LOC, LAC & IB warfare

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May 30, 2017
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By the looks of it, China has painted itself into a corner. And all this barking means they may
have to bite. I think Chinese have walked into a trap. Coz I remember Rawat telling media that India must be /is ready for a swift two front war. I feel India might go for POK while we are eyeballing China. With China occupied and Pakis fixated on INDIA CHINA Skirmish , good time to snapup Kashmir.


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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(1) china and bhutan could have solved the border dispute through dialogue if it was not india's disrupting.
Yeah by China capturing Bhutanese territories and then settling the dispute on China's advantage. Just like China is doing with every other nation in its neighborhood.

Doklam holds no extra strategic significance to Bhutan, india basically imposed its own interest on Bhutan and forced Bhutan to claim as much as possible the part of Doklam Plateau.
Why the FUCK China is ranting, when Doklam belongs to Bhutan and if IA is there the matter is between India & Bhutan.

Indian amry came to the party uninvited and it was not in india's territory.
And China was given Special Invitation. Get the fuck out Hypocrite Chinki.

the unexpected coming of indian army complicated the situation and made it impossible for Bhutan to resolve the issue with china peacefuly.
Yeah! It obstructed chinese march to capture Bhutanese territory just like china does to every other nation in its neighborhood. Unexpected: This BJP Govt not Scamster congress expect more heart burns in future.

i think PLA should give what Indians are looking for, after all there is nowhere for PLA to retreat.
This time around expect the unexpected. It is China which will get from IA, DEFEAT, HUMILIATION.

this could be a good opportunity as indians are pushing themselves forward, just like what they were doing in 1962.

the 1962 war shattered india's ambition over Tibet, i think a 2017 war would make Bhutan a truly independent country.
Why China is forgetting 1967 & 1987. Maybe China is looking for some more HUMILIATION.

And this time around it could be GANG BANG from India, US (see Trump's statements on North Korea), Japan, etc.

|ndia is manipulating Bhutan government.
The same China is manipulating Porkistan.

There is a saying, You will Reap what you Sow. If Roses then Roses, if THORNS you will get THORNS.

So if China attacks they will be attacked, they nuke us we nuke them. It will be TIT for TAT this time around don't MESS with India it is too large for China to gulp.


New Member
Jan 15, 2017
Friends - Why are we going crazy about inviting war ? War must be the last resort, no the first choice. Be very well aware about it. Remember, in Mahabharta, Krishna had asked for just 5 villages and not go for war. He wanted to avoid war at all costs.

Once started, it will not stop on your terms. Unnecessarily just to satisfy egos, are we ready to take the risk of full fledged war with China ?

How do we know China will not escalate it ? It seems we are acting like Pakistan here, and think that China will act like India. War is not fun friends, it only brings destruction and death.

Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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Friends - Why are we going crazy about inviting war ? War must be the last resort, no the first choice. Be very well aware about it. Remember, in Mahabharta, Krishna had asked for just 5 villages and not go for war. He wanted to avoid war at all costs.

Once started, it will not stop on your terms. Unnecessarily just to satisfy egos, are we ready to take the risk of full fledged war with China ?

How do we know China will not escalate it ? It seems we are acting like Pakistan here, and think that China will act like India. War is not fun friends, it only brings destruction and death.
Did you hear the statements.. It's the Chinese that are beating the wardrums.. Their media.. Their diplomats and possible every channel which is linked to CCP
India on the other hand is calm and composed.. And btw what do you think we should do.. Back off and give the strategic location to Chinese? ..
We don't want war but what if the enemy don't want to listen and come to dialogue table

And my friend we are not Pakistan nor china.. We don't beat war drums.. But if they attack... They will get the bloody nose


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Friends - Why are we going crazy about inviting war ? War must be the last resort, no the first choice. Be very well aware about it. Remember, in Mahabharta, Krishna had asked for just 5 villages and not go for war. He wanted to avoid war at all costs.

Once started, it will not stop on your terms. Unnecessarily just to satisfy egos, are we ready to take the risk of full fledged war with China ?

How do we know China will not escalate it ? It seems we are acting like Pakistan here, and think that China will act like India. War is not fun friends, it only brings destruction and death.

Indians are not Invading , We are defending Ourselves .............so we can not start war .

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
@Nimo before sucking CCP and emperor Xi's balls at least read about current dispute. It is not on Doklam plateau but on Doklam trijunction where China is unilaterally trying to drill the trijunction which is very serious violation of 2012 treaty and very serious escalation of dispute. It has nothing to do with 1890 treaties or any Indo-China accords or Chinese sovereignity. My sense is that such a provocation has to be fully thought out by Xi including possible escalation scenarios and benefits. The possible reasons for this escalation is that China is preparing ground for 2 front Indo-Pak and Sino -Indian limited war with following objective:
1)Paint India as a jealous anti OBOR aggressor to force smaller states to take sides. This may well be a deathknell on Pro India Sheikh hasina in BD and pull Nepal/Sri Lanka out of Indian orbit.
2) To unite fractious middle eastern states to unite behind OBOR and Pak China alliance making Pak islamic leader.
3)To ensure a coup in Pakistan to remove democrats with soft corner for India.
4) To unite CCP and Chinese public around emperor Xi as paramount leader and give him his cherished 3rd term or even beyond that.
5) To drive a permanent wedge between India and Russia opening Russian arms supplies to Pak.

Right now Chinese are probing our defences and will possibly strike through both LOC and LAC. Make no mistake, dragon is preparing to strike.

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
it's obvious that indian army came into Bhutan's territory uninvited and the purpose is to looking for a fight with China.

i think PLA should give what Indians are looking for, after all there is nowhere for PLA to retreat.

it is essential for China and Bhutan to normalise a bilateral relation, the prerequisite to that is to clear india's influence over Bhutan and free Bhutan from India's control.

this could be a good opportunity as indians are pushing themselves forward, just like what they were doing in 1962.

the 1962 war shattered india's ambition over Tibet, i think a 2017 war would make Bhutan a truly independent country.
For the last time we never had our eyes on Tibet.

In 1951, i.e., when annexation of Tibet started...our General Cariappa warned Nehru of Indo China war. Out of Poverty, we couldn't focus on Army and we lost the war.

I'd also suggest you to read about battle of Rezang la, about Maj. Shaitan Singh, about Jaswanth Singh 4th Garhwal Rifles....

Before you ask for Skimmers, I'd like to suggest you that this is the best time if you want skimmers (in North East part of India) with India. We don't have enough Arty (M-777) are on their way. T-72 regiments are located, but they need more time(don't take it granted that they are I'll prepared. They are not prepared compared to high standards of Indian Army). Infrastructure is on its way... second mountain corps is still on paper(by the way existing force is world's best mountain corps, don't take them lightly). We don't have LCHs...so on and so forth....but yeah they are coming. After 3 to 5 yrs, PLA wouldn't even consider that Chicken's neck exists.

Oh and one more thing IA has very bad habit of identifying weaker spots within, train for all scenarios, train till they become muscle memory. I bet IA has trained for all possible scenarios especially for Chicken's neck, waiting to return 1962 with compound interest. The only question is when China will give that Chance!!??

In short, China will never get best time for Skimmers with India.

If you want war, then wait for atleast 7 years from now.

Coming to skimmers, even today India will beat shit out of PLA. If PRC looses face in the hands of India, you won't find a way to cover your face in South Asia. PRC has to make sure to attack only after all Shang and Han class subs on their way to China should pass Malacca Straight (So that IN won't be able to catch them, or it will be huge embarrassment for PLAN. Personally I prefer to sink them, but IN might ask them to surrender(capture them for more embarrassment of PLAN).

In short, buddy skimmers with IA is the last thing PRC want to wish for....
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Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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Friends - Why are we going crazy about inviting war ? War must be the last resort, no the first choice. Be very well aware about it. Remember, in Mahabharta, Krishna had asked for just 5 villages and not go for war. He wanted to avoid war at all costs.

Once started, it will not stop on your terms. Unnecessarily just to satisfy egos, are we ready to take the risk of full fledged war with China ?

How do we know China will not escalate it ? It seems we are acting like Pakistan here, and think that China will act like India. War is not fun friends, it only brings destruction and death.
One does not invite war but backing down unnecessarily would only encourage the enemy.

No one can predict exactly how the enemy will respond and to what level are they willing to escalate, but we can do some geo-political calculations.

For instance, the role PLAN can play is limited considering their situation in SCS. The terrain also limits what they can do. Also as much as they might like, the world cannot stay quite in such a conflict. Just as Pakis might take advantage of our situation, there are many enemies of China who will like to take advantage of their situation.

Moreover, in general, the more developed had more to lose as is the one who enjoys trade surplus.

Finally, it's the Chini choemin who came illegally in to Bhutan. Our troops merely responded. They are welcome to go back and normalize the situation.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Did you hear the statements.. It's the Chinese that are beating the wardrums.. Their media.. Their diplomats and possible every channel which is linked to CCP
India on the other hand is calm and composed.. And btw what do you think we should do.. Back off and give the strategic location to Chinese? ..
We don't want war but what if the enemy don't want to listen and come to dialogue table

And my friend we are not Pakistan nor china.. We don't beat war drums.. But if they attack... They will get the bloody nose
Exactly the same when Pakis hear empty war threats and rhetoric from our side. Pakis have their 1971 and India 1962


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015

If members are interested in this I can post in detail. I have a copy of the Bhavishya Purana at home. I'll post the rough geography and synopsis of it in multiple posts.
Tell me If you guys want it and please point me to appropriate thread.

In other thread. Sure



Senior Member
Oct 10, 2014
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what happened behind the scenes for china to prompt this? my guess is closer india-US relations but that doesn't explain the bellicose rhetoric that we see today. it is a myriad of factors primarily being a slowing chinese economy coupled with a flat-out rejection from the world towards chinese expansionist fantasies. The Chinese know OBOR can never be a reality without India on-board, but India will not join OBOR ever


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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If China wages war against India then China would be linking itself to India. Giving a golden opportunity to India to dehyphenate itself from Pakistan and associate and equate itself with China.
Which again makes me think that our think tanks and generals are really smart to realize it that is why they took a stance to defend our ally and our borders .
But even Chinese would be realizing this effect. That this war in particular will effect them to attain global power status and their chance to hyphenate themselves with US. so they should have asked their rabid dog to the dirty work.
But Pakistan seems to be recluctant to the work for its master. Is it really the case ?

If Yes, then question is why sudden change of heart by Pakistani generals ? Is US pressuring them ?
Or If No, are we vigilant on our western borders too ?


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Friends - Why are we going crazy about inviting war ? War must be the last resort, no the first choice. Be very well aware about it. Remember, in Mahabharta, Krishna had asked for just 5 villages and not go for war. He wanted to avoid war at all costs.

Once started, it will not stop on your terms. Unnecessarily just to satisfy egos, are we ready to take the risk of full fledged war with China ?

How do we know China will not escalate it ? It seems we are acting like Pakistan here, and think that China will act like India. War is not fun friends, it only brings destruction and death.

few days ago You wrote this >>
Read it Again :yo::yo::yo:
Arguments given by Jingos on War Threat by China
1. China can't afford to go to war, they will not go for war owing to multiple reasons like India-China trade, international pressure, US kya kahega, Russia kya kahega etc. etc.
2. Indian army is trained for war, while China has not fought war since last 38 years
3. We must make defence budget 5% of GDP. Go away with bureaucracy, and buy billions of dollars arms immediately
4. India is different than 1962, do not take us lightly.
5. Two nuclear nations cannot go to war
and some more alike reasons.

Fact of the matter is, China does not gives a dime to all these reasons. We go to China to buy their goods, they do not come here begging that buy our goods. Every single item is made in China, and there is no other option. They are the superpower now and compare themselves to USA. See how they keep on threatening USA on South China Sea issue.

What India do in this situation
Accept the reality that as compared to China you are militarily, economically, industrially, financially weak. Let us say you are as good as Vietnam, or Sri Lanka. So does that mean that we will not fight them. No, not at all.
Once you accept the reality, ask yourself, that this Bully is your neighbor, and he will keep bullying you if you shy away. What to do to this Bully then. Answer is stand and fight for your land. Show them, that if it is war then let it be. Throw out the fears inside you, and once in for all show to them that they will pay heavy price if they impose war on us. Whatever resource we have, we will fight and teach them a lesson.

And stop taking refuge in silly arguments. Leave it to the creepy hindi news channels.
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