LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Nov 26, 2015
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Beijing does not fear war: Is China gearing for battle over Doklam standoff?

Chinese media today seems to have sounded battle bells already over the escalated Doklam standoff with Indian troops. It read that Beijing does not fear war and that India would face consequences.

  • 1
    Chinese daily today said that Beijing does not fear war.
  • 2
    It added that India would face consequences at any further escalation on border row now.
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    The daily warned that China was capable of defending its sovereignty.
Keeping up its sabre-rattling over the Doklam standoff, China's media today said Beijing "doesn't fear going to war" and that any escalation would see India "face the consequence of an all-out confrontation".

A commentary in the hawkish Global Times, a tabloid under the People's Daily known for its hardline views, accused India of "repeatedly making provocations" since the 1962 war, the latest of which, according to writer Duo Mu, was the standoff near the India-China-Bhutan trijunction.

"China must be prepared for future conflicts and confrontation," the commentary said. "China can take further countermeasures along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). If India stirs up conflicts in several spots, it must face the consequence of an all-out confrontation with China along the entire LAC."

It also called on China to "continue strengthening border construction and speed up troop deployment and construction in the Doklam area". "These are legitimate actions of a sovereign country," it said.


The commentary warned that while "China doesn't advocate and tries hard to avoid a military clash with India", at the same time "China doesn't fear going to war to safeguard sovereignty either, and will make itself ready for a long-term confrontation."

The commentary was the latest in the continuing shrill rhetoric from Beijing over the June 16 standoff. This weekend, State media showed videos of a major PLA exercise in Tibet involving live-fire drills and anti-aircraft guns.

The Global Times said "India's action this time is a blatant infringement on China's sovereignty."

"As the confrontation goes on, China needs to get ready for the face-off becoming a long-term situation and at the same time, needs to maintain a sense of rationality," it said.

"Within China, there are voices calling for the Indian troops to be expelled immediately to safeguard the country's sovereignty, while Indian public opinion is clamouring for war with China. However, the two sides need to exercise restraint and avoid the current conflict spiralling out of control."


While diplomatic negotiations were on-going, it said the "atmosphere for negotiations has been poisoned by India."

The commentary also said that if India was going to strengthen resources in the border areas, China would do so as well.

"China can engage in a competition with India over economic and military resources deployment in the border area," the commentary said. "With growing national strength, China is capable of deploying resources in remote border areas. It is conducive to the economic growth of these regions, as well as to safeguarding integration of China's territory. Road and rail in the Tibetan area have been extended close to the border area with India, Nepal and Bhutan. It's a competition of military strength, as well as a competition of overall economic strength."

Comrade 11, when are you going to run out of your impressive arsenal of harsh words? I see this inventory is seemingly endless. Maybe you should try guns instead.

I have heard of the 'using harsh words to fight your enemy' jokes many times over. This is the first time I'm seeing it in actual action thanks to China.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
The amount of attention this thread (and the other ones) is receiving from "5 maaowaadi" is quite interesting and revealing.

Cheenis have painted themselves into a corner. They have refused any negotiated settlement and and demanding that India back out. They have done everything short of war to have their way- threats, abuses, invectives, activating lackeys and BIFs in India starting from Indian media.
[I am surprised that the Indian Commies took so long to bark in favour of their master. Apart from Karat, have there been other statements or press releases by the Indian left- CPI, CPM, RSP, AIFB, CPI(ML), CPI (Maosit?)]
They went so far as to plant fake news in Napaki news channels using ISPR to goad us into action or inaction and withdraw.

The Chinese are hoping that continuously upping the ante without pulling the actual trigger will get them what they want.

They say they are prepared for war, they claim that there will be no negotiation, they claim that India will be taught a lesson. But strangely so-far they have not even fired a single bullet, not even the playground style sumo grappling that we have come to expect of Indo-Chinese stand offs on LAC.

Why are they so hesitant? What's stopping them?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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The amount of attention this thread (and the other ones) is receiving from "5 maaowaadi" is quite interesting and revealing.

Cheenis have painted themselves into a corner. They have refused any negotiated settlement and and demanding that India back out. They have done everything short of war to have their way- threats, abuses, invectives, activating lackeys and BIFs in India starting from Indian media.
[I am surprised that the Indian Commies took so long to bark in favour of their master. Apart from Karat, have there been other statements or press releases by the Indian left- CPI, CPM, RSP, AIFB, CPI(ML), CPI (Maosit?)]
They went so far as to plant fake news in Napaki news channels using ISPR to goad us into action or inaction and withdraw.

The Chinese are hoping that continuously upping the ante without pulling the actual trigger will get them what they want.

They say they are prepared for war, they claim that there will be no negotiation, they claim that India will be taught a lesson. But strangely so-far they have not even fired a single bullet, not even the playground style sumo grappling that we have come to expect of Indo-Chinese stand offs on LAC.

Why are they so hesitant? What's stopping them?
Reality of CCP hyper inflating China's capabilities. Nothing else.

Image and propaganda are all important to CCP party. They cannot afford to be seen as backindown or losing to anyone. it will be interesting to see how they manage the fallout of their retreat (if they decide to). That's where 10b$ propaganda Budget will help.

Maybe we should start a Chinese lies, denial and subterfuge (or desperation) thread


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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China needs to acknowledge that India is a force to be reckoned with: Former Diplomat

"China, I think, needs to acknowledge the fact that there is growing strategic and security capability across Asia, and certainly India is a force to be reckoned with," former Indian-American Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Nisha Desai Biswal told PTI in an interview.

"While I understand that sentiment within China, that I think seeks to try to assert China as a dominant player across the Asia-Pacific, I think China has to content with the fact that across its geography, throughout the Asia-Pacific region, countries are unsettled by its behavior and by its unilateral actions," she said.

"India has proven itself to be willing and be able to resolve issues through arbitration, through negotiation, through dialogue and diplomacy, and, we would hope and expect that China would show itself capable of doing the same," she said.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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There is rampant corruption in CPC. I am pretty sure that even GoI will have enough material ( proofs and documents ) which if allowed to surface will end political life for many CPC officials.
Current Indian government doesn't have anything to be feared on corruption charges and but CPC stands on very flimsy ground and CPC is going to meet in Nov 2017.
I don't know why GoI doesn't take fight to places where enemy is weak.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
This encounter in Gurez is interesting. Now view this in the context of 5 Napaki fauji that were halaaled in Neelum Valley two days ago.

Were they to be a part of this team that were supposed to infiltrate in Gurez and carry out a BAT-style operation?

The incidents seem to correlated to be co-incidental.


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2017
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Dokalam stand-off: Chinese media warns India, says be prepared for ‘all-out confrontation’

New Delhi: Amid simmering border tension over Dokalam in Sikkim, China's state-controlled media on Tuesday warned India to be prepared for an “all-out confrontation” along the entire stretch of the disputed boundary with the Communist country.

An article published in China's Global Times threatened to open up new fronts of conflict on the 3,488 km non-demarcated border between the two countries.

The article in the Global Times was published after China’s military reportedly conducted live-fire exercises in the remote mountainous Tibet region to test its strike capability on plateaus amid the stand-off between Indian and Chinese troops in the Dokalam.

China isn’t afraid to go to “war” with India and will be ready for a long-term confrontation, the Global Times piece said.

China had earlier said that there is “no room” for negotiations to resolve the military face-off and the only solution is the withdrawal of Indian troops from the Donglang or Doklam region.

India will face “embarrassment” if it does not withdraw its border troops to its own side and the situation could get “worse”, the official Xinhua news agency had earlier said.

“China has made it clear that there is no room for negotiations on this incident, and India must withdraw its border-crossing troops from Doklam. For China, border line is the bottom line,” the commentary said.

China has blamed India for the ongoing Donglang (Dokalam) impasse, accusing Indian soldiers of trespass and preventing Chinese soldiers from building a road in the region, which is also claimed by Bhutan.

Beijing wants India to withdraw its troops from Donglang before the two sides can open talks. New Delhi says the road, if built, will have serious security implications for India.

Meanwhile, an article in the Global Times had on Sunday stated that India is receiving a “massive influx” of foreign investments which will greatly enhance its ability to develop the manufacturing sector and China should “keep calm” and start working on a more effective growth strategy for the new era.

“This massive influx of investment by foreign manufacturers is of great significance for India’s economy, employment and industrial development,” the article said.

“China should be calm seeing India’s rise. To cope with competition from India, China could start working on a more effective growth strategy for the new era now,” it said.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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Dokalam stand-off: Chinese media warns India, says be prepared for ‘all-out confrontation’

New Delhi: Amid simmering border tension over Dokalam in Sikkim, China's state-controlled media on Tuesday warned India to be prepared for an “all-out confrontation” along the entire stretch of the disputed boundary with the Communist country.

An article published in China's Global Times threatened to open up new fronts of conflict on the 3,488 km non-demarcated border between the two countries.

The article in the Global Times was published after China’s military reportedly conducted live-fire exercises in the remote mountainous Tibet region to test its strike capability on plateaus amid the stand-off between Indian and Chinese troops in the Dokalam.

China isn’t afraid to go to “war” with India and will be ready for a long-term confrontation, the Global Times piece said.

China had earlier said that there is “no room” for negotiations to resolve the military face-off and the only solution is the withdrawal of Indian troops from the Donglang or Doklam region.

India will face “embarrassment” if it does not withdraw its border troops to its own side and the situation could get “worse”, the official Xinhua news agency had earlier said.

“China has made it clear that there is no room for negotiations on this incident, and India must withdraw its border-crossing troops from Doklam. For China, border line is the bottom line,” the commentary said.

China has blamed India for the ongoing Donglang (Dokalam) impasse, accusing Indian soldiers of trespass and preventing Chinese soldiers from building a road in the region, which is also claimed by Bhutan.

Beijing wants India to withdraw its troops from Donglang before the two sides can open talks. New Delhi says the road, if built, will have serious security implications for India.

Meanwhile, an article in the Global Times had on Sunday stated that India is receiving a “massive influx” of foreign investments which will greatly enhance its ability to develop the manufacturing sector and China should “keep calm” and start working on a more effective growth strategy for the new era.

“This massive influx of investment by foreign manufacturers is of great significance for India’s economy, employment and industrial development,” the article said.

“China should be calm seeing India’s rise. To cope with competition from India, China could start working on a more effective growth strategy for the new era now,” it said.
Let them come , it will be a grand welcome and a party they will remember.
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