LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Sep 6, 2010
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Dokalam stand-off: Chinese media warns India, says be prepared for ‘all-out confrontation’

New Delhi: Amid simmering border tension over Dokalam in Sikkim, China's state-controlled media on Tuesday warned India to be prepared for an “all-out confrontation” along the entire stretch of the disputed boundary with the Communist country.

An article published in China's Global Times threatened to open up new fronts of conflict on the 3,488 km non-demarcated border between the two countries.

The article in the Global Times was published after China’s military reportedly conducted live-fire exercises in the remote mountainous Tibet region to test its strike capability on plateaus amid the stand-off between Indian and Chinese troops in the Dokalam.

China isn’t afraid to go to “war” with India and will be ready for a long-term confrontation, the Global Times piece said.

China had earlier said that there is “no room” for negotiations to resolve the military face-off and the only solution is the withdrawal of Indian troops from the Donglang or Doklam region.

India will face “embarrassment” if it does not withdraw its border troops to its own side and the situation could get “worse”, the official Xinhua news agency had earlier said.

“China has made it clear that there is no room for negotiations on this incident, and India must withdraw its border-crossing troops from Doklam. For China, border line is the bottom line,” the commentary said.

China has blamed India for the ongoing Donglang (Dokalam) impasse, accusing Indian soldiers of trespass and preventing Chinese soldiers from building a road in the region, which is also claimed by Bhutan.

Beijing wants India to withdraw its troops from Donglang before the two sides can open talks. New Delhi says the road, if built, will have serious security implications for India.

Meanwhile, an article in the Global Times had on Sunday stated that India is receiving a “massive influx” of foreign investments which will greatly enhance its ability to develop the manufacturing sector and China should “keep calm” and start working on a more effective growth strategy for the new era.

“This massive influx of investment by foreign manufacturers is of great significance for India’s economy, employment and industrial development,” the article said.

“China should be calm seeing India’s rise. To cope with competition from India, China could start working on a more effective growth strategy for the new era now,” it said.
sometimes i wonder the chinese media has taken over the chief role of PLA and issuing commands :biggrin2:...... :crazy:


Regular Member
May 30, 2015
china with all their media outlets in india n around the world just creating pressure on india to shift focus on NE borders so that pak army can get lil breathing space in western side can do there job properly which is very messed up currently.


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Sep 15, 2016
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Is this the start for an AU losely based on the EU? Or would we ask for complete military assitance from the US, EU and Russia? Only time is of the essance.


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Mar 24, 2013
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30 characters...........
Do you think we're wearing bangles? We know how to kill chipkali. If we can kill pigs we surely can kill lizard... Don't try to fear us. It's not 1962 and it's not Congress Nehru's rule. We pushed this chipkali back to its hole in 1967 and 1987.

Now We have BJP and Modi at helm and army given free hand to deal with pigs and lizard. Pigs are being killed in hundreds and if lizard comes will be smashed in thousands.

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
I am getting more and more disappointed with civil/military leadership in India. Over last 30 days we have faced 5 casualties on LOC at hands of Pakistan and killed 7-10 of their soldiers (5 yesterday in Neelum Valley and 2-5 on Burhan Wani anniversary). Thats a ratio less than 2:1 against a power that is an economic basketcase with USD 8 billion in defence budget. How is the leadership sure that we can pull off a confrontation against a world power like China with USD 200bn in defence budget. I am sorry the political and military leadership must deescalate and focus like laser to build up our military force by totally aligning with US and banning Chinese companies from contracts. Any confrontation with PLA will lead to hundreds of casualties on IA side and serious unrest in the country which will weaken our economy and social fabric further weakening this country to face all out wars coming in future. Warfare today is not like those in times of Romans or Genghis Khan where brilliant generals like Caesar could win with much smaller force levels. Today the game is about firepower and raw firepower where LOC confrontation has shown serious shortcomings on our part. By now Pakis should have lost 20-30 soldiers for their transgressions over last month but if we cannot escalate on paki border, how can we escalate on China border.Lets hold our horses especially if reports are stating that PLA already controls that Doklam Plateau.
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Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
What's better excuse for China to attack the LAC where it claim disputed and that's why the threat of confrontation all along LAC


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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I am getting more and more disappointed with civil/military leadership in India. Over last 30 days we have faced 5 casualties on LOC at hands of Pakistan and killed 7-10 of their soldiers (5 yesterday in Neelum Valley and 2-5 on Burhan Wani anniversary). Thats a ratio less than 2:1 against a power that is an economic basketcase with USD 8 billion in defence budget. How is the leadership sure that we can pull off a confrontation against a world power like China with USD 200bn in defence budget. I am sorry the political and military leadership must deescalate and focus like laser to build up our military force by totally aligning with US and banning Chinese companies from contracts. Any confrontation with PLA will lead to hundreds of casualties on IA side and serious unrest in the country which will weaken our economy and social fabric further weakening this country to face all out wars coming in future. Warfare today is not like those in times of Romans or Genghis Khan where brilliant generals like Caesar could win with much smaller force levels. Today the game is about firepower and raw firepower where LOC confrontation has shown serious shortcomings on our part. By now Pakis should have lost 20-30 soldiers for their transgressions over last month but if we cannot escalate on paki border, how can we escalate on China border.Lets hold our horses especially if reports are stating that PLA already controls that Doklam Plateau.
I agree with most of the your points but only thing which I am not able to understand is that India could have easily avoided this issue yet India choose to take a stand . Now since India has taken a stand either India is capable and prepared for any aggression or India is backing someone or being backed by someone , excluding the possibility that India is just plain stupid that yet knowing the possible scenarios it will put its head in the oven.
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Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
china with all their media outlets in india n around the world just creating pressure on india to shift focus on NE borders so that pak army can get lil breathing space in western side can do there job properly which is very messed up currently.
But there is one problem with this...

China has to pressure India to back off or China will loose it's face...

India is in no mood to back off. My cousin in in Tezpur(he is not into combat division, he is into administration) according to him everyone is waiting for China to start so that we can finish in style.
I agree with most of the your points but only thing which I am not able to understand is that India could have easily avoided this issue yet India choose to take a stand . Now since India has taken a stand either India is capable and prepared for any aggression or India is backing someone or being backed by someone , excluding the possibility that India is just plain stupid that yet knowing the possible scenarios it will put its head in the oven.
It is simple, if you to be looked as big guy... Beat the shit out of big guy near you...it is as simple as that...

Of all the wars, we had more casualties in Kargil war(if I remember it correctly). Yet, there was no unrest.... because we won it.

We are hoping for Skimmers...as we may hold them for 3 month long war(without damaging economy) but anything more will give us bad results (even after Victory)...

If it turns all out war... America is waiting for it so that it can destroy NK and emerge as winner of the entire conflict.

As MGA said this entire conflict has political angle (CCP Chairman election) too. We will hear these rants maybe till September end. Till then China will pressure us...let's hold ourselves till the first bullet is fired... Once it is fired, Indo China relationship as well as Indo ASEAN relationship changes drastically.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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I am getting more and more disappointed with civil/military leadership in India. Over last 30 days we have faced 5 casualties on LOC at hands of Pakistan and killed 7-10 of their soldiers (5 yesterday in Neelum Valley and 2-5 on Burhan Wani anniversary). Thats a ratio less than 2:1 against a power that is an economic basketcase with USD 8 billion in defence budget. How is the leadership sure that we can pull off a confrontation against a world power like China with USD 200bn in defence budget. I am sorry the political and military leadership must deescalate and focus like laser to build up our military force by totally aligning with US and banning Chinese companies from contracts. Any confrontation with PLA will lead to hundreds of casualties on IA side and serious unrest in the country which will weaken our economy and social fabric further weakening this country to face all out wars coming in future. Warfare today is not like those in times of Romans or Genghis Khan where brilliant generals like Caesar could win with much smaller force levels. Today the game is about firepower and raw firepower where LOC confrontation has shown serious shortcomings on our part. By now Pakis should have lost 20-30 soldiers for their transgressions over last month but if we cannot escalate on paki border, how can we escalate on China border.Lets hold our horses especially if reports are stating that PLA already controls that Doklam Plateau.
I think you are not able to understand the scenario in totality. We escalated the day itself when we decided to put up tents and told China not to alter the status quo. Further Indian Govt need not escalate beyond what the situation warrants. China is testing our resolve. Either they fight with us in the way they have been barking over the last few days or back off. And in the meantime we keep ourselves prepared for any eventuality. Coming to Pak/ LoC the Govt has limited itself to tactical response only. We are not yet ready for changing the status at LoC meaning takeover of PoK, removal of Art 370 etc will not be done at present. Tactically Army is doing best it can do under the set of limitations. Hence we see cross border raids have become common. Artillery response, razing of Pak posts, SF raids is mostly that can happen at the moment. But even that is too much for Pak to digest. They are already working on how to hide casualties in the best way possible.


Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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All these rants and warnings only leads me to believe Chinese media has more control over the CCP than Comrade 11 does. :pound:
Shut up you imperialist,capitalist filthy american stooge.


Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
I think you are not able to understand the scenario in totality. We escalated the day itself when we decided to put up tents and told China not to alter the status quo. Further Indian Govt need not escalate beyond what the situation warrants. China is testing our resolve. Either they fight with us in the way they have been barking over the last few days or back off. And in the meantime we keep ourselves prepared for any eventuality. Coming to Pak/ LoC the Govt has limited itself to tactical response only. We are not yet ready for changing the status at LoC meaning takeover of PoK, removal of Art 370 etc will not be done at present. Tactically Army is doing best it can do under the set of limitations. Hence we see cross border raids have become common. Artillery response, razing of Pak posts, SF raids is mostly that can happen at the moment. But even that is too much for Pak to digest. They are already working on how to hide casualties in the best way possible.
Brother any skirmish with China will be a strategic blunder for India much like kargil was a blunder for Pak. Any skirmish where we loose more men and material with Chinese will put paid to any quest for status we have and will lead to serious unrest in the country as India will be shown as the weaker power. And seriously I have no doubt that courage is more important than weapons but that happens in an all out war where you dont care about losses in men , material or territory and fight an interminable war of attrition. Even a bankrupt country like Pak is unwilling to risk that. China today has moved out of dollar based system and is no longer dependent on FDI as much as India. If we suffer hundreds if not thousands of casualties , stock markets will tank like Titanic, there will be a massive run on our forex reserves and all over the country where people are challenging unity of India in name of caste, language, religion etc will rear their ugly head. Worst it will lead to gravitating effect of Muslim world on China , strengthening our mortal enemy Pak even further. Who will take responsibility if a debacle happens-bureaucracy will shrug its hands and army could not take responsibility for Arjun tanks, they will as usual demand more imported weapons. And we cant be big boys till we produce our own weapons, war or no war. Nobody becomes a big boy with imported weapons.

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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Brother any skirmish with China will be a strategic blunder for India much like kargil was a blunder for Pak. Any skirmish where we loose more men and material with Chinese will put paid to any quest for status we have and will lead to serious unrest in the country as India will be shown as the weaker power. And seriously I have no doubt that courage is more important than weapons but that happens in an all out war where you dont care about losses in men , material or territory and fight an interminable war of attrition. Even a bankrupt country like Pak is unwilling to risk that. China today has moved out of dollar based system and is no longer dependent on FDI as much as India. If we suffer hundreds if not thousands of casualties , stock markets will tank like Titanic, there will be a massive run on our forex reserves and all over the country where people are challenging unity of India in name of caste, language, religion etc will rear their ugly head. Worst it will lead to gravitating effect of Muslim world on China , strengthening our mortal enemy Pak even further. Who will take responsibility if a debacle happens-bureaucracy will shrug its hands and army could not take responsibility for Arjun tanks, they will as usual demand more imported weapons. And we cant be big boys till we produce our own weapons, war or no war. Nobody becomes a big boy with imported weapons.
Pakistan is NOTHING, people who are still considering Pakistan is our ultimate enemy are living in a fool's paradise, every military action of Pakistan against India gets the approval from their colonial masters - Cheena. If there is an all-out war, Cheena has more to lose. Even if US and Japan doesn't support us in the initial local war, and with the drubbing which cheena receives and it moves their Army from the east and bring them towards India, they would have committed their lifetime blunder which US, Japan, S Korea, Vietnam, everyone want, and do you think they can withstand Indian Army in Himalayas where the advantage needs to be 10:1? Now is the right time to call their bluff and go for war, than 2-3 years later, where there are chances they will be more economically strong (if the depression doesn't hit them), and would have made inroads in many countries. Hoping is not strategy, fighting is.


Regular Member
May 30, 2015
But there is one problem with this...

China has to pressure India to back off or China will loose it's face...

India is in no mood to back off.
dont worry they both will back off at same time......just some tp and give paki 1-2 month time to reexecute plan on Western fornt.
chinkis are not dumb like pakis to go for war....


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Brother any skirmish with China will be a strategic blunder for India much like kargil was a blunder for Pak.
Tarun Kumar again ? ? :daru::daru:

in kargil war Pakis infiltrated & We had to kill them ...............today if chinkies try to invade they will be butchered too .......

it is the Job of Govt, & army to protect sovereignty of country ............and this is what they are doing .

we have enough weapons and Chinkies can ot use their tanks Etc .........F*ck stock market ..........our self respect is much more important than money .

Any skirmish where we loose more men and material with Chinese will put paid to any quest for status we have and will lead to serious unrest in the country as India will be shown as the weaker power.
Go & check geography & preparations of Both countries in the region ......this time chinkies will loose more men and may be their territory too .

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
Brother any skirmish with China will be a strategic blunder for India much like kargil was a blunder for Pak. Any skirmish where we loose more men and material with Chinese will put paid to any quest for status we have and will lead to serious unrest in the country as India will be shown as the weaker power. And seriously I have no doubt that courage is more important than weapons but that happens in an all out war where you dont care about losses in men , material or territory and fight an interminable war of attrition. Even a bankrupt country like Pak is unwilling to risk that. China today has moved out of dollar based system and is no longer dependent on FDI as much as India. If we suffer hundreds if not thousands of casualties , stock markets will tank like Titanic, there will be a massive run on our forex reserves and all over the country where people are challenging unity of India in name of caste, language, religion etc will rear their ugly head. Worst it will lead to gravitating effect of Muslim world on China , strengthening our mortal enemy Pak even further. Who will take responsibility if a debacle happens-bureaucracy will shrug its hands and army could not take responsibility for Arjun tanks, they will as usual demand more imported weapons. And we cant be big boys till we produce our own weapons, war or no war. Nobody becomes a big boy with imported weapons.
Would you care to explain how world's best mountain warfare(IA) force which also occupied higher and strategic location will be defeated by an army(PLA) which has only one supply route also happens to have very little training on mountain warfare...whose only battle tactics is to send waves of Soldiers (happened during Korean war, Indo China 1962 war{Rezang la battle saw 7 waves with nearly 3000 soldiers... Over 1300 died in battle that too our forces were without supplies and reinforcement hammered with artillery almost every time before wave of PLA came towards Rezang La.} With no other tactics shown.

Comparing both armies IA spends more time in training almost towards all scenarios...never repeating same mistake twice(Gurus, I am in assumption that IA never repeated same mistake twice ie 1965 mistakes were not repeated during 1971; 1971 mistakes were not repeated during 1984 & 1999... If I am wrong, please respond with a source... thanks)... coming back to PLA which spends most time on Propaganda; aims to protect CCP than China...

Coming to morale and ziddi....we have countless stories to tell(Jaswanth Singh, Maj. Shaitan Singh, Col. AB Tarapore, Havildar Abdul, Maj. Chandpuri, Keelor brothers, Capt. Vikram, Capt. Manish Pandey list of unsung heroes goes on and on... innovatives on the fly(we've used AShM Styx to hit land targets; we used PGMs during Kargil war...if need arises yes we have the ability to do similar stunts in future..). On contrary PLA's last engagement with Vietnam has ended in embarrassment of losing connection with supply lines and then got slaughtered like sheep. God knows the exact figures...some even say the number is over one hundred thousand....
Coming to casualties we lost more soldiers in Kargil war...it was biggest military Intelligence failure... action continued for over two months; a little known fact is we were in worse economic conditions due to sanctions of Smiling Buddha...yet, we never had a situation of what you've described. Because we won the war.

I don't deny that what you've mentioned is not plausible..it is only possible when we'll be defeated by China...

So Mr. @Tarun Kumar please enlighten me on how the situation arises...i.e, how either we'll be defeated by China or how entire India will be in unrest when it's people is celebrating the Victory as well as the whole world is praising India(ASEAN, Japan SK and maybe America comes forward to make civil and military deals and pacts with India).

@Tarun Kumar, I want you answer on how unrest will happen not the aftermath of the unrest. If you are not clear with the question, please ask me again before you answer.
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