Su-30 MKI

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DFI Technocrat
New Member
Jul 6, 2009
The one big mistake India does in defense procurement is that we think of just long term plans.......Wat about the short term & immediate requirements & a matter of fact our long term plans fails like anything or faces delays for which we come up with some other long term plans [U-209],Ac's[The concept was initiated in 1993],even the Su-30Mki 230 by 2014 with contract signed in 1998.The difference is 18 years,while the last aircraft has entered service,the 1st aircraft[inducted in 2002] would have already spent around 40% of its life.Why does India want 2 manufacture all 140 air crafts in India only.Why not build some 60 in India & the remaining 80 in Russia.We can send our engg & technicians to Russia where they will be working on the project & absorbing the technologies there.I know it would add some cost but it is justified as we are dealing with our national security.Same is the case with MMRCA,out of 126 ofly 18 will be procured directly & 108 will be manufactured in India.Name a single indigenous which has not faced problems & delays in India.

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Air force looks for G-suits as Prez gets ready to fly Su-30 -

New Delhi: She isn't fit enough to be a fighter pilot, nor is she at an age to think of becoming one. Besides, the air force doesn't even have a G-suit that fits her. But president Pratibha Patel has made up her mind. She would fly in a Sukhoi-30 MKI -- the Indian Air Force's most potent fighter.

In military style, detailing planning is underway in Pune and Delhi to ensure that the first woman president of the country has a smooth ride, like her predecessor APJ Abdul Kalam. Air force sources said the president would be flying for almost 30 minutes over Pune later this month. The probable date is November 25.

The president would sit in the rear seat, as the commanding officer of the Number 20 'Lightning' Squadron based at Lohegaon, Pune, would take the SU-30 to the sky. An air force officer said the president would be given a "slow and steady" ride, but "it won't be boring". She would be exposed to basic manoeuvres that would give her a good idea of the capabilities of the Russian-made fighter. The fighter, however, would not be pushed to the limits.

"It won't be like the ride that Dr Kalam had. He was looking at the performance of the machine, since he was familiar with it. So it was slightly tougher than the ride president Patil would have," a senior officer said.

As the air force prepares for the president's flight, they are faced with some unique challenges. The force does not have a G-suit, flying suit and boots of her size. The air force does not have women fighter pilots, so the single-piece G-suits and flying suits are made to the size of men, who are much taller. The G-suit, specifically the Anti-G-suit, helps pilots in a fighter plane to withstand high acceleration, or g-force.

The G-suit is made of special garment and has inflatable bladders. It is a tight-fighting trouser worn over or under the flying suit. The bladders press tight on the abdomen and stomach, preventing blood from flowing away from the brain, which, otherwise, would result in a blackout

I have said it before and I will say it again. She is just wasting Air-force's time, energy and resources by doing this act. She has nothing to prove and will prove nothing by this. She is just wasting Indian tax-payer's money by getting herself a G-suit which she is never ever going to need again!!


Respected Member
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May 14, 2009
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this is absurd,whats the point behind this??
lets just be sure ,she does'nt have a heart attack at that height!!!
pray for the old lady ,guys
btw, i'm not praying,you guys make a choice!!!


New Member
Jul 11, 2009
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What a stupid idea, I as it is does not like this president. I recall she was only selected as she was Marathi. I have no qualms about Marathi people, but does she compare to APJ, not many people knew about her, before her nomination. She is a puppet president.

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
What a stupid idea, I as it is does not like this president. I recall she was only selected as she was Marathi. I have no qualms about Marathi people, but does she compare to APJ, not many people knew about her, before her nomination. She is a puppet president.
Thanks for the info dude. All this time I thought she was a Gujrati because of her last name "Patil"

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
22 : Su-30MKI combat jets to patrol north-eastern region from next week

Tezpur: With verbal duels between India and China over Arunachal Pradesh only now beginning to subside, the Indian Air Force has upped the ante in the region for those with hostile intent by ensuring that state-of-the-art Sukhoi-30MKI fighter jets will now start patrolling the skies in this part of the country. The aircraft go operational from next week.

According to defence officials, a half-dozen of these aircraft had now arrived at the upgraded Tezpur Air Force Station in Assam a few days ago, and a squadron strength is expected to be in place by the end of the year.

Officials indicated that flight training and operational sorties are likely to begin by early next week, and work to make this possible was afoot.

They also indicated that a full squadron of Su-30MKI fighter jets would be deployed at the Chabua Air Force Station in eastern Assam and another squadron likely to be stationed at the Bagdogra Air Force Station in West Bengal.

The Su-30MKIs had been formally inducted at Tezpur on 15 June. Since then, the air base has also been opened for civil aviation. It will be more than a year since a fighter aircraft has operated from the airbase. The air base previously operated the MiG series aircraft.

The Su-30MKI multi-role jets have a combat radius of 1,500 km, which can be enhanced through aerial refuelling.


DFI Technocrat
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Mar 7, 2009
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A good read by carlo kopp's flanker analysis in comparison with F 15....Though he rants a lot about the flanker there are a lot of tech specifications. This is also available at ausairpower....


Founding Member
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Feb 17, 2009
I have said it before and I will say it again. She is just wasting Air-force's time, energy and resources by doing this act. She has nothing to prove and will prove nothing by this. She is just wasting Indian tax-payer's money by getting herself a G-suit which she is never ever going to need again!!

What a mindless level of commenting! and on top of that three equally ignorant members gave some appreciation to your post. What harm if she wishes to have a ride on MKI, it must be her dream to have a ride on world's best aircraft in the world and how does IAF's time and taxpayers money will go down the drain. Just think about prospect of massive impression such ride of MKI will create on Prez and it would be turned into iceing on the cake as it would enable IAF to get more order for such super bird.

You need to get fact straight, since first people like you blaim Political leader of such higher stature of ignorning the needs of armed forces in this country, and when they actually try to show some interest, you simply come down heavily for such percived interest being wastage of time and taxpayers money?

What a stupid idea, I as it is does not like this president. I recall she was only selected as she was Marathi. I have no qualms about Marathi people, but does she compare to APJ, not many people knew about her, before her nomination. She is a puppet president.
Mr. Indianrabbit, her selection is not based on her background. She hold some creadibility for chairing such a top post. You don't have right whatsover to question her background and consequent selection of her for being first citizen of this country. You can always criticize her deeds and work as a President, but you cannot blaim her background and way of selection for that.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
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Well she is the Supreme commander of all the Indian Armed forces, hence has all the right to take one of the most advanced babies and the pride of the country for a ride. When the top brass can buy golf carts for the money allocated for them why cant she take the Flanker for a spin?


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
About our president flying sukoi plane. Its a publicity stunt on be-half of the government to encourage and invite women pilots to join the air force. Which is predominately men dominated, and much of this to the predicament of the armed forces.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
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About our president flying sukoi plane. Its a publicity stunt on be-half of the government to encourage and invite women pilots to join the air force. Which is predominately men dominated, and much of this to the predicament of the armed forces.
What use is it when they arent allowed to fly aircrafts during real combat?

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
What a mindless level of commenting! and on top of that three equally ignorant members gave some appreciation to your post. What harm if she wishes to have a ride on MKI, it must be her dream to have a ride on world's best aircraft in the world and how does IAF's time and taxpayers money will go down the drain. Just think about prospect of massive impression such ride of MKI will create on Prez and it would be turned into iceing on the cake as it would enable IAF to get more order for such super bird.
World's best aircraft? Iceing on the cake? No waste of tax payers money? :swtf:

You really think that this president will get influenced by Su 30 MKI only by flying it and as soon as she finishes flying it, she will approve major defence purchase deals for that bird? Now that is Mindless comments.

You need to get fact straight, since first people like you blaim Political leader of such higher stature of ignorning the needs of armed forces in this country, and when they actually try to show some interest, you simply come down heavily for such percived interest being wastage of time and taxpayers money?
What gave you an impression that she is catering to armed forces need? She is not even qualified to evaluate the fighter. If you really think only by flying politicians in fighter planes, IAF is going to get new fighters, then IAF should probably be flying our defence minister first.


New Member
Jul 31, 2009
Once George Farnandage took a ride in a Mig when GOI was being highly criticised due to one-after-one crashes of those planes (termed as flying coffin). The ride of our Prez has anything to do with crash of Su-30 MKI few months back?????

wild goose

New Member
Jun 15, 2009
What a mindless level of commenting! and on top of that three equally ignorant members gave some appreciation to your post. What harm if she wishes to have a ride on MKI, it must be her dream to have a ride on world's best aircraft in the world and how does IAF's time and taxpayers money will go down the drain. Just think about prospect of massive impression such ride of MKI will create on Prez and it would be turned into iceing on the cake as it would enable IAF to get more order for such super bird.

You need to get fact straight, since first people like you blaim Political leader of such higher stature of ignorning the needs of armed forces in this country, and when they actually try to show some interest, you simply come down heavily for such percived interest being wastage of time and taxpayers money?


Neither the comments were mindless nor I was ignorant. Definitely, I may not be as informative as you. But seriously I cannot digest your justifications for her 'dream'. I wish if she had 'dreamed' about visiting Siachin or Tawang.

Rather than her wish to ride it harming the MKI, I hope it won't be vice versa.
If by fullfiling her wish if the IAF gets more MKI, they would be ready to take the suffering.

BTW, have you seen a photo of our president holding an AK which was published some time ago?


New Member
Feb 26, 2009

BTW, have you seen a photo of our president holding an AK which was published some time ago?
should our president ride mki or not but our president has always been plagued with controversy , some how every body around her has been acused of murder one time or the other................


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 17, 2009
World's best aircraft? Iceing on the cake? No waste of tax payers money? :swtf:

You really think that this president will get influenced by Su 30 MKI only by flying it and as soon as she finishes flying it, she will approve major defence purchase deals for that bird? Now that is Mindless comments.
Oh really, so you really felt slighted by my comment which can be easily swallowed from your own one. First of all, you should figure out, what prompted you to go one step further and accuse Prez for wasting taxpayers one. Haven't you figure out mindless sense from your own comment when you rather targeted unnecessarily to supreme commander of India of wasting taxpayers money?

Why are you stopping at Supreme commander for wasting taxpayers money? you should pull yourself at one further up and accuse everyone including Pilots for wasting so called taxpayers money.

What gave you an impression that she is catering to armed forces need?
Because she is supreme commander of this country and most of all President of India. Heck, India cannot even fight a war with such machines without her approval, let alone questioning her of not catering to the needs of armed forces.

She is not even qualified to evaluate the fighter.
So according to you, who was evaluting fighter all this day and clearing the same for purchase? Why does our PM has inked many defence agreement with their foriegn counterparts in the past including PAK-FA? so according to you even they should not inked those agreement because according to so called "you" they aren't qualified enough to evalute the fighter.

If you really think only by flying politicians in fighter planes, IAF is going to get new fighters, then IAF should probably be flying our defence minister first.
Defence Ministers have already flown the same, aren't you aware about former DM? and yes, it should be much more safe enough to think that, because she is so impressed with such fighter jet which easily prompted her to have ride on the same.

Morever, if you are so ignorant about positive prospects of such wishful ride, then get yourself enlighten, she will not only get impressed with such machine, but also she will also get an opportunity to interact with ordinary pilots, maintanance crew and get to address their any issues, queries at first hand.


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 17, 2009


Neither the comments were mindless nor I was ignorant. Definitely, I may not be as informative as you.
Then why were you targetting her background as a major reason for her selection of president?

But seriously I cannot digest your justifications for her 'dream'. I wish if she had 'dreamed' about visiting Siachin or Tawang.
Justification, so a Prez who is always concern about betterment of this country and uplifiting of people from poverty, cannot even deserve such a little appreciation?

Rather than her wish to ride it harming the MKI, I hope it won't be vice versa.
If by fullfiling her wish if the IAF gets more MKI, they would be ready to take the suffering.
Suffering? please be brief about this so called "suffering"

BTW, have you seen a photo of our president holding an AK which was published some time ago?
What it has anything to do with subject at hand?


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 17, 2009
'President must stay cool and drink water'

Ranjan Dasgupta / DNASaturday, November 7, 2009 2:42 IST Email

Suman Sharma, 30, the world's first civilian woman to fly in a MiG-35 fighter and a Sukhoi 30MKI combat aircraft, and the first Indian civilian woman to fly in an F-16, has saluted president Pratibha Patil for her decision to fly in a Sukhoi.

"I must compliment the president," Sharma told DNA from Delhi. "Despite being 75 years old, she has shown the courage to fly in such planes." DNA had reported on Friday (Air force looks for G-suits as Prez gets ready to fly Su-30) that the Indian Air Force was preparing to take Patil on a sortie on the Sukhoi 30MKI from Lohegaon air base at Pune later this month.

Sharma, a defence correspondent and daughter of a retired naval officer, had made her sorties in the F-16 and MiG-35 combat aircraft during the Aero India show in February at Yelahanka, Bangalore.

InAugust,she was invited to fly a Su-30MKI at the International Aviation and Space Salon, MAKS 2009, at Zhukhovsky, Moscow. "My Sukhoi sortie was for 21 minutes; the one in the F-16 was for 40 minutes and in MiG-35 was for 42 minutes," Sharma said, calling the experiences "out-of-this-world". "One just cannot explain the experience when the aircraft cuts through clouds at such high speeds," she said.

Of the three, Sharma said she found the Sukhoi the most advanced, huge, and safest, twin-engine heavyweight fighter. "I could see and feel its huge size as the rear seat is elevated and there is ample room in the cockpit," she said. "Without using the head-up display I could easily see the runway in front." Her sortie included manoeuvres like the 360º and side rolls.

Sharma's tip for Patil is to "stay cool, meditate, and do yoga before flying and also have
lots of water."

'President must stay cool and drink water' -


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
The president's ride on the su plane receives much attention. B'cos its the government's intention for it to be. The government is working on a strategically important planning process to empower women. From electing madam pratiba patil to president, madam meera kumar to speaker. A new impetus will be given to 33% reservation, for which adequate representation representation of women in beauracracy is essential. Women of the likes of kiran bedi will rise only if there is a large pool base. So by flying on a su-30 mki plane by whatever means even going for a specially designed g-suit for women the government and to a part the armed forces are encouraging women to take on combat roles. This is really a welcome development.
Ms. Sharma's coming out in support would encourge more women to work towards this end as well. Women have not been adequately represented in the armed forces. Given the shortfall of officers recruitment of women officers would bridge the gap as well as bring a balance to the male dominated forces.
I wouldn't be surprised if our madam president takes a mission on the akula 2 or arihant given that enormous impetus it would give for women to join the naval force which till now is represented by a nil number.
Indian women should not be seen depending on men for their protection for eternity. She should be able to stand by her own limbs, the strength of her back and the courage of her heart.
Some members complain of wasting tax payer money, in india we waste tax payer money by bribes, constructing statues, supporting loss making public sectors and spending for luxury of politicians. So this is more of a social investment that a waste of money.
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