LOC, LAC & IB warfare

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Mar 5, 2017
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BEIJING: The Chinese official media today stepped up its attack on India with editorials asking Indian troops to move out of Dokalam area in Sikkim sector "with dignity or be kicked out" and describing the situation as "worryingly tense".

Chinese foreign ministry in a statement said it was planning to issue an advisory for its citizens in India depending on the security situation there.

While China's nationalistic tabloid Global Times said India should be taught a "bitter lesson", another official newspaper, China Daily, said India should look in the mirror.

The Global Times said in its editorial that India will suffer "greater losses" than in 1962 if it "incites" border clashes with China.

As the standoff in the Dokalam area continued for the third week, it said India should be taught a "bitter lesson".

It also claimed that the Chinese public was infuriated by India's "provocation".

"We believe the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is powerful enough to expel Indian troops out of Chinese territory. The Indian military can choose to return to its territory with dignity, or be kicked out of the area by Chinese soldiers," it said.

"We need to give diplomatic and military authorities full power to handle the issue. We call on Chinese society to maintain high-level unity on the issue. The more unified the Chinese people are, the more sufficient conditions the professionals will have to fight against India and safeguard our interests. This time, we must teach New Delhi a bitter lesson," it said.

The editorial said it "firmly" believes that the face-off in what it calls the Donglang area will end with the Indian troops in "retreat".

"If New Delhi believes that its military might can be used as leverage in the Donglang area (referred to as Dokalam or Dok La), and it is ready for a two-and-a-half front war, we have to tell India that the Chinese look down on their military power," it said.

The paper was referring Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat saying that India 'was ready for a two-and-a-half front war'.

"Jaitley (Defence Minister Arun Jaitley) is right that the India of 2017 is different from that of 1962 - India will suffer greater losses than in 1962 if it incites military conflicts," it added.
According to the editorial in China Daily, India's defeat in the 1962 war was perhaps too "humiliating" for some in the Indian military and that is why they are talking "belligerently" this time.

According to the editorial in China Daily, India's defeat in the 1962 war was perhaps too "humiliating" for some in the Indian military and that is why they are talking "belligerently" this time.

Since the standoff on June 6, when the PLA destroyed bunkers of the Indian Army, claiming the area belonged to China, Chinese media have carried several pieces warning India against escalating border tensions.

"India should look in the mirror. It was not able to refute the evidence of illegal border-trespassing and coerced its small neighbour Bhutan to shoulder the blame," the China Daily said

The Global Times also asserted that China attaches great importance to domestic stability and doesn't want to be mired in a mess with India.

"But New Delhi would be too naive to think that Beijing would make concessions to its unruly demands," it said.

"New Delhi's real purpose is to turn the Donglang area of China into a disputed region and block China's road construction there," the editorial said.

"Cold war-obsessed India is suspicious" that China is building the road to cut off the Siliguri Corridor, an area held by Indians as strategically important for India to control its turbulent northeast area. India is taking the risk to betray the historical agreement and wants to force China to "swallow" the result, it said.

The China Daily added that India should respect border agreement and withdraw troops, linking India's move to stop the Chinese military from building a strategic road in Dokalam

area in June 16 to its concern over China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which includes the USD 50 billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

"India may be trying to make a point. It is reportedly worried that the Chinese road construction may represent a significant change in the status quo with serious security implications for India, according to its foreign ministry."

Such worries, the paper added, could have been allayed through dialogue and consultation using the mechanisms that are already in place and "which have long helped the two sides maintain peace and tranquillity in the region since their short border war in 1962".

The editorial said the situation in Dokalam remains "worryingly tense, with a stand-off between soldiers of the two countries still ongoing".

"That the situation has not flared out of control is thanks to the great restraint exercised by the Chinese troops. But the tensions resulting from the intrusion will surely grow if there is not a total withdrawal of the Indian troops."

Unlike previous incidents that have occurred along other parts of the 3,500-kilometre border between China and India, the latest incident happened at a section that has long been demarcated by an 1890 historical convention and reaffirmed in documents exchanged between the successive Chinese and Indian governments since then.

Both dailies, however, referred to India's concerns over the road in Dokalam close to the narrow chicken neck area in the tri-junction of India, China and Bhutan border as it could cut off a vital link with India's north-eastern region.

China and India have been engaged in a standoff in the Dokalam area near the Bhutan trijunction since June 6 after a Chinese Army construction party came to build a road.


New Member
Oct 10, 2014
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No such thing will ever happen mate, nobody will come to help us (or anyone else) in the case of a military confrontation, not even the US.So just get this foolish idea out of your head as soon as you can, we are pretty much on our own here, not that we need anyone's help.
its not so much as helping indian but more to do with screwing china. you really think vietnam or japan would sit idle if india is attacked? they know if china attacks india, their days are not too far either. its more about pre-emptive retaliation. it is for this reason that I despise the 10 years of UPA the most. zero focus on building up military capabilities, delay after delay that has led to the current pathetic condition of India's army, air force, and navy too


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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its not so much as helping indian but more to do with screwing china. you really think vietnam or japan would sit idle if india is attacked? they know if china attacks india, their days are not too far either. its more about pre-emptive retaliation. it is for this reason that I despise the 10 years of UPA the most. zero focus on building up military capabilities, delay after delay that has led to the current pathetic condition of India's army, air force, and navy too
Nah, I doubt they will take such drastic actions.Most they will probably do would be to bring their forces to higher degree of alertness and some aggressive patrolling but as far as direct involvement is concerned, that'd be pretty much out of question.


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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About this Nathu la incident everybody keeps talking about from time to time - how did we come to this figure of 400+ casualties (or is it the number of KIA alone?) suffered by the PLA??I mean who did the battle damage assessment??I hope (for our sake) that it ain't just another "22 Sikhs facing off 15k tribal warriors at Saragarhi" type of thing.


Strategic Issues
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Oct 28, 2016
Nah, I doubt they will take such drastic actions.Most they will probably do would be to bring their forces to higher degree of alertness and some aggressive patrolling but as far as direct involvement is concerned, that'd be pretty much out of question.
initially that drastic action will create some sansation , but with time it will became as normal as it is on our westen border.........then more petroling more fencing , occasional shelling.....it will became all routine.......


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Lol GDP and shieeet
USA had GDP several times greater than Viets, see how they raped the US.
Ahhh.....about that, to be honest, contrary to your beliefs, it was the Vietnamese who got raped from a military standpoint.It's just that the US lost the media war but that doesn't mean 'they got raped' as you have so blatantly implied here!!The North Vietnamese forces lost almost every battle it fought against the allied forces, heck the word 'lost' doesn't even begin to describe how badly they got fucked in their bloody arses, quite predictably so to be honest, given the huge disparity between the two sides.


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Oct 11, 2010
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Before China thinks to teach India a BITTER lesson, I would like to remind that this is the country where Alexender had to stop after the fight with one king Porous. Alexnder stopped because fight with Indian King Porous broken their myth of invincibility despite losing the war.

Come to close history in 1967 Nathu-La clash, despite lacking in numerical superiority, Indian forces inflicted heavy casualties to Chinese by killing 386 Chinese soldiers as compared to 88 Indian casualties.

I hope Chinese would learn from history too that India has always successfully defended its territory. Chinese should stop living in 1962 dream because that was an opportunity to Chinese that will never come.

China is thinking in the same way like Adolf Hitler thought about Russia and the world knows who learned what lesson.

Despite that, if China want's to repeat 1962 then time will tell who will learn a bitter lesson.

The bottom line is 'If China repeat 1962 then India will turn it into 1971'.


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Mar 24, 2013
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This is the best time to test our thermonuclear weapons right from 200KT to 1 MT, this will also shut mouths of people doubting India's thermonuclear capabilities. Also to test MIRV Agni-5/6.

INS Arihant is already on Patrol and INS Aridhaman on trails, we should speed up completion of third SSBN and induction of Ardhaman.

The biggest benefit will be we will know the reaction of US whether it stands by us or sanctions us again, which could make us decide if we should buy strategic American weapons like Fighters or not. If it comes out in support of India (since we can/should rake up our survivability issue in the event of war with China) then we can/should continue with the India-US friendship bogie if not stop purchasing of US weapons as it will be of no use during war.

What this will also do is, restrain China from taking any foolish steps and completely piss of Pakistan that India means business (compete destruction of Pakistan if it continues with terrorist activities).


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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we are biharis, madrasis, hindi haters, hindi lovers, Punjabi, muslims , etc.. but hum kabhi Bhartiya nahi rahy..

rajputs fought with Sikhs along with Mughals, Rajput of amer fought with rajputs of barmer..

magadh fought with kalinga,

so on and so on ...

the SC/ST want to take revenge from Brahmins and rajputs ..

is mulk ka kuch nahi ho sakta...jab jai chands are in home only.

Ramayan is the proof that Vibhishan was granted Moksha ... similarly Jaichands will be granted best reward .. and people like Karan get the maut.... example bhagat singh.

Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
I think we Indians should hold our horses. Last thing we want is another 2 front war when we lack equipment to fight even 1 front war. To expect IA generals (which have never had a good leadership cadre after Sundarji and put weapons on endless trial process) backed by paper tiger DRDO/OFB/DPSU guys to fight China is utterly foolhardy . This is not 1962 but it is not 1967 or 1987 as well. And Modi as usual will fly of to another foreign locale leaving his chamchas to handle the mess. Before you guys bark at me, I am as nationalistic as you but this is a wakeup call to buildup our military strength on war footing to fight what will eventually be a 2 front war coming soon.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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I think we Indians should hold our horses. Last thing we want is another 2 front war when we lack equipment to fight even 1 front war. To expect IA generals (which have never had a good leadership cadre after Sundarji and put weapons on endless trial process) backed by paper tiger DRDO/OFB/DPSU guys to fight China is utterly foolhardy . This is not 1962 but it is not 1967 or 1987 as well. And Modi as usual will fly of to another foreign locale leaving his chamchas to handle the mess. Before you guys bark at me, I am as nationalistic as you but this is a wakeup call to buildup our military strength on war footing to fight what will eventually be a 2 front war coming soon.
They have gone mad, look at economic condition. Farmers are ready to protest, students protesting, communal tension..
and they want to do 2 front war? They are mad ...
Aim for peace
for now


New Member
Oct 11, 2010
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we are biharis, madrasis, hindi haters, hindi lovers, Punjabi, muslims , etc.. but hum kabhi Bhartiya nahi rahy..

rajputs fought with Sikhs along with Mughals, Rajput of amer fought with rajputs of barmer..

magadh fought with kalinga,

so on and so on ...

the SC/ST want to take revenge from Brahmins and rajputs ..

is mulk ka kuch nahi ho sakta...jab jai chands are in home only.

Ramayan is the proof that Vibhishan was granted Moksha ... similarly Jaichands will be granted best reward .. and people like Karan get the maut.... example bhagat singh.
There are fights in people around the world. Shia fights Sunni, Islamic fighter fights Kurds, Jews and much more. That doesn't mean India shouldn't defend itself from powers who want to divide or defeat us. Our soldiers on arms doesn't even think who they are, there are brahmins, SC, ST, sikh, muslim but they choose to put their nation and duty above everything.

Things make difference when you decide what you choose to put first, your nation or your so called ill benefit, religion.


Ghanta Senior Member?
New Member
Jan 1, 2015
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There are fights in people around the world. Shia fights Sunni, Islamic fighter fights Kurds, Jews and much more. That doesn't mean India shouldn't defend itself from powers who want to divide or defeat us. Our soldiers on arms doesn't even think who they are, there are brahmins, SC, ST, sikh, muslim but they choose to put their nation and duty above everything.

Things make difference when you decide what you choose to put first, your nation or your so called ill benefit, religion.
Where is the nation in India? there exist no nation among Indians..

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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I think we Indians should hold our horses. Last thing we want is another 2 front war when we lack equipment to fight even 1 front war. To expect IA generals (which have never had a good leadership cadre after Sundarji and put weapons on endless trial process) backed by paper tiger DRDO/OFB/DPSU guys to fight China is utterly foolhardy . This is not 1962 but it is not 1967 or 1987 as well. And Modi as usual will fly of to another foreign locale leaving his chamchas to handle the mess. Before you guys bark at me, I am as nationalistic as you but this is a wakeup call to buildup our military strength on war footing to fight what will eventually be a 2 front war coming soon.
What do you expect when China is issuing war threats? Bow down and give them the Dhoka La region or stand up to the bully? We as a Nation might have many faults, but we stand one in times of trial, forget the two-bit politicians and the issues they create. Now, you were just complaining about our weapons, what makes you so sure that their weapons are great? You read their tabloids and conclude?


New Member
Nov 26, 2015
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I think we Indians should hold our horses. Last thing we want is another 2 front war when we lack equipment to fight even 1 front war. To expect IA generals (which have never had a good leadership cadre after Sundarji and put weapons on endless trial process) backed by paper tiger DRDO/OFB/DPSU guys to fight China is utterly foolhardy . This is not 1962 but it is not 1967 or 1987 as well. And Modi as usual will fly of to another foreign locale leaving his chamchas to handle the mess. Before you guys bark at me, I am as nationalistic as you but this is a wakeup call to buildup our military strength on war footing to fight what will eventually be a 2 front war coming soon.
As we work to achieve parity, our enemies work on enhancing their capabilities. Strategic situations and geopolitical scenarios do not wait for anyone or anything. We have to make do with what we got. What's the use of flexing muscles after the competition is over? so we should sit back and allow ourselves to be pushed around till 'we are ready'?

We will never be ready enough.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
They have gone mad, look at economic condition. Farmers are ready to protest, students protesting, communal tension..
and they want to do 2 front war? They are mad ...
Aim for peace
for now
Our situation will only get worse with time. Muslim population will increase, seculars will run rabid.

If we step down under RW gov then expect to give entire NE under secular gov in next decade.

Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
What do you expect when China is issuing war threats? Bow down and give them the Dhoka La region or stand up to the bully? We as a Nation might have many faults, but we stand one in times of trial, forget the two-bit politicians and the issues they create. Now, you were just complaining about our weapons, what makes you so sure that their weapons are great? You read their tabloids and conclude?
They already have a road through that region. best is to withdraw now and build more bunkers around that region to destroy the road if hostilities break out. I am very skeptical of IA's ability to fight a 2.5 front war when even basic assault rifles are taking decade to replace.
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