Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Mar 10, 2009
I was taking about the International Law which is with us.

Why can't we don what USA, Russia and PRC can do, why is that or what stops us. Are we militarily incapable or do we lack international support even when we are doing thing prescribed by their law.
We lack economic clout. Economics determines how much support we get to a very large extent. After Pakistan acquired nukes, yes, we are severely incapacitated to do anything.

Sorry to tell you the bitter truth.
Pakistan crossed LoC in 1998/99 Kargil, How did the world react ? Compare that with SS 2016, agreed we didn't hold territories in PoK like Pakistan did back then, But It did involve firefight between regulars of Pakistan Army.
Pakistan crossed the LoC but we did not, at least officially. The government did not allow the troops to encircle the peaks. That is why we had a massive casualty count and that is why we were able to isolate Pakistan.
When India refused to attend SAARC in Pakistan almost all members stood by our side, two major countries in our region Bangladesh and Afghanistan supported our actions.
Ok, that is an achievement.
Are we deliberately underestimation ourselves when It comes to international support ? Why didn't the Government allow targeting of terrorists camps in Pakistan after 26/11 when many killed were Americans and Israeli themselves, and they allowed us to interrogate their double agent for helping our case ? Do we expect others ton do our dirty Job and sacrifice their men for our benefits ?
The premise of your statement is that we should have done something after 26/11. What were our options? Surgical Strikes? We have been carrying out such strikes since 1948. The government allowed too. I am not getting your point.
No one supported Pakistan during Kargil because she was the aggressor, which she again was in 26/11 and in Uri last year.
Pakistan has been the aggressor since 1948. How many wars with Pakistan has India initiated?
International relations doesn't only depend on weapon's sale, How many countries sell weapon to China ? Why don't we use our Huge market and international trade as leverage as China does ? or our Huge diaspora in various countries holding important places in state offices and Politics like Israelis do.
See response below:
This is just one example.
International community will regard J&K as disputed, because of our own weakness or I would say not using our full potential, back in early 2000 China's economy was as big as ours and they took a stand on Tibet, today no country wants Dalai Lama, whatever lime light he gets is due to our efforts. Today after 3 years of hard work Kashmir dispute is no longer the top issue the top issue is cross border terrorism in the subcontinent, and the effect has been so strong that even Pakistanis are trying desperately to show themselves as victims of terrorism to counter the Indian narrative. Kashmir only gets cosmetic treatment in OIC meetings and Trump's baits.
  • Ok, so you see our own weakness. How can we eliminate this weakness?
  • In the early 2000, China's economy was as big as ours? How did you conclude that?
  • Pakistan is truly a victim of terrorism, much of it created and nurtured by itself. It is suffering from the Frankenstein effect. They don't need to pretend. When Pakistan says they are a victim of terrorism, the world believes them. I believe it too. It is true.
The whole thing boils down to "Are the forces ready ? Are we capable enough ? Do we have the Political will ?", Soviet Union hardly exceeded 2.5 trillion USD GDP nominal. And faced immense international pressure, today Russia is far below that has much less influence and support. Under sanctions they hardly have much effect on international trade, other than perhaps reducing or increasing oil prices by regulating her own production and export.
The Soviet Union was self sufficient. It produced everything, especially high tech weapons. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent bankruptcy of the Russian Federation in 2008 tells you how much more important economics is than we give it credit for. The fact that Russia fought in Georgia and Syria has a lot to do with geography. Russia wants to remain the sole energy supplier to Europe. That is a way of preserving their clout. Russia has geography and resources to its advantage. India might have other advantages, but we should not try to be what we are not.


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Jan 25, 2014
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We lack economic clout. Economics determines how much support we get to a very large extent. After Pakistan acquired nukes, yes, we are severely incapacitated to do anything.

Sorry to tell you the bitter truth.
Indian economy today is 2.5 trillion USD nominal probably the 5th largest, and 10 trillion USD PPP which is 3rd largest. If we can't get support whith such an economy, the problem lies with us not the economy.

Today North Korea has better nukes and far better missile systems than what Pakistan has, Note the support countries against North Korea are getting. Are the nukes and missiles stopping their action against North Korea. If you say military action then Its not the nukes but the close proximity of Seoul, North Korean conventional artillery numbers which is preventing the military attack, and the hidden PLA factor. Their nukes which can easily hit Guam etc has not stopped the aggressive behavior of USA.

Pakistan crossed the LoC but we did not, at least officially. The government did not allow the troops to encircle the peaks. That is why we had a massive casualty count and that is why we were able to isolate Pakistan.
Pakistan crossed the LoC and not international border, Which we also did officially last year. Although you may have a point on holding territory, but world reacted to the 98/99 breach as the breach of an international border, Which perhaps was not seen as such when Gibraltar happened in 65.

The premise of your statement is that we should have done something after 26/11. What were our options? Surgical Strikes? We have been carrying out such strikes since 1948. The government allowed too. I am not getting your point.
I don't get your point ? Pakistanis have been attacking us from 48, since when did we lay our arms and surrendered to their assaults ? What did the Government allow after 26/11 please tell, I am all ears.

Pakistan has been the aggressor since 1948. How many wars with Pakistan has India initiated?
Which is why we hold the right to respond to the aggression, why do I turn the other cheek ?

  • Ok, so you see our own weakness. How can we eliminate this weakness?
  • In the early 2000, China's economy was as big as ours? How did you conclude that?
  • Pakistan is truly a victim of terrorism, much of it created and nurtured by itself. It is suffering from the Frankenstein effect. They don't need to pretend. When Pakistan says they are a victim of terrorism, the world believes them. I believe it too. It is true.
Our biggest weakness is the Gandhi-Nehruvian ideology and school of thought, which good for serving the master but catastrophic for state craft.
China's GDP in 2001 was 1.339 trillion USD.
No Pakistan is the perpetrator of terrorism, far from being the victim, It aid and nurture these terrorists. Pakistani people through a remarkable effort has developed the system to breed and develop world class terrorists. No one in the world with any sense left believes what Pakistanis say, which why Pakistan has to continuously whine about it. Those who believe get backstabbed some knowingly due to the trap.

Do watch BBC documentary named Double cross, where top commanders of NATO and US talk about Pakistan.

The Soviet Union was self sufficient. It produced everything, especially high tech weapons. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent bankruptcy of the Russian Federation in 2008 tells you how much more important economics is than we give it credit for. The fact that Russia fought in Georgia and Syria has a lot to do with geography. Russia wants to remain the sole energy supplier to Europe. That is a way of preserving their clout. Russia has geography and resources to its advantage. India might have other advantages, but we should not try to be what we are not.
So has Kashmir gone to middle east ? Is it not affecting our links with energy rich central Asia ? Russia has her own resources, we have our own. They use their resources whatever they have to their advantage, are we using our resources to our advantage ? Is doing nothing or turning the other cheek our advantage ?


New Member
Jul 25, 2017
I think you are missing the point again. If the public is unaware and the information remains within the government, then there is less pressure on the government to carry out further attacks.

Coming to Bangladesh, what you say might be correct, but you are forgetting the most important thing. India could not have made anything public until situations were favourable. It is a long discussion, but my point is, making covert actions public is not in the best interests.

Then there is the case of plausible deniability. We are also governed by international laws. This was true in 1971 and is true today.

Look at the screenshot below. I am glad we have professionals handling the public relations department of the army. Here is an example below.

View attachment 22247
Government is here to act on public pressure itself. People must be sure that people in government are not evil or selfish. You may call yourself as professionals, but for public, you are paid servants. Adding "brand" to yourself won't change that. Government is supposed to tell everything and even explain why it is not acting and what are the reasons for the same clearly and also explain why this is the case, including historical precedents, natural resource distribution etc.

Also, government must explain what is threshold for action. Will it allow enemies to do anything citing excuses? Will it just accept slavery or choose to die free if hands are forced etc?

It is important to be as transparaent as possible. The reason for transparency is to ensure 2 things:
1) Ensure that there is no traitor within. This is important as history has shown that the greatest damage is done by traitors within. Constantine made entire Rome embrace Christianity, Ashoka made India buddhist are some examples. So, there is nothing more important than taking continuous tests of people to check for their loyalty
2) Ensure that the government is not being inefficient and to gather more feedbacks from public. Since govt has limited number of people thinking which may not be able to get best of ideas

That is a subjective conclusion. You may be right or wrong.

Let me give you the example of the 1971 war, if I may use 1971 instead of 1972.

  • The covert action that was taking place was in violation of international laws. The military cannot contravene those laws.
  • India was not only pitted against Pakistan, but there was a serious possibility of PRC and USA invading. We needed the backing of a superpower. So, we had to wait for the official backing of the Soviets.
  • India had to wait for the summer to end and cooler weather to emerge. Indira Gandhi wanted to start the invasion, but Maneckshaw, not swayed by emotional outbursts, put his foot down and even offered to give up his rank.

After considering these, do you think all this boasting is done for the interests of the country or just to offer an emotional placebo for the public to munch on?

What counts is minimizing our casualties and maximizing their casualties.

I am very much in favour of transparency, if that is a justification, but it should be equitable. I don't like the idea of making this massive hullabaloo about Surgical Strikes when we have been doing this for decades. When we cherry pick instances, it trivializes the efforts and achievements of the predecessors.
You are right about that resolution. Does it help India?

The USA, Russia and PRC can do a lot of things that we cannot.

On top of that, we are not talking about only the international border. We are talking about the international border and the LoC. Even if we cross, how is the world going to react?

When the US invaded Afghanistan, all its allies lined up behind the big boss. That ain't happening with India.

No country came to the aid of Pakistan at various points in time, depending upon the situation. Remember Kargil and Sharif's meeting with Clinton?

The international community will go soft on India when some countries are trying to sell their weapons to India. The moment they realize we are not buying, they will start making a lot of noise. This is just one example.

We should not take these flip-flops as a permanent achievement. The international community still regards J&K as a disputed territory. We do not have the economic clout to change that.

Pakistan is an asset for many countries, especially the US, PRC, and KSA.
We lack economic clout. Economics determines how much support we get to a very large extent. After Pakistan acquired nukes, yes, we are severely incapacitated to do anything.

Sorry to tell you the bitter truth.

Pakistan crossed the LoC but we did not, at least officially. The government did not allow the troops to encircle the peaks. That is why we had a massive casualty count and that is why we were able to isolate Pakistan.

Ok, that is an achievement.

The premise of your statement is that we should have done something after 26/11. What were our options? Surgical Strikes? We have been carrying out such strikes since 1948. The government allowed too. I am not getting your point.

Pakistan has been the aggressor since 1948. How many wars with Pakistan has India initiated?

See response below:


  • Ok, so you see our own weakness. How can we eliminate this weakness?
  • In the early 2000, China's economy was as big as ours? How did you conclude that?
  • Pakistan is truly a victim of terrorism, much of it created and nurtured by itself. It is suffering from the Frankenstein effect. They don't need to pretend. When Pakistan says they are a victim of terrorism, the world believes them. I believe it too. It is true.

The Soviet Union was self sufficient. It produced everything, especially high tech weapons. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent bankruptcy of the Russian Federation in 2008 tells you how much more important economics is than we give it credit for. The fact that Russia fought in Georgia and Syria has a lot to do with geography. Russia wants to remain the sole energy supplier to Europe. That is a way of preserving their clout. Russia has geography and resources to its advantage. India might have other advantages, but we should not try to be what we are not.
You have been insisting repeatedly that Indian economy is weak. The reality is that Indian economy is indeed weak but economy is not what determines warfighting ability. India has its own food and enough iron, lead, zinc, coal etc to build arms. Also, large population is another advantage in warfighting. As long as there is food and arms, that is all it takes. USA economy is big but they are that way due to excess consumerism. This type of consumerism is actually a wastage

There is no need to get everything by payment. Also, the main focus shouldn't be on getting big houses, cars but the will to dominate, even if one has to eat grass. If Indians eat food and work tirelessly without any extra demand towards militarisation, won't India become strong?

You seem to overemphasise on command/centralised economies whereby one master just doles out everything. I am seeing an alternative way of government by the people based on voluntary contribution, not contribution for selfishness. This has been possible before and is again possible if such community culture is nurtured. Before Industrialisation, people used to live in this manner itself.

Your arguments of reacting to 1971, 26/11, 1990 Pandits exodus immediately shows short sightedness. No one claims that the reaction must be immediate. But, there must be a reaction. India must at least develop an arms culture within and make defence the most important part of election campaign. The reaction is not short term but long term goal of 1-2 decades. What is being done is that all events are being forgotten immediately instead of taking steps towards arms build up.

India could have developed all the technology in defence just like China has. No country had developed any of the modern technology prior to WW2 and that also meant that India was not lagging behind more than 5 years at the beginning.

India could have avoided 1971 war itself by doing population exchange and cutting the losses completely. Not doing that despite repeated demands by Ambedkar and Rajendra Prasad was simply unacceptable.

Hiding the truth is only to cover up these activities. If people were so stupid as to exist without demanding military build up, then that is people's fault. The stupid actions must be punished with higher casualty and an overthrow of the congress. Wars don't happen as and when you want to. There is no international community that will help just out of niceties. Who helped Yugoslavia? Or Bangladeshi hindus? What was international community doing?

There is no immediate solution available but that also doesn't mean not do anything. The biggest problem in India is not Pakistan but lack of identity and lack of self respect. Since there are enemies within political parties who lie and deceive by offering short sighted gifts, it is important to make people aware of the reality and force the narrative towards "genocide" and force everyone to follow that path or risk being killed by mobs. What needs to be done is simple: make people killers by speaking of war regularly. Defence build up must be made part of election campaign and the public must be imbibed in it so that there is always massive pressure on government to militarise. The display of army activities is to build this propaganda itself. It has been seen that Hindus lack self respect and there is a need to ensure that such self respect has to be built. Public pressure is obvious as this is a result of purposeful scuttling of Indian defence and making India a prostitute country. Naturally, seeking justice for this is inevitable and lot of people in high post and their families need to be publicly beheaded. The need is not to attack pakistan but build public pressure to react appropriately and weed out all traitors who keep offering carrots and prepare for action.

Pakistan is an important ally for USA, China, Arabs and in general Islamic countries. But that doesn't mean they can be allowed to do whatever they want. Right reaction and planning is needed and this can happen with only public pressure.

While arguing so much above, you only forgot to answer one of the most important problems- traitors within: How to weed out traitors within? What kind of tests and pressure should be applied to ensure that principles are relentlessly followed?

This is why extensive propaganda, social education must be focused upon.
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New Member
Mar 10, 2009
I will proceed with this discussion, but you need to answer my question.

You said:
back in early 2000 China's economy was as big as ours
I asked:
  • In the early 2000, China's economy was as big as ours? How did you conclude that?
Your response:
China's GDP in 2001 was 1.339 trillion USD.
Sorry, simply posting China's GDP does not establish whatever you claimed.

What was India's GDP in 2001?

Let us resolve this first before we proceed further.


@Kshitij, I will have to respond later to your post.

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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Indian Army kisi party ki baap ki jageer nhi hein ki election jeetne k liye operations karwa diye.

Indian Army is apoliticial just like Supreme court of India and most Indians like me didnt vote for Modi to ban cow meat or put Indian Army in election posters but for development.

I have a fucking huge problem if Army is brought into politics as this gives chance to Congress and AAP to make silly comments about Army.

Indian Army when declares it did surgical strike is the truth for me.No debate,No discussions no BC chest thumping over it.

Surgical strikes were also conducted by muslim soldiers who might not believe in hindu ideology.

I am not a hindutva agenda guy here and to be honest i hardly care about anyones religion unlike many people here.Its my upbringing and i am proud of it.

This Army also belongs to Abdul Hameed and Abdul Qayuum and also to Bana Singh.

By putting religion card in everything we have only corrupted the system.

And i dont expect even 2% of the audience here to understand this.Had this been the case there wouldnt be any extremists..would they?
Yes, Indian Army is definitely not anyone's property/asset, and definitely not a political party's.

Again yes, the IA shouldn't be brought into politics, and in a perfect world, it wouldn't have been brought. But are we living in such a perfect world? The IA being brought into politics during the phase of post-surgical strikes haven't been the first instance, nor will it be the last.

IA was politicized the moment the spat began with the former Gen V K Singh and the former govt. The was it was played out and then questioning the integrity of the good Gen was pathetic. The support which Irom Sharmila received for calling the IA rapists, still boils my blood. The support which the opposition lent to JNU students for sloganeering 'Bharat ke tukde honge' politicized it. The very same Bharat which our bravehearts are laying their lives for. Raising questions against the Army for using pellet guns against stone-pelters and later questioning the integrity of the good Major for typing up Dhar to his jeep and then the integrity of the Army for backing him all these are examples of politicizing. And this, without the central govt. instigating the opposition. And guess what, the govt. of the day backed the Army throughout. No questions.

Surgical strikes was a political decision as much as it was a Military action the moment the PM gave a go, and this is not my statement, instead the CO of Northern Command stated so, that the govt. had already decided to announce it at the time of giving it a go.

I can vouch for any Nationalist here, no one here discriminates an Army personnel based on his religion. We feel proud of the IA in toto for their great sacrifices and services for this great Nation. Every IA personnel will scream "Bol Bajrang Bali ki jai", "Jai Ma Kali, ayo Gorkhali", Jawala Mata ki jai", etc irrespective of their religion, and it gladdens our heart. But, who tried to bring religion into the Army? The CONgress wanted to conduct a 'religion census' of the Army, it was later cancelled due to the strong protest the the IA. Who brought the religion into the IA? The scoundrels of CONgress tried to fit a MI operative as a Hindu terrorist. Religion card was not put by any of us here, nor the govt. in power, instead it was put by a party which tried to do everything in its power to destroy the credibility of the IA.

And last but not the least, just because we are decent/good/honorable it doesn't mean the rival would be too. I can give the example of TSP, but the example holds good to the commies too. There wouldn't be extremists if there was utopia throughout, but unfortunately that doesn't hold in the current scenario. We should deal with circumstances the way it should be dealt with.

Jai Hind.
Bharat Mata ki Jai.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Army is subservient to political dispensation. So stop this juvenile eulogising. No one is child here not see as the things are actually.

There are many instances when army obeyed political orders, which were made to fall into the garb of national security but were purely political.

Since Modi is an outcaste untouchable for self hating Lindus, everything he does become sinister even wearing army uniform during his visit to one of the forward post. Then use the pimp card of secularism; has become quite a predictable rejoinder.

For last 7-8 odd years we have been crying to make aggressions against Pakistan open. The advantages were discussed to donkey details. People were sick of these hearsay "my Uncle told me so" nonsense that Indian army was doing this and that.

What kind of coward government that will be who do not publicly decorates its men died in an action in enemy territory ?

It is so depressing that the things we fought against old dispensation are now taking shape in theory and practice but some random cocoon raids in to discredit it using same old sickening hysterics.

The mistake we did (was actually quite visible when Congi tools of this forum remained mum) was not taking account of the compromised internal burden of Lindus that only caters narrative of Congress-I; and it should have been weighed upon.

It is political will that asks Army to go public like they did last Surgical Strikes. The preparations and execution was finest example of coordination between Forces and Government. The follow up as population was evacuated from borders and diplomatic channels were made busy round the clock was continuity of the same coordination. The advantages outweighs disadvantages. Nothing that was done by Congress-I in last 2 decades.
What makes Indian Army great and better than Pakistani Army is the fact that in its entire history it has been lead by great men who have been apolitical.

So much so that even great leaders like Sam Manekshaw never even tried to become a dictator or join any political party after retirement.

You guys have no idea what Indian Army does on LOC.Most of the times you think Indian Army is sitting there like Rishi munis there and the rakshasha Pak Army comes there to disturb their peace.

Everything from 71 war to siachen and LOC Ops have been initiated by Indian Army but the media creates a image that our innocent army was attacked..which is rightly done so we have a good image internationally.

But you guys watch news for information and in news channel comes the guy who says our soldiers are killed for no reason.

Do you seriously think that last week our 4 soldiers were killed for no reason?Do you think the killings are initiated always by them?

There have been many many incidents which cannot be shared in the public as it would destroy the image.

And dont trust me.Go to a Army soldier and talk to him about these operations.The only condition should be that he should be from the infantry and should have served on the LOC.

Political will is also to attack them in Pathankot and polticial will doesnt mean to kill 6 soldiers for 4 of our killed.

I dont give a shit about your stupid idealogy and extremist mindset.My only agenda is the soldiers.

Our soldiers will keep getting killed unless a more daring decision is taken by modi and currently only modi is the man who can do it.

I voted for modi for development and for taking better care of the army.Now he needs to show more guts than surgical strikes and take once in a lifetime decision on Kashmir.

If he cannot do it ..noone can!


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Dec 10, 2016
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You totally got the wrong impression, Army is not being used by any Political party here. Military is an institution used for political moves but that is another thing which I am sure will confuse you more and spoil everything. If you are insisting that Surgical Strikes took place after some political party insisted then It is totally wrong perception, the sooner you get that out of your head the better. Our Army is a National force, they don't take orders from the party, they simply say no we can't do that, just like Sam told Indira that he was not ready. Last time someone tried to do that in 62 by changing the commanders we all know what was the result.

Now what Army does is definitely used for politics, and It will be used.From Ancient era, remember Julius Caesar, Napoleon ? Lets say God forbid If last year's Strikes had turned into disaster what do you think would've happened ? Now don't say some party is different from others and they are holy(BJP) etc. All are same, I remember 2004 election was fought on Coffin ghotala and won. What happened to that ? Where is George Fernandes today? probably holidaying on an Island he bought from the ghotala money.

If you have problem, If someone bad mouths Army then counter them, whats the point in hiding the achievements just that someone doesn't abuse them, coz they'll abuse them anyway. How far should we go ? strip them off their medals so that some JNU turd doesn't bad mouth Armed forces coz that will be the next step, they'll start having problem with that also. Infact they celebrated the death of 75 CRPF personnel and do that every year only recently It was stopped.

It is very healthy If Army has dedicated soldiers from various religion and good thing for our country and that's It, these people join Army as Indians and not representatives of their caste or religion.This nonsense about Muslims joining the Army and gloating over it must stop.

You also seem confused about religion, what most of us follow is dharma, It is same for all Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist etc. You seem to believe that Supreme court is apolitical you should read their Judgement on Hinduism. Take that definition as key and you will not see any problem. Those who don't understand It have problem due to their oxymoron misconceptions.
Surgical strikes were a great decision and took guts.What took even bigget guts was to declare them.

I dont have a problem with this.

What was wrong was that some low life netas in UP claimed it to be their success than Armys.

Now the stupid AAP and congressi came into action and made comments i would have beat their ass for.

So i am saying do more surgical strikes so less of our soldiers are killed but please dont pull the Army in political gutter.

Our men need to be motivated.When they watch news they dont deserve to see all this.

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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What makes Indian Army great and better than Pakistani Army is the fact that in its entire history it has been lead by great men who have been apolitical.

So much so that even great leaders like Sam Manekshaw never even tried to become a dictator or join any political party after retirement.

You guys have no idea what Indian Army does on LOC.Most of the times you think Indian Army is sitting there like Rishi munis there and the rakshasha Pak Army comes there to disturb their peace.

Everything from 71 war to siachen and LOC Ops have been initiated by Indian Army but the media creates a image that our innocent army was attacked..which is rightly done so we have a good image internationally.

But you guys watch news for information and in news channel comes the guy who says our soldiers are killed for no reason.

Do you seriously think that last week our 4 soldiers were killed for no reason?Do you think the killings are initiated always by them?

There have been many many incidents which cannot be shared in the public as it would destroy the image.

And dont trust me.Go to a Army soldier and talk to him about these operations.The only condition should be that he should be from the infantry and should have served on the LOC.

Political will is also to attack them in Pathankot and polticial will doesnt mean to kill 6 soldiers for 4 of our killed.

I dont give a shit about your stupid idealogy and extremist mindset.My only agenda is the soldiers.

Our soldiers will keep getting killed unless a more daring decision is taken by modi and currently only modi is the man who can do it.

I voted for modi for development and for taking better care of the army.Now he needs to show more guts than surgical strikes and take once in a lifetime decision on Kashmir.

If he cannot do it ..noone can!
Those were the days when the media wasn't strong nor there existed an anti-Army ecosystem, nor the public much interested in such events except war times. So comparing such times to current times won't take us anywhere.

In some previous posts, someone had asked the q, 'have we ever attacked TSPA first', I too gave the similar answer. It won't be reported to the media. We only talk/discuss about ceasefire violations of them.

You talk of other ops and then say political will is required more. You more than anyone here knows that such ops are going on as we speak, but the details of all such ops cannot be disclosed, but something needs to be disclosed for public consumption. Otherwise it will show that IA only takes a beating and doesn't retaliate.

Your points are 'bulls eye', but you are also not getting what we... are trying to say. I think my post after @hit&run's post might clarify what I'm trying to say. :)


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Those were the days when the media wasn't strong nor there existed an anti-Army ecosystem, nor the public much interested in such events except war times. So comparing such times to current times won't take us anywhere.

In some previous posts, someone had asked the q, 'have we ever attacked TSPA first', I too gave the similar answer. It won't be reported to the media. We only talk/discuss about ceasefire violations of them.

You talk of other ops and then say political will is required more. You more than anyone here knows that such ops are going on as we speak, but the details of all such ops cannot be disclosed, but something needs to be disclosed for public consumption. Otherwise it will show that IA only takes a beating and doesn't retaliate.

Your points are 'bulls eye', but you are also not getting what we... are trying to say. I think my post after @hit&run's post might clarify what I'm trying to say. :)
Some people are not understanding me too.I am saying that we in India are good with BJP and Modi.Other options are very bad for the country.

Modi is doing a great job and needs to do a little more on kashmir coz only he is capable of doing that.

I have no problem with declaring such strikes as i strongly believe the best weapons are those which are never used.

But what is the problem is the Army getting dragged into the gutter of politics as it gives some traitors chance to pass silly comments about the Army.

Think about a soldier who goes on the LOC to patrol and comes back to see such a news on the TV.

The common kissan and soldiers of this country have no time for hindutva or religion based politics.

It is for the people who have less problems in their life to deal with such non important things.

What will a soldier think of hindutva when his commanding officer is a muslim working for the nation and as motivated as he is?

Now to the point i started out making.

We need to do more than these tit for tat raids if we want to reduce the casualties in future.

Some people come and say ...but the congress did shit.

Its not true firstly and are you in power to do what congress did?

If kashmir needs a solution we need to take a stronger decision militarily.

Such raids or strikes dont solve our problem..tell me what has changed since surgical strikes on LOC...nothing!!!!

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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This is the Proof that The enemy is HURTING and wants US to bring Peace with India

Pak Army Briefing Yesterday

He went on to list Pakistan’s expectations from the US: ending coercion, engagement based on trust and cooperation, repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan, checking the Indian role in Afghanistan, and getting New Delhi to stop ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC).

This year alone, India has committed 1,813 ceasefire violations, the most since the 2003 truce. These resulted in 52 civilian casualties, as per the statistics shared at the briefing.
Pak Army has No Stomach for a Fight with India

Referring to recent Indian claims of cross-LoC actions, which have already been denied by ISPR, he said Pakistan is a “responsible state” with a “professional army” and would not be led into an escalation trap.

“You cannot lure us into unprofessional undertakings to reinforce your beaten narrative of our physical interference in [India-held] Kashmir. Brave young Kashmiris are good enough for you,” he underscored.
Pakistan is afraid of More Beatings from India

Saying that threats had not yet subsided, Maj Gen Ghafoor noted that the current situation was the “new normal” as far as peace and security in the country was concerned.


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Mar 24, 2013
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This year alone, India has committed 1,813 ceasefire violations, the most since the 2003 truce. These resulted in 52 civilian casualties
52 civilian casualties, Now we know who these 52 CIVILIANS are don't we.............:devil::devil::devil: :rofl::rofl::rofl::pound::pound::pound::pound:


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
What makes Indian Army great and better than Pakistani Army is the fact that in its entire history it has been lead by great men who have been apolitical.
I never evoked such questions, why such comments are being made ?

So much so that even great leaders like Sam Manekshaw never even tried to become a dictator or join any political party after retirement.
Again what your point is ? Whom you are targeting ? Manekshaw not joining any political party after retirement ?? What does it proves ?? Are army men forbidden to join political parties ?

You guys have no idea what Indian Army does on LOC

Yea right. People who copy paste pictures from other people's blogs; have pedestrian outlook on strategic issues related to defence knows every thing these days.

Most of the times you think Indian Army is sitting there like Rishi munis there and the rakshasha Pak Army comes there to disturb their peace.
I think you have a comprehension problem and assuming things on my behalf. I am constantly in debate and discussion pertaining to Indian defence for last 9-8 years on different forum.

Everything from 71 war to siachen and LOC Ops have been initiated by Indian Army but the media creates a image that our innocent army was attacked..which is rightly done so we have a good image internationally.
I am sorry to say that you are a fanboy if not a fool. Just to make a point you are now discrediting army for being an aggressor and an hypocrite institution that hides its transgressions to look innocent in front of International community. You have to reassure this forum if you are really supporter of Indian army or not ?

Be it was Siachin, 1971 war, or LOC op, Indian army endured attacks from Pakistan and only gave it back to on Political orders.

But you guys watch news for information and in news channel comes the guy who says our soldiers are killed for no reason.

Do you seriously think that last week our 4 soldiers were killed for no reason?Do you think the killings are initiated always by them?
I think you are not reading what has been wrote.

There have been many many incidents which cannot be shared in the public as it would destroy the image.
Oh really, I don't think Army need supporters like you.

What else now is left to hide when Army's biggest spokes person has implied that army do such things if made public can destroy its image.

Let me teach you some thing that only real men (not Pakistani jokers, Chinese trolls or fanboys) knows and understand about Armies world over.

Indian army like any army is Broadsword not scalpel. Merely stationing it somewhere creates sphere of influence that indulges in violence to bring in order or neutralise threat to Union of India. The tactical independence comes along by default.

And dont trust me.Go to a Army soldier and talk to him about these operations.The only condition should be that he should be from the infantry and should have served on the LOC.
Same commentary. Answered above.

Political will is also to attack them in Pathankot and polticial will doesnt mean to kill 6 soldiers for 4 of our killed.
Not too sure what you are saying.

I dont give a shit about your stupid idealogy and extremist mindset.My only agenda is the soldiers.
Only stupid here is who discredits army by calling its actions not good for PR and as an aggressors of 1971 war, Siachin and LOC operations.

Our soldiers will keep getting killed unless a more daring decision is taken by modi and currently only modi is the man who can do it.
So now you agree that Army is subservient to Political dispensation?

Let me throw a twist at you.

More daring decision will kill more soldiers. Will you tell their kids that Dad's not coming back.

I voted for modi for development and for taking better care of the army.Now he needs to show more guts than surgical strikes and take once in a lifetime decision on Kashmir.
If he cannot do it ..noone can
I am editing my post to tone down what I have wrote. I seriously do not know what is your concern is.

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United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
I will try to find the thread where It was discussed during UPA regime that attacks on Pakistan across LOC and IB must be declared following open/publicly announced policy. Modi did announced it publicly and Army declares it open when it deem fit.

If Political dispensation takes credit for it decisions then what is wrong in it ?

I defended UPA1 and 2 when it came to defending its decisions vis a vis security of India. I wrote a letter to PMO post 26/11 attack because I looked at them with hope as a citizen to teach Pakistan a lesson. Never became bitter but gave them benefit of doubt. I could throw same fallacies at them that they failed to fix Pakistani bravado and mischief ?

BTW I have been consistent with my assertions.

Posting a link where I said the same, recently.

pankaj nema

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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I will try to find the thread where It was discussed during UPA regime that attacks on Pakistan across LOC and IB must be declared following open/publicly announced policy. Modi did announced it publicly and Army declares it open when it deems fit.

If Political dispensation takes credit for it decisions then what is wrong in it ?

I defended UPA1 and 2 when it came to defending its decisions vis a vis security of India. I wrote a letter to PMO post 26/11 attack because I looked at them with hope as a citizen to teach Pakistan a lesson. Never became bitter but gave them benefit of doubt. I could throw same fallacies at them that they failed to fix Pakistani bravado and mischief ?

BTW I have been consistent with my assertions.

Posting a link where I said the same, recently.
Today the situation is that

India says we will Hit Pakistan Both Preemptive and Punitive measures / At Time and place of our choosing

Pakistan says No Strike took place and We will Not escalate

Secondly Pakistan is repeatedly asking USA to bring about peace with India

So this shows Two things

One that they are Badly Trapped on the Western Front and Two ; there is a Serious Economic problem leading to
resource Crunch

From 1999 to 2003 they were More Ready to Fight on the LOC
till we pounded them into submission and they wanted Ceasefire


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Yea right. People who copy paste pictures from other people's blogs; have pedestrian outlook on strategic issues related to defence knows every thing these days.

And who are you?

How many times have you seen LOC in your life? Never and will never see till you die.

Hence no connect with the ground reality.

How many Indian Army soldiers can you claim to know?I would be surprised to know if you even know what the composition of a RR unit is and how a infantry unit is different from a RR unit.

And people with upbringing full of hate sitting in New Zealand and giving a bhashan on hindutva should have stayed in the country and done something for the poor hindus before giving bhashan.

Obviously, you are the expert of strategic affairs who cannot even respect people from other religions.

By reading your arguments i have a fairly good idea about your comprehensions and thatswhy i choose to answer to the personal attack only.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Escalation will lead to more casualties ; that is Right

So there has to be a Right reason to go to War

As Major Guarav Arya wrote in an article

There is a Certain National Mood for War
As if our soldiers are not having any sort of casualtyy right now,right?

Every year hundreds of soldiers die without any strategic gains.Just sitting there trying to defend a piece of land.

Better they died trying to gain something for the country.

pankaj nema

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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As if our soldiers are not having any sort of casualtyy right now,right?

Every year hundreds of soldiers die without any strategic gains.Just sitting there trying to defend a piece of land.

Better they died trying to gain something for the country.
Do you see Thousands of people Right Now Demanding war
on the Streets -- NO

When our Four Soldiers were killed and Army killed Eight of theirs ; all the anger subsided

Indian People dont want unnecessary Casualties of their soldiers ; and if the Army keeps on killing Pakistani soldiers
without our own casualties ; So be it

When the Time comes ; people will demand the Government
to Hit Pakistan hard and only then will the Govt ask the Army to escalate

Or if US pakistan relation go down completely and USA hits them hard we can open a second front

Till then Keep preparing

Our soldiers also need Rest so as to enable them to be Fit
for a future conflict

Pak Army is getting fatigued because it is Over stretched

We have to wait ; may be soon we will see an escalation


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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one or two members here remind me of a dialogue in the Hindi movie Baby..

Ministers secretary:-Mantri ji ne sab kaam sahi kia hein.Change of face kaun he boliye?

RAW head:-Face of change.

Ministers secretary:-Hann wohi

RAW head:-Haan mantri ji ki hi toh deen he sab.

The way he got 1 slap to make him realise what he was saying is the answer.The pity is that this is not a face to face debate

My friends have died in cross border raids and here i am trying to explain some fools that such raids have taken place.

pankaj nema

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Country flag
My friends have died in cross border raids and here i am trying to explain some fools that such raids have taken place.
Of course they have taken place

Nobody is denying

But Pakistan is a Very stubborn Animal

You cannot tame it with just one kick

You have to kick it DAILY ; destroy their Bunkers ; Open Fire
without Reason ; Just kill them on the LOC and NOW they get the Message that if we can hit them hard on the LOC
Given the opportunity we will crush them

Pakistan does not believe in Fighting with India

It believes only in Needling India with Terror attacks and These BAT actions ; that can be taken care of
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