Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Mar 3, 2022
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I was matter of fact watching Republic Bangla’s coverage of the war initially just for the novelty of seeing war correspondents live from war zone reporting back in Bengali. Even managed to get some older gen folks hooked to the channel due to the same factor.
Oh well, that channel is a start still in the right direction.


Senior Member
Nov 17, 2017
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One thing from the Fiona Hill interview, and from tweets from Policy wonks, and western officials,, is clear..
Whatever happens, and whatever compromises Russia offers from now on, the draconian western sanctions against Russia, will never be removed..
The consensus view seems to be that any pause, and easing of pressure on Russia, will only be used by Russia, to rebuild and then launch the next phase of expansion.. That, Russian ambition of destruction of the Ukrainian state will not be scaled back, irrespective of the interim treaties that it may sign, due to lack of economic and military ability to achieve its ultimate goal..
She says how after the debacle of the first Chechen war, and Khasavyurt Accord, Russia all along biding its time, to rebuild and ultinately impose its will on Chechnya.. That Russia, intended to do this to Chechenya all along.. ( Her view )
All transactions are based upon trust . So called demoncrazy LARPers of hypocritical West in their maniac frenzy of blatant Russophobia have eroded all trust in their institutions of trade. De dollarizarion has started , you don't know it yet , you'll see its effects in a generation. End of GAE & its minions ; war mongering , genocidal , slaver scum war criminals will pay !



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Aug 16, 2019
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These war crimes by Ukrainians are so wide spread that now even Main stream Western Media(NYTimes) is reporting it:

Screen Shot 2022-04-07 at 2.34.55 PM.png

It seems they are completely insane to commit these crimes and then record and share it to the world. Amazing how these "impartial" and "free" news outlets use the words "Appears to show" even when the execution of prisoners is clearly shown on the videos. However for Russians they are guilty without any proof.

“These are not even humans,” a Ukrainian soldier says in the video as he walks among the wrecked vehicles, adding that two Russian lieutenants had been taken prisoner.

The Ukrainian soldiers are identifiable by their flag patches and blue arm bands and repeat “glory to Ukraine” multiple times.

No difference from the Nazis of WWII, even the badges worn by some of the Ukrainian military units are the same.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Russia tried to fight like a western army, got rekted in the process
If i were to summarize russian strategy in 2 words.
If russia tried to fight like western armies, there would be about 100 times greater cruise missile firings, innocent war dead would've been touching quarter million and only then would first russian boots cross the ukraine border.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
If russia tried to fight like western armies, there would be about 100 times greater cruise missile firings, innocent war dead would've been touching quarter million and only then would first russian boots cross the ukraine border.
Putin is trying to get the akhand Russia and close knit the Russian population. He cannot antagonise them by slaughtering all of them. Which is why he came in rather soft handed otherwise it is no big deal to level Kiev Park regiment ot smerch and its game over.


Senior Member
Nov 17, 2017
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Ambiguous question. I am not a supporter of any WMD. Ukraine got a powerful part of the Soviet army. It was necessary to optimize and modernize it (the army), but we only reduced it. A modern army, even without WMD, is a serious deterrent.
Not enough to deter Russia . After this war its a given Russia will control Donetsk , Lugansk & south Ukraine etc . Only way to survive is to go full North Korea way . Learn from this man !



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May 31, 2020
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LOL. No. This is true if and only if you are fighting over neutral grounds. if you are fighting in my air space, after i have saturated it with ground and space-based radar, your fancypants stealth aircraft is visible. Dont forget, Russia provided proof of tracking F-35s in Syria couple of years ago via their space based radar.

No. Thats typical yankee propaganda. Yankee products have been substandard for a very long time, especially in consumer articles and heavy machinery. in consumer products, made in America label means less quality than Made in China these days.
most of American R&D spending is on lining their pockets of their bloated corporate structures.

We drink from the same pond, its just that i havent lost my mind like you have via western propaganda.
i read they turn off their radars for israeli attacks .

do u have a source for space based radar ?


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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i read they turn off their radars for israeli attacks .

do u have a source for space based radar ?
lets just say the source is a deep source in IAF posting in places i would rather not draw attention to. Its not true space-based radar, its more like ground radar reflector thing that can re-direct ground based radar back to earth and see stealth jets from where they are the most vulnerable to detection : top down view ( no one ever makes stealth jets stealth capable in top down view. for obvious reasons).


Jun 14, 2012
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Not enough to deter Russia . After this war its a given Russia will control Donetsk , Lugansk & south Ukraine etc . Only way to survive is to go full North Korea way . Learn from this man !
I repeat: Either we go to the line of the state border or we cease to exist. The truce is just a respite for Putin. He will again accumulate supplies and move on us by war.
We've beaten the Russian troops up pretty good. Tonight in Odessa for the first time there was no air raid alert.
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Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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Ambiguous question. I am not a supporter of any WMD. Ukraine got a powerful part of the Soviet army. It was necessary to optimize and modernize it (the army), but we only reduced it. A modern army, even without WMD, is a serious deterrent.
You had lots of unresolved issue with Russia and the way America played your democracy and you handled it wasn't good either.

Crimea for example was part of Ruskie Empire Donbass had high Russian population.

You could have flooded it with Ukrainian people or give a way out to those Russians instead of unleashing Azov brigades on them. You handled everything wrong.

More important Russia isn't going to nuke you nor they had any intention the only real fear for you was being used as pawn by Russia in case of war against NATO which was unlikely if you had played your part right.

While America did the same thing but used you against Russia. War was inevitable in such circumstance now if Russia is responding to the war cry of Azov now we can't blame them .

The only person you should blame is your leaders .


Jun 14, 2012
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You had lots of unresolved issue with Russia and the way America played your democracy and you handled it wasn't good either.

Crimea for example was part of Ruskie Empire Donbass had high Russian population.

You could have flooded it with Ukrainian people or give a way out to those Russians instead of unleashing Azov brigades on them. You handled everything wrong.

More important Russia isn't going to nuke you nor they had any intention the only real fear for you was being used as pawn by Russia in case of war against NATO which was unlikely if you had played your part right.

While America did the same thing but used you against Russia. War was inevitable in such circumstance now if Russia is responding to the war cry of Azov now we can't blame them .

The only person you should blame is your leaders .
I didn't even read this nonsense. It disgusts me to see that some Indians have betrayed the ideals of India, which fought against the British Empire for centuries.

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