Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Looks like Pakistan is one of the sources.. They make 125 mm tank rounds and 122 mm artillery shells..

Expect an American quid pro quo.. soon.. Maybe US will release those AH-1Z Viper helicopters..

Pakistan as always being of great help to achieve American objectives.. and people talk about US stopping dealing with Pakistan for India's sake.. Well, Pakistan is a much more useful partner than India ( from politico military perspective ) will ever be, because they do stuff for the right price, that India will never do (And India is right to not do the US' bidding)..

So, any great power, and especially a Superpower like America, will like to have such partners like Pakistan on their side

And you advocate India getting closer to US over Russia. Face it. US is very much a scorpion. You cannot change the nature of a scorpion no matter how hard he promise not to sting you.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Can't wait to "run away" 20 years later with only 2,400 deaths rather than fight nazism/satanism/what-new-excuse-I-can-give-today-ism and have thousands of deaths, a broken country and people getting arrested for even talking about the war..

Abdul, keep fapping for Russia, you still aren't getting any of that Russian ass..
They suffered 2400 deaths against a rag tag army with no major weapons being supplied to them. The only weapons the ragtag army had were homemade explosives and homemade copies of AK-47s and RPGs. They didn't have HIMARS, advanced drones, survelliance, satellite imaging, real time data, advanced communications, advanced artillery, countless supplies of Javelins, ATGMs, anti aircraft missiles, S-300s, artillery shells, etc. They didn't get $97 billion dollars of aid over the span of 20 years when Ukraine got that amount in less than a year. And yet the mightiest nation, the sole superpower, was driven out despite its impressive array of weapons and spending $2 T.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Yeah, Russians are getting a bit touchy recently - they even prosecuted St. Petersburg citizen for blasting Vladimir Vysotsky's classic song loudly over the street. Sending bad vibes in the current situation :cool3:

And Germany and Poland would prosecute anyone for daring to think even the slightest opinion about Putin or Russia that wasn't anti Russia or Putin. Get real.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Pakis can do none of that. I'm just ridiculing the Russian army for their incompetence and their false narrative
False narrative?? Why don't you criticize US, NATO, and the EU for their false narratives? There is a reason why more than 60% of the world population don't share the same sentiment and see through US, NATO., & EU bullshit?


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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You should stop stressing your brain..
Every country including the US, India and others suffered an economic contraction in 2020 due to covid induced lockdowns. Demand was unnaturally crushed across the world, and many industries part of the global supply chain were decimated. And when the lockdowns ended, Consumer demand roared back to normal in US, India and other countries, while Production could not ramp up so quickly, stressing supply chains and production capacity.
True. But that crushed demand caused job losses too which means liquid cash in the pockets of sundry consumers became rarer. So, when the lockdowns ended, the demand was artificially brought back with trillions of dollars pumped into US economy by printing money out of thin air, which aggravated the demand-supply ratio which was already stressed. And, that is called inflation.

US handed out doles during the lockdowns and so did India.
Not so fast. Wait there! Have a breather.

The comparison between what India did and what USA did, is an afront to any sane persons' intellect. India supported people who are identified to be the vulnerable ones. USA simply spread trillions around without any process to identify those who actually need it. Also, India didn't 'spread' the money. It provided minimum basic support in form of foodgrains and other basic things with minimum amount transferred to the women of the family. India didn't screw up the demand-supply ratio because people halming the mission weren't dumbasses who knew that printing money recklessly comes with a cost in future date. Obviously, the petro-dollar charged US govt didn't care about that.

Yes, there was too much money initially chasing too few items. But, it will normalize in the long run as Production rises. Economic /Fiscal policy is counter cyclical. US announced trillions in stimulus, and so did India announce a stimulus of Rupees 20 trillion, in 2020, but now as the economy has picked up pace, US is pulling back the stimulus by raising rates to decadal highs of 4.5 percent, and the Treasury is absorbing all that extra cash.. via Quantitative tightening.. and the rising rates make US treasury attractive in the open market.. Yes, it will take many years for the Treasury to shrink its balance sheets, but that is the direction things are headed..
It would have been laughable had it not been so outrageous the pathetic effort by you to justify trillions of $ spent by USA that is the root cause of the global economical downturn.

That years it will take to 'balance' the balance sheets by Treasury might be something US wouldn't have. The trust on US economy had been thin already after 2007, but the reckless way Fed is now screwing the global economy will and must come at a cost and the cost will be diversification from $ by the world.

The US is the least trustworthy nation in the whole world now. People may not speak it in open yet, but everyone knows it by now. Do you think common people of Europe will not be able to ever look up from the propaganda they are fed? May be not today because they don't see result of the fallout the industrial shrinkage yet, but once the dust settles and jobs becomes dearer where crushed EU economy no longer is able to support properly its population, the Nordstream sabotage will again come up for discussion. The Ukrainian fiasco headed by NATO under USA will come up for discussion. The corruption of Biden and his coteries that looted Ukraine and then shoved EU in front of the economic starvation by alieanating Russia, will be noticed by people.

When people are hungry they tend to forget to see the 'bigger picture'. People with their head out of their asses already can see how US is minting profit at the expense of EU.

At the end of the day, US economy is a credit based economy where only thing that keeps it afloat is the petro-dollar. If $ goes down where other economic powerhouses start diversifying their reserves, the $ will come flowing out of US and US will see that they are hardpressed to find buyers for their treasury bills.


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Can't wait to "run away" 20 years later with only 2,400 deaths rather than fight nazism/satanism/what-new-excuse-I-can-give-today-ism and have thousands of deaths, a broken country and people getting arrested for even talking about the war..

Abdul, keep fapping for Russia, you still aren't getting any of that Russian ass..
That you can compare a war withan enemy which literally fought with weapons from last century with a war where the enemy was one of the bigger, well funded and supplied, itself speaks volumes about your understaning of war.


Regular Member
Oct 2, 2022


The clown and the mummy 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

This is one of the best illustrated jokes I've ever seen. You mean that you watch these people and you respect them? You see the heroes in their faces? You believe in their vision for ``a better world" (but only for themselves). If they did not exist the world would be a better place and it is not right now because of their idiocy.

The clown and the mummy...
The clown and the mummy....
The clown and the mummy.....

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Jun 14, 2012
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View attachment 186879

The clown and the mummy 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

This is one of the best illustrated jokes I've ever seen. You mean that you watch these people and you respect them? You see the heroes in their faces? You believe in their vision for ``a better world" (but only for themselves). If they did not exist the world would be a better place and it is not right now because of their idiocy.

The clown and the mummy...
The clown and the mummy....
The clown and the mummy.....

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
When I see you at the border fighting Chinese soldiers, then you too will be worthy of respect.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
When I see you at the border fighting Chinese soldiers, then you too will be worthy of respect.
We fight with stick and stones. Sooner or later it will transit to kinetic actions, of course our blood will be spilled. We will cry, but we will face it like a man.
Our PM will not be a crybaby for not be given opportunity to rant at World cup final nor we will blame other countries for living normal life while we fight it out.

Did you spot the difference :p


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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When I see you at the border fighting Chinese soldiers, then you too will be worthy of respect.
I don't know what to tell you but armies and people who aren't very very desperate and losing are the only ones who send their leader to the frontlines for a morale boost.

It shows more Russian 'magnanimity' they didn't smoke him rather than it being a statement of courage.

I'm sorry but the leader at frontlines during wartime? It's reserved for when you're losing badly.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
We fight with stick and stones. Sooner or later it will transit to kinetic actions, of course our blood will be spilled. We will cry, but we will face it like a man.
Our PM will not be a crybaby for not be given opportunity to rant at World cup final nor we will blame other countries for living normal life while we fight it out.

Did you spot the difference :p


Jun 14, 2012
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Better than being narcissist.
RUSSIA has given Ukraine a good reality check. I guess it took volleys of Iskander to show the clown his place

Btw wanna see blah blah. Refer to below link😂
What could change the missile attacks?


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Looks like Jewmenski sucked this toothless they/them hag's flaccid shriveled dick for couple more dollars and cents
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Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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That you can compare a war withan enemy which literally fought with weapons from last century with a war where the enemy was one of the bigger, well funded and supplied, itself speaks volumes about your understaning of war.
Indeed, they ran from goat molesting abduls who are deeply protected, armed, funded and trained by their other all weather Bhikaristan ally also full of goat molesting cousin abduls directly funded and propped up US tax paper dollars. Not to mention leaving over 83 billion in arms, ammo, vehicles etc etc.

It would be less embarassing to actually have Loose motions in public than withdraw and run like they did.

US foreign policy Summed up...

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