Prahaar Short Range Tactical Missile System

Flame Thrower

New Member
Apr 16, 2016
1. MLPGM is real and designed to be launched from TBM. But Prithvis are getting retired, so the only option we have are Pralay and Prahaar TBM. Only time will tell if my theory is legit or not. TBH, I am myself not 100% sure of it.

2. Driving LCH deep into enemy territory full of enemy MANPADS, SHORADS, QR-SAM is dangerous. Prahaar if equipped with MLPGMs can take as little as 3 minutes to do its job.

3. Using TBM like Prahaar equipped with MLPGMs can take out multiple targets, including Search Radar Vehicle, Fire Control Radar Vehicle, C&C Vehicle which are generally parked few kms away from each other which isn't possible with other types of warheads. The SAMs will have difficulty locking into Prahaar coz of its composite airframes and cruising at 35km altitude.

4. In case of Pralay TBM, upto 9 MLPGMs can be fitted inside theoretically.
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Let's assume that GOI is willing to launch 100k missile, how does MLPGMs get their targets. Someone has to provide targets, else it is impossible.

No offense, but I don't buy Manpads argument. The only threat is Pantsir or similar systems. I bet you know the story of Kargil war Mi-17 story and the conditions. Let's not kid ourselves in the name of Manpads.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Let's assume that GOI is willing to launch 100k missile, how does MLPGMs get their targets. Someone has to provide targets, else it is impossible.

No offense, but I don't buy Manpads argument. The only threat is Pantsir or similar systems. I bet you know the story of Kargil war Mi-17 story and the conditions. Let's not kid ourselves in the name of Manpads.
The concept of "missile launched PGMs" is doable.
The munitions could glide a predefined distance/direction (or immediately), lock onto either heat sources or predefined 'shapes' and home in.

The sensor fused munitions like CBU-97/105/107 are 'air-dropped'; there's no reason why it cannot be mounted on a missile and sent off to a distance!

Also, each missile like Helina itself costs around $100K!!! (rocket engine, guidance etc being the most expensive parts)
Longer ranged rockets/missiles are only marginally more expensive. So, packing more (short range)guided munitions on longer range missile/rocket is actually more cost-effective; and not to mention less risky than sending a rotary/fixed-wing aircraft to deliver!


New Member
May 10, 2017
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MLPGM project has been 'completed' by DRDO few years ago - without ever being launched by a TBM or even before the SANT missile (around which it seems to have been configured - at least via the images) was ever tested.

DRDO 'completes' projects whenever the project objectives are achieved or when the product is not required anymore as designed - just like Nakshatra Aerostat, MCIWS etc

My take is that MLPGM is dead. (It might make a comeback few years later under different set of requirements)
R&D on MLPGM project was not completed few years back. The debut test of MLPGM will happen only when SANT starts its trials to prove its MMW Seeker.

How can the project be dead when the official scaled down MLPGM model was made on April, 2017?


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
R&D on MLPGM project was not completed few years back. The debut test of MLPGM will happen only when SANT starts its trials to prove its MMW Seeker.

How can the project be dead when the official scaled down MLPGM model was made on April, 2017?
As of 2018, the project has been marked as ‘Completed’ (meaning closed) by DRDO.
‘Why’ is a question worth probing! But the project doesn’t exist as of today.
It’s important to point out that DRDO continues to ‘exhibit’ its concepts even when there is no approved project or when the project has been officially shut down!


New Member
May 10, 2017
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Anyways, in few years time we will have a formidable Rocket Artillery Force with

122mm Grad
214mm Pinaka Mk. I
214mm Pinaka Mk. II
214mm Pinaka Mk. II ER (Guided)
300mm Smerch
420mm Prahaar

