Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Apr 9, 2022
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Yeah, naval blockade a country for years on end so that they give up.

This I can agree on. Also the fact that if their own troops chanced upon Russia/China, they would be fighting yet another war against a lot of people
Japan main food staple was seafood. With that blockade you could stop all commercial fishing. It would of taken months not years, to get them to surrender.


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Sep 8, 2022
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Goes to show that the Russians were trying to be humane and took extra efforts to avoid civilian casualties in the first place. But now there's no point to it. Might as well steam roll over it.
He says quite the opposite - that Mariupol (and Popasna, Rubizhnoe and any other city where Russians encountered resistance) suffered so much, because Russians saw it as an only way to conquer them. Russians tried to be humane for a first week or so, until they realized that it was not a police action, but a war, noone greeted them with flowers and Ukrainians were not going to give up.

If they raze cities and villages of Donbas to the ground and during the process, kill good chunk of people who didnt run away, can we still talk about liberation? Because Russians keep talking that "liberation of people of Donbas" is one of their main goals. And now it seems that noone suffers in this war more that those good, hard-working, Russian-speaking people of Donbas about whose Putin cares sooooo much.


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Feb 9, 2017
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He says quite the opposite - that Mariupol (and Popasna, Rubizhnoe and any other city where Russians encountered resistance) suffered so much, because Russians saw it as an only way to conquer them. Russians tried to be humane for a first week or so, until they realized that it was not a police action, but a war, noone greeted them with flowers and Ukrainians were not going to give up.

If they raze cities and villages of Donbas to the ground and during the process, kill good chunk of people who didnt run away, can we still talk about liberation? Because Russians keep talking that "liberation of people of Donbas" is one of their main goals. And now it seems that noone suffers in this war more that those good, hard-working, Russian-speaking people of Donbas about whose Putin cares sooooo much.
Wrong again- this is merely the result of Ukrops adopting a scorched earth policy with little regard for civilian lives or infrastructure- check their tactics in Artyomovsk, Chasov Yaar and even Kupyansk, which Russians left largely undamaged back in September, where Ukrops are 'evacuating' civilians and setting up firing positions in the upper floors of apartment blocks. Now compare this to DPR/LPR during the 8 years of 'ATO' between 2014-22, when they typically set up defences at the outskirts of towns/cities away from residential areas, leaving the latter intact (this is evidenced by the fact that most parts of Donbass recaptured by Ukrops during that period including big cities like Slavyansk are still habitable). The key difference is that DPR/LPR were defending their homes and families back then, unlike the Ukrops who have no such qualms and are under strict orders from their Western paymasters to fight until the last Mikola and destroy absolutely everything as part of the long term strategy to weaken Russia by tying her up in reconstruction of the liberated regions.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Partially because its entertaining to watch triggered RuSSian snowflakes, but mainly because RuSSia already turned into a fashist state. And policies they boast about (Deukrainization, "reformatting" of the subjugated population - erasing of the original indentity and replacing it with a Russian one) was precisely what Hitler did in some countries he occupied in an effort to create more "Germans"
1. Russia isnt a fascist state - in fascist states, military & industralists control the nation. In Russia, the KGB controls the nation. Also, i can't help notice but a dude from a literal totalitarian authoritarian anti-democratic nation in MY LIFETIME is trying to act all uppity about freedom and democracy. You eastern euros are babies when it comes to freedom and democracy. Maybe spend atleast one lifetime be free and democratic, then presume to lecture those who already meet the criteria.

2. Nowhere does Russia say or do ' de-ukrainisation' - that is western propaganda. Russia's stated goal is to erase the statehood of Ukraine. Given that we erased the statehood of Nazi Germany, the precedent is set for Nazi Ukraine to be erased as well.
3. You are on the wrong side of history, supporting Nazis for your yankee master's gain and that is why most of the world isnt on your side in this conflict.
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Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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He says quite the opposite - that Mariupol (and Popasna, Rubizhnoe and any other city where Russians encountered resistance) suffered so much, because Russians saw it as an only way to conquer them. Russians tried to be humane for a first week or so, until they realized that it was not a police action, but a war, noone greeted them with flowers and Ukrainians were not going to give up.

If they raze cities and villages of Donbas to the ground and during the process, kill good chunk of people who didnt run away, can we still talk about liberation? Because Russians keep talking that "liberation of people of Donbas" is one of their main goals. And now it seems that noone suffers in this war more that those good, hard-working, Russian-speaking people of Donbas about whose Putin cares sooooo much.
Yes, we can. Because the allies literally firebombed the shit outta France, Holland, Belgium and killed metric crap ton of people there to liberate it from nazi germany. So clearly, the precedence has been set by the western barbarians, that killing civilians to liberate them, is kosher.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Wrong. Like it or not, allied forces were more civilised. It may be because they were liberating the areas that had alreay seen the horror of occupation by germany and the population welcomed them, but it alos had to do with discipline of the officer cadre. Like it or not, British army, in whose footsteps Indian army still marches, always had a very displined structure and ROE. It is what made them succeed through the centuries. Even German army was very disciplined and rarely took part in mass scale atrocities.

And, no Japan wasn't the most civilised one. It was as brutal as Germans. All the accounts of survivors of the Japanese occupation cannot be wrong or propaganda. So, lets not get carried over too much. Japanese were brutal and Nanjing is only one of the atrocities they carried out.
No, they were not more civilised. Britain genocided 4 million Indians (their OWN FACKING SUBJECTS) during WW2, Americans shot dead german kids (hitler's youth) and raped their way through France, enough to be issued a general warning NOT to rape frenchwomen.

Japan was a far more civilised nation than Anglo barbarians during WW2. They didnt mass murder their own subjects during war out of convinience, not even their 'second class subjects' like the Chinese in Manchuria or the Koreans, people they had as subjects for decades before WW2.

Of the major combatants, the two most civilised and humane sides were the Japanese and the Soviets. The yankees were the midway mark, the Anglos and the Germans - both Germanic barbarian stock- were the most barbaric and genocidal.


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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No, they were not more civilised. Britain genocided 4 million Indians (their OWN FACKING SUBJECTS) during WW2, Americans shot dead german kids (hitler's youth) and raped their way through France, enough to be issued a general warning NOT to rape frenchwomen.

Japan was a far more civilised nation than Anglo barbarians during WW2. They didnt mass murder their own subjects during war out of convinience, not even their 'second class subjects' like the Chinese in Manchuria or the Koreans, people they had as subjects for decades before WW2.

Of the major combatants, the two most civilised and humane sides were the Japanese and the Soviets. The yankees were the midway mark, the Anglos and the Germans - both Germanic barbarian stock- were the most barbaric and genocidal.
I am not talking about the politicians and their actions. The armies of Allied nations were more restrained in their action against their occupied territories.

Don't bat for Japan in WW2. Your argument about Japanese not having butchered their own subjects is stupid as Japan didn't have any occupied territories to begin with before they started their WW2. Their atrocities in China and Indo-China is recorded by the survivors themselves where in many places population shrunk drastically during their occupation even when the people of occupied territories - especially in Indo-China - barely put up any resistance during the initial occupation phase.

And in most cases it was Japanese armies that did all the atrocities.

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