China Economy: News & Discussion


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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A few days ago @SexyChineseLady was boasting that of the top 10 steel producing nations, China occupying the number 1 spot made more steel than the rest of 9 countries put together, on that list . So where did all that steel go now that the BRI is on the ventilator. Well this documentary highlights one such destination for that steel.
@SexyChineseLady is an influencer posting here from under a bridge in Shanghai. Then he/she goes home which is a hole in a viaduct , and eats toxic food for dinner. Gets up in the morning and prays to Buddha for orders from the west. Meanwhile he/she is shit scared that he/she would be sent to the country side for farming and molested by Xi’s new agricultural police. And, after a while he/she becomes a leftover woman/man. End of story.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2022
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@SexyChineseLady is an influencer posting here from under a bridge in Shanghai. Then he/she goes home which is a hole in a viaduct , and eats toxic food for dinner. Gets up in the morning and prays to Buddha for orders from the west. Meanwhile he/she is shit scared that he/she would be sent to the country side for farming and molested by Xi’s new agricultural police. And, after a while he/she becomes a leftover woman/man. End of story.
Dude lives in US


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021
RAL of Northeastern University: Help large thickness crack stop steel to achieve 100% domestic production

Time: 2022-06-30 Browse: 375

The world's largest 24,000 TEU super large container ship was delivered in Shanghai recently, and several of the same class container ships are under construction in China at the same time, highlighting the new leapfrog created by China. In a milestone breakthrough in China's shipbuilding industry, the State Key Laboratory of Rolling Technology and Continuous Rolling Automation (RAL) of Northeastern University has made its own contribution to the comprehensive domestic production of large thickness and high cracking toughness steel plates (crack cracking steel) for very large container ships.

▲ The world's largest 24,000 TEU super large container ship delivery

The large thickness crack stop steel is mainly used in the middle of the hull, the top hatch roof and the upper deck side plate and other key parts, which can ensure the safety of the hull structure, resist the propagation of large brittle cracks, and prevent the occurrence of catastrophic accidents. However, it is very difficult to produce crack arresting steel for ships with large thickness, high strength and excellent cracking toughness. 1) The production of extra-thick steel plate with continuous casting billet has the restriction of insufficient rolling compression ratio; 2) The deformation penetration and post-rolling cooling are uneven in the thickness direction of the steel plate; 3) Low final rolling temperature greatly tests the rolling force and torque limits of plate mill.

▲ The application of large thickness crack steel position

In 2013, the International Classification of Shipping Society put forward the crack arresting performance index of −10 °C crack arresting toughness ≥6000 N/mm3/2, and required the new container ships to adopt 50~75 mm thick crack arresting steel plate −10 °C crack arresting toughness ≥6000 N/mm3/2. In 2021, 80~100 mm thick steel plate with 10 °C cracking toughness ≥8000 N/mm3/2 was included into the international standard, which greatly raised the technical threshold for the production of extra-thick crack stopping steel plate. Before 2020, only Japan JFE Company can produce 100 mm thick EH47 crack stop steel with crack stopping toughness ≥8000 N/mm3/2, and the production technology is strictly confidential. Domestic only with the level of products production of maximum thickness of 92 mm, and 10 ° C - crack arrest toughness ˂ 8000 N/mm3/2, crack arrest domestic steel products and the international advanced level in obvious gap.

In this context, Northeastern University, in cooperation with Nanjing Iron and Steel Co., LTD., developed EH40 and EH47 crack stop steel plates with thickness of 50~92 mm series in 2018. In 2020, based on the deep understanding of the nature of large-thickness crack stop steel, the new U-Rolling Rolling process with full-thickness microstructure refinement, homogenization and texture control as the core and the fracture mode of crack tip "multi-peak" distribution were proposed, guiding Nanjing Iron and Steel to take the lead in developing 100 mm thick EH47 and EH40 crack stop steel plates in China. −10 °C crack cracking toughness of 9041 and 9951 N/mm3/2, thickness specifications and crack cracking toughness have reached the world's leading level, completely breaking the foreign high crack cracking toughness steel plate technical barriers.

▲ Develop the "multi-peak" distributed fracture mode of steel plate crack tip and the "single-peak" distributed fracture characteristics of traditional process

At present, Nangang 50~95 mm thick EH40, EH47 crack stop steel has been applied to many of the world's largest 24000 TEU container ships, and has realized the world's only supply of 100 mm thick crack stop steel.

▲ The development of 100 mm thick crack steel national debut

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has reduced the efficiency of global shipping, resulting in tight shipping capacity and soaring freight costs. The pandemic pressure has led to a global "ship buying fever". In 2021, China's shipbuilding completions, new orders and orders in hand accounted for 47.2%, 53.8% and 47.6% of the world's total in terms of deadweight tons respectively, continuing to lead the world and further enhancing its international competitiveness. According to statistics, the rapid growth of domestic shipbuilding industry will continue. With the rapid development of shipbuilding industry, there will be a great demand for high technology crack stop steel plate with thickness above 90 mm. At the same time, the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic has disrupted global supply chains and disrupted shipments of imported goods. In this context, relying on independent innovation and accelerating research on core and key technologies has become an opportunity to gradually improve the domestic industrial chain and support the sustainable development of China's shipbuilding industry. China's super large container Marine crack steel to achieve 100% domestic production in the crisis is the best proof, indicating that China's super thick crack steel technology has realized the role of "follow, run, and then lead", among the international advanced ranks, reflects China's first-mover advantage in creating a new height.

▲ The continuous rapid growth of domestic shipbuilding industry in the next five years

RAL creatively developed the NEU-Rolling rolling process, which refines the effective grain of the full thickness of ultra-thick steel plate and breaks through the constraint of low compression ratio between continuous casting billet and plate thickness. Related technologies can be applied to other products that have requirements on cracking performance, such as water and electricity, containers, etc., to solve the key common problems that restrict the development of high strength toughness extra thick steel plate in China's iron and steel industry.

In recent years, RAL has carried out research on high quality and low cost green rolling technology and high quality iron and steel materials for the development of the metallurgical industry, providing a large number of original theories and key technology reserves for technical innovation in the field of rolling, and is the core force for China to realize the "follow up" to "lead" in the field of rolling.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Dude lives in US
I see. Then the dude lives on skid row in LA under the protection of a Chinese police station aka consulate which provides him internet access and water for bathing. At least he does not have to eat toxic food in the US and has chosen to become a transgender woman typical of California libtards. Makes sense.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Which Country Has The Best Computer Programmers And Developers?




Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
Which Country Has The Best Computer Programmers And Developers?

View attachment 205230

Also Hong Kong at 17 is far above the US at 28.

Russia at #2 is very interesting and will be more so in the future as they are transitioning to Chinese systems under Western embargo!


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021
You are polluting 2 times the US for half of US GDP?
China's population is several times that of the United States

The West is most responsible for carbon emissions

For developing countries, poverty and backwardness is a sin; carbon dioxide emissions are not.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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But pollution is tied to GDP, not population. Why isn’t china producing without polluting, especially after 20-30 years of industrial growth and massive pollution? Why don’t you develop anti-pollution technologies instead of wasting money on vanity projects like maglev?


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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But pollution is tied to GDP, not population. Why isn’t china producing without polluting, especially after 20-30 years of industrial growth and massive pollution? Why don’t you develop anti-pollution technologies instead of wasting money on vanity projects like maglev?
You know the mindset of some people from some countries(not just western countries), when it comes to pollution, Ganges River comes to mind
Maybe it's not the most polluted river in the world but you know the preconceptions and stereotype
some people argue that it's a tradition, anyway, you probably know more than me on this.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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You know the mindset of some people from some countries, when it comes to pollution, Ganges River comes to mindView attachment 205247Maybe it's not the most polluted river in the world but you know the preconceptions and stereotypeView attachment 205249some people argue that it's a tradition, anyway, you probably know more than me on this.View attachment 205250
Wumao and hair brained Ganga is more often associated with spirituality and holiness outside India than anything else.
Chinese palate is more likely to be bring images of wok full of fried frogs,dogs, cats, urine , critters being gobbled up by chinese than Ganga being symbol of pollution.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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Wumao and hair brained Ganga is more often associated with spirituality and holiness outside India than anything else.
Chinese palate is more likely to be bring images of wok full of fried frogs,dogs, cats, urine , critters being gobbled up by chinese than Ganga being symbol of pollution.
Don't get mad at me. I was not judging

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