Su-30 MKI

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wild goose

New Member
Jun 15, 2009
=ZOOM;88510]Then why were you targetting her background as a major reason for her selection of president?
When did that happen? Please don't put words in my mouth.

Justification, so a Prez who is always concern about betterment of this country and uplifiting of people from poverty, cannot even deserve such a little appreciation?
Wowww, let the country be better and people lifted from poverty.

Suffering? please be brief about this so called "suffering"
Do you think it will be easy to prepare a 75 year old woman to fly a fighter ?

What it has anything to do with subject at hand?
IA appreciating her concerns for the betterment of the country and uplifting people from poverty.

Dear, sadly our POVs are different in this topic. You are right from your side and me from mine. Shall we get over it.



New Member
Aug 14, 2009
Speculation of upgrades in media

Exactly what all upgrades are being planned for su-30MKI:help:
a new tikhomirov niip active phased array radar similar to the one on su-35. Refurbishing parts of plane air-frame points with composite to further strengthen it to carry new brahmos missiles and improve stealth as well.the smart skin concept has been worked out to provide sensors on wings or other parts to detect radar tracking etc. An active electronic scanned transmit/receive module. The navigation and attack system has also been upgraded. Link to news.
India Ordering, Modernizing SU-30MKIs?

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
First of all, you should figure out, what prompted you to go one step further and accuse Prez for wasting taxpayers one. Haven't you figure out mindless sense from your own comment when you rather targeted unnecessarily to supreme commander of India of wasting taxpayers money?
If you haven't figured out why I said she is wasting tax-payers money, there is no point replying to your posts.

Why are you stopping at Supreme commander for wasting taxpayers money? you should pull yourself at one further up and accuse everyone including Pilots for wasting so called taxpayers money.
Your clairvoyance is beyond me. From which part of my post you got that the pilots are wasting taxpayers money?

So according to you, who was evaluting fighter all this day and clearing the same for purchase? Why does our PM has inked many defence agreement with their foriegn counterparts in the past including PAK-FA? so according to you even they should not inked those agreement because according to so called "you" they aren't qualified enough to evalute the fighter.
Holy cow! Are we talking about our president or PM? You are just putting words in my mouth changing the entire context of why I mentioned the qualification clause.

Defence Ministers have already flown the same, aren't you aware about former DM? and yes, it should be much more safe enough to think that, because she is so impressed with such fighter jet which easily prompted her to have ride on the same.

Morever, if you are so ignorant about positive prospects of such wishful ride, then get yourself enlighten, she will not only get impressed with such machine, but also she will also get an opportunity to interact with ordinary pilots, maintanance crew and get to address their any issues, queries at first hand.
So finally you agree that it is her wishful ride? No matter what the positive aspects are, if I were the president, I would put my money for flying the sukhoi's for fulfilling my wish, rather than invest tax payers money on it.

Bottom Line: You think the president flying the Sukhois is in air force's interest. I feel its a waste of resources. I respect the president no matter what you think I feel about her. I still feel that this stunt is unnecessary. I wont be replying to this issue anymore, as it is getting totally irrelevant to the thread topic.


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
Guess if our members were in parliament they would have demanded a white paper on the president's interest of flying the su plane and demand a national apology.
Others who think it was a waste read my previous post in this thread. Look at it as a social sector development investment -thank u


New Member
Oct 20, 2009
Exactly what all upgrades are being planned for su-30MKI:help:
Sir this deep upgratation of su 30mki will take this bird much deeper into 5th generation.Mostly the upgradation will be done on avionics & radar tech.Once upgraded su 30mki blk II will have some key advantage over the other top contemporary fighters.Many people talk about MRCA deals and about comparing apples with oranges in this trade but what we got here is a very close look at the different capabilities of rafeal, typhon, SH etc where we did learn a lot about the scopes for improvements that can be achieved in our existing fleet.Before i get into the details of the upgradation i would like to make
a few more key points explicite. Hope you remember after COPE INDIA us pilots said both f 16C & indian bisons were detecting each other at the same moment but bisons could fire the missiles before f 16 resulting in a shocking defeat of USAF.
So such are the fine line of distinction between winer and looser in the modern day warfare. IF we argued before COPE INDIA actually took place most people would have doubted the outcome as US f 16 MCA radar which is vastlly matured projected the same range as kopyo radar in mig 21 bisons.

The two main part of upgration will be 1. ZHUK AE (AESA RADAR). [A parametric analisys and power apurture modelling has been performed on this radar which shows it will out perform russian IBRIS N035 PESA & all other AGP series AESA but AGP 77 (V)2 in RAPTOR.It will be a paradigm shift for this already deadly bird.
2. OLS 35 IRST : another key technology wich is unquestionably far more advanced than anything that US or EUROPE can offer currently.USAF untill recently showed very little interest or advancement in this field and only after the last few war games against india, where the later enjoyed a great advantage over its opponent due to advanced IRST bought from israel and farthur supplimented by indegenous efforts USAF has ordered for advanced IRST devices for its SH & f 15s.
3. some structural changes will also be bought in to atleast partially hide the weapons loads to get stealthier.
4. A new type of russian active stealth (A type of paint which is far more superior to the one existing on mig 21 bisons)
5. A much greater use to composite material to reduce weight and enhance stealth features.
6. brahmos A2G stand off weapon bay.
7. An improved TVC to get rid of the troubles currently being faced by the users.( both indian as well as russians).
8. An improved data link to connect with a greater number of aircraft than present no 4.

some minor upgradation will include some changes in the software to bring commonality and algorithmic parity with PHALCON and future indian GAGAN GPS.


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 17, 2009
When did that happen? Please don't put words in my mouth.
Sorry for the same, I misquoted you for Indianrabbit.

Wowww, let the country be better and people lifted from poverty.
That is happening, or your unwillingness is stoping from seeing the same.

Do you think it will be easy to prepare a 75 year old woman to fly a fighter ?
Why not? this is the reason why IAF has accepted her with both hand.


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 17, 2009
If you haven't figured out why I said she is wasting tax-payers money, there is no point replying to your posts.
Huh! When this has happened. You have certainly manage to understand all other part of my post which was in objection to your Tax Payers tantrum, then how can you now once again make such a false statement.
Your clairvoyance is beyond me. From which part of my post you got that the pilots are wasting taxpayers money?
Go and read again, you seems to have got some reading problems and understand mockery of yours of what will happen in case prez ride on MKI is considered as a waste of tax payers money.
Holy cow! Are we talking about our president or PM? You are just putting words in my mouth changing the entire context of why I mentioned the qualification clause.
The reason for bringing in PM in qualifiation context steam from the fact that, if someone like PM who has no knowledge or qualification about weaponery, but at the same time can sign an agreement with his foreign counterpart for the purchase of the same then it is safe to assume that even President can without the knowledge of fighter jet do have a liberty to not only get impressed with jet by riding on it but also propose the same for purchase.

So finally you agree that it is her wishful ride?
So did you really find something different from my above replies, please explain that as well, because you are certainly qualified enough to understand all other part of my post other then those which has relevance with subject at hand.

No matter what the positive aspects are, if I were the president, I would put my money for flying the sukhoi's for fulfilling my wish, rather than invest tax payers money on it.
Ha Ha Ha Ha! If this is really the case then you should not dream even about being prez because supreme commander's use of weaponery has nothing to do with tax payers money.

Bottom Line: You think the president flying the Sukhois is in air force's interest. I feel its a waste of resources. I respect the president no matter what you think I feel about her. I still feel that this stunt is unnecessary. I wont be replying to this issue anymore, as it is getting totally irrelevant to the thread topic.
Oh so your Bottom Line is irrelvant to topic, then you should certainly thank me to enlighten you for the same.


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Jun 29, 2009
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Samtel cockpit displays for Sukhoi-30MKI

Ajai Shukla / Ghaziabad November 12, 2009,

The Indian Air Force’s Sukhoi-30MKI fighter is a beast that is tamed only by technology. The aircraft’s giant AL-31FP turbofan engines, which allow manoeuvres that no other fighter can dream of, are monitored by its pilots on high-tech computer screens called multi-function displays, or MFDs. A quick glance across the MFDs also provides information about on-board weapons and sensors, telling the pilots everything about how the aircraft is flying and fighting.

These avionics — or aviation electronics — are the most expensive part of a fighter, usually about 35 per cent of its overall cost. Superior avionics provide a combat edge, helping a pilot harness his engines, airframe, sensors and weapons towards victory in aerial duels.

This month, the Su-30MKI will reach a major avionics landmark when NCR-based Samtel Display Systems supplies indigenous MFDs for six Su-30MKIs.

So far, French giant Thales has supplied MFDs for the Su-30MKIs, which are manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd in Nashik. Now Samtel Display Systems, a part of the Samtel Group, will supply these significantly cheaper than Thales.

Signalling its technological confidence, Samtel Display Systems has gone it alone in developing the Su-30MKI MFDs, despite having a JV with Thales. Starting with liquid crystal display (LCD) screens, commercially procured from Japan and Korea, Samtel has ruggedised them for use in military avionics. The display must be easily readable even in bright sunlight; it must be dim enough for the pilot to read at night without losing night vision; it must work at minus 40 degrees Centigrade when conventional LCD screens get frozen solid; and it must absorb the repeated violent impacts of landing on aircraft carriers.

It has taken Samtel five years to develop the MFDs and have them certified as “airworthy”, a mandatory evaluation for all military aviation systems, conducted by the DRDO’s Centre for Military Airworthiness and Certification (CEMILAC).

This success could garner more. Samtel Display Systems has joined hands with HAL, the country’s premier aircraft manufacturer, to form Samtel HAL Display Systems (SHDS), India’s first public-private venture in defence avionics. SHDS aims to indigenise cockpit display systems across the range of aircraft being built by HAL.

But cracking this high-risk market is difficult, even with the main buyer — HAL — as a JV partner. In response to SHDS’s offer to supply displays for HAL’s Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT) at a price significantly cheaper than the current foreign suppliers, HAL has said: first show us how you perform in supplying MFDs for the Su-30MKI.

Interestingly, Samtel has leaped into cutting edge avionics from a relatively low-tech springboard. In 1998 Samtel — then a major supplier of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) television displays — blundered in moving towards plasma display technology, rather than the LCD displays that many rivals chose. With global TV manufacturing majors backing LCD screens, plasma has been relegated to a sideshow.

Currently, TV sales worldwide are 200 million a year. Of these, LCD TVs comprise 105 million pieces, plasma TVs a mere 8 million pieces and the balance are CRT-based sets, which sell mainly in India and China because they are cheaper and can work on batteries. In the medium term and beyond, however, even CRT will dry up as a revenue stream.

But Samtel intends to be the last man standing in the CRT market, embracing a strategy of “obsolescence management”. As CRT production lines close down across the world, Samtel continues to manufacture the CRT displays that remain fitted on many weapons platforms worldwide.

When Sony closed down its Trinitron CRT line, its customer, US avionics major Honeywell, came to Samtel for CRT displays. A Samtel company in Ulm, Germany — purchased from Thales — produces monochrome CRT tubes for users across NATO militaries. And the Samtel Thales JV will now produce and support the Mirage-2000 video display cards, which was hitherto being done by Thales.

Samtel’s global strength in CRT comes from economy of scale and backward integration. It is the world’s only display company that manufactures its own glass. A Samtel group company in Rajasthan just buys sand for making glass for its display tubes. Even as CRT lines shut down across the world, Samtel’s CAGR remains 10-12 per cent, despite lowering its CRT prices 15 per cent annually.

Meanwhile, Samtel Display Systems has launched an ambitious technological leapfrog into Organic Light Emitting Diodes, or OLEDs, next-generation displays that are far more visible than LCDs. So far available only in sizes below 2 inches, they are already being employed on mobile phone screens and gaming controls.

“The OLED is the future of avionics displays,” says Puneet Kaura, executive director, Samtel Display Systems. “We have established a Centre of Excellence in IIT Kanpur, where we develop OLEDs in partnership with IIT Kanpur and the Department of Science and Technology. Some 20-30 per cent of R&D costs are borne by Samtel. ”


New Member
Jun 29, 2009
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Samtel Multi-Functional Display

Samtel LCD Screens

Samtel-Thales Helmet Mounted Display 'TopSight-I'



New Member
Sep 9, 2009
Hi Friends

Can any one help me with How much does the Thales-Samtel MFD cost? what is the cost of MFD manufactured by Samtel? Basically im interested in knowing the price differential between both.

Also the article by Ajay Shukla mentions MFDs as Avionics accounting for 35% of the aircraft cost.

Also I would like to know how long does the testing ( if any ) will last before the new MFDs are given green signal

May be IAF could go on to replace MFDs in all 280 aircrafts and also fit these mfds in LCA.

Many thanks


New Member
Sep 5, 2009
Sir this deep upgratation of su 30mki will take this bird much deeper into 5th generation.Mostly the upgradation will be done on avionics & radar tech.Once upgraded su 30mki blk II will have some key advantage over the other top contemporary fighters.Many people talk about MRCA deals and about comparing apples with oranges in this trade but what we got here is a very close look at the different capabilities of rafeal, typhon, SH etc where we did learn a lot about the scopes for improvements that can be achieved in our existing fleet.Before i get into the details of the upgradation i would like to make
a few more key points explicite. Hope you remember after COPE INDIA us pilots said both f 16C & indian bisons were detecting each other at the same moment but bisons could fire the missiles before f 16 resulting in a shocking defeat of USAF.
So such are the fine line of distinction between winer and looser in the modern day warfare. IF we argued before COPE INDIA actually took place most people would have doubted the outcome as US f 16 MCA radar which is vastlly matured projected the same range as kopyo radar in mig 21 bisons.

The two main part of upgration will be 1. ZHUK AE (AESA RADAR). [A parametric analisys and power apurture modelling has been performed on this radar which shows it will out perform russian IBRIS N035 PESA & all other AGP series AESA but AGP 77 (V)2 in RAPTOR.It will be a paradigm shift for this already deadly bird.
2. OLS 35 IRST : another key technology wich is unquestionably far more advanced than anything that US or EUROPE can offer currently.USAF untill recently showed very little interest or advancement in this field and only after the last few war games against india, where the later enjoyed a great advantage over its opponent due to advanced IRST bought from israel and farthur supplimented by indegenous efforts USAF has ordered for advanced IRST devices for its SH & f 15s.
3. some structural changes will also be bought in to atleast partially hide the weapons loads to get stealthier.
4. A new type of russian active stealth (A type of paint which is far more superior to the one existing on mig 21 bisons)
5. A much greater use to composite material to reduce weight and enhance stealth features.
6. brahmos A2G stand off weapon bay.
7. An improved TVC to get rid of the troubles currently being faced by the users.( both indian as well as russians).
8. An improved data link to connect with a greater number of aircraft than present no 4.

some minor upgradation will include some changes in the software to bring commonality and algorithmic parity with PHALCON and future indian GAGAN GPS.
As and when this happens, it will give a phenomenal edge to the SU-30MKI's capabilities. Anyway, do you have any link backing up this info ?


New Member
Oct 20, 2009
As and when this happens, it will give a phenomenal edge to the SU-30MKI's capabilities. Anyway, do you have any link backing up this info ?
Sir being a vastly experienced person you must be knowing that no single link will provide you a complete picture on all accoint. I have been gathering these type of infoes over a long period of time and just compiled everything i got from different sources. MAINLY BR, LIVE FIST, TRISHULGROUP, iIGORGROUP ... and such places. Providing link for this perticular compilation will not be possible but will surely try to get u the individual links.


New Member
Feb 26, 2009
The two main part of upgration will be 1. ZHUK AE (AESA RADAR). [A parametric analisys and power apurture modelling has been performed on this radar which shows it will out perform russian IBRIS N035 PESA & all other AGP series AESA but AGP 77 (V)2 in RAPTOR.It will be a paradigm shift for this already deadly bird.

can you provide source/link supporting your claim about zhuk ae as radar for up grades..........i thought it would be based on irbis pesa designed by Tikhomirov-NIIP and same would be used in fgfa.


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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The man who will fly the President

Vishwas Kothari & Prasad Kulkarni, TNN 25 November 2009, 06:22am IST
Text Size:


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" width="670" height="50" alt="Advertisement"></a> PUNE: The Indian Air Force (IAF) has chosen its best fighter pilot for President Pratibha Patil’s historic flight in a Sukhoi-30 MKI. A glance at

the career graph of Wing Commander S Sajan provides enough reasons to see why he was picked for the rare honour of flying the country’s first woman president as well as the world’s first woman president ever in the twin-seater supersonic fighter jet.

Sajan, commanding officer (CO) of the No 30 Squadron (the Rhinos), is an ace at flying Sukhoi-30 variants and also a fully operational pilot on the MiG-21 aircraft. He has over 3,200 hours of flying experience on various aircraft. Of this, 1,500 hours are on the Sukhoi variants.

Sajan has several firsts to his name. He was adjudged best in flying, best in instructional technique and best in aerobatics. He is set to join the select band of IAF pilots who have flown the Indian armed forces’ commander-in-chief in a fighter aircraft.
Sajan was commissioned into the fighter stream of the IAF in June 1992. He took to flying as a private pilot licence holder even before joining the IAF. Sajan graduated in mathematics from the Loyola College, Chennai.

While graduating from the Air Force Academy, he excelled in his performance as a cadet and was the recipient of the Sword of Honour for standing first in overall performance in the course. He was also awarded the President’s Plaque by then President R Venkataraman for standing first in the order of merit. He also bagged the Chief of Air Staff trophy for best performance in flying.

The Rhinos Squadron chief is a qualified flying instructor, having excelled in the instructor’s course.
He is also a qualified display pilot, having performed aerobatic displays at various venues, including the Aero India 2009.

Sajan hails from the coastal city of Alleppey in Kerala and studied in various schools in Kanyakumari and Chennai. He is a good basketball player and also enjoys painting during his spare time.

An alumnus of the Defence Service Command and Staff College of Bangladesh, Sajan holds a first division masters in defence studies from the National University, Dhaka. He was commended by the Chief of Air Staff as well as the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief for his commendable performance as a pilot.

On June 8, 2006, former president Kalam was taken up in a Sukhoi from the Lohegaon air base by Wg Cdr Ajay Rathore of the No 20 Squadron (the Lightnings).

The Sukhoi-30 MKI

An advanced, fourth generation, state-of-the-art fighter aircraft of Russian origin
Tri-plane configuration with fully digital fly-by-wire control system and thrust vectored jet nozzles for unmatched manoeuvrability
Equipped with most sophisticated avionics, specially chosen and integrated on demand by the IAF
Cockpit fitted with many multi-functional displays and a few standby analog instruments
Has a full function auto pilot, inertial navigation system and mission computers to aid the pilots in mission execution
Advanced phased array of fire control radar, capability to fire beyond visual range missiles
Can engage several aerial targets simultaneously, can destroy targets on ground with precision guided weapons
Can carry a number of air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface weapons such as bombs, rockets and missiles and also equipment for electronic warfare
Capable of air-to-air refuelling. Has an extended reach of over 8,000 km and an endurance of nearly 10 hours
Flying speed from 200 kmph to almost twice the speed of sound
On-board sensors to detect aerial targets at extremely long distance
Aircraft avionics under continuous upgradation process for cutting edge technology

The man who will fly the President - Pune - City - The Times of India


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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President Patil creates history; takes off in Sukhoi
Agencies Posted online: Wednesday, Nov 25, 2009 at 1208 hrs
Pune : President Pratibha Patil entered the record books by becoming the first woman head of state to fly in a frontline, multi-role fighter jet aircraft as she undertook a 30-minute sortie in a Russian made Sukhoi-30 MKI.
Flashing a victory sign after landing at the Lohegoan air force base in Pune, the 74-year old President shook hands with the pilot Wing Commander S Sajan of the two-seater Sukhoi and patted him for a smooth sortie in the combat jet plane.

Patil, who has also become the oldest woman to fly in a warplane, posed for photographs on the tarmac with the pilot, who has over 3200 hours of flying experience, top officers and the aircraft maintenance staff.

Shortly after landing, the President was driven to a rest house where she underwent a medical check up. Before taking off, Patil was briefed about emergency exit procedures and various parameters of the flight in the Sukhoi-30 aircraft of city-based 30 squadron, the 'Rhinos'.

Patil is the second President to fly in a fighter aircraft after A P J Abdul Kalam who was flown at speeds a few notches below supersonic levels for 30 minutes without sharp manoeuvres also from the Lohegaon airbase.

Patil, who was seated in the co-pilot's seat in the aircraft, had donned a 'G-suit' worn by fighter pilots to counter the gravitational effects due to high speed manoeuvres.

A Sukhoi, India's most advanced fighter plane, can carry eight tonnes of armaments and fly over 3000 kms with onboard fuel and can undertake an extended journey of upto 5000 kms with a single air-to-air refuelling.

The aircraft flying the President, who is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, was accompanied by two other Sukhoi jets which flew in a formation.

A special red-carpet welcome was given to Patil before she got into the cockpit wearing a helmet and the gear donned by fighter pilots.

The jet flew at a speed of about 0.9 Mach which is few notches below the supersonic levels starting at one Mach which is about 1,236 km per hour. Kalam was flown in a Sukhoi in 2006.

The pre-flight medical test had given the President a green signal for undertaking the journey.



DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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From PTI

President Patil makes history by taking off in Sukhoi
PTI 25 November 2009, 11:29am ISTText Size:|Topics:pune

PUNE: President Pratibha Patil on Wednesday made history by taking off in a frontline Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter jet aircraft from the air force base here, becoming the first woman head of state to fly in a warplane. ( Watch Video )

74-year-old Patil also set a world record by becoming the oldest woman to be airborne in a combat jet for a 30-minute sortie at a speed close to the supersonic level.

After a 30-minute sortie without manouevres and flying at a height of 8,000 feet around the Lohegaon air force base here, the President came out of the cockpit flashing a victory sign and patted the Commanding Officer of the 30-squadron, Wing Commander S Sajjan, for the smooth ride.

To a question on induction of women as fighter pilots, Patil, who flew at a subsonic speed of about 0.9 Mach (about 900 km per hour), said, "The technical requirements, qualifications and situation one has to face are the issues which the experts and government will decide or consider".

"But let me tell you that I have full faith in the ability of women to perform and that they have capacity and capability to perform excellently. I have no doubt about their capability," 74-year-old Patil told reporters after the flight.

The President, who donned a special G-suit worn by combat pilots to counter effects of gravity in high speed manoeuvres, posed for photographs with the pilot and support staff at the tarmac before proceeding to the rest house at the base for post-flight medical check-up.

Patil said now that she had experienced flight in a combat aircraft, she would not mind crossing the sound barrier. "It was an out of the world experience. I was thrilled and overjoyed and I am proud of IAF for the work they are doing in securing the nation," she said.

On the issue of women flying combat aircraft, Patil said, "Previously, there were no women in any of the three forces. Then there were discussions and it was decided they could join. Now they are flying transport aircraft and helicopters.

"They are in the army and in the navy. The Government has proactive thinking. It (discussions) is a continuous process. Let us see...a proper decision will be taken," she said.

Patil said the aim of this flight was to experience the efficiency with which air force pilots fly planes with sophisticated and new technology and also bring into focus the "spirit of sacrifice" that defence forces have.

The jet plane carrying the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces was accompanied by two other Sukhoi planes which flew in a formation with the President's aircraft.

A special red-carpet welcome was given to Patil before she got into the cockpit wearing a helmet and the G-Suit.

"We also wanted to show to the defence forces that the country is with you," she said.

Before taking off, Patil was briefed about emergency exit procedures at the 30-Squadron also known as 'Rhinos'.

"I usually do yoga and treadmill regularly in daily life and that probably helped me in the cockpit. They told me about the precautions to be taken. I am quite regular in my daily life ...I was confident when I sat in the cockpit," she said when asked about any special preparation she made for the flight.

Patil is the second President to fly in a fighter aircraft after A P J Abdul Kalam who was also flown from here in a Sukhoi-30. Kalam was taken to a height of 20,000 feet at subsonic levels with some air-manouvres in 2006.

"I have had the opportunity to fly a technically advanced aircraft and today I am proud and I think that every Indian would be proud about the abilities of the armed forces," Patil said.

On being asked whether she has a desire to fly at a supersonic speed, the President quipped, "Yes of-course". She, however, did not reply to a poser if she wanted to travel in a submarine.

Sukhoi, India's most advanced fighter plane, can carry eight tonnes of armaments and fly over 3000 kms with onboard fuel and can undertake an extended journey of upto 5000 kms with a single air-to-air refueling.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Another Su-30MKI has crashed near Jaisalmer; pilots safe.

Another Su-30MKI has crashed near Jaisalmer; pilots safe

An Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter plane crashed near Jaisalmer on Monday, but both the pilots were safe.

The Sukhoi crashed near Jathegaon, about 40 km from Jaisalmer. The pilots ejected to safety.

Air crashes have been bogging down the IAF, with Defence Minister A.K. Antony recently informing Rajya Sabha last week that 12 aircraft, including seven fighters, had been lost this year.

The fighters included the frontline Su-30MKI, which crashed over Jaisalmer in April killing one of the pilots. The others were three Russian-built MiG-27s and MiG-21s each.

The crashed trainer aircraft included the HPT-32 and Kiran Mk II. A transport aircraft was also lost over Assam.

- With inputs from agencies

IAF jet crashes near Jaisalmer; pilots safe: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.

this year the fate of Sukhoi's is bad
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