Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Dil Dil Hindustan
New Member
Mar 2, 2018
PLA deployment along LAC is comparatively lower than IA deployment on Indian side as most of their equipment and men are stationed outside Tibet.

Any concrete evidence that there are lesser number of troops deployed by China along LAC compared to India.
So in case of hostilities with india they will need to move in equipment into Tibet making them vulnerable to IAF preemptive strikes
How is it that India will be able to carry out preemptive strikes dodging the Chinese AA capabilities? Although I have no knowledge about Indian capability nor the Chinese capability. What would be Chinese reaction if India carries out such strikes. Would India carry out these strike on already deployed soldiers or the incoming one?
About the Fate of Arjun mkii well the entire Country is unaware Right from tje user to the manufacturer.
Can China and Pak Both be handled together?? Yes they can be!!
Then on what basis do we manage to say that yes it can be handled. Is it the ability to stop China at the border or ability to inflict disproportionate damage, both on economical and military fragment?

Galaxy 7

New Member
Feb 14, 2018
We should remember, we r also losing soldiers in this skirmishes. we should try to capture opposite heights.If not let status quo prevail.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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We should remember, we r also losing soldiers in this skirmishes. we should try to capture opposite heights.If not let status quo prevail.
They are Loosing Much more than us

For one of our soldiers at least Three of theirs are killed

So if they are NOT interested in peace ; why should we opt for ceasefire

Also remember they are loosing soldiers in Baluchistan and Afghan border

Pakistanis claim that they dont Mind even loosing 20000 ( yes twenty thousand ) soldiers in these LOC clashes

Their thinking is that Indian Media and political parties will force
the govt for a ceasefire

That is what they want

Ceasefire suits them ; they get away without any Punishment


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Jun 28, 2017
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We should definitely reduce our losses. But sitting back and waiting for their terrorists to strike is not the way. Make pakistan pay 5-10 time more in men and material cost. Balochistan is ripe for plucking along with FATA. But most importantly hit in pakjab and they will scream.


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Jul 18, 2011
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Any concrete evidence that there are lesser number of troops deployed by China along LAC compared to India.

How is it that India will be able to carry out preemptive strikes dodging the Chinese AA capabilities? Although I have no knowledge about Indian capability nor the Chinese capability. What would be Chinese reaction if India carries out such strikes. Would India carry out these strike on already deployed soldiers or the incoming one?

Then on what basis do we manage to say that yes it can be handled. Is it the ability to stop China at the border or ability to inflict disproportionate damage, both on economical and military fragment?
China has one mountain division. The 3rd Mountain Division, while the IA maintains a full Moutain Strike Corps, headquartered at Panagarh, WB (the XVII Corps), especially for China.

The IA has decades of experience operating and fighting at high altitudes, including Siachen, the World's highest battlefield.

Coming to preemptive strikes, Indian airfields along the LAC lie on terrain that is at very low altitude compared to the ones deployed by China at Tibet. That gives IAF fighters the ability to take off with far greater payload.

So you have Su-30MKIs deploying with long range stand off weapons against an enemy that had last seen combat in 1979 (which it lost) and whose men are by and large conscripts. Indian positions all along the border also enjoy greater altitude advantage and artillery domination.

The true cost to China will occur on the seas as their supply routes and any units operating near IOR will be cut off and eliminated.

Ofcourse, by the very mention of strikes, we are talking of full-scale war.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Any concrete evidence that there are lesser number of troops deployed by China along LAC compared to India.

How is it that India will be able to carry out preemptive strikes dodging the Chinese AA capabilities? Although I have no knowledge about Indian capability nor the Chinese capability. What would be Chinese reaction if India carries out such strikes. Would India carry out these strike on already deployed soldiers or the incoming one?

Then on what basis do we manage to say that yes it can be handled. Is it the ability to stop China at the border or ability to inflict disproportionate damage, both on economical and military fragment?
China at present mantains troop strength to the extent of excercising effective control over Tibet. They do not have an active plan to run over Himalayas and capture Indian territories. Though they try to steal land like a thief. While India mantains troop strength to repel any chinese attack. So our troop configuration is more dense. The moment China increases millitary assets and soldiers near LAC our local MI and overhead satelites will come to know. As most of Tibet is open barren land its difficult to hide.
Coming to preemptive strikes it can only happen after hostilities have started. Our aim would be to mantain Area Denial over NE. That would certainly require striking into Tibet. For that only we plan to station Rafales in Hasimara and have Su30 squadron in Tezpur.
China and Pak can be managed. Infact we are managing Pak quite well. And Doklam showed we can push back Chinese too. Chinese arent fools to confront India directly. Confusing the enemy is an old chinese strategy. They engaged us in Bhutan while they were aquiring real assets in Sri Lanka, Maldives and other IOR countries.
Two front war may not happen but our millitary should have effective strength to deter both enemies combined. That was the whole idea behind two front war scenario.


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Dec 6, 2017
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China has one mountain division. The 3rd Mountain Division, while the IA maintains a full Moutain Strike Corps, headquartered at Panagarh, WB (the XVII Corps), especially for China.

The IA has decades of experience operating and fighting at high altitudes, including Siachen, the World's highest battlefield.

Coming to preemptive strikes, Indian airfields along the LAC lie on terrain that is at very low altitude compared to the ones deployed by China at Tibet. That gives IAF fighters the ability to take off with far greater payload.

So you have Su-30MKIs deploying with long range stand off weapons against an enemy that had last seen combat in 1979 (which it lost) and whose men are by and large conscripts. Indian positions all along the border also enjoy greater altitude advantage and artillery domination.

The true cost to China will occur on the seas as their supply routes and any units operating near IOR will be cut off and eliminated.

Ofcourse, by the very mention of strikes, we are talking of full-scale war.
The new C130J @ panagarh will be added advantage :)


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Nov 26, 2017
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Atleast for another two more years..

After that , either pakis will ask for ceasefire or they send their jihadis for a attack inland.

Looks like we are ready for both.
Bigger skirmishes happened from 2001-2003. Nothing changed thereafter. Pak didn't mend its ways. As long as India is incapable of grabbing pak territories, pak will continue doing this. Tit for tit is a victory for Pak, even if they lose more people (for, in their mind, a small country is able to provoke a bigger country without losing land).

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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Pak didn't mend its ways. As long as India is incapable of grabbing pak territories, pak will continue doing this.
What do you mean by incapable? The Indian Army is very much capable of grabbing lands. Capability, and not taking that option right now are totally two different things. A small country was provoking India these many years, but looks like they are doing so out of desperation, if you still think otherwise, either you are ignorant on realities, or delusional, or both.


New Member
May 19, 2017
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Any concrete evidence that there are lesser number of troops deployed by China along LAC compared to India.

How is it that India will be able to carry out preemptive strikes dodging the Chinese AA capabilities? Although I have no knowledge about Indian capability nor the Chinese capability. What would be Chinese reaction if India carries out such strikes. Would India carry out these strike on already deployed soldiers or the incoming one?

Then on what basis do we manage to say that yes it can be handled. Is it the ability to stop China at the border or ability to inflict disproportionate damage, both on economical and military fragment?
The Indian Army has 9 of its 12 mountain divisions deployed in the eastern sector. Each of these divisions usually consists of 15500 combat troops and 8,000 support elements. Of these, three divisions – 17th, 27th and 20th – are deployed near the India-China-Bhutan tri-junction, the site of the dhoklam standoff.

Three mountain divisions – 5th, 21st and 71st are deployed in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. Additionally, three mountain divisions of the Indian Army 2nd, 56th and 57th are deployed in Dibrugarh, Zakhama, and Leimakhong.
Against this, China has 2 mountain motorised infantry brigade and a mechanised infantry brigade close to the Indian border. While the mountain infantry brigades are based in Nyingchi region of Tibet facing Arunachal Pradesh, the only mechanised infantry brigade deployed close to the LAC is stationed in Lhasa.

In the western sector, India has an infantry division and a mountain division.India also has an armoured brigade (with over 100 T-72 tanks) to cover the flat approaches from Tibet towards India’s crucial defences at Chushul.
In comparison, China has deployed a mechanised infantry division based in Hotan in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, north of Askai Chin.
Therefore, in terms of the number of troops deployed close to the boundary in both eastern and western sectors, India possesses a clear advantage.

Tibet Autonomous Region is a vast area which has stretched Chinese supply lines originating from eastern china and not everything can be protected by AA batteries.

We have also activated 11 advance landing grounds along LAC.

hammer head

New Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Any concrete evidence that there are lesser number of troops deployed by China along LAC compared to India.

How is it that India will be able to carry out preemptive strikes dodging the Chinese AA capabilities? Although I have no knowledge about Indian capability nor the Chinese capability. What would be Chinese reaction if India carries out such strikes. Would India carry out these strike on already deployed soldiers or the incoming one?

Then on what basis do we manage to say that yes it can be handled. Is it the ability to stop China at the border or ability to inflict disproportionate damage, both on economical and military fragment?
Well its a Broad topic which would include a lot of talking on Military matter, so lets begin.
1. First of all lets select an area of conflict with the hans, Lets say Arunachal Pradesh now battle with the chinese will be a battle of passes whoever occupies the passes first will have the advantage.
2. The heights where the battle will be fought will be any around 15000ft and above. At such heights any force with aim of offemssive will be tested to its limit cz of the terrain involve, manpower ratio at such terrain is 1:9/12, road space management, limited capability of eqpt to b moved at sich height.
3. The first phase of any successful attack will take a minimum of 8-9 days of slow activity speed of which CANNOT be increased under any circumstances.
4. Take into consideration the swinging of Other countries who too want to settle score and the amount of mobilisation which will yake place on their end.
5. India has never had colonial ambitions, we have never had intenstions of capturing anyones land minus pojk which belongs to us.
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