Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Jun 14, 2012
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When uncomfortable truth is presented you repeat the same mantra of “Russian lies”. what are you afraid of? you are afraid Ukrainians will intercept your messages and punish you for denouncing Azov Nazis? This must be that democracy and freedom Ukrainians wanted. Say anything against Azov Nazi thugs and get tortured or killed….real democracy Ukrainians are fighting for. Same democracy Ukrainian Maidenists did in Odessa to all those peaceful demonstrators demonstrating the illegitimate puppet government. 46 Ukrainians were murdered by pro US occupants.

How am I lying when I say Azov are Nazis? They literally wear Nazi insignia. Most of the captured Azov also have Nazi tattoos, on top of that many westerner journalists, politicians, ‘anti hate’ groups have labeled Azov battalion as a far right Neo Nazi group.

Yet you did nothing when armed Maiden extremist with the help of the US overthrew the democratically elected government in 2014 and also murdered and injured many Ukrainians standing up against the US occupation. The US admitted to giving billions to Ukrainian authorities for “democracy” and then the Vice Secretary of State Victoria Nuland traveled to Ukraine where here phone phone call was intercepted in which she spoke about installing a puppet government. Turchynov, Poreshenko, and Zelenskyy are and were installed stooges and occupants. All of them are extremely wealthy because of all the bribery. Zelenskyy also arrested opposition politicians and shut down media that criticized him. He is a dictator.

Zelenskyy, a failed comedian is worth $596 million dollars. He is a corrupt occupant, millions of Ukrainians live in poverty while he owns properties and vehicles worth millions. Worst is he keeps spewing propaganda about Democracy but arrests journalists and politicians.

He was a Nazi, he literally worked with the Nazis. He is hated everywhere except in Ukraine. The only reason he was not killed or tried was because he was an anti Communist that later worked for British intelligence. He was a rat and a snitch, on top of that murder. He is hated by Jews, Poles and Russians and everyone else that is not a Nazi

This is exactly why Ukraine is not a normal country but a country that is feverishly enthusiastic about Nazis. Again, this shows that a large segment of the population supports Nazis. In a normal country no streets would ever be named after Bandara or Hitler, no monuments would be erected honoring Nazis, no Nazi battalions would be part of the military or National Guard, no Nazi parades would be welcomed, but many Ukrainians are not normal. Many are brainwashed with Nazi propaganda and and the promises of western wealth. The only people getting any wealth from the west is puppets like Zelenskyy. It was precisely the policies of Zelenskyy that pushed the Russians to invade. Not only is Zelenskyy a puppet that steals millions but ultimately caused the destruction of Ukraine.
When you said about the tragedy in Odessa, I realized that there was no point in trying to convince you. Let's do without your opinion.


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Mar 31, 2022
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This is not racism... even if it was, not one in the west gives a serious fuck about racism.... US still has land laws that segregate people by their race !!!!

This seems more like a pressure tactic, a narrative that can and will be exploited in the future if we were to not rely on the west or do not toe their line.

Prior to this invasion there were scores of articles and videos of nazism in Ukraine.. just mind boggling. My youtube recommendation list has every fourth recommendation of some nazi thing in Ukraine and how widespread and powerful they are (one of those videos has some ex-government cabinet member saying that the Ukrainian nazis are the only people who can save the white world.. !!!). There were also scores of articles of extreme corruption by Zelensky (according to one reading he is supposed to have 1.2 billion stashed away which includes an apartment in London). If Ukraine did not dance to the tune of the western businesses and political influence, this narrative will be played up and Ukraine can kiss their chance of standing up to Russia good bye. Which is probably why every word of Zelensky plays into the west's gameplan. If anyone were him, they would ask for a moratorium/forgiveness for the multi-millions Ukraine is sending western banks in debt repayments ... but neither is Zelensky 'demanding' it like is does for weapons and neither is the west offering it, for all the concern they have for Ukrainians.

If Zelensky does try to get out of line, i.e. really seek peace, these previously set narratives will be pivoted against him and another Nazi-Maidan will follow.

Coming to India, this process of demonising started soon after the first interactions of Modi with the US heads of state. They soon realized that motabhai cant be bribed or compromised and that he cares for his country a lot more than his predecessor dipshit.

Suddenly there is an uptick in the blue ticks for Modi's oppossers, you had NY times and Washington Post advertising that they were looking for journos from India, the emergence of extreme leftwing independent news portals, khalistanis becoming more active.. you name it. This is similar to the happenings in the months prior to Euromaidan.... western funded and operated "Independent News Portals".

This is also the same timeframe where we see the emergence of India origin academics in the US making rather loud pitches about caste, Hindu nationalism, Hindutva and other such narratives that would hurt any engagement between US and Indian businesses.

In fact, I saw a subsidence of all these when India (while still under Modi !!!) was seeking arms from the US (around the time of the F-21 sales pitch and other purchases from US). The US media, quite true to their about turns we see in the case of Ukraine, were quite favourable to India when we were looking for arms from US manufacturers.

This is just my personal assessment, and the more I observe the patterns of online narrative building, the more I am affirmed. In fact you will see this pattern exactly as I described in the media's handling of Trump vis-a-vis Biden. The politically sarcastic SNL and late night shows STILL use trump as the butt of their jokes even after two years of him stepping down. They even got down to praising George Bush (anyone who has lived through the era between 2001 and 2008 will know how antithetical that is !!!), just to prove their point about Trump. They even crushed any chance Tulsi had, and she was the BEST of the presidential candidates in the 2020 race.

Theoretically, China can call in its US debt and you will have the west media switching from English to Mandarin, Uyighurs will stop existing and Taiwan will be declared as a province of China before the first JF-17 takes off towards Taiwan.

So, can we take any western narrative seriously for its content -> NO, but we CANNOT ignore this narrative. It seriously has potential to hurt us and make no mistake about it, this racism and anti-India and anti-Hindu stance is powered by our very own people. The only thing that can save us is if as Indians learn to be unified in the love our country like every American does theirs...

If the last part of my last sentence " every American does theirs..." bothers you, know that the BLM movement, the internal split on the entire gender/LGBTQ/abortion/Democrat/Republican thing is just a made up farce and it does not take a lot for American citizens to forge a united front against a common enemy. I have a few liberal friends who suddenly turned hard core "ultra nesnalists" when I pointed out some comparisons between the handling of Covid in the US compared to India or Vietnam...
This is so true and tragic at the same time .. Ultimate goal is American supremacy .. Everything else is jumla ..


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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Pro Russian rally in Kherson region. Russia bombs Ukraine and many people are still pro Russian. It just shows how fake the Ukrainian “election” was. Zenenski, a fail comedian and western stooge suddenly becomes worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Many Ukrainians hate Zelesnky and the puppet government but are too afraid to say anything. Once Ukrainian Nazis occupants are driven out people express how they actually feel.



Jun 14, 2012
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You don’t need to convince me of anything. You are brainwashed with Ukrainian propaganda. So it is not a tragedy that many Ukrainian citizens were murdered for protesting? This is the democracy Ukrainians talk about? Since when was it okay to kill people protesting? It sounds like you support what the Ukrainian nationalists did to those people.

Ukrainian nationalists will justify anything, Nazis, the Odessa Massacre, arresting opposition politicians, shutting down media. Ukraine is less free and democratic now as it was in 2014.

There are many videos of what happened in Odessa. Ukrainian nationalists AKA American and EU lapdogs attacked a group of people peicefuly demonstrating the corrupt government. This is the results. Sicking how people justify these atrocities against their own people. God will judge everyone.

Ukrainians nationalist threw Molotov cocktails at the building where peiecful protesters took refuge:

View attachment 150164

Ukrainians “heros” murders a pregnant woman by strangling her:

View attachment 150166

Many other victims were beaten and then burned alive. Imagine what regular people living in Ukraine that don’t support Zelenski or the Azov thugs have to deal with. Many people that are not Ukrainian nationalists get harassed and beaten daily in the Nazi shit hole know as Ukraine.

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You've had 8 years to sort it out. Didn't want to - don't. I told you that your influence won't change the weather.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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And then in the afternoon, they cheered and clapped on a national news channel upon hearing the news of the Odessa massacre.
Many Ukrainians are sick brainwashed people. They are ruled by a corrupt puppet that has took hundreds of millions in bribes. They will support the murder of innocent people, shut down opposition politicians, harass and beat people not supporting Azov or Zelensky. They ban Russian languages and even books. They name streets after Nazis and build many monuments honoring Nazis. Classic brainwashed and conditioning of an entire population. When you dehumanize your enemy or people you dislike then many bad things happen. Hitler dehumanized Jews and Russians and as a result brainwashed Germans committed atrocities.

But when these embarrassing facts of inconvenience are presented to Ukrainians and their supporters, they always yell the same thing” Russian propaganda”. They are like dumb parrots, unable to think or use common sense.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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You've had 8 years to sort it out. Didn't want to - don't. I told you that your influence won't change the weather.

I don’t live in Ukraine, you do. It is you who had 8 years to sort it out. It is you that was excusing awful atrocities carried out by Ukrainian nationalists against innocent civilians in Odessa. This is why I don’t take Ukrainians seriously when they talk about “democracy” in a democracy everyone has a voice, in Ukraine if you are even any bit again the puppet government or show any signs of support for Russia or are even in favor of piece then you get murdered. Even a Ukrainian mayor was murdered because he wanted piece.

In the post Stalin Soviet Union people were more free to express dissatisfaction with the government as compared to Ukrainian citizens now. It’s crazy how Ukraine is more oppressive then the Soviet Union. I think People in China criticizing the Chinese government are safer and more free then Ukrainians criticizing the Ukrainian government. Ukrainian are like like North Koreans, both call themselves democratic :rofl:


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Mar 21, 2022
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The destruction of the column by military equipment of the Ukrainian Army by K-52 helicopters. Despite the threat of MANPADS, helicopters literally riddled armored vehicles and anti-aircraft installations of Ukraine with unguided S-8 missiles at close range.



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Mar 28, 2022
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I have a serious question, and I’m not trying to troll, Ukraine is a sovereign country and I’m not here to insult people fighting for their country, if you feel you have to fight, have at it; but I have three questions.

Firstly, what is the attitude towards the Azov battalion? They do wear Nazi insignia on the uniforms. Many captured Ukrainian soldiers denounce the Azov battalion, probably because they know they are real Nazis and are afraid to show support for such groups. You have claimed several times there are no Nazis, but what about Azov?

Also what is the attitude towards Stepan Bandara? Zelinsky said it’s “cool” and “patriotic” to warship such a person. Do you thinks it’s patriotic and cool?

Lastly what is the attitude towards naming streets after Nazis? What is the attitude of Nazi monuments? In a normal country this would not be tolerated. Normal people, mayors, judges and city council members would never ever allow this. Ukrainians didn’t fight when their democratic government was overthrown in 2014 by the US, they didn’t fight the Nazis that came to power, but now they fight.



This is why I don’t take people seriously that claim, ‘there are no Nazis in Ukraine’, ‘it’s all Russian propaganda’ and blah blah blah. Well Ukraine has streets and monuments named after Nazis, they officially adopted Nazi insignia in the armed forces and they have large Nazi rallies.

Ukrainians love their Nazi war criminals that helped exterminate Jews, Poles and Russians/Ukrainians fighting Nazis.

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They don't have any other popular heroes. If someone wants to start building his country by changing the name of the entire nation (Ruthenians - Ukrainians), he throws away the entire past. It also deprives the earlier obvious right to the inheritance of all Rus'. This is a great victory for Russia, but also for Germany and Great Britain. Ukraine needs someone great who will not rely on founding murders but will open up a new future. Maybe now they will have someone like that (just please - let it not be Zelenski) ). To be quite clear - I do not deny them the right to their own state and do not approve of the attack by Russia. However, I would really like to see how they agree to exhumate the victims of the murders in Volhynia and Podolia from nameless mass graves. When they put crosses on these graves (in some places they are standing, but mostly without information about who is buried there).

With help of google translator.


Jun 14, 2012
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I don’t live in Ukraine, you do. It is you who had 8 years to sort it out. It is you that was excusing awful atrocities carried out by Ukrainian nationalists against innocent civilians in Odessa. This is why I don’t take Ukrainians seriously when they talk about “democracy” in a democracy everyone has a voice, in Ukraine if you are even any bit again the puppet government or show any signs of support for Russia or are even in favor of piece then you get murdered. Even a Ukrainian mayor was murdered because he wanted piece.

In the post Stalin Soviet Union people were more free to express dissatisfaction with the government as compared to Ukrainian citizens now. It’s crazy how Ukraine is more oppressive then the Soviet Union. I think People in China criticizing the Chinese government are safer and more free then Ukrainians criticizing the Ukrainian government. Ukrainian are like like North Koreans, both call themselves democratic :rofl:
I once argued with an opponent, argued to him, but now I don't care.
Perhaps Putin thought like you and the capture of Kyiv was given 72 hours. I don't give a damn about your opinion, because you didn't even transfer a cent to help the "freak republics". You broadcast a lie and believe in it.
I don't care, Because words can only shake the air.
277816504_3266194210370563_8158600670545711557_n копия.jpg

My friend. Studied together. He managed to return to the marines after being wounded. I'm only in territorial defense.🙁
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Regular Member
Feb 9, 2017
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They don't have any other popular heroes. If someone wants to start building his country by changing the name of the entire nation (Ruthenians - Ukrainians), he throws away the entire past. It also deprives the earlier obvious right to the inheritance of all Rus'. This is a great victory for Russia, but also for Germany and Great Britain. Ukraine needs someone great who will not rely on founding murders but will open up a new future. Maybe now they will have someone like that (just please - let it not be Zelenski) ). To be quite clear - I do not deny them the right to their own state and do not approve of the attack by Russia. However, I would really like to see how they agree to exhumate the victims of the murders in Volhynia and Podolia from nameless mass graves. When they put crosses on these graves (in some places they are standing, but mostly without information about who is buried there).

With help of google translator.
This is why the overzealous Polish support for the current Kievian regime surprises me. Is this sentiment shared by the general public considering the country is now being overrun by Ukrainian refugees at the time when the cost of living crisis is really starting to bite? Are the memories of the 'Volohynskaya reznya' still fresh in people's minds? Does Poland see an opportunity in this conflict to further it's territorial claims in Western Ukraine?


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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I once argued with an opponent, argued to him, but now I don't care.
Perhaps Putin thought like you and the capture of Kyiv was given 72 hours. I don't give a damn about your opinion, because you didn't even transfer a cent to help the "freak republics". You broadcast a lie and believe in it.
I don't care, Because words can only shake the air.
View attachment 150208
My friend. Studied together. He managed to return to the marines after being wounded. I'm only in territorial defense.🙁

Why are you changing the subject? Did I ever ask about your Nazi friend? You have no response for anything I said. Notice you can fool ignorant westerners by crying about how poor and oppressed Ukrainians are and how they want democracy but you can’t use that against me. I had family from Ukraine, (killed by Ukrainian Nazis years ago) I watched a lot of Russian and Ukrainian content pertaining to Ukraine. Once I start mentioning about the 2014 coupe, Odessa, all the crazy discriminatory laws, Nazi status, Nazi street names, Ukrainians abusing and killing civilians for disobedience against the Kiev regime then suddenly Ukrainians are quite as a cricket. Suddenly they like to change the subject.

Your friend will be dead eventually anyways. Im sure he is proud fighting for a corrupt puppet government that upholds Nazis and encourages and excuses violence against its own citizens.

Where was your friend when the US overthrew the democratically elected president and installed a puppet? Where was he when people in Odessa were murdered? Where was he when Ukrainians implemented divisive and discriminatory laws banning Russian language and books? Where was he when psychotic Ukrainians bombarded civilians in eastern Ukraine? Where was he when Zelensky arrested opposition politicians? Where was he when Zelensky shut down the press?


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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In the following video Ukrainian soldiers are planting mines (Zelensky said that Russians planting mines were committing war crimes). In the video the civilians shame the soldiers by telling them “there are kids here, what are you doing?”and then one of the women tells them to “go home” :pound:

Many Ukrainians claims Ukraine is united and everyone supports Ukrainian soldiers, actually no. Many people know the current government is an illegitimate puppet and many people want Ukrainian soldiers out because they hid behind civilians.


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