Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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I am not talking about the politicians and their actions. The armies of Allied nations were more restrained in their action against their occupied territories.
How convinient. Mass murdering civilians during war is mass murdering civilians during war. Whether you do your own or the enemy, is irrelevant. In fact, its worse to kill your own, is why i rate the Anglos worse.

Don't bat for Japan in WW2. Your argument about Japanese not having butchered their own subjects is stupid as Japan didn't have any occupied territories to begin with before they started their WW2.
Japan had been occupying Korea and Manchuria since 1910 or so. So yes, they DID have occupied territory before WW2. Ergo, my argument is NOT stupid, you have just been fed and are regurgitating anglo propaganda.

Their atrocities in China and Indo-China is recorded by the survivors themselves where in many places population shrunk drastically during their occupation even when the people of occupied territories - especially in Indo-China - barely put up any resistance during the initial occupation phase.

And in most cases it was Japanese armies that did all the atrocities.
And the attrocities of the anglos during WW2 is recorded by our own people. 5-7 million civilians mass murdered.
Numbers matter and the anglos are bigger butchers of civilians during WW2 than the Japanese. Its just that simple.


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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No, they were not more civilised. Britain genocided 4 million Indians (their OWN FACKING SUBJECTS) during WW2, Americans shot dead german kids (hitler's youth) and raped their way through France, enough to be issued a general warning NOT to rape frenchwomen.

Japan was a far more civilised nation than Anglo barbarians during WW2. They didnt mass murder their own subjects during war out of convinience, not even their 'second class subjects' like the Chinese in Manchuria or the Koreans, people they had as subjects for decades before WW2.

Of the major combatants, the two most civilised and humane sides were the Japanese and the Soviets. The yankees were the midway mark, the Anglos and the Germans - both Germanic barbarian stock- were the most barbaric and genocidal.
The Japanese were every bit as bad as the Allies in treatment of occupied territories. China to Korea to South East Asia, the Japanese were brutal. They were brutal to our people in Andaman and Nicobar too, before Bose took over.

You could even say they were very oppressive to their own people as well. The allies heavily belittled, heckled, and ostracized their own actual citizens for not doing enough for war efforts.

But the Japanese had well documented, ritualised execution or suicide practices to deal with it.

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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And when have I said that it's not a war crime? Even so, the nuclear weapons dropped on Japan certainly had the desired effect. If I was an American general at that point, I would have used it too - enemy nation's civilians or my country's soldiers?
I am posting this brilliant article again.. It was not Nuclear wonderwaffe that forced Japanese surrender..But, Russian declaration of war against Japan.. Japanese defense was primed to defend against Yankee invasion from the south..Divisions in Maunchuria and Hokkaido home island in the north were hollowed out to transfer them to the south to defend against Yankee invasion of Home islands .. But, Japancould not handle the prospect of another Great power Soviet Union invading simultaneously from the North.. The Russian blitzkrieg after declaration of war on August 8 had already routed Japanese in Manchuria, and they had lost Sakhalain Island.. and within 10 days, 100k Soviet troops were primed to invade Japanese Home islands in Hokkaido..

Most Japanese were already fire bombed to Oblivion by US bombers, with casualties in bombings like fire bombing of Tokyo killkng more civilians than Hiroshima or Nagasaki. There weren't enough cities left by the time Hiroshima was bombed that had large populations living in them


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Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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Like I have said, before, if Russia is about to be at a disadvantage.. or about to face setbacks.. which it might he the west drastically scales up support for Ukraine.. [ Fighter jets especially ], then China might intervene with military supplies

A weak or defeated Russia means all of NATO and US diplomatic and military power concentrated on China.. China will always seek to avoid that..



Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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The Japanese were every bit as bad as the Allies in treatment of occupied territories. China to Korea to South East Asia, the Japanese were brutal. They were brutal to our people in Andaman and Nicobar too, before Bose took over.

You could even say they were very oppressive to their own people as well. The allies heavily belittled, heckled, and ostracized their own actual citizens for not doing enough for war efforts.

But the Japanese had well documented, ritualised execution or suicide practices to deal with it.
So, where is the genocide of the Koreans & Manchurians akin to the Bengal Genocide of the brits ? What are the numbers ?

They were brutal to our people in A&N ? The Brits wiped out 99% of the population of A&N within 3 decades of taking it over. How many did the Japs kill ?
Tell us the numbers, instead of anglo propaganda.


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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How convinient. Mass murdering civilians during war is mass murdering civilians during war. Whether you do your own or the enemy, is irrelevant. In fact, its worse to kill your own, is why i rate the Anglos worse.

Japan had been occupying Korea and Manchuria since 1910 or so. So yes, they DID have occupied territory before WW2. Ergo, my argument is NOT stupid, you have just been fed and are regurgitating anglo propaganda.

And the attrocities of the anglos during WW2 is recorded by our own people. 5-7 million civilians mass murdered.
Numbers matter and the anglos are bigger butchers of civilians during WW2 than the Japanese. Its just that simple.
Hah! It is alright that you disparage the western war machine, but you going out of your limb to protect the honour of Japanese imperialism and whitewash their atrocities is same as the pro-West shrills here justifying their actions!

Yes, millions of people died because of starvation in Bengal famine created by the Churchill and yet that wasn't an act of the army - like it or not. It was our leaders who allowed it in cahoots with British Imperial govt. Whitewashing Nanjing massacre is just as bad as coconuts ignoring Bengal famine.

The scars left by Japanese in Indo-China is so deep that not a single nation trusts Japanese even today. If you can't see this, I have nothing to say. But just because you in your effort to undermine the West are trying to put Japs in a favourable light, doesn't mean that the crimes committed by the Japs will be forgotten.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Hah! It is alright that you disparage the western war machine, but you going out of your limb to protect the honour of Japanese imperialism and whitewash their atrocities is same as the pro-West shrills here justifying their actions!
if i was gonna whitewash them, i wouldn't be rating them as the second most humane side AFTER the Rooskies.
Facts are facts and numbers are numbers. By numbers, Japs are nowhere as bad as the Germans. Or the Brits.

Yes, millions of people died because of starvation in Bengal famine created by the Churchill and yet that wasn't an act of the army - like it or not. It was our leaders who allowed it in cahoots with British Imperial govt. Whitewashing Nanjing massacre is just as bad as coconuts ignoring Bengal famine.
Irrelevant. The Commander in Chief carries the blame. The orders come from the commander in Chief. Whether its to perpetrate a famine or gas chamber, its irrelevant, period.
And yes, it was an act of the British army - its THEM who transported & confiscated the grain that lead to the famine in the first place.

I didn't ignore the Nanjing massacre. I said it was a drop in the bucket compared to the Bengal genocide. Which is again, what the numbers show.

The scars left by Japanese in Indo-China is so deep that not a single nation trusts Japanese even today. If you can't see this, I have nothing to say. But just because you in your effort to undermine the West are trying to put Japs in a favourable light, doesn't mean that the crimes committed by the Japs will be forgotten.
And the same applies for the scars left by the worst genocidal entity in the last 400 years, who have genocided ORDERS OR MAGNITUDE MORE PEOPLE than the second placed scum ( also Euro-barbarian) : The anglos.
The Japs are positively Buddhas compared to the anglos. Again, as the numbers show.


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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if i was gonna whitewash them, i wouldn't be rating them as the second most humane side AFTER the Rooskies.
Facts are facts and numbers are numbers. By numbers, Japs are nowhere as bad as the Germans. Or the Brits.

Irrelevant. The Commander in Chief carries the blame. The orders come from the commander in Chief. Whether its to perpetrate a famine or gas chamber, its irrelevant, period.
And yes, it was an act of the British army - its THEM who transported & confiscated the grain that lead to the famine in the first place.

I didn't ignore the Nanjing massacre. I said it was a drop in the bucket compared to the Bengal genocide. Which is again, what the numbers show.

And the same applies for the scars left by the worst genocidal entity in the last 400 years, who have genocided ORDERS OR MAGNITUDE MORE PEOPLE than the second placed scum ( also Euro-barbarian) : The anglos.
The Japs are positively Buddhas compared to the anglos. Again, as the numbers show.
Japanese used to eat their POW .

they didnt even surrender after 1 nuke , good thing imperial japan got nuked twice .


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Japanese used to eat their POW .

they didnt even surrender after 1 nuke , good thing imperial japan got nuked twice .
I guess the real secret of WW2 is how Rashbehari Bose and Subhash Chandra Bose were actually necromancers, animating the dead, eaten skeletons of the British POWs from Japanese camps, to attack Imphal. Thats why SC Bose vanished into a puff of air at the end - to go rest a century in his coffin.

PS: They didnt surrender due to the second nuke either. That is yankee propaganda, as i have demonstrated with the chronology of the events.


Regular Member
Jun 16, 2020
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During WW2, Germans were treated with respect because they were white, and Japanese were thought as sub human monkeys. Killing Japanese civilians, bombing their cities full of civilians, etc. were acceptable. Tell me, has there been a greater crime against humanity than dropping atom bombs on civilian population. Their population still suffers from genetic effects of radiation.
Which tribunal punished Americans for their crime against humanity?
The same mindset continues till date. Primary Western concern in Ukraine is white people getting killed and displaced. Russians, although white, are one notch below in the eyes of the west.

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