Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Jun 17, 2009
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Indians won't care if terrorist are al katua or ipiss
We will blame Pakistan and we will retaliate all over porky army .

That was balakot we didn't just killed jehadi we killed porky army officer and we shot down an f16. The message was clear we don't differentiae between terrorist and paki army army anymore.

That is why they can't do much. Jehadi may be restless but porky army know very well we will come directly for them. They can't escape death in face of an attack over India . There game is over.

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Pakistan think Jihadis and terror attacks as their shield. In one way or other, with a different name, they resort to terror attacks. This is the only option which they have now.

If they do nothing then Kashmir will slip away from their separatist leaders and Jihadi networks. It takes time for them to create similar networks and sentiment if they slip this occasion.

They have to answer separatists and jihadis what they are doing when India is proactive. An attack will make sure pakistan is also playing the game and gives hope to separatists.

It is all about posturing.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Another reason probably BBC was trying to provoke a narrative is because they are trying to create false equivalence with what’s happening in HK. Last couple of days ever since HK brought back its old police chief from retirement, HK police are being brutal to the protesters.

BBC MSM reporting is no where close to the actual events available on SM from HK.

Like all libtards who use false equivalence very frequently, BBC would have thought they could drown out HK violence with footage of what usually happens in Srinagar. It didn’t work so far...


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2019
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Al baki's only hedge is Kashmiris going bonkers.. nd yeah it can aid them in scoring few brownie points.. however this won't change anything substantial in the ground.. A la unrest after when burhan wani was dispatched to hell..
Their would be a spike in mass protest when curfew is eschewed ... However rest assured we now have more hold over Kashmir.. with all the power in central hand.. we are in for a longer hold in Kashmir.. violence will eventually come down to a low.. same like 2016 unrest.. it can go for a maximum 5-6 months.. then with money being amiss nd all the separatist leader nd pawns in jail ..mass protest will eventually die down..
And No current Kashmir jihadi terrorist cannot stage a major Terrorist attack on Indian armed forces without the men nd material support from pak.. hizbul mujahideen are few Facebook jihadist who have only joined militants ranks to impress girls.. that's a true stroy..
Only JEM nd LET can try to stage an attack.. that means direct Pakistan involvement.. We are however more prepared nd cautious this time.. however even if jem succeds in any attack.. the repercurssions will be on pakistan lossing Kashmir cause nd any moral support which they would have expected from world..
In any means pakis only hedge is Kashmiris resolve.. if pak tries to gets its hand dirty in between it will face backlash nd india will again turn the tables..

For us only job is to now manage 5-6 district of Kashmir where wahabism has infected nd made them into jihadi jombies.. this is where extreme caution is required. Rest our position is very strong.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Pakistan think Jihadis and terror attacks as their shield. In one way or other, with a different name, they resort to terror attacks. This is the only option which they have now.

If they do nothing then Kashmir will slip away from their separatist leaders and Jihadi networks. It takes time for them to create similar networks and sentiment if they slip this occasion.

They have to answer separatists what they are doing when India is proactive. An attack will make sure pakistan is also playing the game and gives hope to separatists.
That is Pakistani justification for terrorist attack. But no one is buying it. Pakistan will be blamed for any attack.

More importantly it is paki army leadership which has to decide how many lives it will loose to appease jehadis. As India will kill far more than balakot this time. Our retaliation is guaranteed just like day after night.

If porky kernel want to throw away their lives they can go ahead with terrorist attack. But they know very well it's their life on the lines now not just aam abduls

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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Another reason probably BBC was trying to provoke a narrative is because they are trying to create false equivalence with what’s happening in HK. Last couple of days ever since HK brought back its old police chief from retirement, HK police are being brutal to the protesters.

BBC MSM reporting is no where close to the actual events available on SM from HK.

Like all libtards who use false equivalence very frequently, BBC would have thought they could drown out HK violence with footage of what usually happens in Srinagar. It didn’t work so far...
Liberals have lost the narrative long ago. Entire world is fed up with Islam. They will parrot each other in their elitist circle. But on the ground political power is shifting to anti Islam populism.

From USA to UK to Australia to India all major democratic countries are going through tremendous surge of right wing anti Islam populism. And liberal media like BBC / guardian nyt WAPO etc are only throwing patrol ove fire with their secularism and identity politics nonsense.

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Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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That is Pakistani justification for terrorist attack. But no one is buying it. Pakistan will be blamed for any attack.

More importantly it is paki army leadership which has to decide how many lives it will loose to appease jehadis. As India will kill far more than balakot this time. Our retaliation is guaranteed just like day after night.

If porky kernel want to throw away their lives they can go ahead with terrorist attack. But they know very well it's their life on the lines now not just aam abduls

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They can afford the retaliation considering the situation.

Why do you think they have sent a BAT team right after the revocation of article 370 and 35A?
Army, ISI and Jihadis live on Kashmir issue, One of the main reason for Pakistani army's budget is Kashmir issue.
If they do not do the public posturing, they will loose the confidence of Jihadis, Kashmiri local leaders who are on their parole, jihadi recruitment networks spread all across Pakistan.
If they stay silent, India will become proactive and increases the grip on Kashmir. Once normalcy returns to Kashmir. The other parts of Pakistan occupied kashmir will become unstable because of Shia minority and oppression.


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2016
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this was exactly what i wanted to see from someone of you out here.
Mark my words for the final time.
This is the reason you people can never succeeded in your 72 years long armed struggle against innocent community.

My words to be marked :-
"I'm not a madrasa student or a jihadi. I'm a well educated and part of the best educational institutes of the world (I'm not saying Pakistan). And what these (Kashmiri girl) sayings of your side have forced us to attain the position. You can't even believe or accept that.
My country can never declare a war to you bcs it's against our constitution, but it is no where against it if citizens do so.
Since last week, EACH AND EVERY CITIZEN OF PAK is so much overfilled and blinded with the passion and spirit of destroying u people that no one could even had thought of !!!!!

(((((((( I would only hint u, we won't initiate a war, but the END of India is a little time far from our hands ))))))))
Now you mark my word for the last time. You will see dharma sthapna i.e. reestablishment of hinduism throughout the world in your lifetime. Akhand bharat will happen as all world was only hindu and we getting our land back. You will end.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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They can afford the retaliation considering the situation.

Why do you think they have sent a BAT team right after the revocation of article 370 and 35A?
Army, ISI and Jihadis live on Kashmir issue, One of the main reason for Pakistani army's budget is Kashmir issue.
If they do not do the public posturing, they will loose the confidence of Jihadis, Kashmiri local leaders who are on their parole, jihadi recruitment networks spread all across Pakistan.
If they stay silent, India will become proactive and increases the grip on Kashmir. Once normalcy returns to Kashmir. The other parts of Pakistan occupied kashmir will become unstable because of Shia minority and oppression.
Your missing a very important point. Even if they attack and even if we don't retaliate it still doesn't change the fact that Kashmir is gone.

We had terrorist attack since 1989 , 26/11 we didn't retaliate . So what is few more attacks it changes nothing.

So yes they can keep up the show but for how long . Unless they go for full fledged attack to capture Kashmir the fact remains that Kashmir is gone . 370 isn't coming back , Indian army and state aren't leaving Kashmir.

India will swallow Kashmir regardless of Pakistani reaction.

This is Bangladesh redux. Paki vowed to fight for thousands years but Bangladesh was still gone. So they changed the battlefield to Kashmir.

Now Kashmir is gone so they will again vow to fight forever but change the battlefield to pok .
Now they will claim India is planning to attack pok and their Idiot public will buy it just like the spinned 1965 and painted India as aggressor.

That is how they will calm their people by creating a new red line , a new forever war of defending pok from India untill they loose it and shift the red line to defense of Lahore .

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Senior Member
Apr 6, 2019
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That is Pakistani justification for terrorist attack. But no one is buying it. Pakistan will be blamed for any attack.

More importantly it is paki army leadership which has to decide how many lives it will loose to appease jehadis. As India will kill far more than balakot this time. Our retaliation is guaranteed just like day after night.

If porky kernel want to throw away their lives they can go ahead with terrorist attack. But they know very well it's their life on the lines now not just aam abduls

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Pak army doesn't want to do anything.. it's suicidal badwa GHQ knows that very well...
They are in panic mode to defend whatever Kashmir territory they hold now after Ahmit Shah declared to on house session to take back.
I'm expecting a long restraint from coward army to build up their capabilities and do here n their skirmishes without any significance and full throttle propaganda to keep their jihadi qoam happy.
Pakis are incompotent on diplomacy and military. And economic situation doesn't help either to think any ill advised measures.
Arming terrorists and aprising Kashmiris for insurgency is the only thing that they are expert and can do to an extent. IA and UT status will make that also hard to sustain.
Pakistan dream of Kashmir is a lost cause Cpec may keep them revelant in Kashmir to some extent and if it falls through completely china will mount pressure on pakis.
After 370 gone India is now free to talk about Pok and even take any measures to nullify Pak occupation if Pak tries it's dirty hand on Newly formed UT.
Baltistan is the region Pak is scared to lose now as it's a low hanging fruit for India to pluck


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Your missing a very important point. Even if they attack and even if we don't retaliate it still doesn't change the fact that Kashmir is gone.

We had terrorist attack since 1989 , 26/11 we didn't retaliate . So what is few more attacks it changes nothing.

So yes they can keep up the show but for how long . Unless they go for full fledged attack to capture Kashmir the fact remains that Kashmir is gone . 370 isn't coming back , Indian army and state aren't leaving Kashmir.

India will swallow Kashmir regardless of Pakistani reaction.

This is Bangladesh redux. Paki vowed to fight for thousands years but Bangladesh was still gone. So they changed the battlefield to Kashmir.

Now Kashmir is gone so they will again vow to fight forever but change the battlefield to pok .
Now they will claim India is planning to attack pok and their Idiot public will buy it just like the spinned 1965 and painted India as aggressor.

That is how they will calm their people by creating a new red line , a new forever war of defending pok from India untill they loose it and shift the red line to defense of Lahore .

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I am not saying they will take over Kashmir , I am saying they will create issues for every step India takes. I am saying they will fight using terror and separatism in political front.

regarding the rest of the post, Exactly, they will not stop fighting India and posturing.


Regular Member
Nov 8, 2014
Nothing is going to happen ...... It did not happen in 1947, it did not happen in 1965, it did not happen in 1971..

During 1999 , not a single bullet was fired on NH1 including on isolated road stretches.

Indian Army is absolutely geared up for a 1.5 front war in the valley and in Jammu region.
If that half front is quite (that is the internal part) which it is likely to be then all Indian Army formations are capable of launching offensive into POK with one is to six ratio.

What will happen on Lahore front?
If Indian army even makes a movement there all POK forces will rush down to save La Whore.

Who are they threatening? Modi and his gang ? No way....
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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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I am not saying they will take over Kashmir , I am saying they will create issues for every step India takes. I am saying they will fight using terror and separatism in political front.

regarding the rest of the post, Exactly, they will not stop fighting India and posturing.
See their reaction they have already shifted the goal post as they are now warning india against any misadventure in pok and gilgit.

They are already Changing the narrative.

Now after few months they will disclose how India was planning massive attack to retake pok but brave paki army scared them and protect pok.

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Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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Another reason probably BBC was trying to provoke a narrative is because they are trying to create false equivalence with what’s happening in HK. Last couple of days ever since HK brought back its old police chief from retirement, HK police are being brutal to the protesters.

BBC MSM reporting is no where close to the actual events available on SM from HK.

Like all libtards who use false equivalence very frequently, BBC would have thought they could drown out HK violence with footage of what usually happens in Srinagar. It didn’t work so far...
Na, they are doing what they did during IRAQ War and are now thinking more reporting Money can come with this.
Do you and all members don't remember HOW THESE MOTHERF****S propagated falsehood during Iraq war only to make a full length documentary later on how they were wrong.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
No, leftists support Islam and hijacked & use liberal mask for cover up. Liberalism simply doesn't comply with existence of Islam.
Nonsense. Liberalism was always soft christianity and always had support of Vatican. Communists outright banned Christianity and Islam in most places. Liberals are just abrahamics with fake cover

You write absolute crap.

It was Lenin who had written "on The question of Nationalities" published in 1925 and the Intercom have been following that worldwide in supporting the so called nationalities to have their own political dispensation.

Communists in India have actively supported the Muslim separatist movement in India and Muslim League. PC Josh openly supported Jinnah and Muslim League and creation of Pakistan. The Communists and left have been supporting all centripetal forces in India including Dravidian movements as a matter of ideology.

I do not know from where you bring your lies.
India never had communists. These were just foreign agents and sell outs who would go to the highest bidder. India only had fake communists. DMK, for example, asked for USA help to overthrow Indira in emergency period! What kind of communists ask help from USA? Similarly the communists from Kerala and Bengal were also sell outs and had no inherent ideology of their own. Eventually the muslims bid the highest amount due to oil money and hence these communists pretenders went with Islamists

You should learn more about imperial ambitions of capitalists and their connection with christianity. Read Crimean War of 1856 to see how the western countries like UK, France helped Ottoman to fight against Russia. The hatred of west and Russia is old and related to orthodox christianity split. Even today, the west deliberately provokes Russia purely out of irrational hate for this reason. Underlying all these liberal cover-ups is the reality that these are christian fanatics, not logical people.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
You have no clue about what you are writing. You should start writing history books and some times do give your expert advice to Indian army to stop seeing China as an enemy. Good that people are tolerating you here. Hv read few posts and came to know that You are the ONE

Are you a born chu**ya or acquired it?
Do you have any clue of what you are writing? Do you have any long term plan that can last hundreds of years? Do you even understand how the world is working? I support China due to cultural reasons. What do you oppose China for? For some money & pleasure? Are you some kind of low life thug who kills and rapes for money and pleasure?

Modi is strong only within Indian borders. How could Modi put BBC or CNN into their right place?

Attack USA/UK, occupy them and close them down? Impossible. The only solution to global leftists and liberals is that someone rises on their own soil and crushes them. That's why Trump gets the credit for it. US leftists are the like global HQ and India or any other country's leftist bastards are the subsidiary. Only someone from US soil can close the HQ and that's what is happening.

Liberal and Leftists both have been contaminated enough not to make any distinction between them.
Modi has got a chokehold on international oil supply and that means international reach. World economy runs on oil and that is next doors to India. That is how heft is obtained. The heft of controlling the key natural resources is much more than heft of controlling few human assets in various fields.

That is why Global order changed in 2014.
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