Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Jul 11, 2011
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I didn't mean to do it millitarily but to win perception war there too. As I said before we need heroes. Every war create heroes, burhan wani not famous for any attack, Musa was also not present physically in major events. They are ideology, we also need to create people like them either from millatry or civilian. Even in state elections you need face to drive people. But in Kasmir who we have except millatry. Same goes on other side of border. We afraid paki will kill them, yes they will but we need someone or something to drive people.

One more thing our millitary is not the biggest threat to pak but it is economy, isolation and water. You do millitary action it will unite people in Pakistan. You increase exchange rate there it will break them. Kill the poster boys in Kasmir and pok, replace them with our people with core issues of region.
Sir, Do not equate terrorists motifs and motivational icons with that of the Army. For Army the motifs are their State, Nation and Society whom they represent. Terrorism as an ideology is required to be compared with existing State as an ideology and the valid cause for just military actions.

Since terrorism / insurgency is essentially directed at winning over the population towards an aim, the aim of military operations in counter terrorist operations is always to help create a situation in which the writ of the state runs large and majority of populations remain with the state. Army is there to facilitate state administration to function so that sovereignty of the state is maintained.

Insurgency / terrorism is not against the Army but against the State which they wish to dismantle. The War, if you call it so, is between the terrorist (in this case Jihadist) ideology and the state. Army is but an instrument employed to establish sovereignty of state. Army neither provides an ideology nor a solution to the problem. That is the function of the State.

When it comes to motivations and heros, Army has a good system of sustaining and maintaining morale which is considered as a leadership function. National Media and people like you too help in that.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
Ashok Swain is diehard anti-BJP congress supporter.

So he got his two minutes of fame.

Can we move on please.

Some people will create unnecessary controversy. This is how they get their two minutes of fame. Better to ignore such people in democracy. Focus on the substantial matters.
You need to mind you biz and zip!
Your snide posts to control conversations has become quite annoying!
No one here is gaga about Ashok Swine. Someone asked references and it was provided.
You need to shut your BS &rumor spreading trap; and stop dictating what others should discuss.
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Apr 13, 2013
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Jun 21, 2018
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U may give 100 reasons to not to go war but i give ONE SIMPLE REASON- 'Azad Baluchistan',with this one stroke entire Pork will just collapse... by this master stroke entire converted filth in the sub-contient will remember another 1000 years not to punch above the weight.
We are already doing that if you are following the news.


Jul 11, 2011
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U may give 100 reasons to not to go war but i give ONE SIMPLE REASON- 'Azad Baluchistan',with this one stroke entire Pork will just collapse... by this master stroke entire converted filth in the sub-contient will remember another 1000 years not to punch above the weight.
Ah! War is the only way to do that ???

First think of some other method to achieve that ....:)


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Jan 17, 2019
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Honestly, I find a striking parallel between current Indian Men's Cricket Team and Indian Armed Forces.

Earlier Indo-Pak matches would be a slugfest, with a sense of passion. Now, as we saw in the last game, Indian team has become a well oiled machine that leaves little to chance. They did a systematic dismantling of the Pak team without any excessive flourish.

I believe right now the Armed forces are doing more of the same. We are seeing very regular dismantling of Pak terror infra in Kashmir. My guess is that the govt doesn't want to go to war till Jammu-Ladakh are given status of a state/UT. Besides, I think they're trying to dismantle Pak so bad that it'll hardly ever pose a threat again. In coming couple years we'll see all the diplomatic, economic and millitary measures take their final shape. War would only just be the last and decisive nail on the coffin.
Both the economic strangulation of Pakistan, and India's final preparations/acquisitions for a future conflict will take another 2-3 years. In the meantime we will likely see the same old diplomatic shaming/isolation of Pak and regular LoC flare ups, maybe even an occasional standoff strike in PoK/Pak proper if there's a big attack on India.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Mumbai-based hawala operators, NGOs supporting terror activities in Jammu and Kashmir: Sources

Intelligence agencies are of the view that these NGOs are collecting funds in the name of Zakat from Mumbai and nearby areas, and then route these funds to separatists and other anti-national elements in Jammu and Kashmir. Sources claim that the intelligence agencies also suspect that the funds collected by these agencies from outside India are also routed to Jammu and Kashmir to support terror activities.

The intelligence agencies have also got inputs that three hawala operators in South Mumbai are in touch with some businessmen who have opened up dummy companies in order to bring money from Pakistan, Dubai, Malaysia and some other countries to Mumbai through banks. Once the money comes to Mumbai then it is sent to Jammu and Kashmir via train using the hawala network. According to intelligence agencies, the funds collected by these NGOs are used to create unrest and support anti-India activities in Kashmir valley.

The NIA also added that Andrabi made the confessions after she was confronted with evidence regarding the funding of educational expenses of her son in Malaysia from 2011 onward through foreign remittances made by Kashmiri businessman Zahoor Watali. It is to be noted that Watali is currently behind bars in connection with a terror funding case. According to NIA, Andrabi has close contacts with Pakistan-based terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) chief Hafeez Saeed.

Malaysia..the center of islamic banking and terror funding!


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Apr 28, 2019
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Mumbai-based hawala operators, NGOs supporting terror activities in Jammu and Kashmir: Sources

Intelligence agencies are of the view that these NGOs are collecting funds in the name of Zakat from Mumbai and nearby areas, and then route these funds to separatists and other anti-national elements in Jammu and Kashmir. Sources claim that the intelligence agencies also suspect that the funds collected by these agencies from outside India are also routed to Jammu and Kashmir to support terror activities.

The intelligence agencies have also got inputs that three hawala operators in South Mumbai are in touch with some businessmen who have opened up dummy companies in order to bring money from Pakistan, Dubai, Malaysia and some other countries to Mumbai through banks. Once the money comes to Mumbai then it is sent to Jammu and Kashmir via train using the hawala network. According to intelligence agencies, the funds collected by these NGOs are used to create unrest and support anti-India activities in Kashmir valley.

The NIA also added that Andrabi made the confessions after she was confronted with evidence regarding the funding of educational expenses of her son in Malaysia from 2011 onward through foreign remittances made by Kashmiri businessman Zahoor Watali. It is to be noted that Watali is currently behind bars in connection with a terror funding case. According to NIA, Andrabi has close contacts with Pakistan-based terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) chief Hafeez Saeed.

Malaysia..the center of islamic banking and terror funding!
Time to fund some seperatism in Malaysia


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2019
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WEll!! we know why the terrorist Naik is finding HEAVEN in MALAYSIA!!
Mahathir at this old age wanted to do his part for the Islamiyat it seems funding terrorism for 72
Hoors at age of 93?he might need loads of viagra to buried with him


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Hoors at age of 93?he might need loads of viagra to buried with him

GOod thing Mahathir will drag Malaysia to its grave with his grave with his gravest policies on terrorism. Malaysia is one of the fastest functioning economy..pakistan will make it into fuckonomy


Jul 11, 2011
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U mean Porkis simply give away 44% of their land mass without WAR.:rofl:

Can u give EVEN ONE method to achieve Azad Balochisthan except war?
Separation of Balochistan from Pakistan has to come about from within.
What is the role of a war waged by India on Pakistan in freeing Balochistan ? When one says "War" it traditionally means conventional war using military means.
How do you suggest to conduct that war ?
Unless you are suggesting military operations to be launched into Balochistan from Afghanistan or Iran !

From India -Pak border, freeing Balochistan involves capture of Punjab and / or part of Punjab and Sindh before one reaches Balochistan. That virtually amounts to capture of entire Pakistan and a nuclear war before that. Or a nuclear strike to begin with. Then why target Balochistan ? Pakistan will collapse merely with the capture of Lahore.

Why not adopt a strategy of "Indirect Approach" - an approach short of war - support and help insurgency in Balochistan and facilitate their independence along with Afghanistan, Iran and international community.

All efforts to weaken Pakistani hold over Balochistan - ideological isolation, economic incapabilities, active hostilities with local population and international support, support to Balochistan cause by Sindh and KPK etc are some of the ways that can ultimately lead to independence of Balochistan.

War is not a toy which one can play in his bed.


Lestat De Lioncourt
Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
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famous Latin quote
Be practical, we are dealing with highly trained Army there.

Re: IF u think Porki/Army simply give away 44% of their land mass without WAR, u are delusional.:rofl:
Why go that far? In Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says "The only time you will have peace is when you have the power to crush your enemies"

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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am talking about today circumstances

IF we start on idiotic questions then
How did India divided into 2 pieces without war?
Errr .. so many
Soviet Union was a nation state... British India wasn't. It was a colony, a part of an empire.The Republic of India has remained undivided for the past 72 years..
Between if the middle East blows up, in an all out war between US and Iran, it might hasten Pakistan's collapse, since it would turn off the Ummah money tap (The probability of an all out war is pretty low at present, and such a war would also badly affect India, although to a much lesser degree, than Pakistan )


Jul 11, 2011
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famous Latin quote
Be practical, we are dealing with highly trained Army there.

Re: IF u think Porki/Army simply give away 44% of their land mass without WAR, u are delusional.:rofl:
How many wars did USA wage to destroy USSR ?

You have climbed down from waging war to preparation for war ! Next you will be advocating surrender...


Jul 11, 2011
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Why go that far? In Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says "The only time you will have peace is when you have the power to crush your enemies"
Please quote relevant stanza ..... with authoritative translation....:crazy:
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