LOC, LAC & IB warfare

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Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Nobody is saying that we should not stop them. Read my previous posts. South Sea is the place where we can apply apt pressure to stop the gaint with a nudge. North East will end up being bilateral issue, which China can drag on forever.

That is all I was saying.:frusty:
arre bhai if they bring a tank or a bulldozer to destroy our infrastructure how are we supposed to stop them? Should the jawans lie down in front and let them run over like Gandhi would suggest? We'll have to fire bullets at some stage if the provocations escalate and if the situation from there escalates into a small scale skirmish, so be it. We can handle them in a small skirmish. Anything greater than that is covered by the nuclear umbrella. I don't know what is so hard to parse...


New Member
Jun 22, 2017
arre bhai if they bring a tank or a bulldozer to destroy our infrastructure how are we supposed to stop them? Should the jawans lie down in front and let them run over like Gandhi would suggest? We'll have to fire bullets at some stage if the provocations escalate and if the situation from there escalates into a small scale skirmish, so be it. We can handle them in a small skirmish. Anything greater than that is covered by the nuclear umbrella. I don't know what is so hard to parse...
I agree to your point. But as I mentioned at the very beginning that it was my wishful thoughts. But if it comes down to aggression on India, " ek dheel ka jawaab 50 pathhar se jana chahiye"


NRI in Europe
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Aug 10, 2009
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View attachment 17062
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basically even independent new york times says india has taken unusually agressivemeasures at the border ref below


Analysts on both sides could reel off examples of diplomatic visits that had been interrupted by border spats. In 2014, when Mr. Modi hosted Mr. Xi for his first visit in eight years, the two men were at an opulent riverfront banquet when news broke of a skirmish between their armies.

Mr. Chellaney said the incursions had been ordered by the Chinese side “to remind India that diplomacy is an opportunity for India to concede to Chinese demands, or else China will use its muscle.”

Chinese analysts, not surprisingly, saw the current conflict the other way around: Some theorized that Mr. Modi had ordered his troops to cross the border to impress upon Mr. Trump that India could play a central role in containing Chinese ambitions.
end quote


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Dec 25, 2015
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More chini rants

Being a pawn for US containment strategy a trap for India

By Yu Ning Source:Global Times Published: 2017/6/26 23:28:39

The Atlantic Council, a top US think tank, has released a policy paper titled "Transforming India from a balancing to leading power" ahead of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's US visit this week. Describing India as a "key piece in the jigsaw" for the US, the report highlights that Washington will need New Delhi to counter Beijing's growing influence in the world, and urges US President Donald Trump's administration to prioritize its ties with India.

Indians might feel a sense of pride as the strategic importance of their country in counterbalancing China was hyped by US think tanks and media outlets. However, being a "key piece in the jigsaw for the US" is nothing to be proud of. Instead, it is more likely a trap that deserves India's vigilance.
Washington's pursuit of closer ties with New Delhi is mainly driven by its strategic need to utilize India as a tool to counterbalance China. How many practical interests can India gain from it? During Barack Obama's tenure, in order to woo India, he promised to support India's bid for a UN Security Council seat, but did not put it to any practical action. Will Trump take substantial steps to facilitate India's UNSC bid? It's hard to tell. Will Trump put more pressure on Pakistan for its alleged support of terrorist groups? The answer is very likely to be negative.

Washington and New Delhi share anxieties about China's rise. In recent years, to ratchet up geopolitical pressure on China, the US has cozied up to India. But India is not a US ally like Japan or Australia. To assume a role as an outpost country in the US' strategy to contain China is not in line with India's interests. It could even lead to catastrophic results. If India regresses from its non-alignment stance and becomes a pawn for the US in countering China, it will be caught up in a strategic dilemma and new geopolitical frictions will be triggered in South Asia. :daru::daru:

In an era when emerging countries have been playing an increasingly important role in global affairs, if India, an important participant in two non-Western organizations - the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS - can firmly stand together with China in striving for more discourse power, it will be helpful for New Delhi to realize its big power ambitions. o_O

From the end of the 1950s to the beginning of the 1960s, both the Soviet Union and the US wanted to play the India card to check China. Then the Kennedy government supported India's Forward Policy. But the result wasn't what was expected. India isn't able to balance China, which has been proved by history. New Delhi should avoid being roped into a geopolitical trap. Despite its anxieties over China's rise, maintaining a stable relationship with China is of more importance to its security and development.




Gaurav Rai

Tihar Jail
Apr 10, 2017
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News channels right now are saying that chinese have said Mansarovar Yatra will not be reinitiated unless India takes its troops away from the sikkim border. Is this true??


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
I know i am mixing 2
threads but an idea just crossed my mind. Though the Chinese govt.is trying to cover the murder of the 2 young teachers in Poopkist@n the general chinky populace along with North Korea are infuriated. They want troops to be sent to avenge the murder. So it is now like a snake versus snake situation. While defending its own territories the IA should also keep a close vigil on latest updates on this issue...i feel...it could take a very interesting turn in favour of India....just keeping fingers crossed and praying for a favourable twist of events for India. What do you senior and other members think? Pls opine
What do we have to do with those murders ?

Or you mean Chinese are infuriated because of two Chinese murdered in Pak and trying to divert the attention ?

Chinese have a long understanding to keep India under pressure from time to time and to remind India the military superiority of PLA.

What we need is another Gen Zorawar Singh Dogra to teach Chinese a lesson.
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Jan 12, 2017
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Is Bhutan a key factor in Sikkim stand-off between China and India?
3-4 minutes

Bhutan could be the key to the ongoing China-India stand-off along the frontier in Sikkim, where troops from the two countries have accused each other of trespassing territorial borders, according to a Chinese expert.

China has accused Indian troops of disrupting the construction of a road in Donglang area of Yadong County of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Donglang is located at the narrow but strategically important tri-junction of India, China and Bhutan, with the three countries barely separated by mountains and passes.

Donglang or Doklam is also part of a border dispute between China and Bhutan. While the area is in China, Bhutan has claims over it. Thimphu doesn’t have diplomatic ties with Beijing and the dispute has persisted despite 24 rounds of negotiations.

With India and China giving conflicting versions of the incident, it is difficult to ascertain the exact sequence of events in the flare-up over the weekend.

A PTI report from New Delhi on Monday, quoting sources, said Indian and Chinese troops scuffled near Doka La area in the first week of June before soldiers from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) damaged bunkers on the Indian side.

China denied the allegation. “Indian troops recently crossed the border with China in an attempt to block a road construction in Donglang (Doklam) area by the Chinese side,” China’s defence ministry said late on Monday night.

Hu Shisheng, director of the Institute of South and Southeast Asia and Oceania Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told Hindustan Times: “Another confusing element (of the Nathu La incident) is that it (according to the Chinese side) is in a place called Donglang.

“But Donglang is a major issue between China and Bhutan, not between China and India,” he said when asked about the importance of Donglang. “It is located just at the junction among the three countries China, Bhutan and India.

“Why has this became an issue between India and China? If there is an accident or incident, it should be between China and Bhutan,” Hu said.

In India, the focus has been on the face-off between the two armies at Nathu La in Sikkim, the suspension of the Kailash Mansarovar Yatraand resulting harassment of Indian pilgrims.

If China was building a road in an area disputed with Bhutan, India would have been watching closely because of its strategic importance.

There is not much of a dispute between India and China in the Sikkim sector despite the unmarked border that stretches 3,488 km.

“After we recognised Sikkim as one part of India (in 2003), the two governments made sure that there were no problems. Not like the other parts of the border,” Hu said.

Hu speculated it was possible Bhutan asked for India’s help in patrolling the area. “So, one thing is that Bhutan asking India to take the responsibility to patrolling on the border. We know that Bhutan is under the protection of India,” he added.


New Member
Jun 22, 2017
What do we have to do with those murders ?

Or you mean Chinese are infuriated because of two Chinese murdered in Pak and trying to divert the attention ?

Chinese have a long understanding to keep India under pressure from time to time and to remind India the military superiority of PLA.

What we need is another Gen Zorawar Singh Dogra to teach Chinese a lesson.
No what I meant is though the Chinky govt.is underplaying the 2 murders the general chinky populace along with N.Korea are infuriated....so is there any chance of India benefitting from their internal chaos? And i understand that the chinkies have almost got addicted to this threat show. But they have only seen India as the (debated) native land of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha they i think have never heard of Chandragupta Maurya, Chanakya , Shivaji, the Rajputs or Ashoka and the other braveheart heroes of Indian history.
I am just asking whether India could gain by this Chino-poop alliance/colonization? Because both are like snakes... For some time Poopkist@n will allow the Chinkies but whenand if it gets into their retarded brains that their Isssl@@m is endangered they will retaliate...
I am hoping for that.

Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
Bullshit, That area was part of Bhutan. Chinkis want it because it will allow them to point their artillery right into siliguri corridor. I think time has come for India to ramp up military spending like never before to take on these 2 rabid dogs-China and pak as war with these 2 goondas is certain. For this we need:
1) Immediate order of 2 million AK103 assault rifles with TOT for ammunition.
2) buying surplus 130mm artillery from east european nations and deploying on LOC/LAC.
3) Immediate deployment of Dhanush artillery on LOC for its final trials. Let the trials take place on Paki dead bodies.
4) Fast tracking extra 80 Su 30MKI including 40 for nuclear weapons delivery.
5) Fast tracking F16 MII
6) Going full speed ahead with RFP for modern assault rifles.
7) Expanding nuke and thermonuke missile missile testing
8) Deployment of S400
9) Expand our army by 300,000-500,000
10) Double production of pinaka rockets.

For those who tell me its going to be very expensive, let me remind you that India is poised to be largest economy/population and forex reserve holder in 2 decades. We can easily spend USD50-100bn more on emergency defence purchases.


New Member
Nov 22, 2016
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If its our land We should stick to our position, if its Bhutan 's then we need to influence them not to ceed its territory een if its land exchange


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Jul 4, 2013
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India has better options than surgical strikes to teach Pakistan a lesson: Army chief Bipin Rawat

Army chief Bipin Rawat: “Pakistan thinks it is fighting an easy war that’s paying them dividends, but we have options that are far more impactful and effective. Our army is not barbaric.”

Can someone shed light on this? What are those options and why have they not been used till now?


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Sep 7, 2015
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Explained: Why The Chinese Are Kicking Up Trouble On The Sikkim Border

A road that China is trying to build till the Sikkim-Bhutan-China tri-junction will give it easy access to the critical Siliguri Corridor, and therein lies the root of the recent conflict at the Sikkim border.

Location of Doka La, the region were Chinese troops reportedly entered India.

Why Is China Kicking Up Trouble?

According to reports, the ongoing stand-off, of which jostling and transgression were a part, was a response from the Chinese side to the steps taken by the Indian Army to prevent the construction of the road that China wants to build to the Sikkim-Bhutan-China tri-junction. The construction of the road could have been stopped because the Indian side believes China was carrying out this activity in its territory.

This is undesirable for India as the road will give China unhindered access to India’s strategically important Siliguri Corridor, the chicken neck that links the northeastern region to the rest of the country. Since the 1962 war with China, Indian strategists have envisioned a scenario where the Chinese may bring in forces to choke the vulnerable Siliguri Corridor and cut off the northeast region.

According to security analyst Nitin Gokhale, the stand-off began almost a month ago after Chinese troops brought in their construction equipment and started setting up labour camps in the area. On Twitter, the expert suggested that the reports of Indian bunkers being destroyed during the stand-off may not be true, adding that the Indian Army has sent in reinforcements to deal with the stand-off that is expected to continue until winter sets in by the end of October.

The two sides had discussed the issue in a flag meeting on 20 June. Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat will visit Sikkim in the next few days, signalling India’s intent to not back down and the importance it attaches to this incident.

Why Is This Significant?

The timing of the Chinese provocation is significant, given that it came when Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in the United States, meeting President Donald Trump for the first time since his inauguration. China, experts have suggested, was the “800-pound gorilla in the room” during the discussion between Modi and Trump. The joint statement issued by the two sides targets China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), calling for “transparent development of infrastructure, use of responsible debt financing practices, and ensuring respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

It is also significant because India’s relations with China have been tense in recent times, mostly due to the latter’s constant refusal to address the former’s sovereignty-related concerns vis-a-vis the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and concerns emanating from the lack of transparency in the BRI.


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