LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Sep 15, 2016
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Hoping, Pakistan and China are raping indian soldiers and killing them on both sides, I mean equal equal on mutual 50 50 basis :pound: :rofl:

GAY HIND :pound:
Well said! I say continue jumping pagans and keep thinking about how you are going to giggle.


New Member
Nov 1, 2016
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I have found he solution to the Kashmir issue! Just pay a paki news channel to say that they got Kashmir. Whole of their illiterate population will believe it. Problem solved.

These idiots have gone to the next level of bakchodi. 158 soldiers killed?! No other news site has said anything. No government statement from anywhere. Only dunyanews Pakistan said this, and ALL these inbreds are spazzing hard!


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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I have found he solution to the Kashmir issue! Just pay a paki news channel to say that they got Kashmir. Whole of their illiterate population will believe it. Problem solved.

These idiots have gone to the next level of bakchodi. 158 soldiers killed?! No other news site has said anything. No government statement from anywhere. Only dunyanews Pakistan said this, and ALL these inbreds are spazzing hard!
What an idea sirji.......


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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I don't think this stamina22 is a paki in the first place.

Pakis usually have a typical habit of typing badly constructed English sentences and spelling mistakes.

This chap might as well be an Indian.
he was mentioning gb road and abusing like a Bihari ... I am sure he is indian too.


New Member
Sep 15, 2016
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ADGPI are fooling these Indian jahil bollywood deep involved public :lol:

Look, Now Indian new channel proved 158 Indians soldiers Killed :pound:

They are as shocked as all the rest of def forces here. Will let you guys know if it is true.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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Insecurity among Pakis is so much at display here. Their ISPR now relies on fake propaganda using Chinese for morale boosting of the jaahil awaam.

In all probability, the next generation of Pakis will name their missiles after Mao and Xi Jinping. :lol:
Pakistani are the biggest and the best example of Sheikh Chilli


New Member
Dec 18, 2013
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Pakistani are the biggest and the best example of Sheikh Chilli
They are basically a mentally ill population.

Mental disorder is something that they see as a sign of being weak and so try to hide it instead of curing it. (Paki honour and dignity and all that).

Even their highest court ruled Schizophrenia as normal and not as a mental disorder.


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Jul 4, 2013
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It seems we are behaving like Pakis wrt China. They also talk about fighting till last breath and get bashed up thereafter. However unlike Pak we are not an army run country which can hide our casualties with its own ISPRs and Asmanee Bijlee. They hid the loss of 1 platoon for Christ sake on April 17 when we used tank pillboxes to destroy their fortified positions and then tried to take revenge by terror and BAT attacks. In a free country like India even a limited conflict with China with heavy casualties on our side due to better Chinese artillery will lead to serious unrest.Chinese are not braver than us but are much better armed and their artillery and rocket force is vastly superior to ours. Let us not kid ourselves. Any limited conflict with China will weaken us while we are still building up our military and economy.
Where did we behave like Pakis? Did we sponsor terror on their land? Did we occupy their land?
We did not get bashed up here. We stood up and blocked a move to change status quo. What do you want to do? wait till we are all stlong like Chinese and then tell them to go back?
How did you come to the conclusion that their rocket force is "vastly superior" to ours?
Why such no confidence attitude?


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Jun 28, 2017
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pakis are getting their ass whopped badly at LOC. They keep begging for DGMO talks after a blistering hit from IA. The pathetic fools are hoping chinese will somehow save them but they forget the chinese had no balls to intervene in 71' and they will not in 17' either.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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On the point of standoff videos coming out.

By using hand held cameras , few soldiers are taken out of play..

Helmet mounted cams should be preferrable, not those GoPros sticking on top of the head. There must be cameras with smaller profile than GoPro.


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Nov 26, 2015
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To achieve peace on the border, India must demilitarise its China policy


On July 15, China’s state news agency Xinhua published a commentary on the border stand-off in Doklam. Although it firmly restates the Chinese position that India must pull back its troops for the month-long impasse to be resolved, the tone betrays Beijing’s conciliatory attitude. Therein lies a message.

Politically, it’s revealing that the commentary appeared soon after the government held discussions with the opposition on Friday and Saturday that yielded the consensus that New Delhi should seek a peaceful end to the deadlock.

Diplomatically, the article must be analysed in the context of an important policy speech by Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar, delivered from a prestigious podium in Singapore last week, ostensibly outlining India’s approach to the geopolitical shifts in Asia-Pacific.

For nearly two decades, Singapore has been India’s conduit to the ASEAN. It has served as a confidante, friend, guide and counsellor, influencing New Delhi’s China policy, for better or for worse.

Thus, it was not insignificant that Jaishankar spoke from a podium presided over by Kishore Mahbubani. The Singaporean scholar-diplomat, known as an inveterate advocate of the “Asian Century”, is respected by the Chinese as a voice of moderation and realism. Two years ago, when the shrill rhetoric of Barack Obama’s “pivot to Asia” was the signal tune of the region’s politics, Mahbubani berated American intellectuals for refusing to recognise that the United States was a power in decline.

Has India used Mahbubani to get through to Beijing to resolve the Doklam stand-off? We may never know for certain. But the fact that the Xinhua article pointedly takes note of Jaishankar’s speech is telling.

It has been noticed that Indian Foreign Secretary Jaishankar Subrahmanyam recently has made positive remarks in Singapore, saying that India and China should not let differences become disputes.

Jaishankar’s speech was indeed notable for referring positively to the India-China relationship at a time when it is strained.

  • He recalled the civilisational ties between the neighbours and juxtaposed the “difficult near history” with the “positive far history”.
  • He cautioned against reducing the discourse to black and white since the two countries have “stakes in each other”, and differences must be viewed through the prism of a “multi-faceted” relationship.
  • He stressed that in the final analysis, “at a time of global uncertainty, India-China relations are a factor of stability”, and the two countries “must not allow differences to become disputes” and ought to be capable of approaching each other with “strategic maturity”.
Reaching out
It was a clear diplomatic overture to Beijing. That Jaishankar invoked Prime Minister Narendra Modi seems to confirm that the outreach was sanctioned by the political leadership.

Plainly put, Jaishankar signalled his government’s interest in “de-escalation” in Doklam. Thankfully, the clamour for war from hypernationalists in India, including some ex-soldiers who apparently want the gravy train to run till eternity, doesn’t reflect the thinking in South Block.

The big question now is how China weighs this “signal”, or whether they take it as a credible signal at all.

The Chinese have clarified, more than once, that diplomatic channels remain open, and have sought to distinguish South Block from the Indian defence and intelligence establishment. This suggests they may be amenable to the outreach.

In fact, the Xinhua article too makes a distinction between Jaishankar and “some Indian civil groups, tinted with intense nationalism…constantly stirring up anti-China sentiments” as well as “some senior officials of India who made irrational remarks, which further fuelled the unnecessary tension”.

In effect, it all comes down to the Modi government’s China policy. Is there even a coherent policy?

Jaishankar’s speech was out of sync with the provocative act of a top leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile, Lobsang Sangay, hoisting a Tibetan flag on the Chinese border in Ladakh early this month.

It is an insult to common sense to accept that such an act of provocation – or plain idiocy – at such an explosive moment in India-China relations would have been committed without the encouragement of some spooky fellow hiding behind the bush. Are there rogue elements in our government trying to sabotage peace efforts with China? If this provocation was sanctioned by the Indian establishment, why did it suddenly change tack and send a conciliatory message through Jaishankar? There are no easy answers.

But the good news is that the Xinhua commentary ends on a positive note.

China has a will to solve the problem peacefully by diplomatic means, and China also cherishes the peace and serenity in the border areas, but the precondition is that the trespassers of India must withdraw unconditionally.

The ball is in New Delhi’s court. Hopefully, its response will not be dictated by the hotheads.
Here comes another article of chest thumping by the media arm of the CCP. :blah:

Time to remind China of 67 and 87 seeing that they are stuck in 1962....

Seeing that this is the first post of this poster, we have one more Chinese propaganda pawn (or worse, pawn of CCP pawns -paki) working overtime on DFI out of the fear of being taken to the nearest graveyard and summarily executed by CCP officials if he doesn't comply.

Here is another take to this article."To achieve peace China should STFU and stop acting like a land grabbing lunatic or Attack if it has the balls. Instead of producing pages upon pages of propaganda material Everyday".
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Project Dharma

New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I have reported this madrassa educated Paki troll several times to the mods but no one seems to care! Jeeez!

Any hope? @Yusuf @Kunal Biswas @LETHALFORCE or is his crap going to be allowed to continue till the cows come home???
He is banned. Only problem is that they seem to be using a proxy and their IP changes each time. I suggested adding a "wait for approval before posting" plugin to the forum - I've seen it on other forums using the same software but nobody replied :( Best to just ignore trolling and carry on. Indian members are just as bad at polluting the threads as the trolls who come here to derail them.


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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China has a will to solve the problem peacefully by diplomatic means, and China also cherishes the peace and serenity in the border areas, but the precondition is that the trespassers of India must withdraw unconditionally.
Lol! Totally confusing sentence! They say withdraw without conditions but then mention this as a condition!! Why are these slit eyed midgets so confused?
They've beaten the shit out of the English language (which they were never good at anyway!!)
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