Know Your 'Rafale'


New Member
Dec 24, 2011
Does it means so much to them, check the comments section too:

France swoops to rob UK of £13bn Indian jet contract | Mail Online
They should not talk about being snubbed by us...specially what they did for 150 years tarnishing and plundering India, what were they think trying to show us a carrot by giving us 1 Billion. Sorry we don't need them sir.

That said. India is a "free country" and we are the customer in a market where Customer is the King. We shall buy what we think is fit for us.


Mob Control Manager
New Member
Feb 12, 2009
The newest comment:
Typical French move they are, and always have been our worst enemy, surely you all knew that. They hate the English

:flame: :flame: :flame:

We Indians are so unreliable and such back-stabbers.
The funny thing is, the so called aid was to support the sale of Typhoon, that means it was for business, and they have the audacity to call it aid


Maulana Rockullah
New Member
Aug 12, 2009
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650 posts in less than 2 days.... it seems to be running with Mach 2 speed ie. faster than Rafale itself.


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Mar 21, 2009
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New Member
Jan 7, 2011
What's with blank allegetions??
Give us a shred of proof of corruption then we can talk.
i personally hate congrress but they are running the gov. let them do their job.


Phat Cat
New Member
Feb 23, 2009
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What a biased article from such a old newspaper.
All those whores in the right colum is very much building the reputation of that newspaper.
Dailymail has the highest internet viewership of any newspaper in the world and it is conservative. And as compared to Brit tabloids, its a teeny bit more respectable.


Phat Cat
New Member
Feb 23, 2009
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Rafale Deal With India A 'Vote Of Confidence', Says France

Paris: France today hailed India's selection of French firm Dassault as the preferred bidder for a multi-billion-dollar fighter jet contract as a vote of confidence in French industry.
The selection of Dassault's Rafale multi-role fighter "goes far beyond the company that makes them, far beyond aerospace -- it is a vote of confidence in the entire French economy," President Nicolas Sarkozy said.

Indian and French officials said Dassault had beat the Eurofighter consortium for the right to enter exclusive negotiations with India in a major contract estimated to be worth USD 12 billion.

Sarkozy said the competition for the contract was "at a very high level" and that the Rafale was chosen "thanks to the competitiveness of the global cost of the aircraft over its lifetime."

The announcement, the first anticipated sale of Rafales to a foreign buyer, gave a much-needed boost to France's Rafale programme, which had been suffering from a lack of foreign contracts.

French Minister of State for Foreign Trade Pierre Lellouche hailed the selection as a positive sign for the French economy, which is struggling in the face of the eurozone debt crisis.

"This is good news and France needs good news right now... It is good news for our aerospace industry and for our defence industry, which is among the best in the world," he said.

"I hope that this order will finally open up real perspectives" for the Rafale programme "because the political pressure applied by our competitors do not make things very easy," he added.

French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet warned in December that production of the Rafale -- a project that has so far cost more than 40 billion euros -- could halt if it remained unable to sell any abroad.

France is also hoping to sell the planes to Brazil, which is choosing between Rafales, Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and Sweden's Gripen for a contract to supply 36 multi-role fighters.

Dassault has also been in talks for years with the United Arab Emirates on buying 60 Rafales and hopes to eventually convince Kuwait and Qatar to buy some.

Read more at: Rafale deal with India a 'vote of confidence', says France


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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For MRCA what a logic :rofl:,

he could have also said that in same breath (with same logic) that since Carla Bruni-Sarkozy has posed nude, her Indian friend will also do the same.:tape:


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
That's a fallacy,

Rafale is the better plane... obviously. Eurofighter is an over-hyped, overpriced piece of scrap. EF partners have to cannabalise their planes to keep them running. The A2G development is so stunted, RAF didn't have more than 2 planes that could drop a simple LGB over Libya. All it did during the war was fly interdiction while Rafale was pounding the crap out of Gaddafi. EF is supposed to be so great at dogfighting yet Rafale kicked RAF's behind racking up a 7:1 kill ratio. He11, even PAF F-16s were kicking its arse. The EF partner nations are dumping it like a disease. India don't want it and the Saudis are stalling further buys. They just spent $30 billion on F-15s so uh oh!. It is such a headache, Austria and Germany have entire squadrons grounded due to lack of spares. Some supply chain huh!
... and we should not forget, that Rafale performed better not only in one, but in more or less every single technical-operational evaluation so far, even a2a recently in CH. The Swiss concluded that the Rafale was the only fighter meeting all the technical requirements. I've read that the Saudis are not really satisfied with the performance of the EF they have received so far.
In Libya the EF was more or less limited to a2a superiority (in a very contested sky!!) and won't be ready for full a2g missions before 2018 (and perhaps later). development of aesa radar needs additional funds.

I guess that this could be the "beginning of the end" of the EF project.


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
You should go home and lick your wounds son, The F-35 is just not gonna fly Indian colours. Its probably not gonna fly American colours either if your Air Force has its way.

The fact is, if the SFC wants planes, they will want it for one purpose only - To deliver nuclear weapons or Massive Oranance Bombs - In either case it is stupid to send those weapons on an F35 accompanied by refuelling aircraft. They will simply get shot out of the sky before it can reach its targets. That it why there is a specific type of aircraft for such purposes - They are called Bombers. If the SFC is going to procure a delivery mechanism, it will be bombers not a toy like the F 35 that can hardly reach its targets.

You can cuss and swear as much as you want, ultimately the American planes just did not make the cut. The Hornet was outdated and the F 35 is still not even flight worthy. There was never a thing as American Air Dominance. Russian planes were the big dogs always until avionics and subsystems started playing a big role. Even with that said the raptor has never been tested in combat so your superiority is still on paper and once the FGFA is out, there goes your superiority. The F 35 wont stand a chance, the FGFA will run circles round it and your fat bird wont know wtf is happening. Have fun selling it to your 'allies'

You can kiss NATO air dominance goodbye if the F 35 is ever inducted in numbers. But the USAF is not as stupid as you. So lets see what plane takes the F 35's place in the next 10 years.
Do you ever post anything based on facts or ground realities? Do you expend an iota of fact other than pure unadulterated stupidity on every post? Is the some total of your post above ever going to rise above the 2nd grade childish banter of " hahaha I right you are wrong because I claim so" . Not only did you double down on that stupid whack is track claim of radius ( theory dreamt up by you and you only) . But you seem to have zero knowledge about the F35 aircraft or it's program, buyers and technical specs.

You on the other hand, like the Iranians and their propensity to make tall claims, are making your bed, betting on PAKFA which has yet to be a completed platform. What is also the mother of all stupidity coming out from that gas bag brain of yours, is that you agree that American electronic, radar and weapons package is far superior . Then how do you think that PAKFA will ever surpass American technology?

You postings makes you the ahemdinajad of these forums and the Baghdad bob to boot in that mix.


New Member
Jul 20, 2011
I had the Time of my Life reading the sorry Brits cribbing about this. Hilarious, uneducated keyboard monkeys who would struggle to point out India on a map going bershek about the "aid" that India receives from the Brits. These miserable sods going bankrupt may happen sooner than I thought. Awesome, absolutely awesome.

Felt good and proud to be an Indian. If in 2012 we manage this kind of an uproar, imagine in 10 years when our spending power is gonna be 5 times what it is today. What a kickass feeling. Bliss

