Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Apr 9, 2022
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If Russia plans a move on Odessa, NATO weapon shipments to Ukraine will increase.. NATO cannot afford to lose Odessa..
Transinitria is more vulnerable to Ukranian invasion, than it being a real threat to Ukraine.. Transitria might have mattered if Russia had captured Mykolaiv in March 2022, when it could have played a role to cut off Odessa.. Now, with all Surprise gone.. Russia losing Transitria is more probable than Ukraine losing Odessa..
In a very real sense Odessa is already lost because of the blockade. What economic good is Odessa worth right now to NATO and Ukraine? It's only worth is being a staging ground to launch navy suicide drones. I might be wrong about the timeline. Russia might wait another year or two, but the day will come eventually.


Regular Member
Feb 9, 2017
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If Russia plans a move on Odessa, NATO weapon shipments to Ukraine will increase.. NATO cannot afford to lose Odessa..
Transinitria is more vulnerable to Ukranian invasion, than it being a real threat to Ukraine.. Transitria might have mattered if Russia had captured Mykolaiv in March 2022, when it could have played a role to cut off Odessa.. Now, with all Surprise gone.. Russia losing Transitria is more probable than Ukraine losing Odessa..
I reckon Russia will encounter very little resistance from the local population if/when it attempts to seize Odessa or the regions further West (Ismail for instance) so it may not be such a tall order as many assume, provided the Ukrainian defence is decisively routed everywhere else. The fact is these places are 100% Russian speaking and impervious to Ukronationalist propaganda so a lot of latent pro 'Russki mir' type sentiment is still prevalent. There may be some anger at the Russians over recent attacks on the city but I don't think many civilians will take up arms if the Russians were to invade.

For instance, I follow the Ukrainian TG channel 'Huyovaya Odessa' as a gauge of public sentiment in the city. The channel toes a very neutral line wrt Russia and posts highlighting the imposition of Ukropian or other restrictions on the use of Russian attract overwhelmingly negative ratings on there. Check the following video published only yesterday of someone complaining about the widespread use of Russian in the city and the need to enforce a switch to Ukropian etc and the number of dislikes it received.


Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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I reckon Russia will encounter very little resistance from the local population if/when it attempts to seize Odessa or the regions further West (Ismail for instance) so it may not be such a tall order as many assume, provided the Ukrainian defence is decisively routed everywhere else. The fact is these places are 100% Russian speaking and impervious to Ukronationalist propaganda so a lot of latent pro 'Russki mir' type sentiment is still prevalent. There may be some anger at the Russians over recent attacks on the city but I don't think many civilians will take up arms if the Russians were to invade.

For instance, I follow the Ukrainian TG channel 'Huyovaya Odessa' as a gauge of public sentiment in the city. The channel toes a very neutral line wrt Russia and posts highlighting the imposition of Ukropian or other restrictions on the use of Russian attract overwhelmingly negative ratings on there. Check the following video published only yesterday of someone complaining about the widespread use of Russian in the city and the need to enforce a switch to Ukropian etc and the number of dislikes it received.

As per 2001 census.. Odessa is about 30 percent Russian, but around 60 percent Ukranian..
It's not about the resistance of the local population I was talking about..The resistance of the local population can be tackled.. It's the logistics and the distance to Odessa..
Russia is not in a position to cross the Dneiper in Kherson with a large expeditionary force, after already being routed out of Kherson City.. the river has proved to be a logistical nightmare for any crossing from Kherson..
So, a large Russian expeditionary force has to come in from the North .. I.e Belarus.. or Russia has to capture all territory east of Dneiper, and forces crossing from the North, and then turn south towards Odessa, like in WW2.. We are talking about thousand kilometers here.. The sheer logistics of it would require a very huge campaign, and I don't think it would be possible without full mobilization for Russia.. Even with Full mobilization, capture of Odessa, would be a difficult task..


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2022
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At the same time, the American expert did not rule out that the Kremlin will give the Kyiv regime a chance to reconsider its attitude towards the conflict before completely depriving Ukraine of access to the Black Sea.

According to him, there were already warnings in the States that Kyiv was at risk of losing control over Odessa, but no one attached any importance to this.
Least delulu sprinter post lol

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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In a very real sense Odessa is already lost because of the blockade. What economic good is Odessa worth right now to NATO and Ukraine? It's only worth is being a staging ground to launch navy suicide drones. I might be wrong about the timeline. Russia might wait another year or two, but the day will come eventually.
Of course Odessa is right now, not commercially useful for Ukraine because of the Russian blockade.. But, if the war ends in a stalemate, and peace is established.. Ukraine keeps Odessa, and with it, will have a functioning economy.. Without Odessa, Ukraine has no economic future..


Regular Member
Feb 9, 2017
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As per 2001 census.. Odessa is about 30 percent Russian, but around 60 percent Ukranian..
It's not about the resistance of the local population I was talking about..The resistance of the local population can be tackled.. It's the logistics and the distance to Odessa..
Russia is not in a position to cross the Dneiper with a large expeditionary force, after already being routed out of Kherson City.. the river has proved to be a logistical nightmare for any crossing from Kherson..
So, a large Russian expeditionary force has to come in from the North .. I.e Belarus.. or Russia has to capture all territory east of Dneiper, and forces crossing from the North, and then turn south towards Odessa, likenin WW2.. We are talking about thousand kilometers here.. The sheer logistics of it would require a very huge campaign, and I don't think it would be possible without full mobilization for Russia.. Even with Full mobilization, capture of Odessa, would be a difficult task..
With the destruction of the Novaya Kahovka dam, crossing the Dniéper may be easier next year as the river bed is already drying out in many places. I do believe Russia would inflict a decisive defeat on Ukraine at some point in 2024 which would make places like Odessa vulnerable. As for the census data, I'd take it with a huge bucket of salt. All this talk about Ukrainians (with the exception of the far Western provinces) and Russians is a recent invention and, though I haven't been to the city personally, I haven't seen anything in the hundreds of videos and posts from Odessa in the past 18 months that would suggest anything even remotely Ukrainian about that place- the population speaks unaccented Russian and appears to maintain a strong Russian cultural and linguistic identity.


Jun 14, 2012
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Screen from the DVR: Odesa this morning. Traffic.
Apparently only women drive. That's right, I forgot - they are being mobilized here too :) . Keep believing the Russians.


Regular Member
Apr 30, 2017
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Of course Odessa is right now, not commercially useful for Ukraine because of the Russian blockade.. But, if the war ends in a stalemate, and peace is established.. Ukraine keeps Odessa, and with it, will have a functioning economy.. Without Odessa, Ukraine has no economic future..
This is why Putin boot-lickers fantasize about Russia taking Odessa.


Regular Member
Apr 30, 2017
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although I cant confirm if they are S-300 or S-400 launchers. Those vehicles are mobile, to show images weeks apart and stating that a vehicle that appears to be missing has been destroyed is just a bad joke. Is there more visual proof than burned grass?
A little better pictures of the before and after.



Senior Member
Dec 14, 2021
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A little better pictures of the before and after.

took quite some time for 1 launcher makes me question if it's edited if it wasn't posted before but pictures 1st and no confirmation if its an S-300 or S-400. I already lost interest since I don't see how this will help Ukraine reach the sea of azov?

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