Wuhan Coronavirus Thread

Is coronavirus a biological warfare agent released by China?

  • yes

    Votes: 175 89.3%
  • no

    Votes: 21 10.7%

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Regular Member
Dec 19, 2022
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You might be Gulti.. but your are Guilty too.. of replicating Porky sympathisers' Aman ka Tamasha ,ie "we are shame to shame, its the politics that has created the divide🤡".
Thanks for believing i am Telugu guy. Well, just to prove to others who still don't , that i can read Devanagari on your post script - Janani Janma Bhoomischya, Swargadapi Gareeyasi. Telugu is highly Sanscritized and actor NTR used this in one of his fimi songs Hope this puts an end to all suspicions about my identity!


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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@SexyChineseLady great governance from a space age China.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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@SexyChineseLady like I said, you can lead a horse to water…., but the horse has to make the decision to act on it

overthrow Xi Jinping and the CCP to save your country’s future.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
@SexyChineseLady like I said, you can lead a horse to water…., but the horse has to make the decision to act on it

overthrow Xi Jinping and the CCP to save your country’s future.
All for it if Chinese people wanted it ;)

But not likely when China is undergoing unprecedently fast herd immunization with very little death and disruption :)



Regular Member
Jun 2, 2022
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@SCL not sure why you are so opinionated that all Indians must be wishing for high Covid casualities in China. Nooo we don't have such devilish wish and actually wish and pray that this is the most mild variant China is going through and that Chinese get herd immunity as soon as possible. It's in mutual interest you know that no new variants can re-surface from such waves that can affect the whole world all over again!!

If you know common Indians like me, you would understand that most of us don't carry any ill feelings or hatred towards Chinese as such. Actually our civilizations have been intertwined with mutual exchange of ideas and spirituality from Centuries. Search for Bodhidharma and find how he had made Shaolin monastery his home back in 5th century CE. Similarly we still have maoists who want to democratically come to power in Indian states like Bengal and Kerala. If only CCP atheists can stop brain washing their compatriots, citizens of both nations can be living in harmony and with compassion just like their ancestors used to. Just can't imagine why both nations can't be agreeing on an international border and demilitarize when countries like US and Canada did just that and benefitting immensely from the gains. Imagine the amount of budget that can be diverted to research and development(not defense R&D mind you), education etc. Don't pretend as if China is a Super powaa and there is no poverty and all that. The savings diverted from demilitarization can help uplifting those poor Chinese from remote rural areas.

Vasudhaiva kutumbakam and for world peace!
Giving you the benefit of doubt and hoping you are mature enough to think for yourself and agree or disprove what I said after enough research:

It's in mutual interest you know that no new variants can re-surface from such waves that can affect the whole world all over again!!
This is very ideal way of thinking and nations and people don't function like that. It was in the mutual interest of China to lock down itself and tell the truth to the world about the virus that originated in its territory.

What did it do? It bribed the WHO's chief, made him announce that everything is fine and chill. The naive and dumb world believed it and allowed the spread of virus from China. Then we had a full fucking year of lockdown. And the virus got back in China again, as a more sinister variant.

Rather than controlling the situation at home, China was fine with the world getting infested and dragged down everyone with it.

Actually our civilizations have been intertwined with mutual exchange of ideas and spirituality from Centuries. Search for Bodhidharma and find how he had made Shaolin monastery his home back in 5th century CE.
I'd say flow of ideas rather than intertwining. There wasn't a constant back and forth. There was not much exchange between people, civilization and kingdoms. In fact, India and China are recent neighbors. There was always a buffer in between. It was permanently gone with Tibet.

Similarly we still have maoists who want to democratically come to power in Indian states like Bengal and Kerala.
Maoists and democracy? I don't know all the political parties in India and their agenda, but I do know that anyone who is inspired by Mao mostly brought problems to this country. Maybe I'm wrong and these political parties are different and just have a name of a guy that killed tens of millions.

If only CCP atheists can stop brain washing their compatriots, citizens of both nations can be living in harmony and with compassion just like their ancestors used to.
Again, our ancestors were thousands of miles apart. There was very little people-to-people exchange in comparison to say Xinjiang, Central Asia or even the Southeast Asia.

We didn't live in harmony. We just lived separately and hence there was little conflict. By the time we did become neighbors properly for almost the first time, it was during Qing Empire and British Raj.

This harmony in living together is just imagined stuff that media or pacifists say. The regions, civilizations and kingdoms that surrounded Han Chinese Civilization—the China proper were all eventually conquered, and their people either became minorities in their own land or they're just driven out.

The list is Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia. This is the fate of 'neighbors' that were living in 'harmony'.

Just can't imagine why both nations can't be agreeing on an international border and demilitarize when countries like US and Canada did just that and benefitting immensely from the gains.
Urgh, you had to pick this example out of all.

There is no armed forces at the US-Canada border because one country is completely subservient to another. US doesn't even need an army on the border because the moment Canadian army gathers and orders an attack on the US borders, the CIA will know. For the US that staged many coups, it's just another Tuesday to oust the Canadian leaders and install their puppets.

Moving on from that example, the reason why China and India won't just vacate the armed forces from the borders is simple: Nations do not want to give away any strategic space that puts them in a position of vulnerability.

You and your neighbor can leave your house doors open at night, based on your trust. But the moment one of you thinks of robbing, it's over.

If we really demilitarize, and suddenly either we attack them or they attack us, the damage to the attacked party would be incredibly high. They might stabilize and stop the invader from advancing from further, but the damage is already done and its irreparable.

Imagine China losing Tibet, Xinjiang or India losing Northeast and Jammu. Besides, a lot of our population lives close to China's border, the death count would be enormous.

Since the cost of the mistake is so high, no country would even dare to attempt this risky but ideal move of demilitarization.

Now, don't bring up nukes. Even if the invaded country uses nukes, it'll become a global pariah and the international community will support the invader so that the war gets over. Geopolitics are just that cold.

Imagine the amount of budget that can be diverted to research and development(not defense R&D mind you), education etc.
Whatever amount it is, that money pales in comparison to what China is achieving by keeping our border unstable.

China can afford to spend more money than us. So, even if we spend $10 B and they spend $30 B, we'll be the ones feeling the heat.

The money we're using for border would've otherwise used for development and help us grow. What happens if we do grow? We'll be able to spend way more money on our borders without feeling any heat. Then, China would've to spend way more than $30 B to keep their border secure.

This is why China would rather hinder India's development, keep it on the edge and burn money for that than allow India's ascent without any disruption.

Because from China's POV, a prosperous India is more dangerous because it can spend way more money on border.

Forget our intentions in doing so, we'll have the capability. Period.

For any geostrategic calculations, nations decide based on capabilities. China would rather have a weaker India that wants to attack but can't than a prosperous India that might be peaceful today but can suddenly turn hostile tomorrow.

It's fundamental geopolitics, especially the one that China follows. Your neighbors can be powerful, but they shouldn't be powerful enough to threaten you. And it's your duty to keep them weak.

China condemns Japan arming itself while it continues to upgrade the world's second largest military. Hypocritical. But Why? China wants Japan to stay weak so that it doesn't have to spend part of it strength to balance Japan.

Don't pretend as if China is a Super powaa and there is no poverty and all that. The savings diverted from demilitarization can help uplifting those poor Chinese from remote rural areas.
Again, if China has an equal India on its border, it'll feel insecure. India might want peace but it can also attack China since it has the power to do so. Then, India from west and US from east will be China's nightmare.

To avoid such situation, China would rather have a slower poverty eradication than keep India unhindered.

Whatever common Chinese people feel or want has nothing to do with this. It's a national strategy purely based on national interests.

--- --- ---

And you tell me, why should China listen to India? They have a lot more money. Their poverty is far lower. Even if there are still poor, rural people there, their standards of living will improve sooner or later.

China can of course cooperate with India in peace. But from China's POV, even if they do that, India might attack them and they'll have a big enemy from the himalayas.

While it might seem the good option for China to make peace with India and grow, this approach will always have a risk element of Indian hostility after India develops. So, they'd rather pick a more hostile approach and keep India down. This way is 100% safer for them.

If both nations had trust, maybe peaceful method would've been possible. But such trust doesn't exist. Be it India or China, both view each other with suspicion thanks to 1962 (&1967).

And with every border intrusion, every salami slicing attempt, the trust will only go lower.

If China can attack India in Galwan in the midst of its worst pandemic, why should India ever trust China to not attack it when it demilitarizes?

-- -- --

If you might want peace with Chinese people and a good relationship with them, go ahead. No one is stopping you from visiting China and making friends there.

But do not apply people-to-people relationship angle to nation-to-nation.

And on why this chinese guy on the forum goes above and beyond to defend his country:

not sure why you are so opinionated that all Indians must be wishing for high Covid casualities in China.
He takes hatred of Chinese state (CCP) as hatred of Chinese people. We bash CCP's activities and what happened there and it's interpreted as wishing death of their people.

And mind you, average Chinese doesn't know much about Indians. Their viewpoint is very narrow and whatever little they do know is very curated by their government.

For it's part, CCP is pretty competent in creating a narrative of 'World against China'. You can go read their history, check their political speeches, etc.

There is this constant narrative running since decades that world is just hostile to China and CCP is the savior of the chinese people.

For this narrative to be rationalized, people and nations around China have to be hostile. Indians must be evil and wishing death of China and Chinese. All Americans must be viewing China as this big communist leader that must be crushed.

It's a Self-Fulfilling prophecy. Because China acted as if the world was against it, many countries did indeed turn against it. But not all blame is on China. West is also looking to curb China after all.

So, Americans get narrow views of China, Chinese get narrow view of Americans. Hostility between people grows as the line between national enmity and public enmity blurs.

China has remained suspicious of India and views us as US' pawns in the region. So, in any conflict we have with them, we'll be seen as the extended hand of US. And any aggression from their side gets justified. So, in any conflict, India becomes the villain.

If you're an avg. patriotic Chinese who watches news and learn that India is attacking your nation again and again unprovoked and aligning with the US, chances are your hatred for the country might also spill into hatred for the people.

Unless you stand to gain anything from people of that enemy nation, you'll hold negative views of them. This might not be as vile as Paki's hatred towards us, but it'd surely be unfavorable.

Oh and an avg. patriotic Indian also has negative views of China after all the shit they did at the border since 2020. They can still sit down and talk and even be friends. But when national issues are discussed, they'll view it through the lens of narrative they believe in.

The Chinese guy views Indians negatively for the same reason.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Good analysis by someone who knows how the CCP twists definitions to fudge data like no Covid deaths.

Do you know that in CCPia, you don’t need a medical degree to become a “doctor”? This type of massive healthcare scams like traveling doctors and adulterated, fake pharma industry running into the billions of yuans existed even before the Wuhan virus pandemic. A health system built on such fake and poor quality medical education certainly cannot handle the current overflow of patients.

There have been massive health scandals in CCPia even before the Wuhan virus debacle. Even blood thinners were tainted. Just look at this video below to see how many highly critical to health items are tainted there. When a dictatorship allows a cabal of frauds from one city famous for its fake goods to control 50% of its health care system, we know for sure that these hospital systems and medicines are mostly for fleecing poor peasants. Such a system can never deliver quality healthcare. No way.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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More information about how even their health care industry is fake.

Fake PhD mills as well:

Hey the CCP “doctors” are in stealing and selling new born babies. You want one, SCL?

“I got hired as a fake doctor in China” says this white dude with no job and no degree.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Of course illegal organ harvesting as usual is rampant. When “doctors” in CCPia do everything except practice medicine, the Wuhan virus is going to kill millions of peasants and party secretaries lol. The CCP knows that the entire health system is built on fake expertise and hence all the zero Covid nonsense. No real doctors. All too real deaths.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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If this well done video in what happens to truth speaking real doctors in CCPia does not wake you up, nothing else will. Know that the CCP is pure evil and resfor deaths of hundreds of thousands of poor Chinese peasants. Anyone who believes in “vasudheva kutumbakan“ with these murderous bastards needs to have their heads treated.
Dr. Li Wenliang, murdered by the CCP, is the real Chinese hero. These CCP bootlickers like SCL are a real curse for humanity and deserve to die a painful death for spreading falsehoods in support of the Chinese Criminals Party.



Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Not just medicines but CCPia is running out of water as well, thanks to stupid CCP policies of overbuilding cities and stuffing them with concrete and steel all over in the name of GDP growth. The CCP are just a bunch of foolish heathen. That’s all.

No wonder 20 patients are dying every hour in 1 hospital in Beijing.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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On top of all this, the massive air pollution in CCPia pretty much makes it fatal for every peasant and party Secretary. See the air quality index scores in real time for CCPia now. See how neighboring Japan, Taiwan etc are all green/yellow. But CCPia eastern seaboard is a giant purple and red :)

Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 6.28.44 PM.png


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2022
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Thanks for believing i am Telugu guy. Well, just to prove to others who still don't , that i can read Devanagari on your post script - Janani Janma Bhoomischya, Swargadapi Gareeyasi. Telugu is highly Sanscritized and actor NTR used this in one of his fimi songs Hope this puts an end to all suspicions about my identity!
On top of all this, the massive air pollution in CCPia pretty much makes it fatal for every peasant and party Secretary. See the air quality index scores in real time for CCPia now. See how neighboring Japan, Taiwan etc are all green/yellow. But CCPia eastern seaboard is a giant purple and red :)

View attachment 187614
You forgot the cancer villages...the massive pollution lead to creation of cancer villages.

The Shrike

Senior Member
Jun 12, 2021
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@SexyChineseLady great governance from a space age China.
So basically a re run of 2020 - Let's wait and watch if there is an uptick in hospitalizations or deaths on Italy.


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2016
So basically a re run of 2020 - Let's wait and watch if there is an uptick in hospitalizations or deaths on Italy.
Is our authority keeping check /mandatory COVID test or any kind of check on PRC citizens or in general passenger from SEA?

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