Kaveri Engine


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Jun 27, 2023
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Very interesting must read article on how India's trying to bridge the knowledge deficit in key areas in it's TF development project thru Strategic partnerships with western OEMs
Nice details. But mentioned ISRO as top 4 space ppwer which is wrong. India should be in 6th position after NASA, ROSCOSMOS, CNSA, ESA and JAXA.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Nice details. But mentioned ISRO as top 4 space ppwer which is wrong. India should be in 6th position after NASA, ROSCOSMOS, CNSA, ESA and JAXA.
Strongly disagree. ESA and JAXA are not pursuing their own manned programs. We are.


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Nov 1, 2022
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A Futuristic Engine for the SCAF

Safran and MTU Aero Engines signed an industrial partnership in early 2019 to design and develop the engine for the SCAF, the fighter aircraft of the future. Stéphane Cueille, Group Vice President, R&T and Innovation, looks back at its features and the challenges of the project.

What is the SCAF programme?

The Future Air Combat System, or SCAF, was launched on 6 February by France and Germany. The aim is to design the fighter aircraft that will replace the Rafale and Eurofighter by 2035. Dassault and Airbus are in charge of defining the architecture and concept of the aircraft, whose engine will be developed equally by Safran and MTU Aero Engines.

The roles of the two engine manufacturers have been allocated on a "best athlete" basis, with the aim of ensuring that each works in its own area of expertise. Safran is in charge of hot section development and engine integration, while MTU Aero Engines is responsible for cold sections and MRO services. Other European manufacturers may be asked to join the programme, depending on the wishes of the various countries.

What innovations will this engine benefit from?

This new-generation fighter must be capable of both producing strong supersonic thrust and cruising at low speed over long distances. Its engine will therefore have to be versatile. It will also be more compact to make it lighter, and its thrust, which is much greater than that of the Rafale, will enable the SCAF to carry more weapons. Finally, it will have to contribute to the stealth of the aircraft. Numerous innovations will therefore be required. The turbine, for example, will have to reach temperatures of around 2,100 K (around 1,825°C), a temperature beyond the reach of current technologies and blade materials. Safran has set up an advanced turbine blade research platform to develop advanced technologies and materials that can withstand these temperatures. The engine will also have to be "variable cycle", i.e. capable of adjusting the ratio between primary and secondary air flows, and equipped with a steerable nozzle to make the aircraft easier to handle. Another innovation under consideration is the hybridisation of the engine to manage on-board energy.

What are the challenges of this programme for Safran?

The Group must demonstrate its capacity for innovation by developing, by 2025, an engine - derived from the M88 - to power the first SCAF aircraft demonstrator. The engine demonstrator is scheduled for 2027. The R&T work carried out for the SCAF is also essential for our other programmes: it will lead to the emergence of technologies which, when applied to our future-generation civil engines, will enable us to remain competitive.

Find out more? Improvements planned for the M88

The Rafale engine will benefit from the work carried out on the engine for the combat aircraft of the future. With this in mind, the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) has awarded Safran a €115 million, 5-year upstream research programme to increase the engine's thrust while improving its service life.


Article courtesy post by French member of another forum.

This article from 2019 is a vital link in understanding the future path of TF development that France would be undertaking ( & can be seen as a sign of how the rest of western world is advancing in this respect ) with respect to it's FCAS ( or SCAF in French ) 6th Gen FA program & the 6th Gen TF.

To begin with they'd be enhancing the thrust of the M88 TF by 2025-26 before coming up with a 6th Gen TF prototype by 2027-28 , perhaps later, which would reflect VCE / ACE capabilities among other Enhancements over the M88.

Why's is this important from the Indian PoV ? The enhanced thrust version of the M88 due by 2025-26 is going to serve as the template for our AMCA Mk-2 TF apart from contributing to enhancing the core of the existing M88 to re engine the existing Rafale fleet in the French armed forces , a long pending demand of the Armee de l'Air & offering the same to all the Dassault clients.

As an aside , one of the other reasons the US agreed for a ltd production ToT is coz in the next 2 decades fixed cycle TFs are going to be obsolete. They'd only remain in those < 4.5th Gen FA which can't be upgraded to derivatives of these VCE / ACE TFs being developed now . You could also attribute French eagerness to collaborate with us to similar reasons. Ditto with RR.

Should also tell you the steep developmental path ahead of us for the 6th Gen FA (for which studies should begin in 2025 ) apart from being informed that F-35 will be getting such an upgrade with an ACE in the 2030s . And if the Americans are upto it , can the Chinese & Russians be behind ? Whereas we're still struggling with a 4th Gen FA TF. Tells you how vital this JV is for the future of the self reliance of our armed forces , our MIC , our independent strategic policies & our country.



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Jun 27, 2020
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Jun 11, 2023
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Will the kaveri with afterburner section ever replace the GE F404 from LCA mk1?


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Jun 27, 2020
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Big Joke
"plan is to have the OEM design and develop the core (and most probably the Fan as well), while GTRE concentrates on the A/B section "

Irony is, AB section is where they failed & core is where they were successful in Kaveri

Aniruddha Mulay

New Member
Oct 16, 2019
‘Stop wasting money on it. It will never work.
LoL, Dry Kaveri has already been selected to power Ghatak UCAV.
Kaveri Aero in its current form generates 73kN of thrust, about the same as the M88 which powers the Rafales.
Since it's inception barely $400 million have been invested into the program, the Chinese on the other hand invested tens of billions for them to reach where they are at today.


New Member
Apr 14, 2020
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LoL, Dry Kaveri has already been selected to power Ghatak UCAV.
Kaveri Aero in its current form generates 73kN of thrust, about the same as the M88 which powers the Rafales.
Since it's inception barely $400 million have been invested into the program, the Chinese on the other hand invested tens of billions for them to reach where they are at today.
Yeah GOI said that they will give permit for kaveri engine once DRDO makes it's application work out