affairs of foreign nations, in this case Ukr.


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Feb 7, 2011
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"Democracy in Germany Is Merely an Illusion"

Mr. Ulfkotte, you've said that you were given a lot of money to write pro-American articles. How profitable is to be a pro-American journalist in Germany?

"I didn't get money – I got gifts. Things like gold watches, diving equipment, and trips with accommodations in five-star hotels. I know many German journalists who at some point were able to take advantage of this to buy themselves a vacation home abroad.

But much more important than the money and gifts is the fact that you're offered support if you write pieces that are pro-American or pro-NATO. If you don't do it, your career won't go anywhere – you'll find yourself assigned to sit in the office and sort through letters to the editor."

According to what you've said, journalists are corrupted surreptitiously, by inviting them for all-expense-paid trips to the US. But do serious professionals really sell themselves for so little?

"When you fly to the US again and again and never have to pay for anything there, and you're invited to interview American politicians, you're moving closer and closer to the circles of power. And you want to remain within this circle of the elite, so you write to please them.

Everyone wants to be a celebrity journalist who gets exclusive access to famous politicians. But one wrong sentence and your career as a celebrity journalist is over. Everyone knows it. And everyone's in on it."

Why have you only now decided to go public with your opinion about German journalism?

"I've had three heart attacks, I no longer have children I have to support, and day after day I kept watching the Americans on the news, once again gearing up for their next war. This time it's in Ukraine against Russia. But it's always the same game.

Not even a complete idiot could have been oblivious to the Americans' one-sided anti-Moscow propaganda after the crash of flight MH17. Now the Americans are even considering blowing up a nuclear power plant in Ukraine and then insisting that the culprits were either separatists or Russians. I hear it all the time. It's unconscionable!"

You claim that Germany is a "banana republic." Isn't that an overly harsh assessment? After all, Germany does have opposition movements, including radical ones, and the media is critical of the government. For example, the recent broadcast of the TV program Die Anstalt caused quite a stir with its pointed criticism of the heavily biased German media.

"After that broadcast aired, with its journalists using satire (!) to express criticism of the German media – and, above all, against its purely pro-American coverage of events – complaints were filed and they were taken to court.

This is perfect evidence of the fact that Germany is a banana republic: you can't even use satire to criticize the one-sided coverage. We have only the appearance of a free press. It's crazy."

What do you think about the targeting of politicians whom the German press has lumped together in a group known as "Russian sympathizers" (Schröder, Gysi, Wagenknecht, and others), and the pro-Russian journalists?

"Those 'Russian sympathizers' are well-educated, sincere people. I say that, although I'm not aligned with them politically. But I respect their integrity. The fact that they're being targeted is typical of banana republics such as Germany, where any deviation from mainstream opinion is harshly suppressed."

You mentioned that Germany is still concealing the fact that in March of 1988, the regime of Saddam Hussein – at the time a Western ally – committed an act of genocide in a Kurdish city near the Iranian border, using chemical weapons manufactured in Germany.

Can it be true that in all these years not a single newspaper, even an opposition paper, has written about that?

"No, they did write about it, but it took them a year to do so! I photographed Iranians who had been poisoned by German chemical weapons under the eyes of the US, but that was not supposed to be made public.

At that time, the Iraqis, Germans, and Americans were celebrating their "final" victory over the Iranians. I found it ghoulish that in Baghdad they were celebrating the fact that they had jointly gassed human beings.

I suffered greatly from the gas – later I got cancer. I did everything I could to record what had happened there, hoping that it would prompt an international outcry. But no one ever published it. Instead everyone celebrated their victory.

To this day I ask myself why it's no problem for German chancellors to travel to Israel and go down on their knees and ask the Jews for forgiveness for gassing them, but then the Iranians killed by German gas are just second-class citizens? Have you ever heard of a German chancellor apologizing for that in Tehran?

We can see that German politicians are nothing more than puppets of the US. They should obediently do as Washington tells them. We continue to be a US colony, a banana republic, and not a free country."

You say that intelligence services provided you with information about Libya, which you published under your own name. And you claim that that was doing what you were assigned to do by the CIA and the BND.

But if the information was interesting and true, couldn't it be that your interests simply coincided? After all, you could have refused to publish it.

"Yes, yes, I could have said 'no.' You know, the ADAC – the biggest German automobile club – had an employee working for its helicopter rescue service who refused to cooperate secretly with the BND. He was immediately expelled from the ADAC and then went to court, but the judges decided that a person cannot refuse to work with the BND, and it's not a problem that one might lose one's job for resisting. Do you get it? Do you see what I'm saying? I didn't want to be unemployed."

You've said that the intelligence agencies ordered your home to be raided six times. But if you were simply publishing what the intelligence agencies gave you, why did they feel they needed to search your house?

Or, on the other hand, if you were still coming up with information on your own that the intelligence agencies were trying to conceal, then doesn't it mean that you were still acting as an independent journalist, and not at all like an "unofficial CIA agent"?

"That's a translation error – it wasn't the intelligence agencies that ordered the raids, but the secret state police. What the Nazis used to call the Gestapo is now called the Department of State Security. And they came and conducted raids six times under the pretext that I was betraying state secrets. These types of scare tactics are typical of banana republics."

You say that the publication of this book could create problems for you. What kind, for example?

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung informed me in writing that they will file court charges against me for violating criminal, civil, and labor legislation, as well as corporate standards in journalism. That alone could destroy me. I've heard that many others want to put me in jail because I've once again exposed "state secrets." Perhaps it would be worth it for me to fly to Moscow like Edward Snowden and ask for asylum there. Let's wait and see how the leaders of the banana republic of Germany react, because they've been compromised, and everyone can read in my bestselling book how they manufacture the appearance of a free press here, and that democracy in Germany is merely an illusion."
Source: Russian news: German Editor Turned CIA Whistleblower: "Democracy in Germany Is Merely an Illusion" - Russia Insider

Interesting. Who would have known :hmm:


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
What do Vedic principles have to do with this issue ? We don't even have a consensus as to what these Vedic principles are.
Lets concentrate on the topic though: Which is NATO meddling in internal affairs of foreign nations, in this case Ukr.
You can concentrate on what you want to do. I have to make my stand clear.


Regular Member
Jul 20, 2014
Can you tell us how we should act? Pro-Russian sentiment have in all regions, even in Lviv. Technology you can mount an image of popular discontent and you'll believe all this delirium. The state must protect its borders. If you do not accept this state as a structure - emigrare with him. There is another way of dealing voting in elections. You certainly do not know, however, if would be able to vote in the Crimea and the occupied part of Donbass - party "Opposition bloc" and "Strong Ukraine" party was the majority in the Parliament.
Akim, moy droog, the point of view you shared (highlighted in bold), according to modern political science one of the key characteristics of Fascism. You may not believe it, but it's the bitter truth.
The fascist view of a nation is of a single organic entity which binds people together by their ancestry and is a natural unifying force of people. Fascism seeks to solve economic, political, and social problems by achieving a millenarian national rebirth, exalting the nation or race above all else, and promoting cults of unity, strength and purity.


Jun 14, 2012
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Nazism is worst type of political thought.

India follows Vedic philosophy of "Vasudhev Kutumbkam" or treat whole humanity as your extended family.

We completely reject Ukrainian Nazism. You must give fair representation to pro-Russian people. You must be sensitive to Russia's security interests.

Not doing so makes Russia's war against you just.
Who told you that in our country Nazism?:mad: What you saw his signs?


Jun 14, 2012
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Akim, moy droog, the point of view you shared (highlighted in bold), according to modern political science one of the key characteristics of Fascism. You may not believe it, but it's the bitter truth.
The fascist view of a nation is of a single organic entity which binds people together by their ancestry and is a natural unifying force of people. Fascism seeks to solve economic, political, and social problems by achieving a millenarian national rebirth, exalting the nation or race above all else, and promoting cults of unity, strength and purity.
Its the same. Where you have seen fascism in Ukraine?
In Ukraine even nationalists have not in power


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Who told you that in our country Nazism?:mad: What you saw his signs?
Yes, There Are Bad Guys in the Ukrainian Government
It's time for a frank conversation about some of the unsavory characters in Kiev.

Vladimir Putin insists Russia invaded Crimea to protect the ethnic Russians who live in that southern Ukrainian territory. Ukraine, the Russian president contends, has come under the control of "neo-Nazis and Nazis and anti-Semites," and the country's Russian population is under threat. It is easy to dismiss Putin's rhetoric -- he is, after all, a serial fibber and fabricator who conflates gays and pedophiles and heads a state where Cossacks gas and whip punk rockers in broad daylight. But while Western governments and pundits are correct to dismiss Putin's pretenses for invading Ukraine, they are wrong to presume his Ukrainian opponents are necessarily in the right.

The uncomfortable truth is that a sizeable portion of Kiev's current government -- and the protesters who brought it to power -- are, indeed, fascists.

The uncomfortable truth is that a sizeable portion of Kiev's current government -- and the protesters who brought it to power -- are, indeed, fascists. If Western governments hope to steer Ukraine clear from the most unsavory characters in Moscow and Kiev, they will need to wage a two-pronged diplomatic offensive: against Putin's propaganda and, at the same time, against Ukraine's resurgent far-right.
Ukraine is home to Svoboda, arguably Europe's most influential far-right movement today. (In the photo above, Svoboda activists seize a Ministry of Agriculture building during Kiev's Euromaidan protests in January.) Party leader Oleh Tyahnybok is on record complaining that his country is controlled by a "Muscovite-Jewish mafia," while his deputy derided the Ukrainian-born film star Mila Kunis as a "dirty Jewess." In Svoboda's eyes, gays are perverts and black people unfit to represent the nation at Eurovision, lest viewers come away thinking Ukraine is somewhere besides Uganda.

Svoboda began life in the mid-90s as the Social-National Party (a name deliberately redolent of the National Socialist Party, better known as Nazis), with its logo the fascist Wolfsangel. In 2004, the party gave itself an unobjectionable new name (Svoboda means "Freedom") and canned the Nazi imagery, and in the subsequent decade has seen its star swiftly rise.

Today, Svoboda holds a larger chunk of its nation's ministries (nearly a quarter, including the prized defense portfolio) than any other far-right party on the continent. Ukraine's deputy prime minister represents Svoboda (the smaller, even more extreme "Right Sector" coalition fills the deputy National Security Council chair), as does the prosecutor general and the deputy chair of parliament -- where the party is the fourth-largest. And Svoboda's fresh faces are scarcely different from the old: one of its freshmen members of parliament is the founder of the "Joseph Goebbels Political Research Centre" and has hailed the Holocaust as a "bright period" in human history.

When the Ukraine crisis first broke in November, however, Western officialdom found itself in the dark. The end of the Cold War has occasioned a sharp drop in governmental interest in the Soviet successor states, and as Michael McFaul, a Russia scholar and the former U.S. ambassador to Moscow, recently observed, Team America is batting with a considerably "shorter bench."

Nowhere has this dearth of nuance been more apparent than in the Ukraine crisis. In December, shortly after protests began against Ukraine's pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych, U.S. Senator John McCain shared a platform and an embrace with Svoboda chief Tyahnybok at a mass rally in Kiev, assuring demonstrators, "The free world is with you; America is with you." In February of this year, France and Germany oversaw a peace deal between Tyahnybok, two other opposition leaders, and Yanukovych (though soon after, protests forced Yanukovych to flee to Russia). And in early March, the U.S. State Department published a debunking of Putin's "False Claims About Ukraine," assuring Americans that Ukraine's far-right "are not represented" in parliament.

Western commentators have done little better. When Liz Wahl, an anchor for the Kremlin-funded TV network RT America, quit on-air on March 5, she was feted for her bravery. Granted an extended interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, she explained her decision by recounting her disgust at the network "painting the opposition over there in the Ukraine as having neo-Nazi elements. I think that's very dangerous."

Meanwhile, in the lead-up to the March 16 referendum on Crimea's annexation to Russia, Svoboda was busier than ever. One of its chief demands -- that all government business be done in Ukrainian -- was passed into law, instantaneously marginalizing the one-third of Ukraine's citizens (and 60 percent of Crimeans) who speak Russian. Then for good measure, the party launched a push to repeal a law against "excusing the crimes of fascism."

So is Ukraine poised for a Nazi putsch? The good news is that opinion polls show Tyahnybok at just 5 percent approval, far behind Vitali Klitschko (the hulking, pro-Western former boxing champion) and the center-right ex-prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko. In fact, it was the same French- and German-backed peace deal that gave Svoboda its disproportionate share of the resulting government's ministries.
Western governments, then, are at least partially complicit in facilitating Svoboda's rise.

Western governments, then, are at least partially complicit in facilitating Svoboda's rise. In the short-term, they will have to be more discerning about which members of the Ukrainian leadership they engage, backing only those who genuinely hoist the flag of human rights rather than ethnic supremacy. In the medium- and long-term, those same governments, universities, and think tanks will have to get serious about re-investing in the study of Russia and its former domains.

Vladimir Putin's invasion of Crimea must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Its justification rings just as hollow as it did four years ago when Russia de facto annexed the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Sound policy, however, can only be based on sound analysis of the players involved. That requires conceding the point -- even when made by the Kremlin -- that more than a few of the protesters who toppled Yanukovych, and of the new leaders in Kiev, are fascists.
Yes, There Are Bad Guys in the Ukrainian Government
This is from the respected US magazine, "Foreign Policy".

It clearly indicates the Nazi connection in Ukraine and the Ukrainian Govt.

We must open our eyes and not dabble in untruths so as to fool the people who are reading the posts.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

"Democracy in Germany Is Merely an Illusion"

Source: Russian news: German Editor Turned CIA Whistleblower: "Democracy in Germany Is Merely an Illusion" - Russia Insider

Interesting. Who would have known :hmm:
Good find.

Well, I think it is obvious to most of the sensible people in the world that most of the western media and journalists are sold outs.

Coming to the European countries, they are the most corrupt, and they simply hide their corruption by legalizing it. Considering they constantly bleat about "democracy" and "freedom," one should smell something fishy.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Good find.

Well, I think it is obvious to most of the sensible people in the world that most of the western media and journalists are sold outs.

Coming to the European countries, they are the most corrupt, and they simply hide their corruption by legalizing it. Considering they constantly bleat about "democracy" and "freedom," one should smell something fishy.
Well journalist all over the world are used to project the national interest even as spies.

So, are the evangelists, mullahs and missionaries and NGOs since they have unlimited access and freedom to move all over. That helps in translating the agenda assigned.

It is all a part of the game.

One should not get surprised.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Well journalist all over the world are used to project the national interest even as spies.

So, are the evangelists, mullahs and missionaries and NGOs since they have unlimited access and freedom to move all over. That helps in translating the agenda assigned.

It is all a part of the game.

One should not get surprised.
Sir, it appears this time the west failed to convince the world and the desperation shows in the shoddy journalism of the west and even more shoddy mutterings of the western ruling cabal.

I also feel a lot of the bloodshed in Eastern Ukraine could have been avoided had Putin done the righteous thing and intervened. Sadly, he had to allow thousands of civilians get bombed by the Kiev regime in order to show the world his point. Ordinary humans become pawns in the game of big powers.


Jun 14, 2012
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This is from the respected US magazine, "Foreign Policy".

It clearly indicates the Nazi connection in Ukraine and the Ukrainian Govt.

We must open our eyes and not dabble in untruths so as to fool the people who are reading the posts.
At the election, the nationalists were not even in Parliament.
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