LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Would you care to explain how world's best mountain warfare(IA) force which also occupied higher and strategic location will be defeated by an army(PLA) which has only one supply route also happens to have very little training on mountain warfare...whose only battle tactics is to send waves of Soldiers (happened during Korean war, Indo China 1962 war{Rezang la battle saw 7 waves with nearly 3000 soldiers... Over 1300 died in battle that too our forces were without supplies and reinforcement hammered with artillery almost every time before wave of PLA came towards Rezang La.} With no other tactics shown.

Comparing both armies IA spends more time in training almost towards all scenarios...never repeating same mistake twice(Gurus, I am in assumption that IA never repeated same mistake twice ie 1965 mistakes were not repeated during 1971; 1971 mistakes were not repeated during 1984 & 1999... If I am wrong, please respond with a source... thanks)... coming back to PLA which spends most time on Propaganda; aims to protect CCP than China...

Coming to morale and ziddi....we have countless stories to tell(Jaswanth Singh, Maj. Shaitan Singh, Col. AB Tarapore, Havildar Abdul, Maj. Chandpuri, Keelor brothers, Capt. Vikram, Capt. Manish Pandey list of unsung heroes goes on and on... innovatives on the fly(we've used AShM Styx to hit land targets; we used PGMs during Kargil war...if need arises yes we have the ability to do similar stunts in future..). On contrary PLA's last engagement with Vietnam has ended in embarrassment of losing connection with supply lines and then got slaughtered like sheep. God knows the exact figures...some even say the number is over one hundred thousand....
Coming to casualties we lost more soldiers in Kargil war...it was biggest military Intelligence failure... action continued for over two months; a little known fact is we were in worse economic conditions due to sanctions of Smiling Buddha...yet, we never had a situation of what you've described. Because we won the war.

I don't deny that what you've mentioned is not plausible..it is only possible when we'll be defeated by China...

So Mr. @Tarun Kumar please enlighten me on how the situation arises...i.e, how either we'll be defeated by China or how entire India will be in unrest when it's people is celebrating the Victory as well as the whole world is praising India(ASEAN, Japan SK and maybe America comes forward to make civil and military deals and pacts with India).

@Tarun Kumar, I want you answer on how unrest will happen not the aftermath of the unrest. If you are not clear with the question, please ask me again before you answer.

Firstly China will escalate in AP, Ladakh regions and not Sikkim.Second they will attack using their rocket artillery and heavy artillery where they are vastly superior. I am not saying we fold up, but a withdrawal few km from eye ball to eyeball situation will show that we mean peace. If Chinese dont back off even then, it will be an open invitation for war and we will have no choice but to hit back.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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Firstly China will escalate in AP, Ladakh regions and not Sikkim.Second they will attack using their rocket artillery and heavy artillery where they are vastly superior. I am not saying we fold up, but a withdrawal few km from eye ball to eyeball situation will show that we mean peace. If Chinese dont back off even then, it will be an open invitation for war and we will have no choice but to hit back.
I don't know but do we even have leverage to back off few kilometers ? Because what I heard chicken neck is only 23 km wide. And place where stand off is happening is close to our chicken neck .

I agree that we will be killed if they use rockets and all. But do we even have choice at location which holds such great strategic importance to us ?
China's aggression at such locations means that they are looking for war not us.

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Tarun Kumar ?? :daru::daru:

that will be called " Backing off " & " cowardness " .

let them handle it .......they are more qualified than you & me .
Are u sure? Blindly trusting leaders will be a big blunder. Anyways I had predicted a limited war in my prophecy section which will be inconclusive but will lead to unrest in India. So then I was right all along. Lets wait for the outcome of this limited war before you accuse me of anything.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Are u sure? Blindly trusting leaders will be a big blunder. Anyways I had predicted a limited war in my prophecy section which will be inconclusive but will lead to unrest in India. So then I was right all along. Lets wait for the outcome of this limited war before you accuse me of anything.
These leaders have spent a lifetime fighting wars & protecting this country. They know their job and that's why they are generals and chiefs. If we can't trust them blindly then who to trust? You?


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Firstly China will escalate in AP, Ladakh regions and not Sikkim.Second they will attack using their rocket artillery and heavy artillery where they are vastly superior. I am not saying we fold up, but a withdrawal few km from eye ball to eyeball situation will show that we mean peace. If Chinese dont back off even then, it will be an open invitation for war and we will have no choice but to hit back.
First of all, neither China, nor India is going to escalate. Have you seen even a single punch or shoving of anyone in recent footage out there?
It is all about the buildup and presence in between China and India. Indian gov did one good job by not blocking Chinese investment. Whatever you said about blocking their business would do no good. China is not dependent on India for its business growth. But by making them invest in your economy, you could very well control their economy.
In LAC its not like always Chinese were the aggressor, even IA had knowingly or unknowingly infiltrated a lot into their territory. Its all about who blinks first rather then who shoots first. China is doing what is best for it. It do want to move India into a spindrift of military expenditure. Do you think that too much of military expenditure would bring stability to Indian economy or society?
You could only spend according to your economy unless and until you are Pakistan. Anything out of it would massively tank your system and you would sink faster then the Titanic.


Regular Member
May 31, 2017
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Are u sure? Blindly trusting leaders will be a big blunder. Anyways I had predicted a limited war in my prophecy section which will be inconclusive but will lead to unrest in India. So then I was right all along. Lets wait for the outcome of this limited war before you accuse me of anything.
Someone give this pusillanimous man a medal for being right with all his prophecies now that we have lost all the wars.


Regular Member
May 8, 2017
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Firstly China will escalate in AP, Ladakh regions and not Sikkim.Second they will attack using their rocket artillery and heavy artillery where they are vastly superior. I am not saying we fold up, but a withdrawal few km from eye ball to eyeball situation will show that we mean peace. If Chinese dont back off even then, it will be an open invitation for war and we will have no choice but to hit back.
What makes you think that they have "vastly superior" artillery than ours .....We also have rocket artillery regiments of Smerchs and Pinakas.....We have regiments of Brahmos and prahaar tactical missiles...We have catapult mk 2 artillery...We have old warhorse boforce.....We are much better trained than them in mountain warfare...They can't do a shit about us .....We will not withdraw and they knew this too.....They will just keep barking till winters when the extreme weather will make both sides withdraw...


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Are u sure? Blindly trusting leaders will be a big blunder. .

yaa dont trust them ......You dont have any power , Nobody cares about Your opinions they are the leaders & decision makers & they have all the Power to take decisions . :) :)

Anyways I had predicted a limited war in my prophecy section . So then I was right all along. .
are You another Roadside astrologer ?? can You predict
result of IPL matches too ?? Satta khelna Hai ,.........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Someone give this pusillanimous man a medal for being right with all his prophecies now that we have lost all the wars.
Sitting in UK its easy to talk about courage and pusillanimity. Nowhere I am saying that we should fold up. Going back from eyeball to eyeball and then wait and watch is the best strategy. When Chinese had already constructed a road in Doklam, why didnt we come to Bhutan's aid then. This new development may not add to our security threat. War especially 2 front war must be avoided at all cost. Even on LOC I have advocated artillery assault and covert warfare rather than physical raids. War must be total or else war will be futile. Are we ready for total war. Lets wait and build up our strength before we take the plunge to an irreversible cliff.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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War especially 2 front war must be avoided at all cost.
Must be avoided, yes. But you can't keep ignoring the encroachments & chini games. They have to be stopped somewhere.

Lets wait and build up our strength before we take the plunge to an irreversible cliff.
Give me a prophecy and tell me when that will happen. India has gained strength. India is gaining strength. India will continue to gain strength. Its a never ending process and its never enough. Look at USA. They have a 600 billion dollar defense budget but are still scared to go to war with russia. Because they know it will ruin them.

If we wait to gain more strength, china will have gained more strength by then with more roads. Pakis will have probably got BMDs in donation by then.

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
Firstly China will escalate in AP, Ladakh regions and not Sikkim.Second they will attack using their rocket artillery and heavy artillery where they are vastly superior. I am not saying we fold up, but a withdrawal few km from eye ball to eyeball situation will show that we mean peace. If Chinese dont back off even then, it will be an open invitation for war and we will have no choice but to hit back.
Funny part is even I got the same Idea...

But I didn't think of Ladakh for good reason...

Escalation on Ladakh means asking IA to take back Aksai Chin. Our forces have good experience, better supply routes once, IA cleans the PLA... It will be impossible for PLA to take it back.... We might initiate attack on Aksai if China fires first shot.

Coming to recapturing Tawang, IA in NE has been preparing for this scenario since 1987.

Coming to Rocket Artillery, that is the first thing came into picture. It is also the only edge PLA has over us. If layman like us can think of PLA Rocket Artillery... Imagine what our forces might have thought. I bet they have been in consideration before our agressive stance.

Not only that, if we back off now...all is lost. Let them strike us first, then we shall show the taste of war.

Coming to trusting our leaders...there is a good reason that they are leading our forces not someone like you.


Regular Member
May 31, 2017
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Sitting in UK its easy to talk about courage and pusillanimity. Nowhere I am saying that we should fold up. Going back from eyeball to eyeball and then wait and watch is the best strategy. When Chinese had already constructed a road in Doklam, why didnt we come to Bhutan's aid then. This new development may not add to our security threat. War especially 2 front war must be avoided at all cost. Even on LOC I have advocated artillery assault and covert warfare rather than physical raids. War must be total or else war will be futile. Are we ready for total war. Lets wait and build up our strength before we take the plunge to an irreversible cliff.
One, gaand mein dum ho to kabhi UP mein aa ke milna hum se.

Two, "Going back from eyeball to eyeball and then wait and watch is the best strategy.": isn't this what we are doing currently? What ticks me off is your incessant oh-no-i-will-be-fucked-in-my-ass crap. Grow a pair and learn to think about protecting your mother / motherland when the time comes.

Edit: Misread the "going back from eyeball" part earlier - if you keep going back, the eyeball is going to keep coming towards you.

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
One, gaand mein dum ho to kabhi UP mein aa ke milna hum se.

Two, "Going back from eyeball to eyeball and then wait and watch is the best strategy.": isn't this what we are doing currently? What ticks me off is your incessant oh-no-i-will-be-fucked-in-my-ass crap. Grow a pair and learn to think about protecting your mother / motherland when the time comes.
Right now its eyeball to eyeball. Lets move back few km and wait and watch. Chinese already have road upto Chumbi valley so this confrontation above that valley will not make vast difference. Even an IA general has written that. And building up strength requires us to have 40-50 regiments of rocket artillery and 1000s of additional heavy artillery in fixed time period. Thats my stand
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