Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Nov 1, 2016
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Sloviansk is of upmost strategic importance
Sloviansk was a major flashpoint in the war in the Donbas region in 2014, and was briefly held by pro-Russian separatists before they were pushed back by Ukrainian forces in July of that year.

Its significance now lies primarily in the fact that it is surrounded on three sides by Russian-held cities -- Izium to the north, Luhansk to the east, and Donetsk to the south -- but lies deeper west in the Donbas region than the two latter locations, blocking Russia's pathways further into Ukrainian territory.

"Russian forces likely intend to cut off Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine and will need to take Slovyansk as their minimum step to do so," the ISW said.

A successful Russian assault on the city would give Moscow the option to link troops up with those fighting in Rubizhne, to the northeast of Sloviansk, or move them south, towards Horlivka and Donetsk, in an attempt to encircle Ukrainian fighters there, the group added.

But Russia appears to have encountered multiple military failures during the first six weeks of the invasion, and its inability to capture cities further west, such as the capital Kyiv, has likely prompted its renewed focus on the Donbas.

In that context, a fresh Russian defeat in the face of Ukrainian resistance could imperil even their new strategy in the east.

"If Russian forces are unable to take Slovyansk at all, Russian frontal assaults in Donbas are unlikely to independently breakthrough Ukrainian defenses and Russia's campaign to capture the entirety of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts will likely fail," the ISW said.

Source: AP


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Mar 28, 2022
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This is why the overzealous Polish support for the current Kievian regime surprises me. Is this sentiment shared by the general public considering the country is now being overrun by Ukrainian refugees at the time when the cost of living crisis is really starting to bite? Are the memories of the 'Volohynskaya reznya' still fresh in people's minds? Does Poland see an opportunity in this conflict to further it's territorial claims in Western Ukraine?
It can't be short, I'm sorry

I cannot answer for everyone or even for the majority. My assessment is as follows (this is only an assessment, I can be wrong):
There are many indications of this , that Poland does not have a government guided by the Polish raison d'état, but has a government that pursues other countries interests (possibly not even coumtries, but groups of interes, international bankers end so on). It pursues Polish interests only when they are not contradictory to them. People are subject to massive propaganda. There is no open debate in the media. Most are only interested in having something to put in the pot. Helping refugees is a human, christian duty, but leaving it by the government to private individuals and, to some extent, even favoring refugees at the expense of Polish citizens, sooner or later must lead to mutual dislike and maybe even riots. I believe that only some of these people are real refugees, and the rest are a settlement action planned outside Poland. I think Russia's slow military action is also planned. To expel most of the Ukrainians from the territory of the new Lesser Russia. It is also in the interest of the Jews because they have to find somewhere a better place to settle than Palestine. The 2 million Jews of Palestine are former Russian immigrants who speak Russian. Coming back to Poles, most of them remember what happened in the history of Ukraine, but under the influence of propaganda, they remain silent, because they believe that silence is in the interest of Poland. A large part is more afraid of Russia than of Ukrainian nationalism. Too much blood has come through Russia's fault. We remember the joint attack on Poland by Germany and Russia in 1939. There are people here on this forum who think that it was a necessary action to build operational depth before the inevitable war with Germany. No, it wasn't like that. Under the Ribbentrop Molotov treaty, Russia supplied the Germans with grain and oil, and made its training grounds available for the Wehrmacht exercises. The political police of Russia and Germany cooperated in fighting the Polish underground (Gestapo, NKVD). The attack of Germany on Norway and the offensive in France were possible only thanks to Russia's benevolent neutrality. Russia deported over a million people from the occupied territories to Siberia. Most of them died. Nota bene - which will probably be of interest to the hosts of this forum - Hindus, Hindu people, Digvijaysinhji (जाम साहिब दिग्विजयसिंहजी; Jam Shri Sir Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji Sahib Bahadur) took care of about a thousand Polish orphans whose parents died in Siberia. He gave them food, housing and school. He has a monument in Warsaw. Too small and modest, it deserves bigger.

We are in a situation of no good exit at the moment. Russia, as in 1939, has been cooperating with Germany for years. For the last 20 years she has not even had the pleasure of talking frankly with us and working out some way to cooperate peacefully. It was certainly not helped by the attitude of Polish governments, especially the support for Georgia in 2008. But as I said before, it is difficult for me to consider these people a Polish government. Support for Georgia was, in my opinion, forced by the US and Israel.

When it comes to any desire to seize the western territories of Ukraine, there are basically no such aspirations in the Polish nation. If there are such ideas, this is a very rare exception. We only have sentiment. Half of our culture was created by people who were born and lived in the lands of today's Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and even Latvia and Estonia, and they loved these lands. Buildings, castles, cities, poetry, novels, paintings. Our ancestors have shed their blood there in countless battles.
But that's all in the past and will never come back.

How should Poland behave in my opinion? Help refugees but not treat them better than your own citizens. Do not support the resettlement action. Assist Ukraine only to the extent that will enable it to negotiate an acceptable peace. By no means join the war. Work for peace. To talk to Russia, which of course does not want to talk to us because it considers our government to be puppets. In part rightly so. Ask Ukraine to make a clear statement about Volhynia . Demand that Ukraine stop in the past unfriendly actions, such as blocking rail transport across the border, which took place a few months ago. Ukraine has thus forced the granting of more transport permits to Ukrainian road transport companies. Build your own army. Not to turn Poland into a great NATO war camp.
Much could be written, but I do not expect "our" government to behave sensibly. I have a bad feeling about this.

That's how I see it.


Jun 14, 2012
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Why are you changing the subject? Did I ever ask about your Nazi friend? You have no response for anything I said. Notice you can fool ignorant westerners by crying about how poor and oppressed Ukrainians are and how they want democracy but you can’t use that against me. I had family from Ukraine, (killed by Ukrainian Nazis years ago) I watched a lot of Russian and Ukrainian content pertaining to Ukraine. Once I start mentioning about the 2014 coupe, Odessa, all the crazy discriminatory laws, Nazi status, Nazi street names, Ukrainians abusing and killing civilians for disobedience against the Kiev regime then suddenly Ukrainians are quite as a cricket. Suddenly they like to change the subject.

Your friend will be dead eventually anyways. Im sure he is proud fighting for a corrupt puppet government that upholds Nazis and encourages and excuses violence against its own citizens.

Where was your friend when the US overthrew the democratically elected president and installed a puppet? Where was he when people in Odessa were murdered? Where was he when Ukrainians implemented divisive and discriminatory laws banning Russian language and books? Where was he when psychotic Ukrainians bombarded civilians in eastern Ukraine? Where was he when Zelensky arrested opposition politicians? Where was he when Zelensky shut down the press?
I didn't change the subject.
Why I do not want to argue - because I do not see the point. Why should I talk to a man about politics who does not understand anything about it. Not yet in their native language. It cannot be a coup when the President runs away, but the Parliament remains.
So it is in Odessa, and in Donetsk. A total lie from RT.
Where was the friend. in 2014. In the Crimea. Commanded a battalion of Marines. And he saw everything with my own eyes.
Well, who will live longer, then you ask the fortuneteller. Just be careful crossing the road.
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Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021
I didn't change the subject.
Why I do not want to argue - because I do not see the point. Why should I talk to a man about politics who does not understand anything about it. Not yet in their native language. It cannot be a coup when the President runs away, but the Parliament remains.
So it is in Odessa, and in Donetsk. A total lie from RT.
Where was the friend. in 2014. In the Crimea. Commanded a battalion of Marines. And I saw everything with my own eyes.
Well, who will live longer, then you ask the fortuneteller. Just be careful crossing the road.

Which city in Ukraine are you in now? Can you introduce the life of the citizens now


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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I didn't change the subject.
Why I do not want to argue - because I do not see the point. Why should I talk to a man about politics who does not understand anything about it. Not yet in their native language. It cannot be a coup when the President runs away, but the Parliament remains.
So it is in Odessa, and in Donetsk. A total lie from RT.
Where was the friend. in 2014. In the Crimea. Commanded a battalion of Marines. And I saw everything with my own eyes.
Well, who will live longer, then you ask the fortuneteller. Just be careful crossing the road.
Dude, what are you doing here, go cook off some Russian armors, and I heard new Tanks and IFV's are coming from Europe, a nice addition for the fight .

Heard UK sending Harpoon AShM, Can't wait to see some Russian ships smoking and sinking in Black Sea


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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If you just change Ukraine into Russia, this all suits well

Many Ukrainians are sick brainwashed people. They are ruled by a corrupt puppet that has took hundreds of millions in bribes.
Any idea about Putin's palace in Sochi, have you seen Navalny's videos, have you know about Lavrov and his wealthy family in West.


They will support the murder of innocent people, shut down opposition politicians, harass and beat people not supporting Azov or Zelensky.
Boris Nemstov and Alexy Navalny knows about Opposition, anyway, does any opposition in Russia against Putin, he's in the throne since 1999.

They ban Russian languages and even books. They name streets after Nazis and build many monuments honoring Nazis. Classic brainwashed and conditioning of an entire population. When you dehumanize your enemy or people you dislike then many bad things happen. Hitler dehumanized Jews and Russians and as a result brainwashed Germans committed atrocities.
ofcourse, you know many things, salute for your knowledge, how old are you by the way, 18 or 20

But when these embarrassing facts of inconvenience are presented to Ukrainians and their supporters, they always yell the same thing” Russian propaganda”. They are like dumb parrots, unable to think or use common sense.
Yes no idea why peoples are not taking Russian govt controlled media's.. It's similar like Chinese media, But still


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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YouTube blocks Russia parliament channel, draws ire

MOSCOW: YouTube has blocked Duma TV which broadcasts from Russia’s lower house of parliament, drawing an angry response from officials who said the world’s most popular streaming service could face restrictions in response. On Saturday, a message on YouTube said the Duma channel had been “terminated for a violation of YouTube's Terms of Service”.



Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Serbia announced the purchase of 12 Rafale fighters instead of Russian Su-30SM

Serbian authorities have announced that they intend to purchase 12 Rafale fighter jets from France. Initially, it was assumed that the Serbian authorities would conclude a contract with Russia for the supply of a batch of 12 Su-30SM combat aircraft, however, for unknown reasons, Belgrade decided to purchase French aircraft.

According to La tribune, Serbia is not only interested in replacing its existing MiG-21, Soko G-4 Super Gale and Soko J-22 Orao fighters, but also the MiG-29 fighters available to Serbia, which caused a lot of questions.

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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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New Weapons From U.S. Could Rearm Ukraine’s Bayraktar Drones

The top item in the Pentagon’s latest assistance package to Ukraine announced last week is “laser-guided rocket systems.” This might seem like a curious description, as by convention any rocket with guidance is called a missile. But in the U.S. military ‘guided rocket’ refers to a specific weapon — one that could equip Ukraine's fleet of Bayraktar TB2 drones, which may now be running short of missiles.

Russia’s inability to shoot down or jam the Bayraktars is symptomatic of their severe military failings.

russia is providing another 12 km long convoy to test the new system for ukraine


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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If you just change Ukraine into Russia, this all suits well

Any idea about Putin's palace in Sochi, have you seen Navalny's videos, have you know about Lavrov and his wealthy family in West.


Boris Nemstov and Alexy Navalny knows about Opposition, anyway, does any opposition in Russia against Putin, he's in the throne since 1999.

ofcourse, you know many things, salute for your knowledge, how old are you by the way, 18 or 20

Yes no idea why peoples are not taking Russian govt controlled media's.. It's similar like Chinese media, But still

Nice try but I don’t like or support Putin. The problem with most people is they make excuses for Zeleinsky, either out of pure ignorance of his corruption and dictatorship tendencies or out of convenience they ignore everything knowing well who he is and what he has done.

Nice that you support a country that normalizes Nazis and celebrates Nazis by naming streets after Nazis and building monument dedicated to Nazis. Ukrainians have brutalized their population for years, Ukrainians bombed eastern Ukrainian neighborhoods for years, Ukrainians especially in western Ukraine often harass Russian speaking Ukrainians (ethnic Russians). I feel bad for normal Ukrainians but the Ukrainian military and all its militias have bombed and terrorized people in Donbas for years.

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