Know Your 'Rafale'

Punya Pratap

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Oct 13, 2013
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p2prada what I m trying to say is IAF had the gumptions of taking on USAF with Bisons during Cope India then why was it that French Air Force Rafael's dint engage USAF in Red Flag?? I think I need to watch the video all over again where the Gas Bag Colonel Fornof shoots his mouth!! I have always found it funny that an officer of USAF had to talk BS just coz they got whopped in Cope India!! Second thing is no where in the analysis is Rafael or its performances even mentioned!!


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May 25, 2009
p2prada what I m trying to say is IAF had the gumptions of taking on USAF with Bisons during Cope India then why was it that French Air Force Rafael's dint engage USAF in Red Flag?? I think I need to watch the video all over again where the Gas Bag Colonel Fornof shoots his mouth!! I have always found it funny that an officer of USAF had to talk BS just coz they got whopped in Cope India!! Second thing is no where in the analysis is Rafael or its performances even mentioned!!
Ternof's comments were for domestic consumption, not to be taken literally. The only thing of note is he gives away F-22's astounding STR performance of 28 deg/sec.

As for Rafales, they were simulating bombers just like MKIs. If the French pilots didn't engage the F-15s, that's up to the Rafale drivers. Mig-21's role was different during Cope India.

Punya Pratap

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Oct 13, 2013
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I know Gasbags comments were for domestic consumption and I know Bisons had a different role in Cope India and I also know MKI's were simulating bombers whereas Rafael pilots were playing it safe...

I know someone from IAF who categorically said that the French Air Force pilots had to play it safe lest they get whopped and end up loosing brownie points for the MMRCA competition back home! I think if India shells out Rs 1000 crore per Rafael we ought to know whether it is really worth it... Red FLag was such an exercise but Rafael's never showed their potential there....I ask why?? Is it that the Rafael's good only when it comes to bullying Mali or Libya?? If it really is such a great plane why dint the French Pilots prove it against the F15's or F16's. Also if it can track F22's why the hell did they play it safe!! I think in case of Rafael there is something called "overselling" going on!!


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Col Fornof is a retired officer that talked to an association, and had to beg excuses after his speech...

google translation of a TTU article from redflag

The first "Red Flag" Rafale
News forces September 3, 2008
For the Air Force , two years after its official commissioning in Saint Dizier, the summer of 2008 was an opportunity to measure for the first time the Rafale strong part in a war game widespread in Nevada, this after crossing the American continent performed after crossing the Atlantic via the Azores.
Planned for a year and a half , the purpose of Red Flag is to prepare the French air force tactical interoperability. The Air Force regularly participates in Red Flag since 1981 and almost all types of combat aircraft are coming. This time , it was the turn of the Rafale , as a prelude to participation, this fall, Mirage F1CT/CR Green Flag , an exercise CASE smaller but the preparatory missions in Afghanistan in nature.
Thus, from 7 to 22 August last , a detachment of four Rafale fighter squadron 1/7 " Provence " Saint -Dizier , accompanied by a C- 135FR tanker , participated for ten days at the fourth annual session air exercise Red Flag , the most decisive test drive might - just before the real war , they say - for a pilot Western combat .
The detachment of 85 people , under the command of Colonel Philippe Poireault , head of the device, and Lieutenant -Colonel Fabrice Grandclaudon , commander of the seventh , included in all fourteen pilots six browsers, an intelligence officer and 39 mechanics working into two teams , one for daytime flights and one for night flights. Addition, there were air commandos responsible for the safety of aircraft .
Entering the following exchange squadron of ten days , made "‹"‹earlier on the basis of Luke in Arizona with the F-16 and 309th fighter squadron staff of the USAF , this to compare the experience of the past 2 years with Rafale aircraft weapons of the same generation ( so-called 4th generation) first Red Flag of French Rafale was to F- 15E USAFE F -15K ROKAF , F -15 and F-16 Aggressor , Su- 30MKI of the Indian Air Force. Knowing that half of French participants were engaged in the Afghan theater in the last month.
The four gust seventh (No. 317 , No. 320 , No. 321 , No. 325 ) were all seater standard F2 + ( very recent) with a " swing role " and whose total capacity armament consisted of simulated Mica missiles IE / EM and weapons propelled AASM GPS / inertial guidance . The missions were supported by the SLPRM .
The Rafale B conducted for ten days in Red Flag four daily trips of 2 hours on average ( 1 daytime strike + 1 night ) within driving devices ( Blue Air) sixty to fifty planes in general . This by almost identical to those experienced in Kandahar, Afghanistan above 45 ° C daytime temperatures. These temperatures were also more challenging for the crews and mechanics for aircraft, reserve power take-off M88 engines with thrust provided a comfortable departure missions , aircraft being systematically equipped with three cans Supersonic 1200 liters to mimic a heavy configuration war.
The first concern of the Air Force coming to Nellis AFB with Rafale was first to verify the correct integration of the aircraft and its systems in dense and complex aerial devices allies, including participation of aircraft electronic warfare EA-6B Prowler F- 16CJ for anti- radar control.
For Air Marshal Jean -Pierre Martin, commander of the Air Force Combat , which even participated in one of the last missions Rafale B above the "range" of Nellis ( the size of Switzerland !) During the August session of Red Flag : " " After a year and a half of implementation , the system is in operational service and has been used in operations demonstrating the capabilities of the aircraft are at . The Rafale is very well behaved and did its share of missions, and even easily with all the sensors and systems for data link (Link 16), it has . We can say that for the first time , unlike previous years on Jaguar or Mirage F1 or 2000 , the French Red Flag flying on a plane comparable generation that had nothing to envy to those of their American counterparts , Korean and Indian " . Also taking into account the mission profiles performed on a theater saturated ground-air and air -to-air threats , the Rafale also well demonstrated its ability to penetrate enemy air defenses through which a new high-performance weapon system AASM bomb is not foreign . Indeed, if the various participants were not particularly impressed by the " swing role " ability Rafale - the Su- 30MKI , the F-15E Strike Eagle and F -15K Slam Eagle already have - it is undeniably sensor accuracy Rafale and air-to- ground " stand-off " which wowed the gallery. " On the Rafale sensor fusion is one that is very successful extraordinary concept . There has never been a divergence of slopes between the different sensors , "added the commander of the seventh . The Rafale has been present in all the major including at least two missions of interest as "mission control " mission .. During missions " self escort " or " organic escort " , the Rafale/F2 + showcased the full range of air capabilities of the new aircraft .
Asked about the status of the logistics Rafale, Lt. Col. Grandclaudon noted that the logistics of his squadron operated computer network with the BA113 Saint -Dizier (thanks to Arpagon system for sending satellite data techniques each aircraft after each flight ) . has , throughout Red Flag have improved on spare parts avionnées traceability. Now primarily curative rather than preventive , it is then a maintenance lean : it does not change what is needed, which is more economical and allows lighter logistical projections ..
Nevertheless, the French drivers are high expectations of Damocles targeting pods should be delivered next year, if all goes well, and that many would like to have one day a helmet sight as were the Americans and the Indians, a device originally planned on Rafale but abandoned for reasons of economy. The link 16 is much appreciated , as Spectra which proves a very high system capacity RBE2 complementary detection radar . The OSF meanwhile, unanimous drivers on its great usefulness in aerial combat . "This is a sensor that we can no longer happen now " was even noted a captain " as it gives us a discrete advantage over the opponent ."
Americans have them, when " mass debriefs ," praised the accuracy of AASM . Each burst can now handle six goals at once over a large area , each 250 kg bomb with details and a clean ballistic . Moreover, via Link 16 , a Rafale can exchange flight plans shooting with a plane spatially better placed. Each plane has moreover previously recorded all possible scenarios. So if a plane did not reach its goal another can take over from him and carry out the planned mission . This is a new weapon that may give the Rafale a real asset on the international scene .
A second Rafale squadron , Squadron Bomber 1/91 " Gascogne " should be operational in Saint -Dizier by the end of next year . It will be called forward to implement cruise missiles with nuclear warheads ASMPA Rafale F3 through deterrence and that in 2010.

rohit b3

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Oct 25, 2012
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I know Gasbags comments were for domestic consumption and I know Bisons had a different role in Cope India and I also know MKI's were simulating bombers whereas Rafael pilots were playing it safe...

I know someone from IAF who categorically said that the French Air Force pilots had to play it safe lest they get whopped and end up loosing brownie points for the MMRCA competition back home! I think if India shells out Rs 1000 crore per Rafael we ought to know whether it is really worth it... Red FLag was such an exercise but Rafael's never showed their potential there....I ask why?? Is it that the Rafael's good only when it comes to bullying Mali or Libya?? If it really is such a great plane why dint the French Pilots prove it against the F15's or F16's. Also if it can track F22's why the hell did they play it safe!! I think in case of Rafael there is something called "overselling" going on!!

Such deals are not only about capabilities. Its also about international relations and strong advertising/marketing, and bribes.


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Dec 23, 2012
Dassault Aviation "@Dassault_OnAir 1 min
"L'avenir du Rafale est assuré car il y aura une cinquième tranche de production." Ministre de la Défense
Good news!

Punya Pratap

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Oct 13, 2013
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Good news!
The fifth being India's order!!

India May Close Interim MMRCA Deal Soon – Plus MRTT


India chose Dassualt's Rafale for its medium multi-role combat aircraft in 2012. (Photo: Dassault)
January 9, 2014, 8:15 AM
With national elections looming in India, speculation is growing that contracts for the long-delayed medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA), as well as the multi-role tanker transport (MRTT), could soon be signed. However, the MMRCA pact might cover only the supply of 18 Dassault Rafale aircraft from the French production line, leaving further negotiations for the remaining 108 required to be concluded by the new government. India announced its choice of the Rafale in January 2012. But negotiations subsequently stalled over offsets, the transfer of technology and the role of Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL).

Delays in procurement are taking a toll on military force levels as Indian Air Force (IAF) squadrons deplete. This has resulted in pressure on the Ministry of Defense to increase the pace for awarding pending contracts. A government code of conduct prevents any contracts being awarded within 45 days of an election. The national election is expected to be called by March, also the end of the financial year.

"If the contract is signed soon, it will be nothing but a paper deal that ensures commitment of the government. We can expect delays after the first 18 aircraft, since the remaining fighters will be built under license with transfer of technology. The government wants to ensure the contract is penned so that the [basic choice] cannot be questioned by subsequent governments," said an official associated with the project. An official at the MoD noted that signature of the MMRCA contract would restore the confidence of international OEMs, which has been shaken by the recent scandal over the AW101 procurement.

Following lengthy discussions, HAL is thought to have now agreed with Dassault on the question of Tier 1 suppliers, including aerostructures.

An IAF official said that a new refueling tanker is a priority. A meeting between the Indian MoD and Airbus Defence and Space on the MRTT that was delayed last year following the death of the senior acquisition official has been scheduled for mid-January, AIN has learned from an informed source close to the program. Since the A330MRTT can also be used as a pure transporter for 300 troops, plus a cargo payload of up to 45 tons (99,000 pounds), or to accommodate up to 130 stretchers for medical evacuation, it will bring immediate benefits to the IAF. "This contract has no political overtones or baggage attached to it," said the IAF official.


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Interrogé quant à la possible signature prochaine d'un contrat en Inde, Eric Trappier a confié avoir "un calendrier très précis pour finaliser les détails du contrat" avant le 31 mars, sans toutefois préjuger d'une signature éventuelle. Le dirigeant de Dassault Aviation a cependant précisé qu'il faudrait environ trois ans entre la signature d'un contrat et la livraison des premiers appareils.
Le Rafale F3-R officiellement lancé - Air&Cosmos

"Very precise agenda to finalize contract details before 31st of march"


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Thales begins development of New Generation Laser Designation Pod

The French defence procurement agency DGA has awarded Thales with the contract to develop the New Generation Laser Designation Pod (PDL NG). This latest milestone is a follow on from the riskreduction phase led throughout 2013 and series production is expected to begin in 2018.

Thales will develop the PDL NG that will provide the French air forces with new day/night imaging and engagement capabilities in complex theatres of operations. The PDL NG will be designed to integrate with both the Rafale and Mirage 2000D fighter aircraft.

The risk-reduction phase, the first step in the development of any programme, confirmed the system's architecture, its high level of functional integration, reliability and the development schedule.

The awarding of this development contract confirms the importance of optronics in future air combat systems and acknowledges the technical and operational expertise that Thales has acquired on laser reconnaissance and designation systems over the past 40 years.

"Thales is proud of the confidence that the DGA and the French air force have shown in choosing us to develop this new system. The PDL NG is the result of close and constructive collaboration between specifiers, users and Thales. It will provide air forces an effective and competitive system. The award of the development contract confirms the government's support for France's airborne optronics sector and its engineering and industrial capabilities."
Gil Michielin, Vice-President of Thales's optronics business
Key points
-Thales begins development of New Generation Laser Designation Pod (PDL NG).
-Series production will start in 2018.


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Low-speed looping (follow the speed on the left upper corner). Rafale 's exceptional handling qualities.

Vianney is a RL friend if you have some precise questions...(Aswell as Pete Collins btw)
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lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Eric Trappier (Dassault Aviation): "The dual civil military model keeps the plants in France»

How's Dassault Aviation, between the economic crisis and the reduction of military budgets?
Dassault does not go bad. But that does not mean that there are no difficulties. Our turnover is 30% in the military and 70% civilian. And these 70%, 80% of our clients are businesses. When they reduce their investments, sales of Falcon in feel. The worst of the crisis, we had more cancellations than orders. Fortunately, we had a backlog fairly well stocked allowing us well through the crisis. It was not easy, because we increase our rates. We have been able to do so fairly sweet, with a bit of technical unemployment, but without redundancy. This is one of our characteristics as knowing adapt quickly, as well as the peak production declines.

Falcon sales have they benefited from the growth of the new rich in China or Russia?
Image "I'm rich so I bought a Falcon" does not correspond to reality. Customers tend Falcon business leaders seeking efficiency. That said, behind the appearance of these new rich, there is especially a new generation of entrepreneurs who invest primarily for their business. They spend their life in the air. I know even in Africa who prefer to sleep in their aircraft on the ground rather than the hotel.

Business aviation is it out of the crisis?
Today, we have no cancellations, which makes us say that we came out. But then we thought off again quickly, the recovery is rather flat, especially in the United States, which remains our main market, with approximately 50% of Falcon service. Companies are ready to order, but still hesitant. We hope clicks in 2014. Moreover, the situation has returned to normal. In South America, Brazil and Mexico continue to buy. China has slowed down a bit after a very strong start. But the outlook is very favorable, with the gradual liberalization of airspace. Africa also works very well. Russia remains very user business aircraft to go from coast to coast.

Two months after its launch, the new Falcon 5X does he deliver?
The beginnings were very promising. I will not say how, but we raked firm orders, not just purchase commitments. We will unveil the numbers in a few months.

Competitors will they stay long mainly North American?
On the high end, it is at the top of technology. To reach this maturity, must have experience. We, we have sixty years of experience. That's why new entrants are not many on the market for business jets. Besides the Brazilian Embraer, I do not see many others. One day, there will be Chinese. They start at the bottom of the market, with regional aircraft, but it will take time.

Dassault remains there a French industrial group?
Dassault is undoubtedly a French group. This is his first great feature. Managers, consultants and most jobs are in France: 10.000 12,500 employees, the others are the United States, Little Rock, to the interior of the Falcon. The second major feature of Dassault is to be an exporting company. Exports account for about 75% of turnover. This is not new. Over the last fifty years, 78% of our production was exported.

78% of export sales, production in France Does it still make sense?
There is a certain interest, despite the constraints. The first is cost pressure in euros, which penalizes us against competitors such as the United States Gulfstream and Bombardier in Canada. The other major constraint is everything related to the French competitiveness hourly costs and taxes. We see the difference with our factory in the United States. The additional cost is about 10% in taxes, both in labor costs. The relief announced helped stabilize this cost differential, but not to reduce it. Despite all this, we still manage to sell and earn money.

How do you compensate?
In a very compact size society. We also use massive digital design tools. We also have many robotic our factories. Last but not least, we have a totally dual use our resources between the civilian and military. The offices, manufacturing sites are common. Merignac assembling both civilian and military aircraft. A Martignas it manufactures both civilian and military wings. This gives us tremendous flexibility. Civil activity can be drawn and when the civil going so well, the military is there to maintain the activity. In addition, two outlets feeding by dual technologies. The military has developed electronic controls, for example, and we also delivers superior to that of our competitors, however, are exclusively civilian quality.

We must remain in the military, even if budgets are falling?
Absolutely! It is this dual civil and military model that allows us to maintain plants in France.

The military planning law has bet that 7 will be exported Rafale in 2016. Is it too late?
No. The White Paper on Defence decreased the size of the air force 225 fighter planes. There are still hundreds to deliver. Budgetary problems are known and identified. So the Ministry of Defence and Dassault have made a bet to overcome this difficulty by export. If ever this bet was not won, we planned to meet again in 2015.

We can therefore expect the end of 2015 for you to sign the first contract?
Rather say early 2015.

Where negotiations with India?
They are progressing well. It is long because it is complex. The negotiations involve the sale of 126 combat aircraft, but also on the licensed production of virtually all components of the aircraft. This implies much agree with local industry, HAL in particular. The second difficulty is elections in India in the spring. It is mobilized to finish everything before. If it is after, it will take a government to be formed, which will be fast, and he revisit the subject. But as the case is prepared by the administration and the army, which remain, they, could be finalized before the end of 2014.

The death of the Indian chief negotiator would have disrupted the negotiations ...
Totally false.

What camp Eurofighter, which lost in the final against the Rafale, made to destabilize you?
Whatever he does, it's not an issue for me. Eurofighter will not return. Why do you Indians start from scratch after spending so much energy for years? Therefore while the Rafale was considered better and cheaper with a willingness to transfer important technology for the modernization of Indian industry?

The lesson of failure in Brazil is not it that the Rafale can interest a handful of countries?

If you mean by handle at least five, then yes. The Rafale is made to make war. It therefore affects countries that show a certain maturity in the field. This is the case of the India.

The last EU summit called for a program of drone intelligence is born. Will it work this time?
We will make a Male drone intelligence in Europe. There will not that U.S. drones in Europe. Whether for a UAV surveillance or combat, is a problem of sovereignty. After Europe is organized as she wants. Governments to decide. Our responsibility is to make proposals. We did a lot. They never went after. Duly noted. We made "‹"‹a last (with Airbus and Finmeccanica Group, Ed), and I think this is the last. We can live without Male drone manufacture in Europe, but combat aircraft will be lost part of our know-how.

You would be willing to leave the leadership to Airbus if a program is created?
We have no taboo.

The development of military drones should not go along with that of civilian drones?
Arguably, the chain pulling drones from a military requirement, which is usually higher than the civilian needs of a technological point of view, we will derive a civil sector which, tomorrow, will allow some of the automation Civil Aeronautics. This is the case cockpits. Before, when you pulled on the handle, it was moving control surfaces. Today, it is the computer that does. The next step for UAVs will deport these commands on the ground, but it will require a major effort, which should be supported by the State and Europe.

Civilian drone Dassault, is it relevant?
No. But never say never, even though I can not imagine a Falcon unmanned.

The European defense, do you believe?
Europe, as it is represented today is not a European sovereignty in charge of foreign policy and defense. There has been significant progress over the last ten years, but not enough to reach a sovereign as the United States. It will take much time.

Should push forced march consolidation of the defense industry in Europe?
This would mean destruction for the forced march does not mean anything. Defense industries are dual. Forced marriage manufacturers who do not want no sense. Engineers leave. Your consolidation is something else. EADS and BAE wanted, but not the government, for reasons of sovereignty. Every country wants to use it, which seems normal.

You are in favor of a European preference in military procurement?
I advocate a European preference for everything related industries strategic sovereignty to the European economy. When the United States poured billions in Boeing, it is not protectionism. They protect their country.


New Member
May 25, 2009
Little hint i was cleared to say : DDM-NG isnt only a MAWS, but a WSO...
Are the images displayed on the HMDS like it is on the F-35?

EF had offered this during MRCA. They call it the Star Wars helmet. It's called HMSS.

Not the best pod by today's standard. Hopelessly outdated by 2018.
We will stick to the LITENING. PDL won't have any effect on our Rafale program.

