LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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Firstly China will escalate in AP, Ladakh regions and not Sikkim.Second they will attack using their rocket artillery and heavy artillery where they are vastly superior. I am not saying we fold up, but a withdrawal few km from eye ball to eyeball situation will show that we mean peace. If Chinese dont back off even then, it will be an open invitation for war and we will have no choice but to hit back.
How can u be so sure where China is going to escalate. Did Xi share war plans with you directly over Gmail or FB...!!! Chinis tried to bargain Aksai Chin for getting hold of A.P just before the Dokalam standoff started. So it does not matter to them where to attack, coz they just want to have all of it. Whether its Sikkim or AP or Ladakh. Secondly the land which they want to grab is Bhutanese, but important for us to secure the Siliguri corridor. A withdrawal of few Kms will mean accepting that we were illegally occupying Chinese land and they will simply eat it away. And it will make the whole of NE India insecure, permanently. Plus it will show India in a poor light & how hollow & weak our earlier claims were. What can then nations like Vietnam, Japan, US expect from us if we cannot defend our neighborhood. So plz stop this shivering like a Congressi. Such kind of fearing form war made us not to retaliate even after severe attacks like Mum 2008 or parl 2001. In the NE theater we have the advantage of the terrain, & we can kick their butt like we did before in '67 & 88.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Right now its eyeball to eyeball. Lets move back few km and wait and watch. Chinese already have road upto Chumbi valley so this confrontation above that valley will not make vast difference. Even an IA general has written that. And building up strength requires us to have 40-50 regiments of rocket artillery and 1000s of additional heavy artillery in fixed time period. Thats my stand
40-50 regiments? 1000s of heavy artillery? What are you trying to destroy? Beijing City?


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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Right now its eyeball to eyeball. Lets move back few km and wait and watch. Chinese already have road upto Chumbi valley so this confrontation above that valley will not make vast difference. Even an IA general has written that. And building up strength requires us to have 40-50 regiments of rocket artillery and 1000s of additional heavy artillery in fixed time period. Thats my stand
Few KMS...!!! We cannot afford to move back few inches mister. If the mythical Hans are so powerful & already upto Chumbi valley then lets distribute North East to Mynamar, Bangla & China and be happy living uptil Bengal. It will reduce our headache. No... We have sufficient strengths. MKIs in Tezpur, Panagrh, etc and the naval blockade that we can build up in Mallaca straits is sufficient to deter any Chinese mistake...


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Pakistan bans tourists from visiting Pakistan-occupied Kashmir after troops drown
Choudhary Mohammad Fareed, a top government official in Neelum, says the “threat” to people is too great and that no new tourists would be able to enter.
india Updated: Jul 17, 2017 21:46 IST
Associated Press, Muzaffarabad

Pakistani Kashmiris gather around the body of an army soldier on a trolley in Athmaqam on July 16, 2017, after his death in a cross-border firing incident in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir's Neelum Valley. (AFP Photo)
  • Pakistan has banned tourists from a valley in Pakistani-occupied part of Kashmir a day after it said four of its soldiers drowned after their vehicle was hit by Indian gunfire and plunged into the Neelum River.

    Choudhary Mohammad Fareed, a top government official in Neelum, says the “threat” to people is too great and that no new tourists would be able to enter. The stay permits for those already in the valley will not be extended.


Regular Member
May 31, 2017
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Right now its eyeball to eyeball. Lets move back few km and wait and watch. Chinese already have road upto Chumbi valley so this confrontation above that valley will not make vast difference. Even an IA general has written that. And building up strength requires us to have 40-50 regiments of rocket artillery and 1000s of additional heavy artillery in fixed time period. Thats my stand
See my edit pls.

Since you are trying to talk some sense now instead of negative / prophetic baloney, I'll bite:
Sometimes in geopolitics, as in life, setting a precedent counts for more longer term gains than merely looking at downside risks for a limited short-term gain. Believe this is what we are doing now. If we move back, it will have signalling effects to:
1. China: that we are easy pushovers when we can cede areas of some strategic interest to us (while they have absolutely minimal benefits arguing about this piece of land so far away from key drivers of their economy);
2. Bhutan: that we are not a reliable ally in helping them safeguard their "disputed" territories. This could nudge them towards accepting China's influence - an even more dangerous proposition in the long-term.
3. The world: that we are nothing more than a small-time player constrained to South Asia, restricted on almost all sides in terms of our projection. That we are certainly not a potential powerhouse, counter to China, potential driver of global growth, etc. That will in turn affect our ability to form strategic partnerships, attract FDI crucial to our long-term growth trajectory, general / defence modernisation.​

As other posters have noted, people who are strategically more capable and informed than either you or I are looking / choosing best possible options on this on an on-going basis. What is needed of us is to be ready, if needed, and be supportive of national interests, in general.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
School van targeted by Pak army in Nowshera

One soldier also martyred. Total 6 troops martyed in july

images (7).jpg


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Are u sure? Blindly trusting leaders will be a big blunder. Anyways I had predicted a limited war in my prophecy section which will be inconclusive but will lead to unrest in India. So then I was right all along. Lets wait for the outcome of this limited war before you accuse me of anything.
Wait for some time.


Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
So Indo Pak casualty ratio is now 1:1. And posters here are talking about engaging China as well.There is a difference between real life and war exercises and an army and a country which cannot purchase basic artillery and assault rifles should not talk about 2 front war.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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So Indo Pak casualty ratio is now 1:1. And posters here are talking about engaging China as well.There is a difference between real life and war exercises and an army and a country which cannot purchase basic artillery and assault rifles should not talk about 2 front war.
Pakis are not revealing their True casualties

India is pounding their positions relentlessly

For every One shell that they fire ; we are firing THREE back

And do you really think that If India was a weak country
Pakistan and China will Wait for us to get stronger

Why they have not attacked us together so far

That is because they know our real strength

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Pakis are not revealing their True casualties

India is pounding their positions relentlessly

For every One shell that they fire ; we are firing THREE back

And do you really think that If India was a weak country
Pakistan and China will Wait for us to get stronger

Why they have not attacked us together so far

That is because they know our real strength
Lol if you go by pakistani claims they have lost 4 soldiers but I do know that on Burhan Wani's death anniversary day we gave a pasting to them after they killed our off duty TA Jawan and his whole family while they were sleeping in their house. 7 Pakis were confirmed injured including 3 critically injured soldiers and 5 civilians+ 2 Paki soldiers were killed as per local dailies. Based on this I am saying it is 1:1 casualty ratio. We face now a very dreadful prospect of 2 front war so its best we focus on these vermin Pakis and wait for the Chinese

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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@Tarun Kumar

Do you think our Armed Forces and Civilian Bureaucracy are
so stupid that they cannot understand what is at stake

So you mean to say that we have taken PANGA with China in
a foolish manner

There are Hundreds of Professionals both Civilian and Military who worry about Indian Security on a 24/7 basis

They will not put the country in Harm's way


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2014
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So Indo Pak casualty ratio is now 1:1. And posters here are talking about engaging China as well.There is a difference between real life and war exercises and an army and a country which cannot purchase basic artillery and assault rifles should not talk about 2 front war.
From your posts, it seems you will offer your loved ones if some goonda threaten you.
Bhai tu 4 Dham ka Yatra Kar aa. Bhagwan se mannat maang lio ki China back off Kar Jaye.. Kyun DFI me apna time kharab Kar raha hai?

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Lol if you go by pakistani claims they have lost 4 soldiers but I do know that on Burhan Wani's death anniversary day we gave a pasting to them after they killed our off duty TA Jawan and his whole family while they were sleeping in their house. 7 Pakis were confirmed injured including 3 critically injured soldiers and 5 civilians+ 2 Paki soldiers were killed as per local dailies. Based on this I am saying it is 1:1 casualty ratio. We face now a very dreadful prospect of 2 front war so its best we focus on these vermin Pakis and wait for the Chinese
Pakis have a much smaller Army and Yet they are Bravely
Fighting on Two fronts

Give credit to them

Here a few soldiers die and chest Beating starts

This is what PAKISTAN wants from India

They know that they cannot defeat India ; so they want
Indian media and civil society to put pressure for Ceasefire
on Indian govt
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