Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
So, what's the deal with Modi staying at a hotel in Bishkek, Krygystan.....while all others (including Xi, Putin, Imran) stayed at the presidential palace.

Pakis, of course, are having a ball suggesting that Modi was 'isolated'. But obviously there's something else going on.......

Very curious!!!


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Arey bhai! Meine kab kaha ki aapki galti hai!
I am only trying explain the psyche of several Indians. Barkha doing an irrelevant program for Indian television shows how much she (& people like her) mentally live in an different region of the world! In their heads they're trying to cozy up with 'English speaking white folks'....and distance themselves from the actual Indians. Subliminally they're uttering 'bloody Indians' every moment while trying to explain to their mostly imaginary (& sometimes real) white friends that they (despite being Indians) are different from the 'bloody Indians'.
you said indians, hence the pun.

i was reading an article last year i think, which basically argues that lineage of majority of the current lutyens durbaris can be traced back to mughal period, hence the term "durbaris". Their families have been close to power centres for generations, First the mughals, then the brits, then the congress and now probably even BJP. few families got added in between like kashmiri pundit families during nehru period, and families from U.P during sonia period but the fundamentals of durbaris remained the same.

This could also mean that some of them served russians during cold war and now the americans or chinese. these durbaris have their uses.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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So, what's the deal with Modi staying at a hotel in Bishkek, Krygystan.....while all others (including Xi, Putin, Imran) stayed at the presidential palace.

Pakis, of course, are having a ball suggesting that Modi was 'isolated'. But obviously there's something else going on.......

Very curious!!!
Thats a story implanted by usual..another lie.
They are putting a counter to the snorting Khan acting like a RETARD at SCO summit breaking protocols.
When they say India is the REAL world pak is isolated. and as usual the inbreds are spinning another story with their Gayfoora.

Modi is making a very straight and clear point that they wont give pakistan media ANY SORT OF SCOPE to spin a story that Modi and Snorting Khan had a diplomatic meet at the SIDELINES of SCO.
Diplomatic lines, it simply means India is taking a very strong stance against pakistan...and nothing has changed deescalation..
the pigs extended their NOTAM till 28 June.

Well!! the BIG has decided something and he doesnt want ANYTHING to alter it.
He himself is insulating himself from the fog so that his Plan could be carried out without hindrance.
Looks like he is not banking on any Asian /Central Asian leaders for SUPPORT either...on his plans..big
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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
Thats a story implanted by usual..another lie.
They are putting a counter to the snorting Khan acting like a RETARD at SCO summit breaking protocols.
When they say India is the REAL world pak is isolated. and as usual the inbreds are spinning another story with their Gayfoora.

Modi is making a very straight and clear point that they wont give pakistan media ANY SORT OF SCOPE to spin a story that Modi and Snorting Khan had a diplomatic meet at the SIDELINES of SCO.
Diplomatic lines, it simply means India is taking a very strong stance against pakistan...and nothing has changed deescalation..
the pigs extended their NOTAM till 28 June.

Well!! the BIG has decided something and he doesnt want ANYTHING to alter it.
He himself is insulating himself from the fog so that his Plan could be carried out without hindrance.
Looks like he is not banking on any Asian /Central Asian leaders for SUPPORT either...on his plans..big
Are you saying that the story that Modi alone is staying at the hotel (and not the presidential palace like the rest) is a planted story? Definitely not. There're enough videos to show that he did stay at the hotel.


Sep 7, 2015
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Not sure why Indians always think that someone's aberrant behavior can always be explained by "got paid" reasoning.

There are several other social & political (not always economic) reasons why people do what they do.

Indians unfortunately grow up with an obsession to please their imaginary 'English speaking white friend'. Most relate their actions and speech on how they would be judged by their imaginary 'English speaking white friend' (if they don't already have a real one). They hardly relate to India from an Indian perspective, they take pride in seeing India from a Westerners perspective. This perspective has been subliminally imbued into Indian psyche by Lutyens like elite in all parts of India (who take pride in referring to Indians as 'bloody Indians' - an artifact that they slavishly inherited from the British).

This unfortunate psyche is further perpetuated as a result of Indians learning Indian history, arts and humanities from Western authors. I've normally noticed that Indians going into science streams are relatively unaffected by this syndrome.

One testament to the above syndrome is Barkha's own show few days ago. Just because Alabama state senate introduced an anti-abortion bill, Barkha thought it fit to have a ONE HOUR show on abortion laws in India (abortion has always been legal in Independent India; no change has happened recently and no change is petitioned by any Indian on this front)!

So, don't look at these are 'stooges paid' by an anti-Indian cabal, but just folks diseased by an affliction to always
'look relevant and look good' to the (imaginary) Westerners!!
Read this:

Freebies galore. Terminated.....and so has much of the Lutyens media.


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Are you saying that the story that Modi alone is staying at the hotel (and not the presidential palace like the rest) is a planted story? Definitely not. There're enough videos to show that he did stay at the hotel.
There'll be 1 on 1 meetings that will be reported as something like "Putin khud chalkar Modi se milne aaye" for sure.

Or, there is some serious security threat staying with Pakis.

Or, like these rooms always are, it's bugged up the wazoo and Modi is handling something very delicate.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
There'll be 1 on 1 meetings that will be reported as something like "Putin khud chalkar Modi se milne aaye" for sure.

Or, there is some serious security threat staying with Pakis.

Or, like these rooms always are, it's bugged up the wazoo and Modi is handling something very delicate.
I doubt that a hotel would be more secure than a presidential palace where Putin/Xi are residing.

Also, hotels could also be bugged......... (Israelis bugged a hotel in a third country where US and France were discussing Iran's nuclear deal!)


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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I doubt that a hotel would be more secure than a presidential palace where Putin/Xi are residing.

Also, hotels could also be bugged......... (Israelis bugged a hotel in a third country where US and France were discussing Iran's nuclear deal!)
Not if Putin, Xi are the ones doing the bugging and plotting.

They probably have cased the joint so to speak well before. Moving to a hotel isn't a decision they made suddenly.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
Not if Putin, Xi are the ones doing the bugging and plotting.

They probably have cased the joint so to speak well before. Moving to a hotel isn't a decision they made suddenly.
Buddy, please! Think before you type!
Putin & Xi can bug a hotel more easily than they can bug Krygyz presidential palace!
What would the Putin & Xi PLOT against Modi? Break into his room and force him to a three some? :)

If I have a hazard a guess: I think the big/best rooms were given to Putin's & Xi's contingents. The amount of rooms/space offered to India might not have fit well with the size of the Indian pride/delegation/ such Modi chose to stay at a hotel........also in a way to signal that India won't squeeze into small rooms/spaces like Pakis would.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Are you saying that the story that Modi alone is staying at the hotel (and not the presidential palace like the rest) is a planted story? Definitely not. There're enough videos to show that he did stay at the hotel.
Nope..Hes staying at a hotel.. I am saying the STORY of isolation planted by the paki pigs.
Hes guarding something BIG! and its against pakistan ..and looks like he doesnt like to have anyone talk to him about it on the "SIDELINES"


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Oh Well!!!!!

Not just 2022 (the new India deadline, as the government likes to outline, coinciding with our 75th Independence Day), Modi is likely to come back to power even in 2024.
When BJP general secretary Ram Madhav recently remarked that the BJP will continue to be in power even in 2047, it was not an off-the-cuff remark.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Putin & Xi can bug a hotel more easily than they can bug Krygyz presidential palace!
Not really, given that many of these "palaces" were actually built and renovated during Soviet times and given the overreaching Russian influence in the former Soviet republics, it's not much of a stretch to believe that every nook and corner of these establishments are crawling with Ruso-Sino spies and surveillance.

Not to say that hotels would not be bugged and not all would be detected by the sweep equipment, but it would be near impossible to flush out all surveillance in the presidential palace.

Now the reasons for staying in the hotel could be many fold. Each speculation sounds as likely or unlikely as the other.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Pakistan has nothing to offer to anyone but beg. It is only China who is pimping Pakistan to Russia. I wonder if China-man is also dictating Kyrgyzstan on SCO protocols to give Pakistan good access to Putin.

Russian OTOH know where the money is. Modi is having a bilateral meeting with SCO nations whereas LAFANGA Imran Khan is sulking around like a stay dog all over.

Now with all the daily embarrassment, these little Pakistanis endure they find solace in abusing Modi and his humble background. In reality, Modi is their worst nightmare and has hurt them like no other Indian leader.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan has nothing to offer to anyone but beg. It is only China who is pimping Pakistan to Russia. I wonder if China-man is also dictating Kyrgyzstan on SCO protocols to give Pakistan good access to Putin.

Russian OTOH know where the money is. Modi is having a bilateral meeting with SCO nations whereas LAFANGA Imran Khan is sulking around like a stay dog all over.

Now with all the daily embarrassment, these little Pakistanis endure they find solace in abusing Modi and his humble background. In reality, Modi is their worst nightmare and has hurt them like no other Indian leader.
Good that India is not even giving the snort Khan any chance to have a talk as the ISI and coward army of pakistan would want to deescalate.
Qureshi too seemed very pissed...Tension peaketh


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Indian diplomatic corps are well trained and well equipped. Also, the leaders are trained and briefed what to say even when lines of communications are safe. Even during one on one interactions, everything is scripted.

Modi is a seasoned politician all the optics he does are for simple minded people and lollypops for his detractors to suck on. Retard Pakistanis always go for these lollypops when Modi comes back home with substantive work done on Diplomatic front without the limelight.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Good that India is not even giving the snort Khan any chance to have a talk as the ISI and coward army of pakistan would want to deescalate.
Qureshi too seemed very pissed...Tension peaketh

This debate is for only those who knowingly or unknowingly not following Modi and his utterances.

Modi has killed this stupid Indian proclivity of engaging with Pakistan.

He gave Pakistan enough chances even paid Political costs when allowed them to do joint investigation on Pathankot airbase attack.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2010
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These pakis talking about modi getting isolated didn't even knew the word existed before modi himself said he is working on isolating pakis.:laugh:

The compulsive lying habit of pakis means that they have to self cajole themselves into believing everything is fine and they are actually in control of their situation.

If they had to dig in to something like which hotel modi lives in and to say imran is living in presidential palace and modi not , then you yourself have to understand what situation pakis are in.

Day by day they know their country is in deep shit, they even know they are being used up by chinese in CPEC. They even know border is hot and their invincible soldiers are dying left and right everywhere. The pashtuns are rebelling, the baloch are massacreing every paki soldier they can find. Their economy is in tatters. Chinese are taking their women. IMF is basically toying with them and they seem to be not getting out of FATF grey list. There is no respect in being called a pakistani.

Inbthis situation these folks dig into something like this to make fun of modi or India in general to trigger us and then themselves happy about it. This is their life now.

It's like an ex gf/wife who ditched you, and now that you have prospered without her, she can't stand it. She is just seeking his attention. Just like how imran keeps calling modi but never picks up the phone.:laugh:
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