Let’s get to that point first- Get GE to sell certain tech and discuss afterwards.
Nope classic strawman. Now allow me to explain again, this time by re-examining Ellen Lord's statement.
We could not come to an understanding of what exportable technologies would be useful to the Indians AND we did run into a challenge in terms of US export controls
There are two aspects that become very clear.
1. There were "
EXPORTABLE" technologies that being offered that India did not really feel were of use.
2. There were "
EXPORTABLE" technologies that were being offered and that India probably wanted, but these proposed transfers were challenged by "
US export controls"
It is clear that GE or whichever company was a part of the Joint Working Group, was willing to offer
SOME technology that India WAS
WILLING to acquire, but this "ran into a challenge in terms of
US export controls"
So it was not GE (or equivalent) or India but GOTUS which was and is an impediment to this partnership moving ahead.
Go figure.