China Economy: News & Discussion


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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2% growth on a 20T economy is 400B market expansion per year. Because of your decreasing population and growth rates China will be lucky to sustain 400-500B growth per year.

india on the other hand is estimated to expand by $500B by the year 2028.

this means that India will contribute more to growth than China in 2028. Not sure what is confusing about this.

smooth manifold

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May 14, 2019
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PM Modi explains how India will become $5 trillion economy in 5 years
India Today Web Desk
New Delhi,UPDATED: Jul 6, 2019 16:10 IST

A day after Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented Budget 2019, PM Narendra Modi painted a picture of how India will become $5 trillion economy.

It's 2024 now. hehe.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Lol Tesla is not even allowed to collect map data let alone do full self driving. Stop the bullshit, Tesla doesn’t have a mapping license in China.
He is right!

It's on today, all the data stored inside China.

PM Li Qiang helped Musk built Tesla Giga Factory from 0 to massive production in 11 months when he was head of Shnghai, it saved Musk from biggest crisis 5 yrs ago.
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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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He is right!

It's on today, all the data stored inside China.

PM Li Qiang helped Musk built Tesla Giga Factory from 0 to massive production in 11 months when he was head of Shnghai, it saved Musk from biggest crisis 5 yrs ago.
By law Tesla is not allowed to collect and store data. It doesn’t have a license. Only a licensed map provider may make the maps and license it to Tesla. FSD is a non starter in China unless Tesla is given a license to collect and store data.

if it was as simple as data localization, many western firms would be actively mapping China. However that’s not the case.

you aren’t being intellectually honest with these claims and you know it


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Many of the fishy papers are probably written, for a fee, by “paper mills". These outfits often plagiarise real research, changing a few details. Some fakes are obvious, says Elisabeth Bik, a microbiologist who specialises in rooting them out. She found a Chinese paper on prostate cancer, for instance, which claimed that more than half of the patients studied were women. Only men have prostate glands. Other fakes look more convincing and might pollute a field of research. So some scientists simply refuse to peer review work from China, says Ms Bik.

In China women can have prostrate cancer


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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New satellite image shows Chinese launch startup Land Space is expanding its launch complex
space program does not allow manufacturing since all is made on earth

But Moron thinks some how space technology allows GDP growth.

Manufacturing is made on earth for obvious reasons


obviously astronuats do not manufacture in space since just by numbers is impossible.

According to some estimates, producing a car uses an astonishing 40,000 gallons of water.,astonishing 40,000 gallons of water.

obvoiusly by water availability in space station water is not available for manufacture even of a single car


for agriculture well it is not possible


obviously astronuats can not feed them selves they need earth resources


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Many of the fishy papers are probably written, for a fee, by “paper mills". These outfits often plagiarise real research, changing a few details. Some fakes are obvious, says Elisabeth Bik, a microbiologist who specialises in rooting them out. She found a Chinese paper on prostate cancer, for instance, which claimed that more than half of the patients studied were women. Only men have prostate glands. Other fakes look more convincing and might pollute a field of research. So some scientists simply refuse to peer review work from China, says Ms Bik

Only in China women have prostrate cancer



“Unauthorized copying of our equipment abroad is a huge problem. There have been 500 such cases over the past 17 years. China alone has copied aircraft engines, Sukhoi planes, deck jets, air defense systems, portable air defense missiles, and analogues of the Pantsir medium-range surface-to-air systems,” said Yevgeny Livadny, Rostec’s chief of intellectual property projects.

Livadny appeared to be referring, among other things, to alleged Chinese intellectual property theft after Russia’s 2015 sale to China of six S-400 anti-aircraft systems and 24 Su-35 fighter jets for $5 billion.

China is also thought to have benefitted from Russian technology when, in 2017, it rolled out its fifth generation Chengdu J-20 fighter, which is believed to be technologically superior to Russia’s SU-57E.

China is further suspected of having based its J-11 fighter jet and HQ-9 surface-to-air missiles on Russia’s Su-27 fighter jets and S-300 missile systems, which were purchased in the 1990s.

Chinese technology theft is unlikely to persuade Russia to forego the strategic advantages of its geopolitical cooperation with China any time soon. But with China’s defense industry significantly improving its technological capabilities, Russia needs to ensure that it remains crucial to the People’s Republic’s military development—not only for economic reasons but also to maintain a balance in an alliance that is based on pursuing short-term common interests while kicking potential friction points down the road.

When it comes to arms, Russia is pressuring China to engage in joint weapons development while seeking to maintain a technological edge.

Russia recently sought to press its technological advantage by announcing that its new Avangard hypersonic intercontinental glide vehicle, which can fly 27 times the speed of sound, has become operational.

Positioning Russia as the first country to have hypersonic weapons, the Avangard is launched atop an intercontinental ballistic missile. But unlike a regular missile warhead that follows a predictable path after separation, it can make sharp maneuvers in the atmosphere en route to its target, making it much harder to intercept.

In geopolitical terms, the Avangard may give Russia a first-starter advantage, but it is at best just another band-aid to work around the fragility of not only the Russian-Chinese alliance but also the alliances with Turkey and Iran.

The fragility of those alliances is evident in Turkish and Russian
“Unauthorized copying of our equipment abroad is a huge problem. There have been 500 such cases over the past 17 years. China alone has copied aircraft engines, Sukhoi planes, deck jets, air defense systems, portable air defense missiles, and analogues of the Pantsir medium-range surface-to-air systems,” said Yevgeny Livadny, Rostec’s chief of intellectual property projects.

Livadny appeared to be referring, among other things, to alleged Chinese intellectual property theft after Russia’s 2015 sale to China of six S-400 anti-aircraft systems and 24 Su-35 fighter jets for $5 billio

China is also thought to have benefitted from Russian technology when, in 2017, it rolled out its fifth generation Chengdu J-20 fighter, which is believed to be technologically superior to Russia’s SU-57E.

But it is useful to look at retractions, or when a scientific journal withdraws a study, usually due to suspicions of research misconduct. Papers from China have the fourth-highest retraction rate in the world, according to Nature, a journal (see chart). In a database of some 50,000 retracted studies compiled by Crossref, an American non-profit, and Retraction Watch, a blog, about 46% are from China.
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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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FSD is comimg!

All conjecture until China modifies its geospatial laws to allow foreigners to handle geospatial data. If the law is changed a flood of companies will map China overnight. But knowing the CCP tendency to shoot itself in the foot, I doubt this will happen.

what’s likely to happen instead is Tesla will be forced to work with Tencent, Alibaba, NavInfo, SAIC or BAIc. Tesla’s infrastructure and training pipeline will be stolen and FSD will be reverse engineered. Elon would be a dumbass to accept this offer.
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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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