Know Your 'Rafale'


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May 25, 2009
The partnership we keep hearing about in the media between Brazil, India, France etc has very little to do with production and more to do with funds for development and upgrades, perhaps even spares.

It will make sense for UAE and Brazil to partner with India and France to finance upgrades. Well, normally we fund while France makes the stuff. We can have exchange programs for scientists and technicians during that time to build experience.

Supply of Spares is a very logical question. For India, we will build spares here, no doubt. But Brazil, UAE and France may benefit by sourcing from a single vendor who is cheapest. The contenders can be Brazil or India or a mix of both.

Weapons production will happen in France, that's for sure. Hopefully India will force France to allow Indian weapons on Rafale even if they don't allow license production of weapons. Brazil and UAE don't have the bargaining power until they increase their orders.

The market in Brazil is big. The initial deliveries of 36 may possibly expand to the same size as the Indian MRCA deal. Brazil has a lot of potential for Dassault.

UAE may not increase from the initial 60. That's how they work I guess, but you never know. Rafale lost to the F-16 Block 60 once in 1998. They lost to arrogance in 2011. So, it seems UAE is up for grabs by anyone. Typhoon and Gripen are flexing their muscles in the desert kingdom now and Rafale is facing the heat (pun intended) there.

I had this guy who claimed to be a UAE Air force pilot ask me if I had flight manuals for the Su-25, wonder if the question was for purely academic reasons.

At the same time the potential market in India is ~320 Rafale. That's up to 200 for IAF, 40 for SFC and 72 (or 80)(36+36 or 40+40 in batches) for the Navy, notwithstanding follow on orders from the Navy and SFC. Personally I hope the F-35 wins the Naval deal, but I won't mind a Rafale M in the fleet either.


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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1)Rafale Strikes Libya Ammo Depot 4 AASM

Rafale over Libya
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lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Typhoon Rafale cons: the test of reality

By William Steuer

No doubt, the "Rafale bashing" practice of disparaging the virtues of the French fighter, is still current in Britain. The latest example: in its latest edition, the Eurofighter World magazine, published by the industry consortium, do not hesitate to say (once again) that during several simulated air combat (DACT), the Typhoon emerged "almost every time" with "significantly higher performance."

The assertion is free and non-argued. At most makers of Eurofighter confine themselves to quote an Air Force pilot Italian who had "recently" the chance to oppose in combat beyond visual range (BVR) to Rafale in the Tyrrhenian Sea. In the episode in question, are Rafale M that have been implicated in early 2012. Sailors and would tend to moderate the enthusiasm Italian, recalling that "Pk" (direct hit probabilities) used for calculating Amraam shots are much more permissive than those of Mica ... Certainly, the French pilots recognize that, pending the RBE2-EASA, the Typhoon's radar is higher than that of the Rafale in air to air. But to declare a total superiority of the Eurofighter in BVR fight, there is a big step that the French crews refuse to cross, strengthened by their experiences against the European aircraft.

What about the RAF? The past year has really dated pitted two fighters was in September 2009. A Solenzara, the Rafale's EC-1/7 "Provence" inflict a correction in final gun fight (BFM) to British Typhoon. Appraisal: a defeat for nine wins, and yet it was it recorded by a young driver Rafale. Soon after, clashes beyond visual range (BVR) two against two give results broadly supportive Rafale, according to French pilots who participated in the clashes.

Fingers burned, the RAF has refused during any confrontation. During the recent visit of two Typhoon in Saint-Dizier, in early March, the British pilots refused outright to oppose the Rafale. And on May 11, scheduled a visit to the Rafale on the basis of Coningsby, the RAF has indicated that none of its four squadrons Typhoon would be available to drive ... By the way, this refusal to hire n has not prevented the British airmen to continue their work of "Rafale bashing" in 2011, up to say to the press during Operation Harmattan that French hunters were unable to light their own targets with the Damocles pod . Bad faith with the will swear significantly reconciliation put forward by the staffs of both sides of the Channel.
Below, a Typhoon in the HUD of a Rafale "Air".

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lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Combat aircraft: the war is restarted

This is the story of a resurrection. After two decades of commercial flops, the Rafale from Dassault Aviation is poised to win the contract of the century in India.
Looks like the British humor, this subtle blend of awkwardness and false second degree. Questioned by the "Financial Times" on February 7, the very serious Ian King acted as if the Rafale had not prevailed over Typhoon in the tender Indian concluded eight days earlier. "In my view, all options remain on the table," dropped the head of the British defense giant mégacontrat of about 126 combat aircraft, estimated at $ 12 billion.

He added, look like much: "I will soon talk to my partner in the Eurofighter consortium, the Franco-German EADS (which owns 41%) and Italy's Finmeccanica (26%)." 'Nobody' is fooled, says a close case. After being selected by the Indian state to enter into exclusive negotiations, Dassault Aviation is likely to sign the deal before December. "

Less than an ultimate ruse of history it would be finished by the curse of the Rafale. Twenty-seven years after its presentation at the headquarters of St. Cloud, the flying toy of the late Marcel Dassault has finally found his first real client other than the French army. And what a buyer! With this order, India is poised to sign the largest contract in the history of military aviation. Not to mention a second tranche in the study from 64 to 74 aircraft.

Result: the Rafale again raises the interest of potential buyers. Brazil, who were promised the purchase of 36 units in 2010, dispatched his defense minister in New Delhi to reconsider the powers of the French fighter. Abu Dhabi, including Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed deplored "the non-competitive trading conditions and impassable Dassault Aviation" last November, is about to receive a delegation from the manufacturer.

The military in Malaysia, right puzzle on replacing their old MiG-29russes, they pinch for French manufacturing. "The good news is as trouble, they fly in Flight", tells how to Audiard our defense minister, Gerard Longuet, which evoked even early December "the cessation of production."

In fact, until now, the history of exporting the Rafale was like an endless swoop, where the French technical superiority crashed against the U.S. trade diplomacy.

Whenever thought Dassault Aviation landing his first contract, teams of Boeing (F-15 and F-18) or Lockheed Martin (F-16 and F-35) reminded the Frenchies the harsh rules of realpolitik way business. The Netherlands and South Korea (2002), Singapore (2005) and even in our Moroccan friends (2007), they are the ones who always ended up winning.

In Seoul, President George Bush was so moved by person to the article from the local authorities. What caused this press despite Dassault signed: "The U.S. gives weight again due to the Chinese proverb. Bamboo always leans towards decelui that grows stronger. "

And if at least the U.S. administration had agreed to allow the crumbs to French ... Loupé: they were soon picked up by the Eurofighter consortium or by the Swedish Saab to the image of the 22 Gripen ordered by Switzerland in December .

In a report submitted to the Minister of Defense Helvetian, Ueli Maurer, that Capital was able to consult, the pilots felt however that this low-cost fighter, nicknamed "the plane Ikea," not reached "the minimum capacity required "to accomplish the police mission in the air. "For ten years, the Americans lead an undermining work on" everything but the Rafale, "says the entourage of Charles Edelstenne, the CEO of Dassault Aviation. The interest of India shows that the cards can be reshuffled. "

Let indeed unpatriotic Primary flight controls with its fiber, its active antenna radar capable of tracking 40 aircraft simultaneously and 3:15 to 150 nautical autonomy of a base, the Rafale is the best hunter on the market.

The Helvetians are not perhaps not realized, but this semi-stealth aircraft is a real Swiss Army knife: it can carry out interception missions, reconnaissance, attack ground, sea and air, the all with nuclear weapons. At the Air Tactical Leadership Course (DPAC), an international competition held in the UAE in 2009, he even stood up to F-22, the wonder of the U.S. military banned from export.

In six simulations, the Rafale was "shot" once for five draws. The Americans also refused seventh fight. Not to mention the F-35, presented as his future rival: this project combines both of delays and cost overruns that Senator John McCain's plans would simply stop.

But it is in Libya that the French fighter showed the full extent of its capabilities. A real advertising campaign for the Rafale, this operation Harmattan. From the first day of the war, March 19, they have literally walked over enemy territory. Then, according to our information, were able to fit eight Scalp cruise missiles during the night of March 23 to 24.

In total, early September, the Rafale had carried out 850 attacks. "This aircraft has proven he walked frankly better than its competitors in a theater of operations", says General Jean Rannou, former head of the Air Force. Convincing history of Indian officials, to say the least concerned about the threat to their Pakistani border, the emissaries of Dassault would not hesitate to submit videos of their Libyan raids.

Still had to agree on the price. On this subject classified defense secrets, the manufacturer teams seem to have made considerable efforts. Of course, officially, the Rafale is roughly the same as a Typhoon when the Court of Auditors assesses the first to 142.3 million euros, its British counterpart to the second estimated 150 million. But in reality, the negotiations are proving extremely complex: the only documentation prior to the tender would fill a gymnasium. Especially, the buyer has an invincible weapon to bring down prices: once the total amount established, it requires the maximum "offsets", these direct and indirect counterparties that can reach over 60% of the contract price .

And some were surprising. "As part of the 15 Mirage 2000-5 bought in Athens in 2000, the works of Dassault Aviation has long offered trips to Greece through local tour operators," recalls one Thales, the specialist electronics.

No trips to Rajasthan this time, but significant transfers of technology. On this issue yet, Dassault Aviation has the art of letting fantasies run. We know: in principle, only the first 18 Rafale will be manufactured in France, while the following must be 108 by the Indian aerospace giant, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL).

But the truth is William Lecompte-Boinet in "Air and Cosmos," this national champion "must first prove he can make complete sub-assemblies and final réaliserl'assemblage a Rafale made in India."

A delicate mission. While some land near Bangalore has been selected to host the future range, there is no guarantee that HAL will reach to producing the next four years.

"Indianized version of the Sukhoi Su-30MKI Russian, signed in 2000, is still not left the factory," says a subcontractor to Dassault, before adding: "But you never hear or Edelstenne pronounce Sarkozy such derogatory remarks. "It's true that we are still being negotiated exclusive ...

Versatile and semi-stealth: to 142 million euros, the Rafale has no equivalent

Software for data fusion
Designed by Dassault Aviation and fully integrated weapons system, this program can retrieve information from all sensors, then provide the pilot with immediate synthesis phase of shooting.

A range of 3:15 in combat
With six air-to-air Mica and additional tanks, the Rafale can ensure such a long mission protecting a G20. The Typhoon has a range of 2:30, the F-18 2-hour 25 and 1 hour 20 Gripen.

A control system worthy of a video game
This is a specialty of Dassault Aviation, recognized worldwide for its expertise in this area. The FBW fiber provide the Rafale maneuverability and responsiveness without comparison.

An active antenna radar RBE2-EASA
Developed by Thales, this machine is capable of tracking 40 aircraft and engage in 8 simultaneously. Electronic scanning ensures at the same time monitoring and detection of ground targets on land or sea.

Rivals: the European Typhoon, two U.S. fighters and a low-cost Swedish

Typhoon: Produced by the Eurofighter consortium, this remains a fighter aircraft with air-air and its active antenna radar still suffers delay.

F-18: The marvel of Boeing remains the most serious competitor of the Rafale. Australia has ordered 24 in 2007.

F-35: Still in development phase, the stealth fighter at Lockheed Martin combines the delays. His concern: it is too heavy to carry air to air combat.

Gripen: The Swedish aircraft ... is unbeatable on price. At 80 million euros each, the fighter nicknamed "the plane Ikea" has no other advantages.

Tens of Rafale are under negotiation or will be:

Kuwait: 14
The negotiations dragged on since 2009. The decision of Abu Dhabi could snowball.

Malaysia: 18
Malaysian soldiers want to replace their old MiG-29 Russian-made.

Switzerland: 22
Suspicions of corruption could soon challenge the choice of Sweden's Saab.

India: 126
Dassault has been selected to enter exclusive ennégociation. Signing expected before December.

Abu Dhabi: 60
Dassault after staying away in November, the Crown Prince seems ready to change his mind.

Brazil: 36
Two years after the true-false command Rafale by Lula, the countries relaunch the tender.

Qatar: 24
Command of the Air Force wants to replace its fleet of Mirage 2000-5 from the 1990s.

Stages of negotiation to $ 12 billion:

1. The request for information: Known RFI (Request for Information), this first step allows the recipient country to review market conditions to identify their needs.

2. The Request for Proposal: Three to six months after the RFI, the acquirer sends an RFP (Request for Proposal). Applicants should include specific proposals and costed.

3. The competition finalists: Two to five successful proposals. The country then negotiates the price step by step and counterparties ("offsets"), as technology transfer.

4. Exclusive negotiations: The winner estannoncé. But the country will still skimp with him the details of regulation and technology transfer. With the other finalists in ambush.
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
"Rafale : best choice for the Indian Air Force"; NationShield, May 2012.



New Member
Jul 28, 2009
when the production starts 2020 or 2030 ,they are dragging like anything but for transport aircrafts are bought swiftly shows some things fishy.Are they going to transport all black money and rare things using these transport ,so they are bought immediately ?


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Mar 18, 2011
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Indian Air Force Chief Visits France .

21-May, 2012 16:02 IST

Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne, is on a four day goodwill visit to France. During the visit, he is scheduled to call on Mr Jean-Yves Le Drian, the new French Defence Minister, Admiral Édouard Guillaud, French Chief of Defence Staff, Ingenieur Général de l'Armement (IGA) Laurent Collet-Billon, Director-General of the French Defence Technology and Procurement Agency (DGA) and General Jean-Paul Paloméros, Chief of Staff of the French Air Force, to discuss a wide range of bilateral issues on the ongoing defence cooperation between India and France.

The visit that aims at expanding the already robust bilateral military to military ties between the two countries, would see the IAF Chief visit, Cognac, Istres and St.Dizier airbases of the French Air Force (FAF). At St.Dizier, he would be visiting the Rafale Squadron to get an first hand impression of the MMRCA, selected by the IAF, as also to see Rafale's Production facilities at Mérignac, besides overseeing the progress of the various projects being carried forward as joint ventures between the two countries. He would also be interacting with the IAF's Project Management Team members for the Mirage- 2000 Upgrade Project.

The visit is significant, as it is the first high level official visit from India to France after the new government has taken office.

The Chief of the Staff, French Air Force, General Jean-Paul Paloméros, had been on a Air Force to Air Force visit to India during September last year, where he had also visited some of the IAF's airbases including Jaisalmer and Gwalior.

Press Information Bureau English Releases


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Sep 14, 2009
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now how much more time they will take ?? pls induct them asap


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Indian Air Force Chief Flies Rafale In France

Photo 1 Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne, Chief of the Air Staff after a one hour sortie in the Rafale Aircraft at St. Dizier Airbase. Also seen in the picture are commandant (Squadron Leader) Kubiak Thierry, Commander of the Rafale Squadron and General Jean-Paul Paloméros, Chief of Staff of the French Air Force.

Photo 2 Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne, Chief of the Air Staff after a one hour sortie in the Rafale Aircraft at St. Dizier Airbase. Also seen in the picture are commandant (Squadron Leader) Kubiak Thierry, Commander of the Rafale Squadron and General Jean-Paul Paloméros, Chief of Staff of the French Air Force.

Livefist: Indian Air Force Chief Flies Rafale In France
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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In fact, until now, the history of exporting the Rafale was like an endless swoop, where the French technical superiority crashed against the U.S. trade diplomacy.


This is a tall claim. Rafale (the most cutting edged French fighter) is simply a 4.5 gen aircraft and the Americans are way past this generation... Anyway, this article must have been written by a Frenchman... :rolleyes:
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
MMRCA, Indian Air Force Chief visits Rafale facilities

Livefist reports that Air Chief Marchal N.A.K Browne is currently visiting various Dassault and French Air Force facilities in France :
He will most notably visit the following locations:

St Dizier Air Base (BA113), home of 3 Rafale squadrons (Provence, Gascogne and Aquitaine)

Istres Air Base (BA125), French Flight test center.

Cognac Air Base (BA709), French Air Force Flight school and Harfang Drone.

Rafale assembly line in Merignac.

India has selected the Rafale as its next Medium Multirole Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) last January 31st. The deal for an initial order of 126 jets is expected to be signed at the end of 2012.
Also read: The Economic Times: Business News, Personal Finance, Financial News, India Stock Market Investing, Economy News, SENSEX, NIFTY, NSE, BSE Live, IPO News


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May 4, 2009
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Dhotiwala RM is sitting on the files, nd if his track record is any clue, nothing is going to happen soon.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Interesting question on the #MMRCA posed in Parliament yesterday.

Answer here:
Dassault Aviation, acteur majeur de l’industrie aéronautique mondiale
"The financial situation of the company is good"

Year Net profit* Available cash*

2006 281 3500
2007 382 4560
2008 373 4430
2009 322 1980 (Thales purchase)
2010 395 3060
2011 407 3274

* EUR million

Dhotiwala RM is sitting on the files, nd if his track record is any clue, nothing is going to happen soon.

