LOC, LAC & IB warfare

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May 18, 2015
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thats a small trespass for what chin chu chi did over the last decade, no?!

plus, they have also been trying to coerce the Bhutanese to agree to a land-swap that'll give the PLAGF more depth on the western shoulder of Chumbi valley. and the muscle-flexing in Lalten, Dokala by PLAGF is also a part of beijing's strategy of implicitly threatening India's Siliguri corridor. all this in the wake of Nepal already increasingly falling into the chinese hands.


United States of Hindu Empire
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May 29, 2009
This happens all the time. Sometimes it's the Chinks and other times it's us. But this time we entered about 3 km deep into their territory which has pissed them off. And thus the hollering.
Ex. COAS Gen. S.Bikram Singh mentioned this and Ray Sir told us here that Indian army suggest to the Government in power that we can retaliate by doing same incursion on Chinese side at different locations.


Please do not merge this thread for a while, Porki orgasm that bounces off fake Chinese viagra needs a bit of flaccidity check I mean reality check.


So super power China retaliate by stopping pilgrimage. Such a bundle of cowards they are.

Adding to that, Please all Dhoti shiverers stay off this thread.

Akshay Fenix

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Jun 17, 2017
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Since when did rajfortyseven started spreading fake stuff.

The road(in red) he mentions passes through India as well. Below faint white line. He only showed one part of the road. (Intentionally or UnIntentionally who knows)


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
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Oct 13, 2015
Permanent structure exist where the border (LAC) is settled. My brother's unit constructed the Bunkers in Mana (Uttarakhand) Chinese border few years back. Only Barahoti is disputed in Uttarakhand.

Just like Uttarakhand, Sikkim is also settled issue and there are permanent posts, Artillery, Armoured and Anti Tank firing range.

so how come our troops crossed into China ?

Apparently they are rattled that India had ammased more troops and other assest in Sikkim to compensate for our disadvantage in other sectors and they want India to withdraw our forces deployed too close to the border.

Or Maybe Pakis have made a request to China to put pressure on Eastern border so that we had to stretch our forces just like Pak had to deploy their Army on 3 fronts.

Well i feel there is something really fishy with this border violation ..The chinese are making more noise than us this time and we are not saying anything ....Looks like what @Bornubus was saying looks possible the chinese wants to play victim before it becomes to aggressor and hit us one more time when we are off guard

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Nov 23, 2012
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I respect then leadership courage but still it was 1986 . Please allow me put some figure into prespective :

Year Nominal GDP PPP GDP Nominal GDP PPP GDP Growth (%
(billions $) (billions Int. $) capita ($) capita (Int. $)

India China India China India China India China India China
1986 252.751 303.177 684.693 710.989 326.025 282.007 883.190 661.343 4.78 8.80

2017 2,755.830 12,864.400 9,574.550 22,148.588 2,103.577 9,259.340 7,308.434 15,941.771 7.55 6.00

If they would have esclated in 1986 we might have had a chance. But right now we should not allow our enemy to have time and place of engagement as its convenience.
This reminds me of a friend who used to store kites with the thinking that one day he will have so many kites that even if he lost one or two in kite fighting he will still have enough to cut and defeat the adversery. While his oponent flew as many kites he wanted and continued to hone his skills and enjoy kite flying. Guess what happened! The day for my friend never came. He grew up with the fear of loosing while never enjoying what kite flying was no matter how much he loved it. I guess his opponent would have left kite flying by now but not before being the king of kite flyers in his vicinity. See the thing is if you want India to become a world leader or at least a regional power you ought to behave like one. No one is going to offer that on platter. We have to compete with China on every ground be it economic or military. And bro stats and data don't matter in a fight. You need heart.


New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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This reminds me of a friend who used to store kites with the thinking that one day he will have so many kites that even if he lost one or two in kite fighting he will still have enough to cut and defeat the adversery. While his oponent flew as many kites he wanted and continued to hone his skills and enjoy kite flying. Guess what happened! The day for my friend never came. He grew up with the fear of loosing while never enjoying what kite flying was no matter how much he loved it. I guess his opponent would have left kite flying by now but not before being the king of kite flyers in his vicinity. See the thing is if you want India to become a world leader or at least a regional power you ought to behave like one. No one is going to offer that on platter. We have to compete with China on every ground be it economic or military. And bro stats and data don't matter in a fight. You need heart.
Then lets gather all our lathis and dandas ! And march towards Tibet and Liberate it from Chinese . Because as you say that all we need is heart. :india2:


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Nov 23, 2012
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Then lets gather all our lathis and dandas ! And march towards Tibet and Liberate it from Chinese . Because as you say that all we need is heart. :india2:
I think you look at yourself as an Indian and our armed forces with some kind of inferiority complex when you say that. The Indian armed forces are not some villagers with bamboo stick. Don't draw unnecessary conclusions just for the sake of wining an argument. As for as my emphasis on having heart is concerned it's absolutely true. You need to look at the history the world over. It's heart of the soldiers that wins a battle not stats and data analysis. Be it battle of Saragarhi, Longewala or Stalingrad.


NRI in Europe
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Aug 10, 2009
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China will never "attack" India. It will "rightfully occupy" what they claim as its own. McMohan line has never been agreed upon. China will just go and sit there. There will be no attack.
No country will even dare to side with us on this matter, be it US.
I think we are highly relying ourselves on US by assuming that Uncle Sam will solve our matter. At best it will be a ceasefire with Chinese troops occupying what they declare as their own. And China will drag the matter at UN and it will be treated as an internal dispute with no international say.

^^ Nightmare scenario for us.

SCS and Trade are our bargaining chip. SCS do have a legal stand it being international trade routes and India being huge trade market for Chinese Goods.

We can also damage CPEC by taking back our POK. But still it won't hurt that much to China. But if we take back POK and then allow Chinese goods through it. I think that will be great move.
yes agree
our bargaining are will be SCS ... are we equipped though ?... i think not at the moment
it all goes back to the economy ..... we are giving them 60 billion trade balance surplus annually and that is ridiculous .....we have to see the connect between economy and military strength

we dont at the moment ....not when we are the worlds biggest importer and take 15 years on a fighter aircraft purchase ( rafael ) which is still in limbo although there has been years of talk and to and froing

carry on like that and china will continue to laugh at us and laugh at modi too

we have got to make radical changes but not in a day which is why i say yes we have to threaten them in SCS but only after we get our own house organised which it isnt and they, ccpchina knows that

first reduce the trade imbalance and start our own manufacturing to level off the imbalance step by step .... simultaneously we have to improve our defence procurement and manufacturing

no point talk about handling china before doing that ...once we have, then we can seroiously earn the respect of the usa and japan an then we can see about joint patrols in SCS and give china some dopuble game

taking pok is another issue

Both the countries cross each others LAC the other day Indians stopped Chinese construction ... read www.ndtv.com for details...
Pakistan has no money to fight war with India...
China does not have the guts to fight India...
these days guts are not needed to fight ..... well soon enough
you will see robots on the front lines and china is developing robots like
it will be wars using robots, drones and the like .....few humans in actual combat
so it will be their economy versus ours ....
.......and where do we stand in that competition ? on top of it , we are giving them 60 billion in trade surplus ? continue to import their consumer good s like crazy ?

The Chinks are in a time warp and under the impression that it is still 1962! We gave them a bloody nose at Nathula/Chola in 1967 where we killed 400 Chinkies but the CPC never mentions this anywhere.
no their are in in economy warp and they know they are winning every year ....billions from india , usa and others .....so they will continue to be arrogant because we feed them, starve our economy and they build their weapons on our financing ....so they are arrogant that they have made fools of us


New Member
Dec 25, 2015
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I respect then leadership courage but still it was 1986 . Please allow me put some figure into prespective :

Year Nominal GDP PPP GDP Nominal GDP PPP GDP Growth (%
(billions $) (billions Int. $) capita ($) capita (Int. $)

India China India China India China India China India China
1986 252.751 303.177 684.693 710.989 326.025 282.007 883.190 661.343 4.78 8.80

2017 2,755.830 12,864.400 9,574.550 22,148.588 2,103.577 9,259.340 7,308.434 15,941.771 7.55 6.00

If they would have esclated in 1986 we might have had a chance. But right now we should not allow our enemy to have time and place of engagement as its convenience.
What is the need of War ??

Just calculate GDP ,PPP , No of soldiers/weapons ............and declare the winner without violence .
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Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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I think you look at yourself as an Indian and our armed forces with some kind of inferiority complex when you say that. The Indian armed forces are not some villagers with bamboo stick. Don't draw unnecessary conclusions just for the sake of wining an argument. As for as my emphasis on having heart is concerned it's absolutely true. You need to look at the history the world over. It's heart of the soldiers that wins a battle not stats and data analysis. Be it battle of Saragarhi, Longewala or Stalingrad.
Well, there is the nuclear deterrent. We should proclaim that in the case of defeat at the hands of Chinese, nukes will be used against all major populations centers of Beijing. The situation will not escalate beyond a limited skirmish which India has every opportunity to win..


New Member
Nov 23, 2012
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Well, there is the nuclear deterrent. We should proclaim that in the case of defeat at the hands of Chinese, nukes will be used against all major populations centers of Beijing. The situation will not escalate beyond a limited skirmish which India has every opportunity to win..
The future wars are going to be of low intensity skirmishes limited by region and short time period. India has every chance of having an upper hand given that we are not bogged down by nehruvian defensive negative thinking. Any future war with China is something we can't avoid if it is imposed upon us. I believe the war of 1962 was also fought because china wanted to show who is the boss in the region and wanted Nehru and India to show it's place. The same is happening now. China wants to show what it believes to be our place and establish itself firmly as the Asian leader if not global leader right now. If we don't stand firm now we will miss the train again. We just can't afford to do that.


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Dec 25, 2016
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And its exactly that paaji which has made china stay in its limits ..Nuclear weapons are pure deterrent ones ..Paki s use it against us , Israel use its against the entire arab world ...Well if you ask me with china if there is a war we should be ready to use even tactical nukes if we have any ...A glimpse of Agni TEL anywhere in arunachal will give the chinese diarrhoea for sure...:pound::pound:

Well, there is the nuclear deterrent. We should proclaim that in the case of defeat at the hands of Chinese, nukes will be used against all major populations centers of Beijing. The situation will not escalate beyond a limited skirmish which India has every opportunity to win..


New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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lol we should listen to us. Rattling our nuclear sabre. Sounding like porkis. " BUMB MAAR DENGE ! "
Bhai everything is detternet and everything is just not detternet. Strategic patience, have some patience brothers. Right now is not the right time. Our territory (North East) is not the right venue. We will have our vengence .

"'Hum tumhe marenge, aur zaroor marenge...lekin woh bandook bhi hamari hogi, goli bhi hamari hogi aur waqt bhi hamara hoga"

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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lol we should listen to us. Rattling our nuclear sabre. Sounding like porkis. " BUMB MAAR DENGE ! "
Bhai everything is detternet and everything is just not detternet. Strategic patience, have some patience brothers. Right now is not the right time. Our territory (North East) is not the right venue. We will have our vengence .

"'Hum tumhe marenge, aur zaroor marenge...lekin woh bandook bhi hamari hogi, goli bhi hamari hogi aur waqt bhi hamara hoga"
WTF why is allboutseniors.in trying to talk about killing people lol

We are not talking about an offensive war mate, war is the last resort only if it is thrust on us. We can't stand by losing territory and not do anything about. Like that one day, Delhi will be on the Indo Chinese border lol


New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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WTF why is allboutseniors.in trying to talk about killing people lol

We are not talking about an offensive war mate, war is the last resort only if it is thrust on us. We can't stand by losing territory and not do anything about. Like that one day, Delhi will be on the Indo Chinese border lol
Nobody is saying that we should not stop them. Read my previous posts. South Sea is the place where we can apply apt pressure to stop the gaint with a nudge. North East will end up being bilateral issue, which China can drag on forever.

That is all I was saying.:frusty:

Akshay Fenix

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Jun 17, 2017
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Nobody is saying that we should not stop them. Read my previous posts. South Sea is the place where we can apply apt pressure to stop the gaint with a nudge. North East will end up being bilateral issue, which China can drag on forever.

That is all I was saying.:frusty:
If the countries surrounding the SCS do not give a damn about it then what is India supposed to do out there?


New Member
Jun 22, 2017
Permanent structure exist where the border (LAC) is settled. My brother's unit constructed the Bunkers in Mana (Uttarakhand) Chinese border few years back. Only Barahoti is disputed in Uttarakhand.

Just like Uttarakhand, Sikkim is also settled issue and there are permanent posts, Artillery, Armoured and Anti Tank firing range.

so how come our troops crossed into China ?

Apparently they are rattled that India had ammased more troops and other assest in Sikkim to compensate for our disadvantage in other sectors and they want India to withdraw our forces deployed too close to the border.

Or Maybe Pakis have made a request to China to put pressure on Eastern border so that we had to stretch our forces just like Pak had to deploy their Army on 3 fronts.
I know i am mixing 2
threads but an idea just crossed my mind. Though the Chinese govt.is trying to cover the murder of the 2 young teachers in Poopkist@n the general chinky populace along with North Korea are infuriated. They want troops to be sent to avenge the murder. So it is now like a snake versus snake situation. While defending its own territories the IA should also keep a close vigil on latest updates on this issue...i feel...it could take a very interesting turn in favour of India....just keeping fingers crossed and praying for a favourable twist of events for India. What do you senior and other members think? Pls opine


New Member
Dec 25, 2015
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I know i am mixing 2
threads but an idea just crossed my mind. Though the Chinese govt.is trying to cover the murder of the 2 young teachers in Poopkist@n the general chinky populace along with North Korea are infuriated. They want troops to be sent to avenge the murder. So it is now like a snake versus snake situation. While defending its own territories the IA should also keep a close vigil on latest updates on this issue...i feel...it could take a very interesting turn in favour of India....just keeping fingers crossed and praying for a favourable twist of events for India. What do you senior and other members think? Pls opine
China will definitely send their soldiers to Pakistan ...not to avenge the Murder but for the establishment of several Military Bases in Pakistan .


New Member
Jun 22, 2017
China will definitely send their soldiers to Pakistan ...not to avenge the Murder but for the establishment of several Military Bases in Pakistan .
Yes that is a bonus ;) The Poops will feel insecure, betrayed and their precious religious fanaticism at risk....that is what i am hoping for bcoz neither of these countries know the meaning of the word allegiance and trust. And when the chinkies bring their regular fare of pork meals to their new colony, it's sacrilege and har@@m for the Poops :scared2::scared2::playball::playball::india::india:
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