Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Guys who get arrested and taken into protective custody are usually Intel plants. The number of times they get arrested is directly proportional to how close they are to the Intel. People like Engineer Rashid are to the Kashmiri freedom struggle what Gandhi was to Indian freedom struggle. Our Intel has been paying his bills. He goes and misleads the masses when the sun shines and comes back to the barracks like a loyal dog after sunset.

Should redact this post/delete it ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2019
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Guys who get arrested and taken into protective custody are usually Intel plants. The number of times they get arrested is directly proportional to how close they are to the Intel. People like Engineer Rashid are to the Kashmiri freedom struggle what Gandhi was to Indian freedom struggle. Our Intel has been paying his bills. He goes and misleads the masses when the sun shines and comes back to the barracks like a loyal dog after sunset.

Delete please....,..........................


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Defence minister meets top Army brass; reviews situation along Pakistan, China borders
PTI | Updated: Jun 14, 2019, 21:32 IST
NEW DELHI: Defence minister Rajnath Singh on Friday held a meeting with top brass of the Army and reviewed the overall security challenges facing the country including situation along borders with Pakistan and China, official sources said.

Aane wala Aandhi ka soochna dete hue...vayu clojin in on pak ports


Senior Member
May 26, 2018
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Snorting Khan is a gone case.
idiot breaking protocols everywhere he goes.
pak army is making him a good addict and controlling via snorts :D
Question is who will show that idiot his place ? Someone from Int community or his own Army ? I don't want that guy to become a hero for getting overthrown by the Army.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Should redact this post/delete it ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Da gormint itself is going out of the way to create a narrative to expose the duplicity of these Kashmiri leaders. The gormint wants Kashmiris to see that their own leaders who provoke them to attack the forces are themselves enjoying the hospitality of the forces and sending their kids to foreign universities on Indian gormint funds. Let everyone see the duplicity of these sneks. The photo was posted by a gormint account during Kashmir floods. They even showed Yasin Malik stealing rations from NDRF teams.

It's an open secret now. Even Kashmiris know their leaders are all corrupt. The knowledge that your top leadership is sold out to the gormint itself has a big demoralizing effect on the separatists. Let the Muzzies believe that their entire leadership is sold out. Let it sow doubts and hurt the credibility of all separatist leaders. Let all Kashmiri separatist leaders be seen by their followers with suspicion of being an Indian agent. It suits us.

These separatist leaders live in huge bungalows protected by gormint forces. Of course the aawam knows that they are sellouts.
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Question is who will show that idiot his place ? Someone from Int community or his own Army ? I don't want that guy to become a hero for getting overthrown by the Army.
you mean over thrown like Mushraff on Drips in Dufai?


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
She's not being paid by the Lutyens cabal anymore. Nor is she being sent by them on all paid vacations to exotic locations. She's probably pissed off at this and turning her boat around. She knows which side of the bread to butter.
Not sure why Indians always think that someone's aberrant behavior can always be explained by "got paid" reasoning.

There are several other social & political (not always economic) reasons why people do what they do.

Indians unfortunately grow up with an obsession to please their imaginary 'English speaking white friend'. Most relate their actions and speech on how they would be judged by their imaginary 'English speaking white friend' (if they don't already have a real one). They hardly relate to India from an Indian perspective, they take pride in seeing India from a Westerners perspective. This perspective has been subliminally imbued into Indian psyche by Lutyens like elite in all parts of India (who take pride in referring to Indians as 'bloody Indians' - an artifact that they slavishly inherited from the British).

This unfortunate psyche is further perpetuated as a result of Indians learning Indian history, arts and humanities from Western authors. I've normally noticed that Indians going into science streams are relatively unaffected by this syndrome.

One testament to the above syndrome is Barkha's own show few days ago. Just because Alabama state senate introduced an anti-abortion bill, Barkha thought it fit to have a ONE HOUR show on abortion laws in India (abortion has always been legal in Independent India; no change has happened recently and no change is petitioned by any Indian on this front)!

So, don't look at these are 'stooges paid' by an anti-Indian cabal, but just folks diseased by an affliction to always
'look relevant and look good' to the (imaginary) Westerners!!


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Not sure why Indians always think that someone's aberrant behavior can always be explained by "got paid" reasoning.

There are several other social & political (not always economic) reasons why people do what they do.

Indians unfortunately grow up with an obsession to please their imaginary 'English speaking white friend'. Most relate their actions and speech on how they would be judged by their imaginary 'English speaking white friend' (if they don't already have a real one). They hardly relate to India from an Indian perspective, they take pride in seeing India from a Westerners perspective. This perspective has been subliminally imbued into Indian psyche by Lutyens like elite in all parts of India (who take pride in referring to Indians as 'bloody Indians' - an artifact that they slavishly inherited from the British).

This unfortunate psyche is further perpetuated as a result of Indians learning Indian history, arts and humanities from Western authors. I've normally noticed that Indians going into science streams are relatively unaffected by this syndrome.

One testament to the above syndrome is Barkha's own show few days ago. Just because Alabama state senate introduced an anti-abortion bill, Barkha thought it fit to have a ONE HOUR show on abortion laws in India (abortion has always been legal in Independent India; no change has happened recently and no change is petitioned by any Indian on this front)!

So, don't look at these are 'stooges paid' by an anti-Indian cabal, but just folks diseased by an affliction to always
'look relevant and look good' to the (imaginary) Westerners!!
If Barkha did a program based on something that happened in some other state in some other country, Hamara galti Kya hai bhai? :) blame Barkha and her circle of influence.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
If Barkha did a program based on something that happened in some other state in some other country, Hamara galti Kya hai bhai? :) blame Barkha and her circle of influence.
Arey bhai! Meine kab kaha ki aapki galti hai!
I am only trying explain the psyche of several Indians. Barkha doing an irrelevant program for Indian television shows how much she (& people like her) mentally live in an different region of the world! In their heads they're trying to cozy up with 'English speaking white folks'....and distance themselves from the actual Indians. Subliminally they're uttering 'bloody Indians' every moment while trying to explain to their mostly imaginary (& sometimes real) white friends that they (despite being Indians) are different from the 'bloody Indians'.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
I agree with u what ever u said about Indians but u gave an example of filthy bit* burqa dutt?? ... yakk. :doh:

IF China&India growing economy at this phase, Asians may stop looking for western approval .... 2030 may be.
Barkha was used as relevant example as someone said "she's now different as she's no longer paid by Lutyens".
My whole spiel is that people like Barkha suffer a mental disorder.....not so much being bought out by some secret cabal.

Instead of going into convulsions by looking at the names of Barkha , Shekar Gupta etc..try to understand the context and the message! (you went into serious convulsions earlier too :) )
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