Prahaar Short Range Tactical Missile System


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Shaurya MACH 6 may have come as a result of this joint venture, and other K family missiles??
I don't think so , we have 2 Cruise missiles under development - Nirbhay and the long range cruise Missile , Research over BrahMos would have surely helped DRDO while developing Nirbhay which will be tested this year

while Shaurya is in completely different league being a tactical Hypersonic Ballistic missile , it has its derivative SLBM the K-15 which is part of "K" family , the next on line will be long range K-4.K-15 had its range limits and won't be much effective deterrence , the research will surely help us in K-4 and further K-Series missiles


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
No country is going to hand over technology even in joint ventures. It is better to develop it slower but make it 100% indigenous. We put billions of dollars in our Brahmos joint venture and we have a deadly missile but the range cannot be over 300km.
Brahmos range can be increased with Su-30mki
Feb 16, 2009
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I don't think so , we have 2 Cruise missiles under development - Nirbhay and the long range cruise Missile , Research over BrahMos would have surely helped DRDO while developing Nirbhay which will be tested this year

Nirbhay is a joint venture with Israelis(possibly from the popeye project?)


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Look at the CEP of many of our missiles they are in the single digits, even Russians don't
make missiles this accurate.Someone is doing something right.
our all latest missiles have CEP of less than 10 meters.

hamara missiles dhushman ki gaand ke uppar barabar ghirega. :pound:


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Brahmos range can be increased with Su-30mki
that a complete different point , the Army and Navy version's will have its limit and thus there was need of developing a long range Cruise missile on our own aka Nirbhay

Moral of the story - there is always need to develop indigenous weapons system on our own which will make us self sufficient


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
I don't think so , we have 2 Cruise missiles under development - Nirbhay and the long range cruise Missile , Research over BrahMos would have surely helped DRDO while developing Nirbhay which will be tested this year

Nirbhay is a joint venture with Israelis(possibly from the popeye project?)
Nirbhay certainly have some amount of collabration with Israel !! its not clear in what sense are the involved in project - It will be out once they test fire the missile which will be certainly this year

EDIT : the popeye connection - Popeye Turbo SLCM a suspected long range Nuclear capable cruise Missile was tested in Indian ocean in 2002 , I Think there was a speculation that there was Indian involvement in the project which would be against MTCR - i think this was false news , hence we are developing Nirbhay which has some help from Israel but in what context is unclear
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Feb 16, 2009
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No....It will violate MTCR.

Nirbhay missile taking good shape: DRDO

India's foray into developing a sub-sonic cruise missile is heading in the right direction. Christened Nirbhay – this stealth beast -- claims to have a range of 1,000 kms. Delivering the key-note address the concluding day of Aeronautical Society of India's national convention on 'The frontiers of aeronautical technologies' in Bangalore, Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) chief and Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri Dr V.K. Saraswat, said that the missile could deliver a maximum of 24 types of warheads, if the mission demands so.
Sources confirmed to tarmak007 that Nirbhay, built with 'a certain percentage of Israeli collaboration' is fast advancing at Hyderabad-based Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL). "Once operational, Nirbhay (fearless) will arm three Services as it can be launched from multiple platforms on land. You will get to see it from close quarters during the 2011 Aero India," sources added.
It is learnt that the propulsion system design is through and the integration work has already begun for Nirbhay, which will be a technology demonstrator. The missile is said to be far better than Pakistan's Babur.
The latest in the series of India's missile development programme, Nirbhay has its predecessors in the Agni (I, II & III), the Prithvi (I & II) and the supersonic Brahmos.
"The sub-sonic Nirbhay weighs 1,000 kg with a 1,000 km range and a speed of 0.7 mach. It is six metres in length with a 520 mm diameter and would use gyros for inertial navigation system," the sources added, refusing to divulge much on the engine and the scheduled first flight.
Nirbhay can draw parallel to the long-range American Tomahawk missiles – in the limelight during the 1991 Gulf war.

I was not aware Israelis were involved in this project??


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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What a mess ?? :scared2:

First of all, No country is going to sell any Missile with range more than 300 KM due to MTCR treaty. So, DRDO has to develop on own and no other option.

Agni-1,2,3,4,5 BM (700 Km-5,000 Km) - Inducted/Under Development/production. Success
Prithvi - BM (300-450 Km) - Inducted/Production. Success
Brahmos CM (300 Km) (JV) - Inducted/Production Success
Prahar - Tactical BM (150 Km) - Under Development/production. Success
Shourya/ K-15 - QBM 700 Km - Inducted/production. Success

What is left ?? I suppose, in next few years we will be done with our offensive missile arsenal.

Also, For SAM

Akash MK1,2 - 30-40 Km production. Success
SpyDer, Barak-8 - Under Development/production. Most likely it will be successful & it's Israeli
SHOARDS - Under Development

ABM - AAD/PDV - AD-1,2 Under Development. DRDO themselves gave time-frame of 2014 & 16 respectively. So let see.

Also, NAG Missiles, Astra are under-development phase.

TANK - We bought T-90 as DRDO was not sure of Arjun also we needed on urgent basis as Pak has ordered large no. of Tanks from China/Ukraine. Now, Arjun project is going as per planned. Indeed, 2 regiments already inducted.

Tejas - IMO, It's failed simply because it took too much time. Still, MK2 which is main one will be inducted by 2017. MK1 will be mere technical demonstrator and to gain some experience. Nevertheless, The experience will helpful for next few decades.

DRDO budget is very small. It's 1/6th or even less of China.

By 2016-2020, Our Missile arsenal will be very strong.
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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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We can't depend on foreign acquisition. It's very dangerous.

Today, They are selling because we are spending money and we are no threat for them. What will happen, If India becomes 3rd largest economy in couple of decades or our Geo-politics diplomacy will change ?? Then India will face same like China.

Although, I am not so happy with DRDO performance. Even i almost left tracking news. But it's not DRDO fault. It's fault of Government & MoD. DRDO budget is too less. A Scientist working for same package when next to DRDO office, An IT professional making same money ? WTF

Still, They are trying their level best with whatever resources they have. Yes, We need pvt sector also and thankfully, Many Pvt. companies like M&M, Tata, Reliance, ABG, L&T are joining too.

Also, Now MoD is trying to Buy some & develop some on own. So, That our dependency will reduce on foreign purchases.

Navy - 80% are Home Made.
Army - 70% are Home Made.
Missiles - 90% are Home Made.
Air force - It's mere 25%, I suppose..... which we need to focus and hopefully things will improve. Be +ve :)


Regular Member
Jan 7, 2012
but LF don't you thin,k if we did JV,we could have developed Parhar long time back..
Dude, you make JV sound easier than it actually is. The truth is JV is not possible for each and every situation. We need DRDO even if it is a "white elephant" sometimes. We need the experience and know-how required to build our own weaponry rather than go running to big brother for even a small gun. Privatization of our premium defense organization is possible if we have the right laws like the US do to govern their every move. Else, giving up the defense research organisation to a private venture may only lead to espionage.


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't think so. Seems dummy. They wont allow real weapon in VVVVIP area
Matey, Missiles are kept in bunkers, Labs, various hidden facilities. It's not for show-off in front of public. MoD statement are mostly authentic and according to that "It's in production phase".

What really matter is "Security". Be assure, It's safe. Whenever it will be launched, All Lal Topics in Pakland will run like Pigs and as always surrender at end..... :rofl:
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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
matey, missiles are kept in bunkers, labs, various facilities. It's not for show-off in front of public. Mod statement are mostly authentic and according to that "it's in production phase".

What really matter is "security". Be assure, it's safe. Whenever it will be launched, all lal topics will run like pigs..... :rofl:

i think u did't see my answer. What r u replying yaar


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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i think u did't see my answer. What r u replying yaar
Ok. Ya....Sorry. I didn't read the context

Yes, it's dummy which is for obvious reason.

Real will be similar look wise. in next 2 years, it will be deployed. may be before. Prahar + Brahmos is nightmare for Pak.

Look, We are what we are. We are not going to change everything overnight. So, It's better to be happy with what we have. And to very frank, We are on right path as far as defense modernization is concerned. Things are changing specially for last few years. No need to worry.

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