Why did China withdraw from Arunachal in 1962 skirmish?


Air Warrior
New Member
Aug 18, 2010
Jawaharlal Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962

NEW DELHI: Ironically, at a time when the US is said to be helping India emerge as a counter-balance to China, comes evidence that the fading superpower was of little value for New Delhi when it desperately needed help to keep the same China at bay in the 1962 war.

While bringing back memories of perhaps the worst humiliation independent India suffered, the disclosure in the US of details of letters written by then PM Jawaharlal Nehru to President John F Kennedy seeking "comprehensive assistance" from the US against China shows the pragmatic dimension of his policy of non-alignment.

According to reports, Nehru sought aid from the US in these letters, which have been made accessible by the JFK Library in Washington, in the form of air power including fighter aircraft and pilots to handle them and train Indian staff. While it was known even at the time of the 1962 war that Nehru had sought `general' help from the US, the extent to which Nehru had gone in seeking military aid was not known.

The two letters are still classified by the White House and State Department apparently at the request of the Indian government. The Indian government in the past has denied existence of these letters.

While seeking comprehensive aid in the second letter, Nehru said India had not asked for more help, particularly air power, because of "wider ramifications" and because it did not want to embarrass its friends.

Admitting that Indians couldn't use air strikes against the rampaging Chinese army for fear of retaliatory action, Nehru went on to specifically ask for 12 squadrons of supersonic all-weather fighters and a modern radar system. He also mentioned that these aircraft would have to be manned by US personnel while the Indians were still being trained.

Apart from it having the potential of embarrassing the Congress party, the disclosure has also been described by foreign policy experts, including former foreign secretary Kapil Sibal and former diplomat G Parthasarathy, as a clear case of US letting India down badly. "What has come out is factually correct. These facts came out after the event too but the important thing is that only after we got nothing from the US did arms supplies from the Soviet Union to India commence," Parthasarathy said.

Sibal described the contents of the letters as Nehru's desperate bid for help against all the principles he had espoused as a leader of the non-aligned movement even though he added that what Nehru did should be judged in the context of history. "Given the Cold War and Communism, it was the only available option for him. Our forces suffered a rout and it was a personal setback for an ailing Nehru given what happened to his Hindi-Chini initiative. The moral of the story is to build up a strong defence against China," Sibal said.

AICC spokesman Manish Tewari, however, justified Nehru's action. "It is part of historical record that India did request the major powers including the US for logistical help to repudiate the Chinese aggression. This is exactly what enlightened national interest means -- that is putting the nation first," he said.



Air Warrior
New Member
Aug 18, 2010
Jawaharlal Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962

Admitting that Indians couldn't use air strikes against the rampaging Chinese army for fear of retaliatory action, Nehru went on to specifically ask for 12 squadrons of supersonic all-weather fighters and a modern radar system. He also mentioned that these aircraft would have to be manned by US personnel while the Indians were still being trained.
What is the use in maintaining the Air force if it is not served in need for the country?? GOI did a blunder.. whatsoever IAF should have pulled into action to support ground troops..

Sibal described the contents of the letters as Nehru's desperate bid for help against all the principles he had espoused as a leader of the non-aligned movement even though he added that what Nehru did should be judged in the context of history. "Given the Cold War and Communism, it was the only available option for him. Our forces suffered a rout and it was a personal setback for an ailing Nehru given what happened to his Hindi-Chini initiative. The moral of the story is to build up a strong defence against China," Sibal said.
A moral was learned during 1962 war!! But was that really implemented or realized??? :angry_1:


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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It was Congress' idealism that almost tore India into 2 halves with Kashmir almost going away to Pakistan and Arunachal to China. For greed of power (which is still prevalent), Nehru tried to become a cult figure like Gandhi to create an image and thought that stupid idealism would make him immortal and unique PM of India. The fool almost destroyed India and had it not been for Sardar Patel, today eastern half would be speaking Chinese and northwest half would be speaking Urdu (not Hindi).

It gets my blood boiling with anger and shame that such people rule our country and this makes my feeling stronger than only ex military officers should come to the position of power like PM, Defence minister, etc who know how to be decisive. Being decisive is the last thing that Indian government knows and that is something we need to learn seriously before another future invasion happens. Conventional invasion is not existent anymore; but there are other ways. Recently ULFA and NDFB were found to be procuring Chinese arms through intermediaries in Burma and Bangladesh.

How convenient is that!? And what is IB/GOI doing to crush these agencies? Nothing. Chidambaram finally permitted the use of brute force against Bodo terrorists which should have been done a decade back. Same thing needs to be done to Isaak Muivah first and finally to Maoists. Even if it is a mini-civil war, once we clear that dirt, we will be able to regain our growth.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Actually, the whole problem of insurrection in India is because Indian States were based on linguistic lines.

This has germinated in ethnic and linguistic sub nationalism.


Global Defence Moderator
New Member
Apr 20, 2009
i totally agree if we had worked within the unified state agency system that was handed over to us it would have been better

but there to the INC had played spoil sport congress had promised during the indpendence struggle that if india had got the Independence that states woukld be reorganized in to liguistic based states


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
Linguistic states may have created some problems but they also solved many other problems.

I would say that on balance, linguist states have served India well. No state or language group feels threatened about the suppression of their language. Southern states in particular could integrate better with this policy.


New Member
Nov 28, 2010
Honestly, I feel if we had a repeat now, we would still get a drubbing. Don't forget what the Defense Minister himself said a while back, 'We are not ready for a war'. PERIOD.

Guys, we are only fooling ourselves, China was and always will be better than us, unless we wake up and clean up our political system. I strongly believe, a defense minister should have some background in the Army. I know some of you might disagree, but do you honestly think there is one politician in our Union who can be a capable defense minister.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Maj Jaswant Singh, his son (in TA), Maj Gen Khanduri, KP SinghDeo (TA) but not Suresh Kalmadi!

They are politicians and in Parliament/ Assembly.

Notwithstanding how things stand, we will not get a drubbing and will not only be able to hold our own, but may have some tricks up our sleeves too!

Remember the frontiers with China are not very Chinese!


Tihar Jail
Dec 10, 2012
the so called " IAF was better than PLAAF in 1962" is just a myth.

with the help of Soviet, PLAAF was global 3rd biggest air force in 1962, armed with thousands of mg19 and mg17. at that time, mig19 and mig17 were still quite advanced.

Furthermore, during 1953-1957, China succeeded in finishing "1.5" plan and finished the indigenizaiton of mig19.

if IAF had fought against PLAAF, IAF would have woren up in weeks.
You are respected member , how many aircraft PLAAF has shot down till now?

If you think u can ramp ur aircrafts instead of shooting them down similar to what u did in Hainan:frusty: , im afraid ur IAF woring up comment has no metal to it
Hainan Island incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Honestly, I feel if we had a repeat now, we would still get a drubbing. Don't forget what the Defense Minister himself said a while back, 'We are not ready for a war'. PERIOD.

Guys, we are only fooling ourselves, China was and always will be better than us, unless we wake up and clean up our political system. I strongly believe, a defense minister should have some background in the Army. I know some of you might disagree, but do you honestly think there is one politician in our Union who can be a capable defense minister.
well reluctantly i somehow agree with u


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Maj Jaswant Singh, his son (in TA), Maj Gen Khanduri, KP SinghDeo (TA) but not Suresh Kalmadi!

They are politicians and in Parliament/ Assembly.

Notwithstanding how things stand, we will not get a drubbing and will not only be able to hold our own, but may have some tricks up our sleeves too!

Remember the frontiers with China are not very Chinese!
Are you also one of the candidates ??


Tihar Jail
Dec 10, 2012
Honestly, I feel if we had a repeat now, we would still get a drubbing. Don't forget what the Defense Minister himself said a while back, 'We are not ready for a war'. PERIOD.

Guys, we are only fooling ourselves, China was and always will be better than us, unless we wake up and clean up our political system. I strongly believe, a defense minister should have some background in the Army. I know some of you might disagree, but do you honestly think there is one politician in our Union who can be a capable defense minister.
Only fools will disagree with u , but IAF vs PLAAF will be intresting if war breaks out


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Honestly, I feel if we had a repeat now, we would still get a drubbing. Don't forget what the Defense Minister himself said a while back, 'We are not ready for a war'. PERIOD.

Donald Rumsfeld has said, "As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time."

That is a truism.

It has happened in all wars we have been engaged in.

Ideal is desirable, but it always remains illusive.

If indeed Saint Anthony feels that we are not ready, well, he is doing his utmost best to ensure we are never ready, and what is worse, is that maybe we are worse off than ever before when we engaged in war.

The sooner he realises that, it will be better.

But then it will be too late, since Chidambaram will say we don't have the money and you did not use it when we had! Sorry, Anthony Maharaj we cannot write off the accumulated requirement that you rejected over the years to ensure you were Mr Clean, and without a clue in the world to suggest how to circumvent the rot that your mindless PNC manoeuverings has encouraged!
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New Member
Sep 14, 2009
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well we are not ready everything is on papers

no one want to see how the ground reality , i am missing last army chief .


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
The future honorable RM.....

Your avatar does support presidential signature...
I do not have the muscle power or the money power to become a politician, nor do I wish to have this dishonorable, disreputable, ignoble, ignominious, infamous, inglorious tag attached.

That are the essentials which our pontificating politicians like Mani Shankar Aiyer forgets, when he and others try to justify that people should join politics if they are so keen to clean the filth that goes in the name of being representatives of the people!
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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Why did China withdraw from Arunachal in 1962 skirmish?

Because the mountain and high altitude crows on which Chinese were feeding exhausted !

What it implies that their logistics did not support their operations across Himalayas.

Secondly, they could have never withstood the likely Indian counter attack for which forces were re grouping from all over.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
It is hard to defend an objective which low on supply and that too can be cut off, verses well supplied and massive forces backed by quick reinforcements / arty through good infrastructure..

The supply lines are narrow and can be easily cut off by air-power, those days there were no AAA/SAM to defend in such small compact mountain peaks from airpower, besides India had airbases few kms from these location and China had few and too far away..

Looking at these facts its logical to dug in where you can hold and can be a staging area for future invasion, that is inside China..

IF i understand correctly, mr ahmedsid u seem to have said theat the terrain was a limiting factor to defend arunachal which they overran in 1962 ...... so please if you would and i mean i would be most grateful to know why they gave up their conquest in 1962 but held onto the aksai chin area which is also high altitude ...
Thanks in advance


New Member
May 14, 2014
China withdrew from Arunachal or NEFA because by the end of war Cuban Missile crisis was solved. China attacked India when 2 superpowers were busy at Cuba.

Possible US and Soviet military help to India forced China to withdraw in excuse of goodwill gesture.

