China Economy: News & Discussion


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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The only thing that is blowing my mind here is the low IQ of the wumao repeatedly posting sensationalized videos for views. Does the CCP really think the world will fall for this crap propaganda? if it does, then the CCP is even more stupid than how it handled the economy. Even after losing heaven’s mandate why is Emperor Xi in power? Forbidden City has been flooded thanks to CCP’s disastrous urban planning. That is a really bad omen. Plus the hurricane avoided Taiwan and slammed straight into china. Nope the heavens are not with China. They are with Taiwan.
By the way, why does the CCP not allow international aid agencies to offer help but would rather let thousands of the peasants die?
I think the video shows that the Chinese are afraid.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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(Please move to correct thread)

Cannot understate the value of symbolism in geopolitics. During the ongoing BRICS summit, while the President of South Africa was personally present to welcome Xi Xinping, Modi was received by the Deputy President of South Africa.


ThE BrOkEn HeArT

Regular Member
Sep 2, 2019
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(Please move to correct thread)

Cannot understate the value of symbolism in geopolitics. During the ongoing BRICS summit, while the President of South Africa was personally present to welcome Xi Xinping, Modi was received by the Deputy President of South Africa.

Of course no doubt, China has more influence on S. Africa than India. India need more balancing acts to compare with China in African continent.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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There is an interesting ranking made by a Chinese media: global de-colonization index on movie industry:

China 2
India 3

mostly about the percentage of indigenous movies on local market.

I like Bollywood movies, if there is no sudden dancing during the story.

View attachment 218136
Im surprised Russia is ranked that high. Hollywood movies with Russian dubbing was the most popular category in their cinemas, from what I saw there. Maybe that has changed since the sanctions. The modern Russian movie industry is mostly low budget romance chic flics which none of their guys watch.

The honorable exceptions are their war movies about WW2. But those are subsidized by their MOD.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
Two weeks into its run "No More Bets" is pulling in $22M in one day ;)

Incredible grosses this Summer, many films have over $100M box office. Four have made over $300M!


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Won't the falling of yuan compared to dollars make their exports more "competitive"?
Why is it problem for China which produces most of it's stuff domestically?
Has it translated to as such with double digit declines?

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Moving the supply chain away from China.

China has diligently built a supply chain system for parts and finished products over the past 15 years. $2 trillion of FDI was used by them to construct factories and then dominate manufacturing. Flush with cash they began to build a useless BRI projects and lent money to countries to build their infrastructure, etc. All this, to dominate trade and supply chain system.

Unfortunately, the Americans and the Europeans fell victim to this cleverly designed supply system. Chinese had a significant trade surplus and cash in 20 years. With the cash, they began to build economic globalization with them at the center. Some projects included as I said above BRI, bullet trains, empty office towers, unused roads & bridges and residential cities which most of these are empty today.

Then came the hard-liner Trump to power in the US. He started the first trade war with China to encourage local manufacture which previously China had taken away, (thanks to presidents, Clinton, Bush (Jr) and Obama).

Despite their displeasure, China maintained their dominance in supply chain economics. For this, they had encouragement from Wall Street, which purely equated profits without considering quality & Security.

The next shock to China was Covid-19. Everybody believes that this horrible disease is a Chinese invention which was accidentally released to humans. The rest of the world was in pain for two years before vaccines and precautions helped. The Chinese claimed to be unaffected by it. Then two years later it broke open widely in China. It could not be covered up. China imposed draconian measures to control it. Everything was shut down and people were virtually imprisoned in their homes.

The economic impact of the Chinese Covid shutdown was significant. Since the factories closed, they were unable to produce goods that the outside world needed, resulting in a dramatic impact on the supply chain. The US and the Europe began to look elsewhere for supply. A lot of companies, decided to move out of China. Others have stayed but are considering exiting.

Chinese belligerence has created another issue, which is the invasion of Taiwan. This America did not like or appreciate. America ran with aid to Taiwan and strengthened its military posture in the Indo-Pacific. That military build up, discouraged Chinese and to-date, no invasion has taken place.

Angry President Biden enacted a law to prevent China to get a toehold in computer chip manufacture. Technology exports, investments and exports of high-end chips into China have been banned. That was the beginning of the second trade war after Trump's first. Chinese retaliated by banning the export of Gallium and Germanium from China without a license.

Although the trade war has not been fully unleashed, it is moving towards the same direction.

Hence, what happens to the supply chain that China has so cleverly built. ……. Well, not everything, but a lot of them have to move out.

Although the Chinese have not strongly responded to it, yet they are unable to deter companies moving out. Many multinationals are beginning to move to India, Vietnam and elsewhere in South east Asia. Today, I must say these moves are tiny as compared to the total Chinese manufacturing, but they are part of a bit by bit move out of China.

In addition, discouraged by Chinese belligerence, America has started to build its own manufacturing base which they had lost to China, 20 years back. This manufacturing renaissance in America is detrimental to Chinese interests. The Biden administration is adding impetus to it by making capital available with emphasis on small and medium-sized industries. New technologies and manufacturing processes will provide more sustainable and better quality supply chain products.

That is bad news for China.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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is the joke about how that blonde blue eyed person must be a cousin of Hanuman the Monkey King? Both have blonde hair, blue eyes and can climb appliances just like trees.
Similar joke was made in party on hill, Shia tells to his blonde friend to get out of the tree.
Not that complicated, people just felt the Haaland was not suitableb for this brand and its products.

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