Su-30 MKI

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New Member
Oct 7, 2009
GPS system is based on global navigation satellite system. So naturally if a a/c or other carrying a GPS receiver and US knows the GPS code of the reciever tey can monitor the movement. Currently this is the only most reliable navigation system available to anybody, since Russian GLONASS is in disarray.

But Russia, in collaboration with India, plans to repair GLONASS network by sendinf about 18 new satellites by 2011. I guess once GLONASS becomes operational, IAF or any other Indian service will change into GLONASS from GPS. Until that happens GPS is best system available and since US is NOT the enemy, it is not a matter to worry since most others use GPS anyway.
Thanks for bringing up GLONASS system ,this topic was long lost,no updates yet.Then how come they gonna make it fully operational by 2011

I think we need a thread to discuss this system
Not just that there is zero input from our side into this system known to public to this date.


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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Jack Prince and Arun , check the world space thread regarding GLONASS updates . It is almost complete.

@jackPrince , GPS systems can be even tied to the neck of a Dog . How can USA will know which one is tied to which . WE got IRNSS on the way and we also have joined(Galileo) Eurpean Equivalent too ...


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Jun 18, 2009
OLS-35-IRST option for Su-30 family
A contemporary fighter needs periodically upgrade to keep pace with the human technical progress. One of the most promising sensor system for this is the IRST systems, allowing detection of the enemy in air, on the ground and ocean surface. One of the most prominent developers and manufacturers of such systems in Russia is FSUE 'Science-Research Institute for Precision Instrument Engineering' (Moscow). Its traditional specialization was the laser-optical systems for space installations. The production is intended for high-precision trajectory measurements in visible and IR spectrum and laser ranging of objects, like satellite and missiles.

Other products are as follow:

- Quantum-optic systems for trajectory measurement, photometry, satellite and missiles in fly picturing.
- Laser retro-reflecting systems
- Geodesic satellites
- Inter-satellite laser communication systems
- GLONASS satellites communication systems
- Laser range-finders for space crafts
- Ecologic monitoring systems
- Atmospheric laser communication systems

The IRST (OLS) systems – are a relative new part in the Institute's activity. Despite this, it offers now two IRST systems with superb technical characteristics. One of them – OLS-UE is offered as a part of MiG-35 program, and the second – is OLS-35 installed on Su-35 fighter, 50 of which were contracted by the Russian AF. OLS-35 is also available for all Su-27/Su-30 family upgrade. It can be a part of Su-30MKI upgrading deal, which is negotiated now in Moscow (Oct.14-15) in the Indo-Russian tech-mil committee summit.

Both stations have almost analogous ability with longer range for OLS-35. They implement the follow features:

- Airspace scanning in air-to-air mode
- Aerial, ground and water surface target detection, locking-on and tracking
- Ground surface scanning
- Target image recognition
- Target angular coordinates, range and angular and linear velocity determination
- TV, IR and TV+IR video and message output to the cockpt multifunctional displays
- Interaction with the aircraft targeting and guidance complex
- Operation at a full range of altitudes, ground and sky backgrounds, day and night, in different visual meteorological conditions and jamming interference
- Ground target illumination by laser emission
- Autonomous functioning and radio silence mode
In addition, according to the manufacturer, OLS-35 is able for detection and tracking of a laser mark on the target.

The difference in specs of two IRSTs is as follow:


Scanning angular limits
Azimuth +-90 +-90
Elevation -15/+60 -15/+60

Airborne target detection range, km
In rear hemisphere 60 90
In front hemisphere 15 35

Range measurement, km
Airborne 15 20
Ground 20 30

Instant field-of-view 10 x 7.5 10 x 7.5
Dimension 729 x 386 x 410 740 x 807 x 608
Mass, kg 78 83



New Member
Oct 8, 2009
Stealth is a different issue altogether. This involves two things. First, the rays that come to the aircraft should get deflected so as not to send the signal back to the source. This is achieved by the geometry of the aircraft which ensures maximum deflection and hence stealth. The other issue is about the aircraft radar itself that should not emit unnecessary signals.
All true.

Both these issues have been taken care of adequately in this aircraft.
Questionable at best. Lack of even basic details as to how.


New Member
May 25, 2009
All true.

Questionable at best. Lack of even basic details as to how.
It's open source. MKIs will have more composites after 2014(UAC wants only 30% while HAL is insisting on more than 65% in surface area) and also a newly developed RAM coating. Along with using an Irbis based AESA(possibly).

Possibly Super Hornet like modifications to reduce RCS, that's all. The Su-35BM claims a frontal RCS of less than 1m2, similar to the Super Hornet.


Tihar Jail
Aug 6, 2009
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OLS-35-IRST option for Su-30 family
Still some tricks to use. Sukhoi OLS-30 Infra-Red Search and Track set sees flare of Super-Hornet' missile launch at long range ? gives time to turn away and wait until Super-Hornet' missile fall into sea. Then turn back to close again. Have lots of fuel and many weapons, so can play «cat and mouse» for some turns. Grisha likes upgrade to OLS-35, which looks all round Sukhoi aircraft all the time.



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May 6, 2009
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Su-30MKI could hunt for pirates in Gulf of Aden

Friday, October 16th

The Indian Air Force (IAF) may deploy fighter jets for carrying out anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden, a top IAF official revealed on Wednesday.

IAF Vice-Chief Air Marshal P.K. Barbora said the air force could be called upon to support anti-piracy operations off the Somalian coast to deal with the expanding footprint of the pirates.

“If the swatch becomes any bigger, the navy may not be able to cover the entire area due to constraints of speed and vessels. This is when the IAF may be asked to offer help,” said Barbora, on the first-ever Indo-Oman air exercise, codenamed Eastern Bridge, from October 22-29.

He said, “We may not necessarily employ firepower… we can send fighters to carry out patrols (over pirate-infested waters). The Sukhoi-30 has great endurance.”

He said the war games could prove beneficial with regard to any future deployment in anti-piracy operations, taking into accounting Oman’s geographical location.

The IAF is flying six Jaguars, two IL-78 midair refuelers and 136 personnel to the Thumrait airbase in southern Oman for the exercise.

The ambit of the exercise will encompass live firing, operations in desert terrain and integrated air-to-ground missions.

The Royal Air Force of Oman is the only other air force in the world to operate the Jaguars. It also operates F-16s.

Su-30MKI could hunt for pirates in Gulf of Aden IDRW.ORG


DFI Technocrat
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Mar 7, 2009
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Does Su-30Mki equipped with Rear facing radar?
nope...not yet...Smart skin concept is not yet developed. only after it is success full it will come into existence......


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Jul 6, 2009
nope...not yet...Smart skin concept is not yet developed. only after it is success full it will come into existence......
M not speaking about the smart skin concept. Its still under development. Somewhere i read that Su-30Mki Has The rear facing radar like Su-34


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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Su 30 MKI can see targets up to 60 Km in rear hemisphere..


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Jun 29, 2009
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President to fly in supersonic Sukhoi


President Pratibha Patil now wants to do an A P J Abdul Kalam. That is, fly in IAF’s most potent supersonic fighter jet, the

Sukhoi-30MKI. There is, however, no word yet whether she, much like the former President, will also sail underwater in a submarine and visit the world’s highest battlefield at Siachen.
Defence ministry sources on Thursday said plans were afoot for the `presidential flight’ on the twin-seater Sukhoi at Lohegaon airbase in Pune on November 24-25. Before tearing into the skies in the fourth-generation jet, she will undergo a medical check-up and specific pre-flight instructions, including ejection procedures.

IAF, of course, will take all care to ensure Patil is comfortable in the fighter cockpit, with the Sukhoi pilot likely to eschew combat manoeuvres and stick to a simple cruising flight of around Mach 1 (just over 1,000 kmph).

Combat manoeuvres in supersonic jets expose pilots to dynamic gravitational forces, or G-forces, which decrease blood pressure to the head and can even lead to G-LOC (G-induced loss of consciousness) in extreme circumstances.

Kalam, the father of the Indian missile programme, had grabbed nation-wide eyeballs by first undertaking a sortie in a Kilo-class submarine in February 2006, and then following it with one on a Sukhoi in June 2006.

Though many will dub Patil’s flight as a publicity jaunt, coming as it does in Kalam’s footsteps, the first-ever woman `supreme commander’ of the armed forces might just also send a signal to the defence establishment that it’s time IAF allowed women fighter pilots.

Though women have been inducted as officers in armed forces since the early 1990s, they still constitute an extremely small minority in the male-dominated environs of the uniformed services.

There are just over 1,000 women out of 35,000 officers in Army; around 750 out of 10,500 officers in IAF; and around 180 out of 7,000 officers in Navy.

There are over 60 woman pilots in IAF at present. But while they can fly transport aircraft and helicopters, they cannot come near fighters, much like they are not allowed on warships in Navy and `combat arms’ in Army like infantry, artillery and armoured corps.

Moreover, women can serve only for a maximum of 14 years despite their repeated demands for permanent commission. It was only recently that the government approved permanent commission for women in legal and education branches of armed forces.

The military top brass says there are `operational, practical and cultural problems’ in allowing women to fly fighters or serve in infantry or on board warships. Only time will tell if the President’s Sukhoi flight makes a difference. Or, remains a mere flight of fancy.


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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Cross posting

The best jet fighter of the 20th century
The Su-30MKI is considered an unbeatable fighting machine. This has been borne out in air battles with potential adversaries. The first time it was done was in the early Nineties, when Su-27 pilots were invited to take part in military training with the F-15.
The rules of the “battle” required the Russian planes to get on the tail of the American jets, then the opponents changed places. In a real battle, this would allow directing a missile and hitting the target. In both scenarios, Sus were victorious. According to someone who took part in those exercises, chief of the Lipetsk Air Force Training centre Major General Aleksandr Harchevsky, due to its high manoeuvrability and thrust-to-weight ratio, the Su-27 gained speed on the upward trajectory faster than F-15.
The F-15 constantly needed to make a kind of a “step” – fly along a straight line for a certain period of time. The Russian pilots took advantage of that – they persuaded the Americans to go upward, at which point they lost speed, and the Sus, having made a sharp turn, found themselves on the tail of the enemy. A moment later and the target was “destroyed”.
Thus, when the Americans learnt that India had acquired the more advanced Su-30s, they decided to pay them a visit. In their exercises they decided to use the improved F-15. The result of the meeting was 6:4 in favour of the Su-30. However, instead of the Su-30MKI, the Indians used the ordinary training Su-30, a machine without the new radar or thrust vector control. The next time Americans arrived in India, they brought the improved F-16.
“This fighter jet is smaller and lighter than our Su-30,” says Simonov. “Thus, logically, it ought to be more manoeuvrable and win in close combat. But everything was exactly the opposite. Su-30MKIs were used. The defeat was unquestionable.”


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
Cross posting

The best jet fighter of the 20th century
The Su-30MKI is considered an unbeatable fighting machine. This has been borne out in air battles with potential adversaries. The first time it was done was in the early Nineties, when Su-27 pilots were invited to take part in military training with the F-15.
The rules of the “battle” required the Russian planes to get on the tail of the American jets, then the opponents changed places. In a real battle, this would allow directing a missile and hitting the target. In both scenarios, Sus were victorious. According to someone who took part in those exercises, chief of the Lipetsk Air Force Training centre Major General Aleksandr Harchevsky, due to its high manoeuvrability and thrust-to-weight ratio, the Su-27 gained speed on the upward trajectory faster than F-15.
The F-15 constantly needed to make a kind of a “step” – fly along a straight line for a certain period of time. The Russian pilots took advantage of that – they persuaded the Americans to go upward, at which point they lost speed, and the Sus, having made a sharp turn, found themselves on the tail of the enemy. A moment later and the target was “destroyed”.
Thus, when the Americans learnt that India had acquired the more advanced Su-30s, they decided to pay them a visit. In their exercises they decided to use the improved F-15. The result of the meeting was 6:4 in favour of the Su-30. However, instead of the Su-30MKI, the Indians used the ordinary training Su-30, a machine without the new radar or thrust vector control. The next time Americans arrived in India, they brought the improved F-16.
“This fighter jet is smaller and lighter than our Su-30,” says Simonov. “Thus, logically, it ought to be more manoeuvrable and win in close combat. But everything was exactly the opposite. Su-30MKIs were used. The defeat was unquestionable.”
This is just great stuff! I'm so fed up with plenty of Americans on you tube falsely claim that F-15 (or any other USA plane) was totally superior to SU-30MKI on Red Flag which is utter NONSENSE! Once again, thanks for this text!:india:Go India!Jai Hindi!


Mob Control Manager
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Feb 12, 2009
Hitting an air pocket | Hard News

The IAF has on order 220 Su-30 MKI aircraft with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and Sukhoi Aviation, and is expected to soon order another 70-90 direct from Sukhoi Aviation to plug gaps in its inventory. The Su-30 MKI is considered the most advanced and versatile of the 4.5 generation fighters. In exercises, it has consistently outperformed comparable aircrafts like the USAF's F-15 Eagle. The Su-30 is a monster of a plane and weighs 17,700 kg empty and 38,800 kg fully loaded. It has a combat radius of over 2,000 km. Despite its size, it is extremely agile and manoeuvrable.


Founding Member
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Feb 17, 2009
It would be much more prudent enough to purchase surplus MKI's in order to arrest ever increasing downfall in our squadran strength. Well, I am not that highly excited about so called MRCA, what I am really worried about is declining numbers in IAF.

At the same time, we should not forget the fact that despite Super performance of MKI and IAF's emotional attachment with it, it would not be easier to order excess MKI's. Since HAL's production lines are full and direct purchase of MKI from Russia will certainly going to create a raw about giving an exception to Russians to comply with 50% Offset clause. Personally, I don't bother about offset clause because declining stenght level will create grim picture in already boiling arena in Sub-Continent. And hence, only way out from this, is to order Tejas in large number as soon as possible alongwith carrying out whatever testing to be done on all other test aircrafts.


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Jun 29, 2009
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Air force looks for G-suits as Prez gets ready to fly Su-30 -

New Delhi: She isn't fit enough to be a fighter pilot, nor is she at an age to think of becoming one. Besides, the air force doesn't even have a G-suit that fits her. But president Pratibha Patel has made up her mind. She would fly in a Sukhoi-30 MKI -- the Indian Air Force's most potent fighter.

In military style, detailing planning is underway in Pune and Delhi to ensure that the first woman president of the country has a smooth ride, like her predecessor APJ Abdul Kalam. Air force sources said the president would be flying for almost 30 minutes over Pune later this month. The probable date is November 25.

The president would sit in the rear seat, as the commanding officer of the Number 20 'Lightning' Squadron based at Lohegaon, Pune, would take the SU-30 to the sky. An air force officer said the president would be given a "slow and steady" ride, but "it won't be boring". She would be exposed to basic manoeuvres that would give her a good idea of the capabilities of the Russian-made fighter. The fighter, however, would not be pushed to the limits.

"It won't be like the ride that Dr Kalam had. He was looking at the performance of the machine, since he was familiar with it. So it was slightly tougher than the ride president Patil would have," a senior officer said.

As the air force prepares for the president's flight, they are faced with some unique challenges. The force does not have a G-suit, flying suit and boots of her size. The air force does not have women fighter pilots, so the single-piece G-suits and flying suits are made to the size of men, who are much taller. The G-suit, specifically the Anti-G-suit, helps pilots in a fighter plane to withstand high acceleration, or g-force.

The G-suit is made of special garment and has inflatable bladders. It is a tight-fighting trouser worn over or under the flying suit. The bladders press tight on the abdomen and stomach, preventing blood from flowing away from the brain, which, otherwise, would result in a blackout


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Jun 29, 2009
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Sukhoi in NE skies from next week

Tezpur, Nov 6 (PTI) Sukhoi fighter jets will start flying in the skies of the northeastern region from next week.

According to defence officials, around six aircraft of the warplane's MKI variant have reached Tezpur air base in Assam a few days ago and a full complement of the warplanes is expected to arrive by the year end.

Flight training and operational sorties of the aircraft are likely to begin early next week and preparations were on in this regard, they said, adding that besides Tezpur, a full squadron of Sukhoi fighter jets would also be deployed at Chabua base in eastern Assam subsequently.

The IAF was also contemplating to deploy another squadron at Bagdogra air base in West Bengal, the officials said.

The Su-30s had operated from Tezpur air base when they were formally inducted in the base on June 15.
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