Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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situation is temse in doklam
also in pak. side ..... According to Junior defense minister


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Oct 12, 2013
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Dil Dil Hindustan
New Member
Mar 2, 2018
Pakistan and China both will attack us? Are we prepared to handle both at a time?
As per many reports India is low on IAF SQN and also the fate of Arjun II is unknown.
The proper gear for soldiers like BPJ, knee pads, night Vision is also not procured properly.
India is lacking behind in UCAV and UAV technology which is most important right now.
How is it possible for them to tackle both all together.
The economy will doom.
Happy Holi


Defense lover
New Member
Aug 23, 2017
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Pakistan and China both will attack us? Are we prepared to handle both at a time?
As per many reports India is low on IAF SQN and also the fate of Arjun II is unknown.
The proper gear for soldiers like BPJ, knee pads, night Vision is also not procured properly.
India is lacking behind in UCAV and UAV technology which is most important right now.
How is it possible for them to tackle both all together.
The economy will doom.
Happy Holi
without a strong reason both won't attack ...
then millitary is superior in Pakistan but not so much superior than before...(now they are hiding their casualties to hide their face)
if chaina want to attack then they had already in the time of doklam ....
if such time will come ...then other nations will not sit silently...
..may be it will coz 3rd world war ....... nuclear bombardment s......


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Sep 5, 2015
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Off topic but something the libtards & award Warsi janta will hate to acknowledge, please read;

2017: The Zero Death Year!
March 2, 2018
SOURCE: 5Forty3

The year 2017 is possibly the most significant year of the new millennium till now for India. Do you know why 2017 is so important? It is a statistical anomaly that will warm your hearts. Since the start of the 21st century, 2017 is the first year that India has lost no life to Islamic terror! For the first time in nearly two decades not a single Indian died in 2017 owing to the barbarism of Jihadi terror attacks outside the troubled zone of Jammu and Kashmir.

It shall be celebrated by future historians as the first Zero Death Year since global Jihad attained mainstream status and found India as a prime target.

2017 is in fact a continuing story of the last four years. Since 2014, in roughly the last four years, the number of casualties of Jihadi terrorism across India (outside J&K) have fallen down to a mere 24. Of these 24 deaths, only a 3rd were acctual civilian casualties while 16 of those who died belonged to the security forces. No doubt, every innocent life that is lost is precious, what must also be appreciated here is the fact that many hundreds of lives have been saved over the last three odd years.

In effect, over the last four years, only two civilians have died in Jihadi terror attacks every year in India (outside of J&K) while 26 terrorists have been killed in that same period of time. Therefore, 2017 is also symbolic because not a single Indian died while one ISIS terrorist lost his life in an encounter in Uttar Pradesh on 8th March 2017. It is very clear that for the first time India has begun to fight back against Jihadi terrorism. This is no mean achievement when one considers the bleak security scenario of the decade preceding 2014.

Between 2004 and 2014, a whopping 910 Indians (again, outside of J&K) lost their lives to Jihadi terrorism while another 3118 were wounded. These are staggering numbers. An overwhelming 402 innocent people either died or were injured in Jihadi terror attacks in India every year during the UPA decade. Let us further clarify this data-point. Due to Islamic terror attacks, more than one person was either losing his life or limb each single day that Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi were in power!

Further analysis of the casualty data shows that out of the 910 Indian lives lost during that dark decade of terrorism, only 31 were security forces while an overwhelming majority of 879 were innocent civilians. Also, during this period, only 42 terrorists were killed achieving a dubious ratio of only 1 terrorist killed for every 21 civilian lives lost. Essentially, the UPA government’s security apparatus was so heavily compromised that India was sacrificing 21 innocent civilians to eliminate one terrorist in the war against terrorism.

What were Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh doing in this decade of darkness? Instead of fighting Jihadi terrorism, they were busy creating non-existent ‘Hindu-Terrorism’ (sic) out of thin air just to maintain their minority vote-banks. Contrast this with what the Modi government has been doing over the last four years and you will realize how stark is the difference.

What is more surprising is that throughout that decade when literally hundreds of innocent lives were lost, not a single ‘intellectual’ thought of returning her award in protest, not a single media entity created a narrative of an intolerant country and not a single meaningful debate was built upon religious hegemony.

On 27th October 2013, a series of bombs went off at the Hunkar rally in Patna, killing seven people and injuring more than a 100. Narendra Modi, the then Gujarat CM was addressing close to 4 lakh people in that rally and it proved to be a turning point of his Prime Ministerial campaign. Senior journalist, M.J. Akbar had eloquently written about that incident in his now famous ET column:

“The bombs that began to burst at Narendra Modi’s Patliputra rally were aimed at the crowds, of course, but also at him. His instant response was to ask a powerful question to both Hindus and Muslims that went to the crux of the principal challenge before our nation, and included its solution as well. He asked these two great communities to choose: they could either fight each other, or together they could confront that shaming curse called poverty.”

After becoming the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi with able assistance from Ajit Doval has not only repaired the damage caused to the Indian security apparatus, but has also fought back against Jihadi terrorism with vigor, meeting bullet to bullet. If not for anything else, it is for this act of greatness that India deserves his decisive leadership for at least another decade.


Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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Is there any way dfi tracks duplicate profiles. Sometimes it feels same members are using dummy profiles. Its annoying.
hmm moderator s can they can see our ip addresses


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistani Army to plant IEDs at their own posts along LoC to counter cross-border raids by Indian special forces
:laugh::laugh:The Pakistani Army has formed special units to plant improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at their own posts along the Line of Control (LoC) possibly to counter cross-border raids by Indian special forces.:rofl::laugh:

According to intelligence sources, the decision to plant IEDs, including in Poonch, was taken at a recent meeting between the Pakistani Army and the Inter-Services Intelligence officers.

Pakistani Army's Special Service Group, 59 Baloch Regiment, 644 Mujahid Battalion, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed have been tasked with planting IEDs and landmines along the LoC, according to intelligence sources. The Pakistani Army has tasked militants waiting to infiltrate Kashmir with the twin job of planting IEDs and targeting Indian security forces in the state.

Defence expert Major General (Retired) PK Sehgal told India Today that the Pakistani Army plans to ambush Indian soldiers using IEDs along the LoC. "There are reports that the Pakistani Army is planning to inflict heavy casualties on the Indian side by planting IEDs in Rajouri and Poonch. But the Indian Army is alert and is capable enough to counter this tactic," he said.

On April 1 last year, one Indian soldier was killed along the LoC in Poonch when an IED went off. On October 4, 2014, another soldier Akshay Godbole, who was on patrol, was killed again in Poonch when an IED apparently planted by militants with the help of Pakistani Army went off.

In 2016, the Defence Research and Development Organisation developed portable jammers to end the danger of IEDs during patrolling by Indian soldiers. Subsequently, one soldier of every patrol team is equipped with the jammer. The jammers were inducted to ensure safety of soldiers during patrolling after a series of IED blasts.

pakistan is a depressed bitch with suicidal tendencies which is of hereditary nature.. such in the blood..


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Feb 24, 2018
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Idiots repeating again and again sickular gandi-nehru syllabus ......
India is peaceful, India never attacked any one
India is peaceful, India never attacked any one. :rofl:

This is extension of the Chola dynasty.

Let us assume we are forced to two front war first we DEMOLISH porks ,divide them into 2 or 3 pieces and stop Chinese at natural border Himalayas ... That's it.:)
Mostly those who are well read know for the fact that India wss once an expansionist but it is in our interest to potray that we are and were always a peace loving soft musshy people.

hammer head

New Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Pakistan and China both will attack us? Are we prepared to handle both at a time?
As per many reports India is low on IAF SQN and also the fate of Arjun II is unknown.
The proper gear for soldiers like BPJ, knee pads, night Vision is also not procured properly.
India is lacking behind in UCAV and UAV technology which is most important right now.
How is it possible for them to tackle both all together.
The economy will doom.
Happy Holi
Dnt mind but knee pads and elbow pads dont make you win a war!! Now talking about yhe Bullet proof jacket for the entire Indian Army is not realistic, even your G I joes dnt have it forget china.

I agree that we are lacking in UAV & UCAVs

About the Fate of Arjun mkii well the entire Country is unaware Right from tje user to the manufacturer.
Can China and Pak Both be handled together?? Yes they can be!!
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