Wuhan Coronavirus Thread

Is coronavirus a biological warfare agent released by China?

  • yes

    Votes: 175 89.3%
  • no

    Votes: 21 10.7%

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Regular Member
Feb 9, 2017
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I guess the B.1.617 variant of Chinese Virus is going to be the prevalent variant like UK variant in the coming months all over the world:



Translation: The # Coronavirus variant from #India is gaining a foothold in #Germany. The authorities from Cologne and BaWü report #new infections with B.1.617. #Corona #Mutation #Mutant



A lot of this is fear mongering- as the Israeli professor quoted in the article states, the spike protein mutations on the 'Indian' variant are not unique to it and its too early to say if its more infectious or vaccine resistant. I'd posted a clip from Spectator TV yesterday which explains why concerns around the 'Indian' variant may be overblown at the moment- its still being treated as a 'variant of interest' by Public Health England (the UK does over 50% of all genomic sequencing globally) and WHO which were both very quick to raise the alarm about the UK, Brazil and South African variants so they must know something that we don`t.

I have to say a lot of the hysteria around the 'Indian' variant was whipped up by the leftist press- the Guardian mainly given its footprint by virtue of having several open access international editions- which was lobbying for India to be added to the UK red list the minute Porkistan/Lungidesh went on it. Whilst obviously in line with its wokeist Islamophilic editorial policy, this Guardian campaign was also part of building a narrative that Boris Johnson had excluded India only to allow him to travel there on a trade mission, thereby allowing a deadly vaccine resistant variant that will kill millions to enter the UK.

This lazy, duplicitous myth about the 'Indian variant' has subsequently been amplified by other leftist outlets across the globe despite overwhelming evidence that the current surge in India is being driven primarily by the UK's own home grown kungflu variant. India's recent addition to the UK's red list, followed by knee jerk travel bans introduced by other Western countries (with the notable exception of the US which is following the science) was basically a response to this rancid, leftist propoganda that is not (yet) supported by evidence.
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Bhoot Pishach

Tihar Jail
Dec 14, 2016
Country flag
>comparing guys who are triggered that Babaji isn't going with a stick after media-bhadwas and the usual 5th column elements.
>with an actual propaganda piece by some rag that repeats the Pindi meme of "trees n crows" unironically.
Considering the News which you people are reacting to i.e. FCRA Rules to be changed for NGOs.

Ever considered who this nexus works????

Just look at how Gadhar Choonalwala cried fowl for not receiving ingredient of Vaccines from USA.

Though it was HALF TRUE; Astrazanica Vaccine was never hampered by this restriction.

Still knowing well he cried fowl and whole WOKE INFRASTRUCTURE come to his support and WOKE PRESIDENT of USofAss, withdraws restrictions.

Guess what the Help starts pouring in BUT with Condition THE SUPPORT AND AID WILL GO TO THE NGOs, but not DIRECTLY TO GOVT.

God knows what transpired between talks of NSA of India and USA.

This echosystem is not 70 years old as you guys think this echo system come into being after First War of Independence i.e. after 1857.

They are entrenched in very vain and organ of this country do you people think it is so easy to uproot such echosystem in country as diverse as India.

Which thanx to this echosystem is made dependent on foreign supply chain for every critical equipment, component and services.

Even your ARMED FORCES are not spared by this ECOSYSTEM VIRUS which loves to lick the behinds of Import Maal denouncing Indigenous Products.

You people do really think it is so easy to uproot their main conduit which is Press????

Instead to seeing the facts, in this dire time, what best the current dispensation is doing.

We are demanding MUDI SHOULD RESIGN hell for what???

The country what was made SEPTIC TANK since independence, got some fresh air due to Mudi when he removed the Tank Lid.

But the ECHOSYSTEM is again trying to close the lid and again the SEPTIC TANK is chocking hence Mudi who removed the SEPTIC TANK LID once upon a time MUST REGINE.



Senior Member
May 30, 2009
Covid-19 Crisis: China Blocks Shipment Carrying Medical Assistance To India From U.S
China's state-run Sichuan Airlines has suspended all its cargo flights to India for 15 days, causing major disruption to private traders' efforts to procure the much-needed oxygen concentrators and other medical supplies from the country despite Beijing reiterating its readiness to help India to deal with the latest surge of Covid-19 cases.


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2020

PM @narendramodi meets CAS General Naravane, reviews Army's preparedness, initiatives in COVID-19 management.

I remember CDS Rawat and CAS Bhadauria too called on PM a couple of days back.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Considering the News which you people are reacting to i.e. FCRA Rules to be changed for NGOs.

Ever considered who this nexus works????

Just look at how Gadhar Choonalwala cried fowl for not receiving ingredient of Vaccines from USA.

Though it was HALF TRUE; Astrazanica Vaccine was never hampered by this restriction.

Still knowing well he cried fowl and whole WOKE INFRASTRUCTURE come to his support and WOKE PRESIDENT of USofAss, withdraws restrictions.

Guess what the Help starts pouring in BUT with Condition THE SUPPORT AND AID WILL GO TO THE NGOs, but not DIRECTLY TO GOVT.

God knows what transpired between talks of NSA of India and USA.

This echosystem is not 70 years old as you guys think this echo system come into being after First War of Independence i.e. after 1857.

They are entrenched in very vain and organ of this country do you people think it is so easy to uproot such echosystem in country as diverse as India.

Which thanx to this echosystem is made dependent on foreign supply chain for every critical equipment, component and services.

Even your ARMED FORCES are not spared by this ECOSYSTEM VIRUS which loves to lick the behinds of Import Maal denouncing Indigenous Products.

You people do really think it is so easy to uproot their main conduit which is Press????

Instead to seeing the facts, in this dire time, what best the current dispensation is doing.

We are demanding MUDI SHOULD RESIGN hell for what???

The country what was made SEPTIC TANK since independence, got some fresh air due to Mudi when he removed the Tank Lid.

But the ECHOSYSTEM is again trying to close the lid and again the SEPTIC TANK is chocking hence Mudi who removed the SEPTIC TANK LID once upon a time MUST REGINE.

I never said #MudiMustRejine, it is the bots on twitter that say so.
All I want is the aggressive Modi back.
All shills and 5th column traitors must get their due, only Modi can do it, all the """"alternatives"'''' peddled are the ecosystem creatures themselves.

Modi is the only hope of "curing" this country of these Lutyen's parasites in a long time.

Bhoot Pishach

Tihar Jail
Dec 14, 2016
Country flag
I never said #MudiMustRejine, it is the bots on twitter that say so.
All I want is the aggressive Modi back.
All shills and 5th column traitors must get their due, only Modi can do it, all the """"alternatives"'''' peddled are the ecosystem creatures themselves.

Modi is the only hope of "curing" this country of these Lutyen's parasites in a long time.
Bhai mere Raajneeti hai yah!!!

Ake Galat Move aur HINDAVI SWARAJYA khatam.

Prey God, Mudi Survived since 2002 to this day.

He is the Best Man who knows this Deep Shit and how to handle it, because it was he, who survived full mite of ECHOSYSTEM to ascend the Throne.

Let the Best Expert Handle the situation what he is chosen for, he knows what he is doing and what his people believe in him to do.

we are just "extras" and side kicks. So be it.


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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@Nicky G @shade @fire starter @Cheran

This is for your Guys!!!

Incompetent Mudi should rejine.

And hand over the reign to Pappu, Khujliwal, Penari Vijiyan, Uddhu Thakre, Mumtaj Begam, Toti Choor.

Whoever you deemed fit to take the responsibility.

Good going guys.

You people do sound no different then the TELEGRAPH.

Breaking the thermometer

THE THIN EDGE: Team Modi is in tatters

It’s best to state this simply: Narendra Modi needs to go. Amit Shah needs to go. Ajay Mohan Bisht aka Yogi Adityanath needs to go. The bunch of integrity-free incompetents Mr Modi has gathered around him as his ministers all need to go. In order for the country to launch the mammoth operation of recovery and repair needed for our survival, the departure of these people from positions of power needs to happen immediately — tomorrow is too late, yesterday would have been better.

When Mr Modi took oath as prime minister in May 2014, he did so adorned with the many different capes and scarves of hope draped on him by various worshippers and admirers. Waving away the sceptics and objectors who had old-fashioned attachments to secularism, human rights and economic justice, the believers revelled in the proud strutting of their messiah. Remember the proclamations of the core followers and the newly converted, many coming from the man himself. Modi doesn’t eat or let anyone eat (he’s not corrupt and doesn’t allow anyone else to be corrupt). He may drive over some pesky minorities but he’ll steer us to genuine progress. Human rights and ecological protections are barriers to ease of doing business and turning India into an economic powerhouse; real human rights will be experienced by the millions he raises out of poverty.

In the first days of Modi-rule, you constantly heard gushing praise: he may not be educated but he’s got a phenomenal ability to grasp things; whatever you say, boss, but Gujarati efficiency is something else; his stamina is just amazing; he hardly sleeps and that’s put a fire under the seats of the bureaucrats — the babus are now punctual, the files are moving so fast; here is a man with a vision and focus; look how warmly and directly he connects with world figures; he can deal with Pakistan and China from a position of strength; they recognize they can’t mess with him like they could with the weaklings previously in charge.

Over seven years, even as Mr Modi has preened in name-embroidered suits and plumed headgear, the virtually projected garments have fallen off him, one by one. Even as his ‘brand expansion’ has grown to mind-boggling levels, his promises have crashed and burned. Under this regime, corruption has been rocketed into another dimension, so much so that the word itself becomes inadequate to describe the massive network of interlocking institutional lying and criminal law-bending. Over seven years, lunatic servility to oligarchic interests along with other monumental cock-ups has played havoc with our economy. Under Mr Modi’s leadership, we have been made a laughing stock by Pakistan with the famed Balakot bombing raid on a clump of trees and the capture of our pilot; and we have been repeatedly humiliated by China. And, now, finally, despite having had a year to shore up the basic defences against the biggest natural calamity faced by independent India, we are on our knees, physically and mentally. The full roster of this regime’s intentional and unintentional misgovernance will become horrific lore in the annals of history.

In any democracy worth the name, just one of these two botch-ups — the demonetization fiasco and the floundering response to Chinese aggression and the ensuing cover-up — would have led to the fall of a government. That this did not happen is due to a much greater malfeasance. If Mr Modi and Mr Shah have had efficiency, stamina and detailed focus towards anything, it is in the deliberate and relentless hollowing out of democracy itself. It is now beyond doubt that the messiah and his chief acolyte came to power in 2014 with one aim and one aim only: to turn India into an autocratic Hindu rashtra, bolstering and, in turn, bolstered by few big business houses. For the imperatives of international optics and internal misdirection, this was to be executed while maintaining the fake image of a functioning democracy.

In a stadium owned by a dictator you may have the ritual of a game between two teams, but in reality only the dictator’s team can win. Mr Modi and Mr Shah have worked towards a hostile takeover of the stadium of Indian Democracy from the day they assumed power in 2014. To aid in this project, you had the obsessive attention to image-management via the co-opting of large sections of the media, then you had robbery in broad daylight in the shape of the electoral bonds, and then you had the unprecedented, brazen weaponization of the investigative agencies in the open service of the ruling party. All this was crowned by the mysteriously consistent reluctance of the Supreme Court in checking various actions of the Union Government or its agencies.

The deliberate spreading of distrust and hatred among people of different religions, the banana republic hijacking and the lockdown of Kashmir, the grotesque NRC/CAA ‘laws’, the Ayodhya Ram Mandir ‘judgment’, the Bhima-Koregaon arrests, which many convincingly argue are mala fide, were all dependent on this creeping, toxic fungus-like encompassing of the institutions of the State.

What the fungus was not expecting was a deadly attack from a virus. I read somewhere that the recent blocking of critical Twitter accounts by the government means that it realizes it has failed to discharge its duties. To which one could say that this government never intended to discharge what millions of us regard as its duties. It simply took the pandemic as an extremely useful tool gifted to it by the gods, a tool it could use to further its agenda — to stifle dissent, to topple Opposition state governments, to ‘win’ elections. Now, when things are spiralling tragically out of control, the government’s main concern — yet again — seems to be about managing perceptions. The French have a saying, ‘Breaking the thermometer to bring down the fever.’ We are where we are today because of this trail of broken thermometers. And because of this, if nothing else, Mr Modi and Mr Shah need to go.
Kaun hai ye frustated atma. Demonetisation, Balakot se le kar Covid tak ek hi article me sara vomit kar diya.


Hindufying India
Senior Member
Aug 18, 2010
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A lot of this is fear mongering- as the Israeli professor quoted in the article states, the spike protein mutations on the 'Indian' variant are not unique to it and its too early to say if its more infectious or vaccine resistant. I'd posted a clip from Spectator TV yesterday which explains why concerns around the 'Indian' variant may be overblown at the moment- its still being treated as a 'variant of interest' by Public Health England (the UK does over 50% of all genomic sequencing globally) and WHO which were both very quick to raise the alarm about the UK, Brazil and South African variants so they must know something that we don`t.

I have to say a lot of the hysteria around the 'Indian' variant was whipped up by the leftist press- the Guardian mainly given its footprint by virtue of having several open access international editions- which was lobbying for India to be added to the UK red list the minute Porkistan/Lungidesh went on it. Whilst obviously in line with its wokeist Islamophilic editorial policy, this Guardian campaign was also part of building a narrative that Boris Johnson had excluded India only to allow him to travel there on a trade mission, thereby allowing a deadly vaccine resistant variant that will kill millions to enter the UK.

This lazy, duplicitous myth about the 'Indian variant' has subsequently been amplified by other leftist outlets across the globe despite overwhelming evidence that the current surge in India is being driven primarily by the UK's own home grown kungflu variant. India's recent addition to the UK's red list, followed by knee jerk travel bans introduced by other Western countries (with the notable exception of the US which is following the science) was basically a response to this rancid, leftist propoganda that is not (yet) supported by evidence.
What you have stated is one of the views regarding the Mutation. As you also mentioned that Europe, Israel and UK are the world leaders in Genome Sequencing, the B.1.617 Mutation of Chinese Virus is detected and the Govt is treating with utmost caution. So the research will happen and we shall come to know the reality very soon.

But what I have seen is that the Mutation has given some serious cases here in MH where it all started. Discouting the leftist colour on the reporting on this Variant, it has more transmissibility and lethality than the original Wuhan strain. Not comparing it with other VOCs for the moment.

Adding further:

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Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
Senior Member
Aug 28, 2019
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he was famous for some time in south indian movies...jaane do...
He barely gets any worthwhile deals now
Have seen some of his works few yrs ago, the most recent one was 3 years ago
Maybe he wants to cause a controversy and get people to talk about him


Regular Member
Feb 9, 2017
Country flag
What you have stated is one of the views regarding the Mutation. As you also mentioned that Europe, Israel and UK are the world leaders in Genome Sequencing, the B.1.617 Mutation of Chinese Virus is detected and the Govt is treating with utmost caution. So the research will happen and we shall come to know the reality very soon.

But what I have seen is that the Mutation has given some serious cases here in MH where it all started. Discouting the leftist colour on the reporting on this Variant, it has more transmissibility and lethality than the original Wuhan strain. Not comparing it with other VOCs for the moment.

Adding further:

This may well turn out to be the nastiest variant of the bunch but the evidence, from neutralising assays for instance, is not available yet and it's not spreading in India as exponentially as the UK variant- I believe over 50% of cases in Delhi, Punjab and even Mumbai consist of the gorah flu strain- so we have to be mindful of the leftist, orientalist, anti India cabal behind the some of this over reporting.

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