LOC, LAC & IB warfare

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Nov 26, 2015
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Sikkim standoff: China media rhetoric turns shriller, says Indian troops will be kicked out of disputed area


The state-controlled Global Media says New Delhi must be taught a ‘bitter lesson’ over the military face-off in Sikkim border

India will be “kicked” out from the area of an ongoing military standoff with China and suffer “greater losses” than it did during the 1962 war, Chinese official media warned on Wednesday, adding that New Delhi needed to be taught a “bitter lesson” for trespassing across the border.

The editorial in Global Times is the harshest yet by China’s state-controlled media since the face-off erupted early June in an area along the Sikkim border which China calls Donglang and is also known as Doklam plateau.

“We firmly believe that the face-off in the Donglang area will end up with the Indian troops in retreat. The Indian military can choose to return to its territory with dignity, or be kicked out of the area by Chinese soldiers,” said Times, a tabloid affiliated to the Communist party mouthpiece People’s Daily.

The Global Times is known for its nationalistic outlook and frequently publishes anti-India editorials and articles.

Read | China’s PLA warns India: ‘Learn lessons from 1962 defeat, stop clamouring for war’

“The Chinese public is infuriated by India’s provocation. We believe the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is powerful enough to expel Indian troops out of Chinese territory,” it said, adding, “This time, we must teach New Delhi a bitter lesson.”

It said India’s “real purpose” was aimed at blocking block China’s road construction project in the area.

“The Cold War-obsessed India is suspicious that China is building the road to cut off the Siliguri Corridor, an area held by Indians as strategically important for India to control its turbulent northeast area,” the Times said in reference to the “chicken’s neck”, a narrow strip of land that connects India’s mainland to seven border states.

“India is taking the risk to betray the historical agreement and wants to force China to swallow the result,” it added. Beijing accuses India of violating an 1890 border agreement between Britain and China.

Read | Is China punishing India for its Belt and Road stance while testing Modi and Trump?

The Times referred to defence minister Arun Jaitley’s comments indicating that India was better prepared than in 1962, the editorial said: “Jaitley is right that the India of 2017 is different from that of 1962 -- India will suffer greater losses than in 1962 if it incites military conflicts”. The editorial also accused India of treating Bhutan as a “vassal state” and coercing Thimphu into supporting New Delhi.

“...The Indian media claimed in recent days that New Delhi ‘shouldn’t abandon Bhutan’. India is humiliating the civilisation of the 21st century,” it said.

In a separate editorial, China Daily, the other state-controlled English newspaper, said by “trespassing” into Chinese-controlled territory, “…India may be trying to make a point. It is reportedly worried that the Chinese road construction may represent a significant change in the status quo with serious security implications for India, according to its foreign ministry.”

Read | War is possible if conflict with India is not handled properly: Chinese observers

“But such worries could have been allayed through dialogue and consultation using the mechanisms that are already in place and which have long helped the two sides maintain peace and tranquility in the region since their short border war in 1962,” the China Daily said.

“Perhaps its defeat in that war (1962) was too humiliating for some in the Indian military and that is why they are talking belligerently this time,” it said.

“The trespassing by the Indian troops runs counter to the Indian government’s longstanding and rightful position. It should respect China’s territorial integrity and withdraw its troops back across the border,” the newspaper said.
Ask them to stop talking and start acting if they have the balls. Or they are just passing hot air. Chinese need to be put in their place. They aren't the 'big Brother' of South Asia. Maybe for weaklings like Pakistan but India doesn't need any.
Fight or STFU


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Look at the map

You think otherwis? CHina GDP is about 4 times of India, So is it military force and We basically build everything. Then look at the map, How far is it from Indian capital to the border and how far is Beijing from border?

1962 war was stupid. It is more stupid to start a war now.
Why do you guys keep talking about GDP? China's GDP was more than Vietnam as well but Vietnamese kicked chini ass quite well. India's GDP in 1967 was probably less than China (I'm not sure about GDP figures back in 1967), but Indians kicked chini ass then as well.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Why do you guys keep talking about GDP? China's GDP was more than Vietnam as well but Vietnamese kicked chini ass quite well. India's GDP in 1967 was probably less than China (I'm not sure about GDP figures back in 1967), but Indians kicked chini ass then as well.
CCP kool-aid is rarely about anything other than GDP and MILITARY. What else do Goh expect from a person who has marinated in propaganda his entire life? Logic and historical facts?


Strategic Issues
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Oct 28, 2016
Sikkim standoff: China media rhetoric turns shriller, says Indian troops will be kicked out of disputed area


The state-controlled Global Media says New Delhi must be taught a ‘bitter lesson’ over the military face-off in Sikkim border

India will be “kicked” out from the area of an ongoing military standoff with China and suffer “greater losses” than it did during the 1962 war, Chinese official media warned on Wednesday, adding that New Delhi needed to be taught a “bitter lesson” for trespassing across the border.

The editorial in Global Times is the harshest yet by China’s state-controlled media since the face-off erupted early June in an area along the Sikkim border which China calls Donglang and is also known as Doklam plateau.

“We firmly believe that the face-off in the Donglang area will end up with the Indian troops in retreat. The Indian military can choose to return to its territory with dignity, or be kicked out of the area by Chinese soldiers,” said Times, a tabloid affiliated to the Communist party mouthpiece People’s Daily.

The Global Times is known for its nationalistic outlook and frequently publishes anti-India editorials and articles.

Read | China’s PLA warns India: ‘Learn lessons from 1962 defeat, stop clamouring for war’

“The Chinese public is infuriated by India’s provocation. We believe the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is powerful enough to expel Indian troops out of Chinese territory,” it said, adding, “This time, we must teach New Delhi a bitter lesson.”

It said India’s “real purpose” was aimed at blocking block China’s road construction project in the area.

“The Cold War-obsessed India is suspicious that China is building the road to cut off the Siliguri Corridor, an area held by Indians as strategically important for India to control its turbulent northeast area,” the Times said in reference to the “chicken’s neck”, a narrow strip of land that connects India’s mainland to seven border states.

“India is taking the risk to betray the historical agreement and wants to force China to swallow the result,” it added. Beijing accuses India of violating an 1890 border agreement between Britain and China.

Read | Is China punishing India for its Belt and Road stance while testing Modi and Trump?

The Times referred to defence minister Arun Jaitley’s comments indicating that India was better prepared than in 1962, the editorial said: “Jaitley is right that the India of 2017 is different from that of 1962 -- India will suffer greater losses than in 1962 if it incites military conflicts”. The editorial also accused India of treating Bhutan as a “vassal state” and coercing Thimphu into supporting New Delhi.

“...The Indian media claimed in recent days that New Delhi ‘shouldn’t abandon Bhutan’. India is humiliating the civilisation of the 21st century,” it said.

In a separate editorial, China Daily, the other state-controlled English newspaper, said by “trespassing” into Chinese-controlled territory, “…India may be trying to make a point. It is reportedly worried that the Chinese road construction may represent a significant change in the status quo with serious security implications for India, according to its foreign ministry.”

Read | War is possible if conflict with India is not handled properly: Chinese observers

“But such worries could have been allayed through dialogue and consultation using the mechanisms that are already in place and which have long helped the two sides maintain peace and tranquility in the region since their short border war in 1962,” the China Daily said.

“Perhaps its defeat in that war (1962) was too humiliating for some in the Indian military and that is why they are talking belligerently this time,” it said.

“The trespassing by the Indian troops runs counter to the Indian government’s longstanding and rightful position. It should respect China’s territorial integrity and withdraw its troops back across the border,” the newspaper said.

elephants keeps walking.......

dogs keeps barking........
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Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Same way u can live in ur fantasy of winning against us forever
Of course the fact remains that even if a million chinese soldiers die and lose the war, chinese media and so called government will still peddle lies like pakis and claim a win over India.


Sep 7, 2015
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Does China's tabloid media even know WTF they're talking about? 'Teach a lesson to India', my ass!

Let's look at it from a military standpoint.

China’s road and rail network in the Chumbi Valley if constructed, will be very vulnerable to artillery shelling and air attacks from either Sikkim or Bhutan as we dominate the area by fire and observation - just like in 1967 when we hammered the PLA to submission due to accurate artillery barrages from dominating heights.

Therefore, if China attempts to block the Siliguri Corridor by sending its army on the road it plans to construct in Doklam, it may not be able to sustain itself for long. Also, the force levels that China will have to commit for operations in this sector will be at the cost of operations in other sectors.

On both sides of Yadong and Doklam is India and Bhutan that dominate the area. If Indian aerial and artillery assaults are carried out effectively on the Chinese supply lines easily identified in Chumbi valley which would be stretched in a linear North-South direction, it would considerably reduce PLA’s capabilities to fight.

Deployability of Chinese forces will also be restricted due to the narrowness of the Chumbi Valley as both shoulders - Yadong and Doklam are held by own forces. They can't get in much there for an offensive.

So the Chinks better think twice before doing anything stupid. And their media needs to tone down their silly nonsensical rhetoric as they know squat about military matters.

P.S. The main reason why the Chinks withdrew from Arunachal in 1962 was their complete failure of logistics. The PLA were forced to retreat due to lack of food, water and ammo. They didn't attack and then withdraw just to 'teach India a lesson' as the Chinese insist. That's a lot of bull. Their army had started to disintegrate and thus their speedy withdrawal.
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Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
China also does not trust Tibetans hence, they do not want to give weapons to them. The Tibetans who have been driven out, along with the Holy Dalai Lama want to go back to their own country. This is a bigger challenge for China.
thats a intresting read !!!!!!!


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
latest , news just coming....


Vietnam has begun drilling for oil in an area of the resource-rich South China Sea

An oil industry consultant told the BBC that a drilling ship on contract to international firm Talisman-Vietnam was working off Vietnam's south-east coast.

This appears to be why a senior Chinese general cut short an official visit to Vietnamlast month.

China claims almost all of the South China Sea, including reefs and islands also contested by other nations.

According to Ian Cross, of Singapore-based Moyes & Co, the drillship Deepsea Metro I, began to drill in an area of sea about 400km (250 miles) off the Vietnamese coast on 21 June.

It is likely that the news was kept secret because of its extreme sensitivity.

Other oil industry sources have told the BBC that Talisman-Vietnam was denied permission to drill over the past three years to avoid upsetting China.

It would appear that by taking such a bold move, the leadership in Hanoi is less concerned about such risks now.

The piece of seabed in question is known as Block 136-03 by Vietnam, but China calls it Wan-an Bei 21 and has leased out the same area to a different company. In 2014 the Chinese rights were bought by a Hong Kong-based company called Brightoil.

Two of the directors of Brightoil are senior members of the Chinese Communist Party.

Talisman-Vietnam was formerly owned by the Canadian company Talisman but since 2015 has been part of the Spanish-owned Repsol group.

Image captionVietnam and other neighbours contest China's territorial claims in the area
Gen Fan Changlong, who is Vice-Chair of China's Central Military Commission, recently paid a visit to Madrid, where Repsol is based. Repsol has not responded to BBC questions about whether the Chinese authorities have made any protest to the company.

In 2014 coastguard vessels and other ships belonging to China and Vietnam confronted each other in a different area of the South China Sea, further north near the Paracel Islands.

Since then the two countries have tried to avoid confrontation. However, Vietnam has clearly decided that the risks of a crisis are relatively low.

Image captionThe BBC's Nga Pham reports from on board a Vietnamese coastguard vessel
So far the only casualty of Vietnam's new oil expedition has been a planned meeting of the annual Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange.

That high-level meeting between the two countries' militaries was supposed to have taken place on the same day the Deepsea Metro I began drilling.

Instead, Gen Fan - who was due in Hanoi after his Madrid visit - flew home, citing problems with the "working arrangements".

Vietnam may have judged that with China currently promoting its "Belt and Road" initiativeto the region and encouraging other countries to agree the new Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), at the same time as it is preparing for its crucial Communist Party congress, it would be unwilling to provoke a regional crisis.

There are no obvious signs of Chinese retaliation so far but we could see a tit-for-tat response with Beijing authorising a drilling operation in an area that Vietnam also claims. This, however, would take some time to organise.
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Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Should India be tackling China first than Pakistan? 1971 war army veteran explains
India Today spent significant time with Gen DB Shekatkar to understand the ongoing standoff between the two Asian giants.

Pankaj P. Khelkar | Posted by Sonalee Borgohain
July 5, 2017 | UPDATED 08:46 IST

Narendra Modi meeting US President Donald Trump and China's recent aggression, Gen Shekatkar said, "Yes these things are timed, they are not done in isolation. When PM Modi was in US, there certainly was a discussion between Modi and Trump on China's aggression on the neighbouring states - it is unavoidable. China, through their statement, said that India should not get too close to America. Why is China concerned about it then? China feels threatened that in this part of the world, India is the only country which can take on China. Cooperation between the US and India can be troublesome for China's expansionist policy."


Talking about China's inclination towards Pakistan, Lt Gen Shekatkar said, "What China is calling the One Ring One Road economic corridor is nothing but economic military aggression. I believe 15 years from now, Pakistan will under China's control. Chinese President Xi Jinping said that Pakistan is its best friend and their friendship is higher than the Mount Everest, deeper than the sea and sweeter than honey. But what they have not realised as yet that Pakistan is spreading terrorism across the world and North Korea is threatening everyone with its missiles and both are being protected by China.


China is facing many internal problems. Youngsters in China do not want to join the Army, which is also the situation in India. The Chinese youth is not ready to serve in the high altitude areas. China also does not trust Tibetans hence, they do not want to give weapons to them. The Tibetans who have been driven out, along with the Holy Dalai Lama want to go back to their own country. This is a bigger challenge for China.


China has tanks in Tibet and PLA is trying to bring those tanks to the higher plateaus including north Sikkim. Gen Shekatkar said the Chinese people who are going to operate such equipment should be prepared for all kinds of situation as tanks cannot fire the same way in higher altitude as they fire in the plains. The environmental condition, wind velocity and temperature affect its working.

Well one thing for sure, nobody has more expertise and experience in high altitude warfare than the Indian Army in the whole world. Chinks will find that out the hard way if they start something.


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2014
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this is why chinese "threat" can never be taken seriously. they have made enough enemies that inciting war with one neighbor will result in all out war attacking every single inch of chinese coastline. from japan to india, everyone is itching to show china its place. don't forget uncle sam who is waiting on the sidelines to protect allies like Taiwan, Japan, etc


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
There are no obvious signs of Chinese retaliation so far but we could see a tit-for-tat response with Beijing authorising a drilling operation in an area that Vietnam also claims. This, however, would take some time to organise.
globle times has to work overtime !!!!!


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
I Think Vietnam sold oil drilling rights to ONGC videsh Limited ...............that means India is drilling oil .
ongc has to drill block 128 , they still in procces to complete the risk shareing agreement....
this block is 130 owned by spanish company !!
spenish will be second to drill in that area after russians....


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Mar 5, 2017
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When Atal Bihari Vajpayee exposed China's designs with a flock of sheep

No incident can better explain China's permanent belligerant stance towards India than what happened on the Sikkim border in 1965.

An interesting exchange of letters between the two countries reveals that China accused Indian troops of stealing a flock of 800 sheep and 59 yaks from Tibetan herdsmen near the Sikkim border. China demanded the animals back from India, warning it of dire consequences.

To protest against this ludicrous allegation, former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who was then just a Member of Parliament, drove a herd of sheep to the Chinese embassy in Delhi. They protestors said China would start a world war over sheep and yaks. They carried placards, saying, "Eat me but save the world."

China got incensed that its bullying had come out in the open with the protest. It shot off an angry letter to the Indian embassy in China, complaining that Vajpayee's protest was actually backed by the Indian government. The letter also accused Indian troops of incursion into and building military structures in the Chinese territory.

The Indian government replied in a note to the Chinese embassy in Delhi: "About the four Tibetan inhabitants allegedly kidnapped by Indian troops, an adequate reply has been given in the Indian notes of September 17 and 21. Like other Tibetan refugees these four people had come into India on their own volition and without our permission and taken refuge in India. They are free to go back to Tibet at any time if they desire to do so. A propos the 800 sheep and 59 yaks the Government of India have already given a reply in the clearest terms possible. We know nothing of the yaks and as regards the sheep it is up to the two herdsmen concerned to take them to Tibet if and when they choose to go back to their homeland."

On Vajpayee's 'sheep protest', India wrote: "In its note of September 26, China has protested against the peaceful demonstration which was held near the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi on September 24 when some of the citizens of Delhi took in procession about 800 sheeps. The Government of India had nothing to do with this demonstration. It was a spontaneous, peaceful and good-humoured expression of the resentment of the citizens of Delhi against the Chinese ultimatum and the threat of war against
India on trumped-up and trivial issues."

It was clear that China was itching for a fight and inventing flimsy reasons for it. These allegation by China were part of a campaign that finally led to the Sikkim border conflict between India and China in 1967. India emerged a winner in this conflict. India lost nearly 80 Indian soldiers while 300 to 400 Chinese soldiers were killed.


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2011
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this is why chinese "threat" can never be taken seriously. they have made enough enemies that inciting war with one neighbor will result in all out war attacking every single inch of chinese coastline. from japan to india, everyone is itching to show china its place. don't forget uncle sam who is waiting on the sidelines to protect allies like Taiwan, Japan, etc
No such thing will ever happen mate, nobody will come to help us (or anyone else) in the case of a military confrontation, not even the US.So just get this foolish idea out of your head as soon as you can, we are pretty much on our own here, not that we need anyone's help.

Akshay Fenix

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Jun 17, 2017
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Wang also mentioned the 1967 incident in Nathu La , when most historians say India gave China a bloody nose, with more than 80 Indian soldiers killed and between 300-400 Chinese killed. That was triggered when China stopped India from laying a wire and filled up trenches dug by India. After a scuffle, the Chinese returned after several days and on September 14, 1967 opened fire on jawans of 70 Field Company and 18 Rajput who suffered heavy casualties, but by October 1, 1967, the PLA (People's Liberation Army) was pushed back by 3 km with a strong Indian response.

Wang offered a different version of events: "In fact, [after 1962] Indian troops made many provocations to Chinese border troops in Yatung (a frontier county situated at the mouth of the Chumbi valley near the China-India border) and Nathu La (a mountain pass in the Himalayas which connects the Indian state of Sikkim with China's Xizang Autonomous Region) in 1965-1967."

"With the conflict at Nathu La and Daggi in September and October 1967 respectively reaching a peak, when the Indian side assigned its No.112 mountain infantry brigade and No.17 artillery brigade to attack Chinese troops stationed at the Nathu La mountain pass on the China-Sikkim border. In self-defense, Chinese troops launched two destructive counterattacks against the Indian side. The Indian side didn't get the upper hand in the past. And it won't get an advantage today when the Chinese military has made remarkable progress on modernisation over the past few decades," Wang said.


Since they never learn from their past mistakes, Chinese will lose very badly against India.
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