China Economy: News & Discussion


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Sep 5, 2020
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Russia to import products in 500+ categories from India including cars and other high value goods.



Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Is this type of fake food even possible in India anywhere, even in the poorest areas? Answer is no.
These poor bots have eaten such toxic food from their childhood days leading to severe mental retardation. The human suffering in China is ten times worse than in India. It is literally a hellhole.



Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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If you use another way to measure Chinese GDP"

China fiscal revenue 2022: In 2022, China brought in RMB 22.8 trillion ($3.4 trillion) in revenue and spent RMB 26.2 trillion ($3.9 trillion),

In 2022, the total revenues of the U.S. government totaled around 4.89 trillion U.S. dollars.

China vs USA fiscal revenue is: 70%:100% ;


China vs USA GDP is 72-75%; Plus HK+Macau would be around 75%

I think generally, we still have 5-8 years to go.
Leave the measurements to the experts like in the videos I shared. Tum se na Ho payega.



Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Do you want to visit China for theme park rides? It can be fun if you’re ok with being stuck upside down. I wonder how many died as after certain time, blood flow reduces a lot to the brain.



Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Another crazy thing only found in China…the CCP orders the peasants to mass travel and mass spend during two times a year. These are called golden weeks. They are supposed to increase the gdp. However, since the peasants all ran out of money - the golden week turned into a zero week. They all traveled like the CCP ordered but did not have any money to spend. The shopkeeper peasants are now all angry. Everything in China is directed by the CCP. Imagine the government of India says you must travel during 1 week during Diwali or dussehra and spend x amount of rupees. Or we will decrease your social credit score. Will you do it?



Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
That's an abnormal ratio.

Of course China is running too fast,

But India is too slow for me to understand. Only Indians know why.
Among major economies, India has done well in recent years.

But not as well as China -- China grew 4.7% from a much bigger base to India's 3.8%.

So the gap in the real economy has increased horribly wide between China and India in the recent years.

Also, China has a lot of real drivers for new growth:

1) EVs and autos
2) Expanding trade with Global South greater than US, EU and Japan combined

Those two alone are entirely new growth areas that could power China for a long time.

But they are not only ones:

3) Nuclear fusion and safe reactors -- China will build more nuclear power plants than rest of the world combined

4) Space industry -- already either first or second in launches every year but is ancipating a lot more in the future with the mega-constellations and the private firms

4) The Maglev and the electro-magnetic industry -- already China is testing 600KPH maglev trains, hyperloops and space launch devices (to go with the EM catapults and railguns for the military)

5) New shipbuilding sectors in the highly lucrative cruiseliner and Very Large Gas/Chem Containers space

6) Internal semicon industry -- and not only silicon. Photonic and graphene chips will drive new supply chains just like EVs did in auto industry. But even in silicon, China is de-Americanizing its chip industry and speeding to EUVs so the growth in simply moving the world's largest semicon market from a global supply chain to a local one will mean massive growth Chinese firms for years!

7) C919, C929, CJ1000, CJ2000, etc! A new and growing aircraft and aircraft engine industry! (And that's not counting the new Airbus lines where like Tesla in EVs, China will become an important manufacturing base for global aerospace)

I do not see any drivers of that magnitude from India unfortunately except for the diversification of the Western supply chain to include other countries instead of just China.

But this is actually proving to be another source of growth for China. China is hitting records with components exports to Vietnam, the rest of ASEAN and India.

This is a chart of India's imports from China in the last two years while banning apps and things from China!

So we know that those imports are not a choice but a necessity for India's own growth.

But the problem for this one Indian growth driver is it is far easier for Chinese components to reach Vietnam and ASEAN than India. This is proven out by the fact that Vietnam is getting most of the new factories and thus new exports to the West. Vietnam is literally beating the pants off of India here!

Also Chinese components are going very heavy into Mexico and Latin America -- the transport advantages there are too great:


Once the Chinese (and other East Asian firms) are set up there, I can't see how India can compete for most of the new lines. India will get some because of its big internal market but there is too much competition from the likes of Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand, etc, for it to become a manufacturing hub of the same magnitude as China when the PRC began its ascent in 2000 with WTO.
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Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Among major economies, India has done well in recent years.

But not as well as China -- China grew 4.7% from a much bigger base to India's 3.8%.
View attachment 205107

So the gap in the real economy has increased horribly wide between China and India in the recent years.

Also, China has a lot of real drivers for new growth:

1) EVs and autos
2) Expanding trade with Global South greater than US, EU and Japan combined

Those two alone are entirely new growth areas that could power China for a long time.

But they are not only ones:

3) Nuclear fusion and safe reactors -- China will build more nuclear power plants than rest of the world combined

4) Space industry -- already either first or second in launches every year but is ancipating a lot more in the future with the mega-constellations and the private firms

4) The Maglev and the electro-magnetic industry -- already China is testing 600KPH maglev trains, hyperloops and space launch devices (to go with the EM catapults and railguns for the military)

5) New shipbuilding sectors in the highly lucrative cruiseliner and Very Large Gas/Chem Containers space

6) Internal semicon industry -- and not only silicon. Photonic and graphene chips will drive new supply chains just like EVs did in auto industry. But even in silicon, China is de-Americanizing its chip industry and speeding to EUVs so the growth in simply moving the world's largest semicon market from a global supply chain to a local one will mean massive growth Chinese firms for years!

7) C919, C929, CJ1000, CJ2000, etc! A new and growing aircraft and aircraft engine industry! (And that's not counting the new Airbus lines where like Tesla in EVs, China will become an important manufacturing base for global aerospace)

I do not see any drivers of that magnitude from India unfortunately except for the diversification of the Western supply chain to include other countries instead of just China.

But this is actually proving to be another source of growth for China. China is hitting records with components exports to Vietnam, the rest of ASEAN and India.

This is a chart of India's imports from China in the last two years while banning apps and things from China!
View attachment 205125

So we know that those imports are not a choice but a necessity for India's own growth.

But the problem for this one Indian growth driver is it is far easier for Chinese components to reach Vietnam and ASEAN than India. This is proven out by the fact that Vietnam is getting most of the new factories and thus new exports to the West. Vietnam is literally beating the pants off of India here!

Also Chinese components are going very heavy into Mexico and Latin America -- the transport advantages there are too great:

View attachment 205129

Once the Chinese (and other East Asian firms) are set up there, I can't see how India can compete for most of the new lines. India will get some because of its big internal market but there is too much competition from the likes of Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand, etc, for it to become a manufacturing hub of the same magnitude as China when the PRC began its ascent in 2000 with WTO.
What you listed above are not drivers of growth. They are just vanity projects that will end up going bust just like it happened with the semi conductor industry. 90% of Chinese won’t see any benefits from these projects. The poor 50% will remain poor and the formerly middle class are getting added to the poor list now. LoL.
‘Shipping rates are just one determinant of product costs. Vietnam with its mountainous landscape and strong rice cultivation in plains (no land for industry) has no chance in hell of competing with India. In fact Vietnam’s logistics infrastructure is miles behind India’s. Both Thailand and Vietnam will still get several manufacturing projects but India has a complete economy with services, manufacturing, mining, tourism, innovation economy, healthcare etc all growing. Vietnam and Thailand do not have such complete ecosystems. Moreover India dominates in high profit and high value services such as healthcare that Vietnam cannot compete on. Healthcare tourism in India will become as big as the IT services industry in India which is already close to $300 billion. Healthcare services at $30-40 billion now is expected to reach $250billion+ in a few years as India becomes the medical care hub of the world. Not to mention people who flock to India for healthcare contribute to India’s brand and drive other sectors including manufacturing as companies manufacture more pharmaceuticals and biomedical devices in India.
‘China betting on volume based export-led manufacturing is in for a rude shock. Plus service sectors like healthcare bring women into the workforce in the millions and takes millions of families out of poverty.
You want proof? Look at the massive growth in hospital chains in India servicing foreign customers. Look at the increasing sizes of new malls being built and global brands setting up shop in India.
‘Vanity projects are not going to get China anywhere when 500 million+ people are still poor/dirt poor.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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A few days ago @SexyChineseLady was boasting that of the top 10 steel producing nations, China occupying the number 1 spot made more steel than the rest of 9 countries put together, on that list . So where did all that steel go now that the BRI is on the ventilator. Well this documentary highlights one such destination for that steel.

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