Wuhan Coronavirus Thread

Is coronavirus a biological warfare agent released by China?

  • yes

    Votes: 175 89.3%
  • no

    Votes: 21 10.7%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2013
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What about admonishing the people for not wearing masks, not observing social distancing, gathering in large crowds, hesitating to get vaccinated.... Not everything is the government this, the government that
Maybe the government and the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named might not have been 100% responsible and definitely some blame should also be put on the opposition and the general public.

Still it is the government's primary responsibility to enforce rules and regulations. Perhaps they could have lead by example by not allowing religious gatherings and political rallies.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Western media's potrayal of India is absolutely spot on however hard it maybe for you to digest.
They are not targeting but questioning the government which should have been done by our own media.
And what makes you think that Indian media is not doing that?

500 million covid cases/20000+ plus deaths daily/millions of deaths etc are indeed hard to "digest". Maybe you can but not others.


Senior Member
Oct 15, 2015
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Why i kept saying we need to understand the real spike of this 2nd wave sooner so that we prepare for 3rd wave . Spike don't just start like that it was like a volcano was slowly getting hot lava accumulated and then exploded in 3rd week of march .

View attachment 87524
Where did the second wave start? Which states? This is the appropriate question to start with. Not blaming Kumbh and other nonsense


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2020
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Western media's potrayal of India is absolutely spot on however hard it maybe for you to digest.
They are not targeting but questioning the government which should have been done by our own media.
So you are at it again. Such an amazing fetish you have to get insulted.
For the bold part: Gore ne kaha hai shi hi hoga. It was a pandemic till it was in the west, but when it came to India; it's poor this poor that.

You know what Even, after all, this India is still ranked 118 in death per million; Your so-called 1st world boss is at 17th with best infra. They have scored 1772 death/mil compared to ours 152/million. Rather than spewing for fetishes go search for data.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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Maybe the government and the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named might not have been 100% responsible and definitely some blame should also be put on the opposition and the general public.

Still it is the government's primary responsibility to enforce rules and regulations. Perhaps they could have lead by example by not allowing religious gatherings and political rallies.
Enforce what rules? Lockdowns in perpetuity?

Who would enforce them? Center or state? What about states who don't enforce dictates of the center?

It's very easy to blamed everything on center and they do have to answer for a lot.

Most of all, it's people for thinking all was over and not taking any precautions.

It's emerged that the alleged farmer protests were a significant contributor. The courts allowed them to thrive despite violence.

It's a complex problems with lots of blame to go around. Don't take the easy but incorrect route.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Amazing the ones who are responsible for 90 % virus spread should be given some blame . wow simply wow with this hypocrisy. I am not sure BJP 300 MPs and another 1000 MLAs spread covid to 4 lakh people across the country in last 3 months .

Tell me how will govt implement masking rule in MH or CG where one CM was busy with his 100 crore target and another CM was plucking tea leaves in Assam . oh not to forget one CM down south busy smuggling gold inside ass hole of international travellers .

Kumbh started on April not in january or february . Elections started in March . Please tell me what contributed to the spike in March in MH, DL and CG when there was no elections in these states

You will bring elections and religious 100 times but subtly ignore the 6 months long farmers protest and so many khap panchayat called by farmers in and around delhi

Also tell me how are you going to hold one person at helm responsible for Virus mutation ? is he sitting in a lab and creating this new mutations ?

Maybe the government and the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named might not have been 100% responsible and definitely some blame should also be put on the opposition and the general public.

Still it is the government's primary responsibility to enforce rules and regulations. Perhaps they could have lead by example by not allowing religious gatherings and political rallies.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009

Thread please...

US prepares to deploy CDC's 'disease detectives' in India with the objective of choking the virus spread
How many of you think that second wave of Corona virus is a Bio warfare unleashed by China along with its ally CONgress?

Even @Hellfire is pointing same..

i have a feeling that we may soon see skirmishes again at LAC or even a full fledged war with China...
This bioweapon do not need more triggers. It has built in triggers which comes as mutations, which then create waves. There are more that 600-700 variants world wide and growing as we speak.

No preparation, no hospitals with oxygen can save people other than lockdown, early isolation, border checks and vaccination.

Please try to understand from a doctor’s perspective. Just having a community acquired pneumonia case in ICU we rush to get high risk consent from the relatives of the patient. The rate of prognosis is slashed 50% straightaway sighting first X-ray.

It is the time that an Intensivist tries to buy for the patient. With good resources and hands on approach Patient can be saved. But this do not happen all the time. I am only factoring in treatment part dispensed by the Hospital assuming Patient's immunity is fighting well and there are other intrinsic factors protecting him. And when the system gets overwhelmed and doctors and resources get over stretched the probability of coming out healthy becomes bleak.

This is biological war we are fighting, having more hospitals, more ventilators, more doctors, more nurses is ideal but the outcomes are not assured.

During my tenure I concluded and always wanted that if any organ I can create in a lab for quick transplant it will be the lungs. Most of our battles we lost in good old times where due to this particular organ.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Find the ratio of deaths during Spanish flu in USA to the deaths in the current pandemic.
Repeat for india.

In USA nearly every 10th person has been affected. If USA and other countries of western hemisphere including their felons who settled in the east draw some solace from invented stories about India crumbling under the viral load, then go ahead. We aren't going to do much other than sending rejoinders from our embassy.

But finding solace will be difficult, no amount of India bashing would wipe out the memories of the loved ones whose corpse started leaking from within the coffin, waiting for burial. Nor carrying your dead in a dump truck can ever be wiped out by more gory picture from India.
The picture of the senior home from where the care takers fled leaving the residents to die a painfully slow death smudged in their own excreta cannot be replaced by any other sight.

The site of open cremation in India has been a taboo for the western world. The photos of the cremation sites during pandemic feeds into both thier fear of the pandemic and ignites the long held taboo.

So, 'they have it worse' type of solace or a false empathy to cover your tracks for that underlying agenda can only work upto an extent, that extent is the boundary that defines the anglosphere. A vast majority of Indians are still outside it's tentacles.


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2020
Western media's potrayal of India is absolutely spot on however hard it maybe for you to digest.
They are not targeting but questioning the government which should have been done by our own media.
Sir, our own media has been questioning the government fyi, but they are selectively questioning only Modi govt whilst giving clean chit to Vasooli gang, Con-govts and Didi, layin bare open their hypocrisy.

Questioning with motivated partiality is even more dangerous than complete radio silence by the fourth pillar. This is a paid effort to malign Modi & remove him. That's it. Nothing more. The guy has been an iron cock in the rears of left-libbu cabal, vested entities and they want to get rid of him so bad.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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So we crossed 4 lakh cases for the day. Does look like weight cross the 5L mark as this is just not slowing down.

This becomes important.



Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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We crossed 4 lakh positive cases for single day with high spike from KA and . Good we are having recoveries at 2.9 Lakhs with this kind of recovery we are putting less burden on already stressed medical infra . Hope most cases are just light to moderate ones who need less hospitalisation and recover from home treatment ,

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Thread please...

US prepares to deploy CDC's 'disease detectives' in India with the objective of choking the virus spread
How many of you think that second wave of Corona virus is a Bio warfare unleashed by China along with its ally CONgress?

Even @Hellfire is pointing same..

i have a feeling that we may soon see skirmishes again at LAC or even a full fledged war with China...
Pakistan too is suffering. It is short on oxygen and importing 6000 MT of it.. It is not reflecting in official numbers, because of Pakistan's abysmal testing..
Second waves happened in US and Europe, and were much more devastating than the first.. then why did Modi have to take a victory lap.. saying time and again that "India has conquered covid". . These kind of statements by the top leadership are taken as signals by India's slothful bureucracy as a signal to relax, and let their guard down..Then in March, when infections had already risen greatly from Jan/Feb.. the Health minister said, that Corona Endgame is nigh, when he would have known that to vaccinate 70 percent of India, would take 2 years minimum ..
Corona has mutated into more infectious variants in Brazil, south africa and UK.. so, why wouldnt it mutate in India which has a billion unvaccinated bodies..?
All I have to say is this:

images (74).jpeg

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
Country flag
Find the ratio of deaths during Spanish flu in USA to the deaths in the current pandemic.
Repeat for india.

In USA nearly every 10th person has been affected. If USA and other countries of western hemisphere including their felons who settled in the east draw some solace from invented stories about India crumbling under the viral load, then go ahead. We aren't going to do much other than sending rejoinders from our embassy.

But finding solace will be difficult, no amount of India bashing would wipe out the memories of the loved ones whose corpse started leaking from within the coffin, waiting for burial. Nor carrying your dead in a dump truck can ever be wiped out by more gory picture from India.
The picture of the senior home from where the care takers fled leaving the residents to die a painfully slow death smudged in their own excreta cannot be replaced by any other sight.

The site of open cremation in India has been a taboo for the western world. The photos of the cremation sites during pandemic feeds into both thier fear of the pandemic and ignites the long held taboo.

So, 'they have it worse' type of solace or a false empathy to cover your tracks for that underlying agenda can only work upto an extent, that extent is the boundary that defines the anglosphere. A vast majority of Indians are still outside it's tentacles.
US deaths in 2020 were 16 percent more than 2019..
As compared to Spanish flu epidemic, when US deaths in 1918 were only 12 percent more than 1917.. The official US death toll is approaching 600000, the real toll is more than that, and is suspected to have alreadt surpassed the probable toll of 675000 dead of Spanish flu..


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
Sir, our own media has been questioning the government fyi, but they are selectively questioning only Modi govt whilst giving clean chit to Vasooli gang, Con-govts and Didi, layin bare open their hypocrisy.

Questioning with motivated partiality is even more dangerous than complete radio silence by the fourth pillar. This is a paid effort to malign Modi & remove him. That's it. Nothing more. The guy has been an iron cock in the rears of left-libbu cabal, vested entities and they want to get rid of him so bad.
Absolutely correct but Modi and team took the eye of the ball for some dumb reason even after seeing Trump manipulation in US by their media....they need lot of counter weights and funding to push independent media...
start some program and create employment at a local level by training local guys and make it mandatory to give them space on major monopolies....
BJP has no strategy to bring discipline into new media, whoever is Info and Broadcasting minister is they need a tough guy like a retired general or someone that can get these assholes behind the scenes....never give them an inch and make examples of them to the world and the country if they don't act constructively.

Looks like Bengal is a toss up and Karnataka local level losses and major loss of reputation for some idiotic lack of attention to get the state governments on the line....have briefings daily and blame states so they are on hot seat everyday

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